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authorSascha Silbe <sascha-pgp@silbe.org>2010-08-29 18:39:28 (GMT)
committer Sascha Silbe <sascha-pgp@silbe.org>2010-08-30 09:24:13 (GMT)
commitca84b33b024c8ead02efac821cb7f5308fa97e76 (patch)
parent5ec2baafba4dd31fe571e7598134ac10997482d2 (diff)
create Restore activity based on Backup
7 files changed, 289 insertions, 577 deletions
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diff --git a/activity/Restore_icon.svg b/activity/Restore_icon.svg
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index 21e76f1..2b6f2e3 100644
--- a/activity/activity.info
+++ b/activity/activity.info
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-name = Backup
-activity_version = 2
-bundle_id = org.sugarlabs.Backup
-exec = sugar-activity backup.BackupActivity
-icon = Backup_icon
-mime_types =
+name = Restore
+activity_version = 1
+bundle_id = org.sugarlabs.Restore
+exec = sugar-activity restore.RestoreActivity
+icon = Restore_icon
+mime_types = application/vnd.sugar-multi-journal-entry
license = GPLv3
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+<glob pattern="*.xmj"/>
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diff --git a/restore.py b/restore.py
index 35d86ca..4c700cb 100644
--- a/restore.py
+++ b/restore.py
@@ -13,14 +13,13 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-"""Backup. Activity to back up the Sugar Journal to external media.
+"""Restore. Activity to write back a Sugar Journal backup in JEB format.
import gettext
import logging
import os
import select
-import statvfs
import sys
import tempfile
import time
@@ -28,21 +27,15 @@ import traceback
import zipfile
import dbus
-import gconf
import gobject
import gtk
-#from sugar.activity.widgets import ActivityToolbarButton
from sugar.activity.widgets import StopButton
from sugar.activity import activity
import sugar.env
-from sugar.graphics.icon import CellRendererIcon
-from sugar.graphics import style
from sugar.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton
from sugar.graphics.toolbarbox import ToolbarBox
-from sugar.graphics.xocolor import XoColor
import sugar.logger
-from sugar import profile
import json
@@ -56,11 +49,7 @@ DS_DBUS_PATH1 = "/org/laptop/sugar/DataStore"
DS_DBUS_INTERFACE2 = "org.laptop.sugar.DataStore2"
DS_DBUS_PATH2 = "/org/laptop/sugar/DataStore2"
-HAL_SERVICE_NAME = 'org.freedesktop.Hal'
-HAL_MANAGER_PATH = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/Manager'
-HAL_MANAGER_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager'
-HAL_DEVICE_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.Hal.Device'
-HAL_VOLUME_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume'
+CTIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
def format_size(size):
@@ -76,17 +65,22 @@ def format_size(size):
return _('%4d GiB') % (size // 1024**3)
-class BackupButton(ToolButton):
+class MalformedBundleException(Exception):
+ """Trying to read an invalid bundle."""
+ pass
+class RestoreButton(ToolButton):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- ToolButton.__init__(self, 'journal-export', **kwargs)
- self.props.tooltip = _('Backup Journal').encode('utf-8')
- self.props.accelerator = '<Alt>b'
+ ToolButton.__init__(self, 'journal-import', **kwargs)
+ self.props.tooltip = _('Restore Journal').encode('utf-8')
+ self.props.accelerator = '<Alt>r'
-class AsyncBackup(gobject.GObject):
+class AsyncRestore(gobject.GObject):
- Run a data store backup asynchronously.
+ Restore a backup to the Sugar data store asynchronously.
