#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # If you find this activity useful or end up using parts of it in one of # your own creations we would love to hear from you at # info@WorldWideWorkshop.org ! import os import cPickle import logging import base64 from datetime import date from gettext import gettext as _ from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf from hashlib import sha1 from dbus.service import method, signal from dbus.gobject_service import ExportedGObject SERVICE = "org.worldwideworkshop.olpc.PollBuilder" IFACE = SERVICE PATH = "/org/worldwideworkshop/olpc/PollBuilder" class Poll(): """ Represent the data of one poll. """ def __init__(self, activity=None, title='', author='', active=False, createdate=date.today(), maxvoters=20, question='', number_of_options=5, options=None, data=None, votes=None, images=None, images_ds_objects=None): ### Create the Poll. self.activity = activity self.title = title self.author = author self.active = active self.createdate = createdate self.maxvoters = maxvoters self.question = question self.number_of_options = number_of_options self.options = (options or {0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: ''}) self.images = (images or {0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: ''}) self.images_ds_objects = (images_ds_objects or {0: {}, 1: {}, 2: {}, 3: {}, 4: {}}) self.data = (data or {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0}) self.votes = (votes or {}) self._logger = logging.getLogger('poll-activity.Poll') self._logger.debug('Creating Poll(%s by %s)' % (title, author)) def dump(self): """ Dump a pickled version for the journal. The attributes may be dbus types. These are not serialisable with pickle at the moment, so convert them to builtin types. Pay special attention to dicts - we need to convert the keys and values too. """ s = cPickle.dumps(str(self.title)) s += cPickle.dumps(str(self.author)) s += cPickle.dumps(bool(self.active)) s += cPickle.dumps(self.createdate.toordinal()) s += cPickle.dumps(int(self.maxvoters)) s += cPickle.dumps(str(self.question)) s += cPickle.dumps(int(self.number_of_options)) options = {} for key in self.options: value = self.options[key] options[int(key)] = str(value) data = {} for key in self.data: value = self.data[key] data[int(key)] = int(value) votes = {} for key in self.votes: value = self.votes[key] votes[str(key)] = int(value) images_objects_id = {} for key in self.images_ds_objects: if not self.images_ds_objects[key] == {}: value = self.images_ds_objects[key]['id'] images_objects_id[int(key)] = str(value) else: images_objects_id[int(key)] = '' s += cPickle.dumps(options) s += cPickle.dumps(data) s += cPickle.dumps(votes) s += cPickle.dumps(images_objects_id) return s @property def vote_count(self): """ Return the total votes cast. """ total = 0 for choice in self.options.keys(): total += self.data[choice] return total @property def sha(self): """ Return a sha1 hash of something about this poll. Currently we sha1 the poll title and author. """ return sha1(self.title + self.author).hexdigest() def register_vote(self, choice, votersha): """ Register a vote on the poll. votersha -- string sha1 of the voter nick """ self._logger.debug('In Poll.register_vote') if self.active: if self.vote_count < self.maxvoters: self._logger.debug('About to vote') # XXX 27/10/07 Morgan: Allowing multiple votes per XO # per Shannon's request. ## if voter already voted, change their vote: #if votersha in self.votes: # self._logger.debug('%s already voted, decrementing their ' # 'old choice %d' % (votersha, self.votes[votersha])) # self.data[self.votes[votersha]] -= 1 self.votes[votersha] = choice self.data[choice] += 1 self._logger.debug( 'Recording vote %d by %s on %s by %s' % (choice, votersha, self.title, self.author)) ### Close poll: if self.vote_count >= self.maxvoters: self.active = False self._logger.debug('Poll hit maxvoters, closing') if self.activity.poll_session: # We are shared so we can send the Vote signal if I voted if votersha == self.activity.nick_sha1: self._logger.debug( 'Shared, I voted so sending signal') self.activity.poll_session.Vote( self.author, self.title, choice, votersha) else: raise OverflowError('Poll reached maxvoters') else: raise ValueError('Poll closed') def get_buffer(self, pixbuf): path = "/dev/shm/pix.png" pixbuf.savev(path, "png", [], []) pixbuf_file = open(path, 'rb') image_string = base64.b64encode(pixbuf_file.read()) pixbuf_file.close() os.remove(path) return image_string def broadcast_on_mesh(self): if self.activity.poll_session: images_buf = {} for img_number, img_pixbuf in self.images.iteritems(): if not img_pixbuf == '': images_buf[img_number] = self.get_buffer(img_pixbuf) else: images_buf[img_number] = img_pixbuf # We are shared so we can broadcast this poll self.activity.poll_session.UpdatedPoll( self.title, self.author, self.active, self.createdate.toordinal(), self.maxvoters, self.question, self.number_of_options, self.options, self.data, self.votes, images_buf) class PollSession(ExportedGObject): """ The bit that talks over the TUBES!!! """ def __init__(self, tube, is_initiator, get_buddy, activity): """ Initialise the PollSession. tube -- TubeConnection is_initiator -- boolean, True = we are sharing, False = we are joining get_buddy -- function activity -- PollBuilder (sugar3.activity.Activity) """ super(PollSession, self).