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authoramartin <olpc@localhost.localdomain>2007-01-23 23:02:19 (GMT)
committer amartin <olpc@localhost.localdomain>2007-01-23 23:02:19 (GMT)
commit0701b52b495c7a3aaf62ecc4eab52ca1ddae136f (patch)
parent95d5c857729d03e474f04538c11df9ccf9c9eada (diff)
SynthLab spiffy quick drawing
-rwxr-xr-xResources/Images/synthlabMask.pngbin0 -> 3640 bytes
-rw-r--r--Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile1bin12288 -> 12288 bytes
-rw-r--r--[-rwxr-xr-x]Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile10bin12288 -> 12288 bytes
-rw-r--r--Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile2bin12288 -> 12288 bytes
-rw-r--r--Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile3bin12288 -> 12288 bytes
-rw-r--r--Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile4bin12288 -> 12288 bytes
-rw-r--r--Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile5bin12288 -> 12288 bytes
-rw-r--r--Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile6bin12288 -> 12288 bytes
-rw-r--r--Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile7bin12288 -> 12288 bytes
-rw-r--r--Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile8bin12288 -> 12288 bytes
-rw-r--r--[-rwxr-xr-x]Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile9bin12288 -> 12288 bytes
13 files changed, 561 insertions, 220 deletions
diff --git a/Resources/Images/synthlabMask.png b/Resources/Images/synthlabMask.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e3e8b33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Images/synthlabMask.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile1 b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile1
index f599bdc..0cb7dfe 100644
--- a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile1
+++ b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile1
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile10 b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile10
index bb38e66..c42e64e 100755..100644
--- a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile10
+++ b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile10
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile2 b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile2
index b6bead0..edc00a4 100644
--- a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile2
+++ b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile2
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile3 b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile3
index 98022c5..ca11c28 100644
--- a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile3
+++ b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile3
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile4 b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile4
index c9f1f65..88654bb 100644
--- a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile4
+++ b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile4
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile5 b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile5
index 187697e..018c18d 100644
--- a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile5
+++ b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile5
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile6 b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile6
index c8637f7..17c205e 100644
--- a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile6
+++ b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile6
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile7 b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile7
index 27d57ff..9ad0529 100644
--- a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile7
+++ b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile7
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile8 b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile8
index c1fa995..094134b 100644
--- a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile8
+++ b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile8