_METADATA_JSON_NAME = '_metadata.json'
@@ -98,27 +92,19 @@ class AsyncBackup(gobject.GObject):
'error': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([str])),
- def __init__(self, mount_point):
+ def __init__(self, path):
- self._mount_point = mount_point
- self._path = None
+ self._path = path
self._bundle = None
self._child_pid = None
self._pipe_from_child = None
self._pipe_to_child = None
self._pipe_from_child_watch_id = None
- self._num_entries = None
- self._entries = None
self._data_store = None
- self._user_name = profile.get_nick_name().replace('/', ' ')
- self._key_hash = profile.get_profile().privkey_hash
- if '\0' in self._user_name:
- raise ValueError('Invalid user name')
def start(self):
- """Start the backup process."""
+ """Start the restore process."""
to_child_read_fd, to_child_write_fd = os.pipe()
from_child_read_fd, from_child_write_fd = os.pipe()
@@ -141,7 +127,7 @@ class AsyncBackup(gobject.GObject):
def abort(self):
- """Abort the backup and clean up."""
+ """Abort the restore."""
@@ -216,22 +202,39 @@ class AsyncBackup(gobject.GObject):
"""Main program of child."""
- self._entries, self._num_entries = self._find_entries()
- assert self._num_entries == len(self._entries)
- self._path, self._bundle = self._create_bundle()
+ self._bundle = zipfile.ZipFile(self._path, 'r')
+ self._check_bundle()
- for position, entry in enumerate(self._entries):
+ entries = self._get_directories().items()
+ num_entries = len(entries)
+ for position, (object_id, file_paths) in enumerate(entries):
+ if len(object_id) < 36:
+ logging.warning('Ignoring unknown directory %r', object_id)
+ continue
+ if self._METADATA_JSON_NAME not in file_paths:
+ logging.warning('Ignoring directory %r without %s',
+ object_id, self._METADATA_JSON_NAME)
+ continue
+ logging.debug('processing entry %r', object_id)
+ try:
+ self._install_entry(object_id, file_paths)
+ # pylint: disable=W0703
+ except Exception:
+ # TODO: relay to UI
+ logging.exception('Error installing Journal entry %r:',
+ object_id)
self._send_to_parent('progress\n%d\n%d\n' % (position,
- self._num_entries))
- logging.debug('processing entry %r', entry)
- self._add_entry(self._bundle, entry)
+ num_entries))
- self._send_to_parent('progress\n%d\n%d\n' % (
- self._num_entries, self._num_entries))
- self._bundle.fp.flush()
- self._bundle.close()
+ self._send_to_parent('progress\n%d\n%d\n' % (num_entries,
+ num_entries))
+ self._close_bundle()
# pylint: disable=W0703
@@ -241,7 +244,7 @@ class AsyncBackup(gobject.GObject):
trace = unicode(traceback.format_exc()).encode('utf-8')
- self._remove_bundle()
+ self._close_bundle()
def _send_to_parent(self, message):
@@ -263,72 +266,90 @@ class AsyncBackup(gobject.GObject):
raise ValueError('Unknown command %r' % (command, ))
- def _create_bundle(self):
- """Create / open bundle (zip file) with unique file name."""
- date = time.strftime('%x')
- if '/' in date:
- date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
- prefix = _('Journal backup of %s (%s) on %s') % (self._user_name,
- self._key_hash, date)
- bundle_fd, path = self._create_file(self._mount_point, prefix, '.xmj')
+ def _check_bundle(self):
+ """Check bundle for validity."""
+ # potentially expensive, but avoids trouble during unpacking
+ if self._bundle.testzip() is not None:
+ raise MalformedBundleException(_('Corrupt zip file'))
+ file_names = self._bundle.namelist()
+ if not file_names:
+ raise MalformedBundleException(_('Empty bundle'))
+ metadata_seen = False
+ for name in file_names:
+ for part in name.split('/'):
+ if part.startswith('.'):
+ raise MalformedBundleException(
+ _('Path component starts with dot: %r') % (name, ))
+ if name.split('/')[-1] == self._METADATA_JSON_NAME:
+ metadata_seen = True
+ if not metadata_seen:
+ raise MalformedBundleException('No metadata file found')
+ def _read_data(self, object_id):
+ """Read data for given object from bundle."""