__init__(tube, PATH) self._logger = logging.getLogger('poll-activity.PollSession') self.tube = tube self.is_initiator = is_initiator self.entered = False # Have we set up the tube? self._get_buddy = get_buddy # Converts handle to Buddy object self.activity = activity # PollBuilder self.tube.watch_participants(self.__participant_change_cb) def __participant_change_cb(self, added, removed): """ Callback when tube participants change. """ self._logger.debug('In participant_change_cb') if added: self._logger.debug('Adding participants: %r' % added) if removed: self._logger.debug('Removing participants: %r' % removed) for handle, bus_name in added: buddy = self._get_buddy(handle) if buddy is not None: self._logger.debug('Buddy %s was added' % buddy.props.nick) for handle in removed: buddy = self._get_buddy(handle) if buddy is not None: self._logger.debug('Buddy %s was removed' % buddy.props.nick) # Set buddy's polls to not active so I can't vote on them for poll in self.activity._polls: if poll.author == buddy.props.nick: poll.active = False self._logger.debug( 'Closing poll %s of %s who just left.' % (poll.title, poll.author)) if not self.entered: if self.is_initiator: self._logger.debug("I'm initiating the tube") else: self._logger.debug('Joining, sending Hello') self.Hello() self.tube.add_signal_receiver( self.__hello_cb, 'Hello', IFACE, path=PATH, sender_keyword='sender') self.tube.add_signal_receiver( self.__vote_cb, 'Vote', IFACE, path=PATH, sender_keyword='sender') self.tube.add_signal_receiver( self.__helloback_cb, 'HelloBack', IFACE, path=PATH, sender_keyword='sender') self.tube.add_signal_receiver( self.__updatedpoll_cb, 'UpdatedPoll', IFACE, path=PATH, sender_keyword='sender') self.my_bus_name = self.tube.get_unique_name() self.entered = True @signal(dbus_interface=IFACE, signature='') def Hello(self): """ Request that my UpdatePoll method is called to let me know about other known polls. """ @signal(dbus_interface=IFACE, signature='ssus') def Vote(self, author, title, choice, votersha): """ Send my vote on author's poll. author -- string, buddy name title -- string, poll title choice -- integer 0-4, selected vote votersha -- string, sha1 of voter's nick """ @signal(dbus_interface=IFACE, signature='s') def HelloBack(self, recipient): """ Respond to Hello. recipient -- string, sender of Hello. """ @signal(dbus_interface=IFACE, signature='ssuuusua{us}a{uu}a{su}a{us}') def UpdatedPoll(self, title, author, active, createdate, maxvoters, question, number_of_options, options, data, votes, images_buf): """ Broadcast a new poll to the mesh. """ def __hello_cb(self, sender=None): """ Tell the newcomer what's going on. """ assert sender is not None self._logger.debug('Newcomer %s has joined and sent Hello', sender) # sender is a bus name - check if it's me: if sender == self.my_bus_name: # then I don't want to respond to my own Hello return # Send my polls for poll in self.activity.get_my_polls(): self._logger.debug('Telling %s about my %s' % (sender, poll.title)) #images_properties = poll.simplify_images_dictionary() images_buf = {} for img_number, img_pixbuf in poll.images.iteritems(): if not img_pixbuf == '': images_buf[img_number] = poll.get_buffer(img_pixbuf) else: images_buf[img_number] = img_pixbuf self.tube.get_object(sender, PATH).UpdatePoll( poll.title, poll.author, int(poll.active), poll.createdate.toordinal(), poll.maxvoters, poll.question, poll.number_of_options, poll.options, poll.data, poll.votes, images_buf, dbus_interface=IFACE) # Ask for other's polls back self.HelloBack(sender) def __helloback_cb(self, recipient, sender): """ Reply to Hello. recipient -- string, the XO who send the original Hello. Other XOs should ignore this signal. """ self._logger.debug('*** In helloback_cb: recipient: %s, sender: %s' % (recipient, sender)) if sender == self.my_bus_name: # Ignore my own signal return if recipient != self.my_bus_name: # This is not for me return self._logger.debug('*** It was for me, so sending my polls back.') for poll in self.activity.get_my_polls(): self._logger.debug('Telling %s about my %s' % (sender, poll.title)) images_buf = {} for img_number, img_pixbuf in poll.images.iteritems(): if