import json import os import subprocess import sys from devbot import config from devbot import git from devbot import distro from devbot import command from devbot import state from devbot import utils from devbot import xvfb def check_binary(check): return["which", check], stdout=utils.devnull, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) def check_pkgconfig(check): return["pkg-config", "--exists", check]) == 1 def check_python(check): return["python", "-c", check], stdout=utils.devnull, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) == 1 def check_gtkmodule(check): # Not sure we can do better than this, the gtkmodule stuff is private missing = True for libdir in config.system_lib_dirs: if os.path.exists("%s/gtk-2.0/modules/" % (libdir, check)): missing = False return missing def check_include(check): return not os.path.exists(os.path.join("/usr/include/", check)) def check_dbus(check): return not os.path.exists("/usr/share/dbus-1/services/%s.service" % check) def check_metacity_theme(check): return not os.path.exists("/usr/share/themes/%s/metacity-1/metacity-theme-3.xml" % check) def check_gstreamer(check, version): missing = True for libdir in config.system_lib_dirs: if os.path.exists("%s/gstreamer-%s/" % \ (libdir, version, check)): missing = False return missing def check_gstreamer_0_10(check): return check_gstreamer(check, "0.10") def check_gstreamer_1_0(check): return check_gstreamer(check, "1.0") checkers = { "binary": check_binary, "python": check_python, "pkgconfig": check_pkgconfig, "gtkmodule": check_gtkmodule, "dbus": check_dbus, "gstreamer-0.10": check_gstreamer_0_10, "gstreamer-1.0": check_gstreamer_1_0, "metacity-theme": check_metacity_theme, "include": check_include } def _print_checks(checks): for check in checks: print "[%s] %s" % (check["checker"], check["check"]) def _eval_check_if(check): if "check_if" not in check: return True distro_info = distro.get_distro_info() globals = { "distro": "%s-%s" % (, distro_info.version) } print eval(check["check_if"], globals) return eval(check["check_if"], globals) == "True" def run_checks(package_manager, checks, packages): distro_info = distro.get_distro_info() failed_checks = [] packages_not_found = [] to_install = [] for check in checks: if not _eval_check_if(check): continue checker = checkers[check["checker"]] if checker(check["check"]): try: packages_for_check = packages[check["name"]][] except KeyError: packages_for_check = [] packages_not_found.append(check) for package in packages_for_check: if package not in to_install: to_install.append(package) failed_checks.append(check) if distro_info.supported: if packages_not_found: print "\nPackages not found for" _print_checks(packages_not_found) return False if to_install: package_manager.install_packages(to_install) elif failed_checks: print "Failed checks\n" _print_checks(failed_checks) if to_install: print "\nYou might try to install the following packages\n" print " ".join(to_install) return False return True def remove_packages(package_manager, packages): distro_name = distro.get_distro_info().name to_keep = [] for package_info in packages.values(): if distro_name in package_info: for package in package_info[distro_name]: if package not in to_keep: to_keep.append(package) try: to_keep = package_manager.find_with_deps(to_keep) except NotImplementedError: return all = package_manager.find_all() to_remove = [] for package in all: if package not in to_keep: to_remove.append(package) if to_remove: package_manager.remove_packages(to_remove) def check(remove=False, update=False, test=False, interactive=True, skip_if_unchanged=False): if skip_if_unchanged: if state.system_check_is_unchanged(): return True package_manager = \ distro.get_package_manager(test=test, interactive=interactive) distro.print_distro_info() distro_name = distro.get_distro_info().name packages = config.load_packages() checks = config.load_prerequisites() if not run_checks(package_manager, checks, packages): return False xvfb_proc, orig_display = xvfb.start() if not run_checks(package_manager, config.load_checks(), packages): return False xvfb.stop(xvfb_proc, orig_display) print "All the required dependencies are installed." if update: package_manager.update() if remove: remove_packages(package_manager, packages) state.system_check_touch() return True