+ # TODO: verify this uses the activity data dir
+ data_fd, data_file_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='Restore')
+ data_file = os.fdopen(data_fd, 'w')
- return path, zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
+ # TODO: handle large files better (i.e. use external tool)
+ # TODO: predict disk-full
+ data_file.write(self._bundle.read(
+ os.path.join(object_id, object_id)))
+ return data_file_name
- os.close(bundle_fd)
+ data_file.close()
- def _remove_bundle(self):
- """Close bundle and remove it from permanent storage."""
- if self._path:
- os.remove(self._path)
+ def _read_metadata(self, object_id):
+ """Read metadata for given object from bundle."""
+ metadata_path = os.path.join(object_id, self._METADATA_JSON_NAME)
+ json_data = self._bundle.read(metadata_path)
+ return json.loads(json_data)
- if self._bundle and self._bundle.fp and not self._bundle.fp.closed:
- self._bundle.close()
+ def _get_directories(self):
+ """Get the names of top-level directories in bundle and of their files.
+ """
+ contents = {}
+ for path in self._bundle.namelist():
+ if path.endswith('/'):
+ continue
- def _create_file(self, directory, prefix, suffix):
- """Create a unique file with given prefix and suffix in directory.
+ directory, file_name = path.lstrip('/').split('/', 1)
+ contents.setdefault(directory, []).append(file_name)
- Append random ASCII characters only if necessary.
- """
- path = '%s/%s%s' % (directory, prefix, suffix)
- flags = os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL
- mode = 0600
- try:
- return os.open(path, flags, mode), path
+ return contents
- except OSError:
- return tempfile.mkstemp(dir=directory, prefix=prefix + ' ',
- suffix=suffix)
+ def _install_entry(self, object_id, file_paths):
+ """Reassemble the given entry and save it to the data store.
- def _add_entry(self, bundle, entry):
- """Add data store entry identified by entry to bundle."""
- if 'version_id' in entry:
- object_id = (entry['tree_id'], entry['version_id'])
- object_id_s = '%s,%s' % object_id
- else:
- object_id = entry['uid']
- object_id_s = object_id
- metadata = self._get_metadata(object_id)
- data_path = self._get_data(object_id)
- if data_path:
- bundle.write(data_path, os.path.join(object_id_s, object_id_s))
- for name, value in metadata.items():
- is_binary = False
- try:
- value.encode('utf-8')
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- is_binary = True
- if is_binary or len(value) > 8192:
- logging.debug('adding binary/large property %r', name)
- bundle.writestr(os.path.join(object_id_s, str(name),
- object_id_s), value)
- del metadata[name]
- bundle.writestr(os.path.join(object_id_s, self._METADATA_JSON_NAME),
- json.dumps(metadata))
+ file_paths is destroyed as a side effect."""
+ file_paths.remove(self._METADATA_JSON_NAME)
+ metadata = self._read_metadata(object_id)
+ data_file_name = ''
+ if object_id in file_paths:
+ file_paths.remove(object_id)
+ data_file_name = self._read_data(object_id)
+ for path in file_paths:
+ components = path.split('/')
+ if len(components) != 2 or components[1] != object_id:
+ logging.warning('Ignoring unknown file %r', path)
+ name = components[0]
+ value = self._bundle.read(os.path.join(object_id, path))
+ metadata[name] = dbus.ByteArray(value)
+ del file_paths[:]
+ self._save_entry(metadata, data_file_name)
+ def _close_bundle(self):
+ """Ensure the bundle is closed."""
+ if self._bundle and self._bundle.fp and not self._bundle.fp.closed:
+ self._bundle.close()
def _connect_to_data_store(self):
"""Open a connection to a Sugar data store."""
@@ -353,63 +374,88 @@ class AsyncBackup(gobject.GObject):
self._data_store.find({'uid': 'invalid'}, ['uid'])
logging.info('Data store without version support found')
- def _find_entries(self):
- """Retrieve a list of all entries from the data store."""