not img_pixbuf == '': images_buf[img_number] = poll.get_buffer(img_pixbuf) else: images_buf[img_number] = img_pixbuf self.tube.get_object(sender, PATH).UpdatePoll( poll.title, poll.author, int(poll.active), poll.createdate.toordinal(), poll.maxvoters, poll.question, poll.number_of_options, poll.options, poll.data, poll.votes, images_buf, dbus_interface=IFACE) def get_pixbuf(self, img_encode_buf): decode_img_buf = base64.b64decode(img_encode_buf) loader = GdkPixbuf.PixbufLoader() loader.write(decode_img_buf) loader.close() pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf() return pixbuf def __updatedpoll_cb(self, title, author, active, createdate, maxvoters, question, number_of_options, options_d, data_d, votes_d, images_buf_d, sender): """ Handle an UpdatedPoll signal by creating a new Poll. """ self._logger.debug('Received UpdatedPoll from %s' % sender) if sender == self.my_bus_name: # Ignore my own signal return # We get the parameters as dbus types. These are not serialisable # with pickle at the moment, so convert them to builtin types. # Pay special attention to dicts - we need to convert the keys # and values too. title = str(title) author = str(author) active = bool(active) createdate = date.fromordinal(int(createdate)) maxvoters = int(maxvoters) question = str(question) number_of_options = int(number_of_options) options = {} for key in options_d: value = options_d[key] options[int(key)] = str(value) data = {} for key in data_d: value = data_d[key] data[int(key)] = int(value) votes = {} for key in votes_d: value = votes_d[key] votes[str(key)] = int(value) images = {} for key in images_buf_d: if not images_buf_d[key] == '': images[int(key)] = self.get_pixbuf(images_buf_d[key]) else: images[int(key)] = '' poll = Poll(self.activity, title, author, active, createdate, maxvoters, question, number_of_options, options, data, votes, images) self.activity._polls.add(poll) self.activity.get_alert(('New Poll'), _("%(author)s shared a poll " "'%(title)s' with you.") % {'author': author, 'title': title}) def __vote_cb(self, author, title, choice, votersha, sender=None): """ Receive somebody's vote signal. author -- string, buddy name title -- string, poll title choice -- integer 0-4, selected vote votersha -- string, sha1 hash of voter nick """ # FIXME: validate the choices, set the vote. # XXX We could possibly get the nick of sender and sha1 it # to verify the vote is coming from the voter. if sender == self.my_bus_name: # Don't respond to my own Vote signal return self._logger.debug('In vote_cb. sender: %r' % sender) self._logger.debug('%s voted %d on %s by %s' % (votersha, choice, title, author)) self.activity.vote_on_poll(author, title, choice, votersha) @method(dbus_interface=IFACE, in_signature='ssuuusua{us}a{uu}a{su}a{us}', out_signature='') def UpdatePoll(self, title, author, active, createdate, maxvoters, question, number_of_options, options_d, data_d, votes_d, images_buf_d): """ To be called on the incoming buddy by the other participants to inform you of their polls and state. We get the parameters as dbus types. These are not serialisable with pickle at the moment, so convert them to builtin types. Pay special attention to dicts - we need to convert the keys and values too. """ title = str(title) author = str(author) active = bool(active) createdate = date.fromordinal(int(createdate)) maxvoters = int(maxvoters) question = str(question) number_of_options = int(number_of_options) options = {} for key in options_d: value = options_d[key] options[int(key)] = str(value) data = {} for key in data_d: value = data_d[key] data[int(key)] = int(value) votes = {} for key in votes_d: value = votes_d[key] votes[str(key)] = int(value) images = {} for key in images_buf_d: if not images_buf_d[key] == '': images[int(key)] = self.get_pixbuf(images_buf_d[key]) else: images[int(key)] = '' poll = Poll(self.activity, title, author, active, createdate, maxvoters, question, number_of_options, options, data, votes, images) self.activity._polls.add(poll) self.activity.get_alert(_('New Poll'), _("%(author)s shared a poll " "'%(title)s' with you.") % {'author': author, 'title': title}) @method(dbus_interface=IFACE, in_signature='s', out_signature='') def PollsWanted(self, sender): """ Notification to send my polls to sender. """ for poll in self.activity.get_my_polls(): images_buf = {} for img_number, img_pixbuf in poll.images.iteritems(): if not img_pixbuf == '': images_buf[img_number] = poll.get_buffer(img_pixbuf) else: images_buf[img_number] = img_pixbuf self.tube.get_object(sender, PATH).UpdatePoll( poll.title, poll.author, int(poll.active), poll.createdate.toordinal(), poll.maxvoters, poll.question, poll.number_of_options, poll.options, poll.data, poll.votes, images_buf, dbus_interface=IFACE)