import os import subprocess from devbot import config from devbot import distro from devbot import state from devbot import utils from devbot import xvfb _checkers = {} def check(remove=False, update=False, test=False, interactive=True, lazy=True): if lazy: if state.system_check_is_unchanged(): return True package_manager = \ distro.get_package_manager(test=test, interactive=interactive) distro.print_distro_info() distro_name = distro.get_distro_info().name packages = config.load_packages() checks = config.load_prerequisites() if not _run_checks(package_manager, checks, packages): return False xvfb_proc, orig_display = xvfb.start() if not _run_checks(package_manager, config.load_checks(), packages): return False xvfb.stop(xvfb_proc, orig_display) print "All the required dependencies are installed." if update: package_manager.update() if remove: _remove_packages(package_manager, packages) state.system_check_touch() return True def _check_binary(check): return["which", check], stdout=utils.devnull, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) _checkers["binary"] = _check_binary def _check_pkgconfig(check): return["pkg-config", "--exists", check]) == 1 _checkers["pkgconfig"] = _check_pkgconfig def _check_python(check): return["python", "-c", check], stdout=utils.devnull, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) == 1 _checkers["python"] = _check_python def _check_gtkmodule(check): # Not sure we can do better than this, the gtkmodule stuff is private missing = True for libdir in config.system_lib_dirs: if os.path.exists("%s/gtk-2.0/modules/" % (libdir, check)): missing = False return missing _checkers["gtkmodule"] = _check_gtkmodule def _check_include(check): return not os.path.exists(os.path.join("/usr/include/", check)) _checkers["include"] = _check_include def _check_dbus(check): return not os.path.exists("/usr/share/dbus-1/services/%s.service" % check) _checkers["dbus"] = _check_dbus def _check_metacity_theme(check): theme = "/usr/share/themes/%s/metacity-1/metacity-theme-3.xml" return not os.path.exists(theme % check) _checkers["metacity-theme"] = _check_metacity_theme def _check_gstreamer(check, version): missing = True for libdir in config.system_lib_dirs: if os.path.exists("%s/gstreamer-%s/" % (libdir, version, check)): missing = False return missing def _check_gstreamer_0_10(check): return _check_gstreamer(check, "0.10") _checkers["gstreamer-0.10"] = _check_gstreamer_0_10 def _check_gstreamer_1_0(check): return _check_gstreamer(check, "1.0") _checkers["gstreamer-1.0"] = _check_gstreamer_1_0 def _print_checks(checks): for check in checks: print "[%s] %s" % (check["checker"], check["check"]) def _eval_check_if(check): if "check_if" not in check: return True distro_info = distro.get_distro_info() globals = {"distro": "%s-%s" % (, distro_info.version)} print eval(check["check_if"], globals) return eval(check["check_if"], globals) == "True" def _run_checks(package_manager, checks, packages): distro_info = distro.get_distro_info() failed_checks = [] packages_not_found = [] to_install = [] for check in checks: if not _eval_check_if(check): continue checker = _checkers[check["checker"]] if checker(check["check"]): try: packages_for_check = packages[check["name"]][] except KeyError: packages_for_check = [] packages_not_found.append(check) for package in packages_for_check: if package not in to_install: to_install.append(package) failed_checks.append(check) if distro_info.supported: if packages_not_found: print "\nPackages not found for" _print_checks(packages_not_found) return False if to_install: package_manager.install_packages(to_install) elif failed_checks: print "Failed checks\n" _print_checks(failed_checks) if to_install: print "\nYou might try to install the following packages\n" print " ".join(to_install) return False return True def _remove_packages(package_manager, packages): distro_name = distro.get_distro_info().name to_keep = [] for package_info in packages.values(): if distro_name in package_info: for package in package_info[distro_name]: if package not in to_keep: to_keep.append(package) try: to_keep = package_manager.find_with_deps(to_keep) except NotImplementedError: return all = package_manager.find_all() to_remove = [] for package in all: if package not in to_keep: to_remove.append(package) if to_remove: package_manager.remove_packages(to_remove)