+ def _save_entry(self, metadata, data_path):
+ """Store object in data store."""
if self._data_store.dbus_interface == DS_DBUS_INTERFACE2:
- return self._data_store.find({}, {'metadata':
- ['tree_id', 'version_id'], 'all_versions': True},
- timeout=5*60, byte_arrays=True)
- else:
- return self._data_store.find({}, ['uid'], byte_arrays=True)
+ tree_id = metadata.get('tree_id') or metadata['uid']
+ version_id = metadata.get('version_id', '')
+ parent_id = metadata.get('parent_id', '')
+ if self._find_entry_v2(tree_id, version_id):
+ logging.info('Skipping existing entry %r / %r', tree_id,
+ version_id)
+ return
- def _get_metadata(self, object_id):
- """Return metadata for data store entry identified by object_id."""
- if self._data_store.dbus_interface == DS_DBUS_INTERFACE2:
- tree_id, version_id = object_id
- return self._data_store.find(
- {'tree_id': tree_id, 'version_id': version_id}, {},
- byte_arrays=True)[0][0]
+ # FIXME: cannot restore version_id
+ self._data_store.save(tree_id, parent_id, metadata, data_path,
+ True)
- return self._data_store.get_properties(object_id, byte_arrays=True)
+ uid = metadata.get('uid') or metadata['tree_id']
+ timestamp = metadata.get('timestamp') or \
+ time.strftime(CTIME_FORMAT, metadata['ctime'])
+ entry = self._find_entry_v1(uid)
+ if entry:
+ ds_timestamp = entry.get('timestamp') or \
+ time.strftime(CTIME_FORMAT, entry[0]['ctime'])
+ if ds_timestamp >= timestamp:
+ logging.info('Skipping outdated entry for %r', uid)
+ return
- def _get_data(self, object_id):
- """Return path to data for data store entry identified by object_id."""
- if self._data_store.dbus_interface == DS_DBUS_INTERFACE2:
- tree_id, version_id = object_id
- return self._data_store.get_data(tree_id, version_id,
- byte_arrays=True)
- else:
- return self._data_store.get_filename(object_id, byte_arrays=True)
+ self._data_store.update(uid, metadata, data_path, True)
+ else:
+ self._data_store.create(metadata, data_path, True)
+ def _find_entry_v1(self, uid):
+ """Retrieve given entry from v1 data store if it exists.
+ """
+ try:
+ return self._data_store.get_properties(uid)
-class BackupActivity(activity.Activity):
+ except dbus.DBusException, exception:
+ exception_name = exception.get_dbus_name()
+ if exception_name.startswith('org.freedesktop.DBus.Python'):
+ return None
+ raise
+ def _find_entry_v2(self, tree_id, version_id):
+ """Retrieve given entry from v2 data store if it exists.
+ """
+ query = {'tree_id': tree_id}
+ if version_id:
+ query['version_id'] = version_id
+ entries = self._data_store.find(query,{}, byte_arrays=True)[0]
+ if entries:
+ return entries[0]
+ return None
- _METADATA_JSON_NAME = '_metadata.json'
+class RestoreActivity(activity.Activity):
def __init__(self, handle):
activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle, create_jobject=False)
self.max_participants = 1
self._progress_bar = None
self._message_box = None
- self._media_combo_model = None
- self._media_combo = None
- self._backup_button = None
- self._backup = None
- self._hal_devices = {}
- client = gconf.client_get_default()
- self._color = XoColor(client.get_string('/desktop/sugar/user/color'))
+ self._restore = None
+ self._restore_button = None
+ self._no_bundle_warning = None
+ self._path = None
- self._find_media()
def read_file(self, file_path):
+ """Set path to bundle to restore."""
+ self._path = file_path
+ self._no_bundle_warning.hide()
+ self._restore_button.set_sensitive(True)
+ def write_file(self, file_path):
"""We don't have any state to save in the Journal."""
- def write_file(self, file_path):
+ def save(self):
"""We don't have any state to save in the Journal."""
@@ -423,45 +469,20 @@ class BackupActivity(activity.Activity):
def _setup_main_view(self):
vbox = gtk.VBox()
+ warning = _('No bundle selected. Please close this activity and'
+ ' choose a bundle to restore from the Journal.')
+ self._no_bundle_warning = gtk.Label(warning.encode('utf-8'))
+ vbox.pack_start(self._no_bundle_warning, True)
- vbox.show()
+ vbox.show_all()
def _setup_toolbar(self):
toolbar_box = ToolbarBox()
- self._media_combo_model = gtk.ListStore(str, str, str, str)
- self._media_combo = gtk.ComboBox(self._media_combo_model)
- icon_renderer = CellRendererIcon(self._media_combo)
- icon_renderer.props.xo_color = self._color
- icon_renderer.props.width = style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE + \
- icon_renderer.props.height = style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE
- icon_renderer.props.size = style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE
- icon_renderer.props.xpad = style.DEFAULT_PADDING
- icon_renderer.props.ypad = style.DEFAULT_PADDING
- self._media_combo.pack_start(icon_renderer, False)
- self._media_combo.add_attribute(icon_renderer, 'icon_name',
- name_renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
- self._media_combo.pack_start(name_renderer, False)
- self._media_combo.add_attribute(name_renderer, 'text',
- free_renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
- self._media_combo.pack_start(free_renderer, False)
- self._media_combo.add_attribute(free_renderer, 'text',
- tool_item = gtk.ToolItem()
- tool_item.add(self._media_combo)
- # FIXME: looks like plain GTK, not like Sugar
- tooltip_text = _('Storage medium to store the backup on')
- tool_item.set_tooltip_text(tooltip_text.encode('utf-8'))
- toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(tool_item, -1)
- self._backup_button = BackupButton()
- self._backup_button.connect('clicked', self._backup_cb)
- self._backup_button.set_sensitive(False)
- toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(self._backup_button, -1)
+ self._restore_button = RestoreButton()
+ self._restore_button.connect('clicked', self._restore_cb)
+ self._restore_button.set_sensitive(False)
+ toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(self._restore_button, -1)
separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
separator.props.draw = False
@@ -474,29 +495,25 @@ class BackupActivity(activity.Activity):
- def _backup_cb(self, button):
- """Callback for Backup button."""
- if not len(self._media_combo_model):
- return
- row = self._media_combo_model[self._media_combo.get_active()]
- mount_point = row[self._MEDIA_COMBO_PATH_COLUMN]
- self._setup_backup_view(mount_point)
- self._start_backup(mount_point)
+ def _restore_cb(self, button):
+ """Callback for Restore button."""
+ self._setup_restore_view()
+ self._start_restore()
- def _start_backup(self, mount_point):
+ def _start_restore(self):
"""Set up and start background worker process."""
- self._backup = AsyncBackup(mount_point)
- self._backup.connect('progress', self._progress_cb)
- self._backup.connect('error', self._error_cb)
- self._backup.connect('done', self._done_cb)
- self._backup.start()
+ self._restore = AsyncRestore(self._path)
+ self._restore.connect('progress', self._progress_cb)
+ self._restore.connect('error', self._error_cb)
+ self._restore.connect('done', self._done_cb)
+ self._restore.start()
- def _setup_backup_view(self, mount_point):
+ def _setup_restore_view(self):
"""Set up UI for showing feedback from worker process."""
+ self._restore_button.set_sensitive(False)
vbox = gtk.VBox(False)
- label_text = _('Backing up Journal to %s') % (mount_point, )
+ label_text = _('Restoring Journal from %s') % (self._path, )
label = gtk.Label(label_text.encode('utf-8'))
@@ -505,7 +522,7 @@ class BackupActivity(activity.Activity):
self._progress_bar = gtk.ProgressBar()
- self._progress_bar.props.text = _('Scanning Journal').encode('utf-8')
+ self._progress_bar.props.text = _('Scanning bundle').encode('utf-8')
@@ -526,19 +543,21 @@ class BackupActivity(activity.Activity):
- def _progress_cb(self, backup, position, num_entries):
+ def _progress_cb(self, restore_, position, num_entries):
"""Update progress bar with information from child process."""
self._progress_bar.props.text = '%d / %d' % (position, num_entries)
self._progress_bar.props.fraction = float(position) / num_entries
- def _done_cb(self, backup):
- """Backup finished."""
+ def _done_cb(self, restore_):
+ """Restore finished."""
+ self._restore_button.set_sensitive(True)
# self._close_button.set_label(_('Finish'))
- def _error_cb(self, backup, message):
+ def _error_cb(self, restore_, message):
"""Receive error message from child process."""
self._show_error(unicode(message, 'utf-8'))
+ self._restore_button.set_sensitive(True)
def _show_error(self, message):
"""Present error message to user."""
@@ -547,184 +566,12 @@ class BackupActivity(activity.Activity):
# def _close_cb(self, button):
# if not self._done:
-# self._backup.abort()
+# self._restore.abort()
# self.emit('close')
- def _find_media(self):
- """Fill the combo box with available storage media.
- Also sets up a callback to keep the list current.
- """
- try:
- import gio
- except ImportError:
- return self._find_media_hal()
- volume_monitor = gio.volume_monitor_get()
- volume_monitor.connect('mount-added', self._gio_mount_added_cb)
- volume_monitor.connect('mount-removed', self._gio_mount_removed_cb)
- for mount in volume_monitor.get_mounts():
- self._gio_mount_added_cb(volume_monitor, mount)
- def _gio_mount_added_cb(self, volume_monitor, mount):
- """Handle notification from GIO that a medium was mounted."""
- icon_name = self._choose_icon_name(mount.get_icon().props.names)
- path = mount.get_root().get_path()
- name = mount.get_name()
- self._add_medium(path, name, icon_name)
- def _gio_mount_removed_cb(self, volume_monitor, mount):
- """Handle notification from GIO that a medium was unmounted."""
- path = mount.get_root().get_path()
- self._remove_medium(path)
- def _find_media_hal(self):
- """Use HAL to fill in the available storage media."""
- bus = dbus.SystemBus()
- proxy = bus.get_object(HAL_SERVICE_NAME, HAL_MANAGER_PATH)
- hal_manager = dbus.Interface(proxy, HAL_MANAGER_IFACE)
- hal_manager.connect_to_signal('DeviceAdded',
- self._hal_device_added_cb)
- for udi in hal_manager.FindDeviceByCapability('volume'):
- self._hal_device_added_cb(udi)
- def _hal_device_added_cb(self, udi):
- """Handle notification from GIO that a device was added."""
- bus = dbus.SystemBus()
- device_object = bus.get_object(HAL_SERVICE_NAME, udi)
- device = dbus.Interface(device_object, HAL_DEVICE_IFACE)
- # A just-added device might lack one of the attributes we're
- # looking for, so we need to listen for changes on ALL devices.
- device.connect_to_signal('PropertyModified',
- lambda *args: self._hal_property_modified_cb(udi, *args))
- try:
- if device.GetProperty('volume.fsusage') != 'filesystem':
- logging.debug('Ignoring non-filesystem UDI %s', udi)
- return
- except dbus.DBusException:
- logging.debug('Ignoring UDI %s without volume.fsusage', udi)
- return
- self._hal_try_device(device, udi)
- def _hal_try_device(self, device, udi):
- """Possibly add device to UI."""
- if not device.GetProperty('volume.is_mounted'):
- return
- path = device.GetProperty('volume.mount_point')
- if path == '/':
- return
- name = device.GetProperty('volume.label')
- if not name:
- name = device.GetProperty('volume.uuid')
- self._hal_devices[udi] = path
- bus = dbus.SystemBus()
- bus.add_signal_receiver(self._hal_device_removed_cb,
- 'DeviceRemoved',
- HAL_MANAGER_PATH, arg0=udi)
- self._add_medium(path, name,
- self._choose_icon_name(self._hal_get_icons_for_volume(device)))
- def _hal_device_removed_cb(self, udi):
- """Handle notification from GIO that a device was removed."""
- path = self._hal_devices.pop(udi, None)
- if not path:
- return
- self._remove_medium(path)
- def _hal_property_modified_cb(self, udi, count, changes):
- """Handle notification from HAL that a property has changed."""
- if 'volume.is_mounted' in [change[0] for change in changes]:
- logging.debug('volume.is_mounted changed for UDI %s', udi)
- bus = dbus.SystemBus()
- device_object = bus.get_object(HAL_SERVICE_NAME, udi)
- device = dbus.Interface(device_object, HAL_DEVICE_IFACE)
- # We can get multiple notifications, so need to figure out
- # the current state and ignore non-changes.
- if device.GetProperty('volume.is_mounted'):
- if udi not in self._hal_devices:
- self._hal_try_device(device, udi)
- else:
- logging.debug('Ignoring duplicate notification')
- else:
- if udi in self._hal_devices:
- self._hal_device_removed_cb(udi)
- else:
- logging.debug('Ignoring duplicate notification')
- else:
- logging.debug('Ignoring change for UDI %s', udi)
- def _hal_get_icons_for_volume(self, device):
- bus = dbus.SystemBus()
- storage_udi = device.GetProperty('block.storage_device')
- obj = bus.get_object(HAL_SERVICE_NAME, storage_udi)
- storage_device = dbus.Interface(obj, HAL_DEVICE_IFACE)
- storage_drive_type = storage_device.GetProperty('storage.drive_type')
- bus_type = storage_device.GetProperty('storage.bus')
- if storage_drive_type == 'sd_mmc':
- return ['media-flash-sd', 'media-flash-sd-mmc', 'media']
- elif bus_type == 'usb':
- return ['media-flash-usb', 'media', 'media-disk']
- else:
- return ['media', 'media-disk', 'media-flash-usb']
- def _add_medium(self, path, medium_name, icon_name):
- """Make storage medium selectable in the UI."""
- # FIXME: update space information periodically or at least after
- # backup run
- stat = os.statvfs(path)
- free_space = stat[statvfs.F_BSIZE] * stat[statvfs.F_BAVAIL]
-# total_space = stat[statvfs.F_BSIZE] * stat[statvfs.F_BLOCKS]
- self._media_combo_model.append([icon_name, medium_name, path,
- _('%s Free') % (format_size(free_space), )])
- self._backup_button.set_sensitive(True)
- if self._media_combo.get_active() == -1:
- self._media_combo.set_active(0)
- def _remove_medium(self, path):
- """Remove storage medium from UI."""
- active = self._media_combo.get_active()
- for position, row in enumerate(self._media_combo_model):
- if path == row[self._MEDIA_COMBO_PATH_COLUMN]:
- del self._media_combo_model[position]
- if not len(self._media_combo_model):
- self._backup_button.set_sensitive(False)
- return
- if position != active:
- return
- self._media_combo.set_active(max(0, position-1))
- return
- logging.warning("Asked to remove %s from UI, but didn't find it!",
- path)
- def _choose_icon_name(self, names):
- """Choose the first valid icon name or fall back to a default name."""
- theme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default()
- for name in names:
- if theme.lookup_icon(name, gtk.ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR, 0):
- return name
- return 'drive'
# pylint isn't smart enough for the gettext.install() magic
_ = lambda msg: msg
-gettext.install('backup', 'po', unicode=True)
+gettext.install('restore', 'po', unicode=True)