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile9 b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile9
index 1575c5e..0f0b39e 100755..100644
--- a/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile9
+++ b/Resources/SynthFiles/synthFile9
Binary files differ
diff --git a/SynthLab/SynthLabConstants.py b/SynthLab/SynthLabConstants.py
index b95abdb..23c5b06 100755
--- a/SynthLab/SynthLabConstants.py
+++ b/SynthLab/SynthLabConstants.py
@@ -1,7 +1,30 @@
class SynthLabConstants:
+ # GATE_MAP[objecttype][gatetype][gatenum] = [ sx, sy, ex, ey, (x,y) ]
+ # gate locations relative to object center
+ GATE_MAP = [ [ [ [-6,28,6,40] ] ],
+ [ [], [[-31,-40,-18,-28], [-16,-40,-3,-28], [2,-40,15,-28], [19,-40,32,-28]], [[-6,28,7,40]] ],
+ [ [], [[28,-26,40,-13], [28,-13,40,0], [28,0,40,13], [28,13,40,26]], [[-6,28,7,40]], [[-6,-40,7,-28]] ],
+ [ [], [], [], [[-6,-40,7,-28]] ] ]
+ # insert locations into map
+ for oT in GATE_MAP:
+ for gT in oT:
+ for m in gT:
+ x = (m[2]+m[0])//2
+ y = (m[3]+m[1])//2
+ # snap to edges
+ if x < -HALF_SIZE+7: x = -HALF_SIZE
+ elif x > HALF_SIZE-7: x = HALF_SIZE
+ if y < -HALF_SIZE+7: y = -HALF_SIZE
+ elif y > HALF_SIZE-7: y = HALF_SIZE
+ m.append( ( x, y ) )
INIT_LOCATIONS = [ [55,750], [135,750], [215,750], [295, 750], [420,750], [500,750], [580,750], [660, 750], [785,750], [865,750], [945,750], [1025, 750], [540, 645]]
diff --git a/SynthLab/SynthLabWindow.py b/SynthLab/SynthLabWindow.py
index 8ff9517..b83bce1 100644
--- a/SynthLab/SynthLabWindow.py
+++ b/SynthLab/SynthLabWindow.py
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
import pygtk
import gtk
+from Util.Profiler import TP
import gobject
import time
import shelve
@@ -30,60 +33,88 @@ class SynthLabWindow( gtk.Window ):
self.synthObjectsParameters = SynthObjectsParameters()
self.locations = SynthLabConstants.INIT_LOCATIONS[:]
- self.buttonState = 0
+ self.objectCount = len(self.locations)
+ self.connections = []
+ self.initializeConnections()
+ self.bounds = []
+ for i in range(self.objectCount):
+ self.bounds.append([0,0,0,0])
+ self.updateBounds(i)
self.instanceOpen = 0
self.recordWait = 0
self.duration = 1.5
self.durString = '%.2f' % self.duration
self.playingPitch = []
- self.connections = []
- self.straightConnections = []
- self.cablesPoints = []
self.lineWidth = 3
+ self.lineWidthMUL2 = self.lineWidth*2
self.pix = 10
self.parameterOpen = 0
self.clockStart = 0
self.tooltips = gtk.Tooltips()
- self.add_events(gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS_MASK)
- self.add_events(gtk.gdk.KEY_RELEASE_MASK)
+ self.add_events(gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS_MASK|gtk.gdk.KEY_RELEASE_MASK)
self.connect("key-press-event", self.onKeyPress)
self.connect("key-release-event", self.onKeyRelease)
- self.setupWindow()
- def setupWindow( self ):
+ self.action = None
+ self.dragObject = None
+ self.gateMap = SynthLabConstants.GATE_MAP
+ # look up gate type to find the matching gate type
+ self.gateMatch = [ SynthLabConstants.GT_CONTROL_INPUT,
+ SynthLabConstants.GT_CONTROL_OUTPUT,
+ SynthLabConstants.GT_SOUND_INPUT,
+ SynthLabConstants.GT_SOUND_OUTPUT ]
+ # set up window
self.set_position( gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT )
self.set_title("Synth Lab")
self.mainBox = gtk.VBox()
self.subBox = gtk.HBox()
- self.drawingBox = RoundVBox(fillcolor=Config.INST_BCK_COLOR)
+ self.drawingBox = RoundVBox( 10, Config.INST_BCK_COLOR )
- self.drawingBox.set_radius(10)
- self.presetBox = RoundVBox(fillcolor=Config.PANEL_COLOR)
+ self.presetBox = RoundVBox( 10, Config.PANEL_COLOR )
- self.presetBox.set_radius(10)
self.presetBox.set_size_request(100, 790)
self.subBox.pack_start(self.drawingBox, True, True)
self.subBox.pack_start(self.presetBox, True, True)
self.commandBox = gtk.HBox()
- self.sliderBox = RoundHBox(fillcolor=Config.PANEL_COLOR)
+ self.sliderBox = RoundHBox( 10, Config.PANEL_COLOR )
- self.sliderBox.set_radius(10)
- self.buttonBox = RoundHBox(fillcolor=Config.PANEL_COLOR)
+ self.buttonBox = RoundHBox( 10, Config.PANEL_COLOR )
- self.buttonBox.set_radius(10)
+ self.drawingAreaWidth = 1080
+ self.drawingAreaHeight = 790
+ self.separatorY = 690
+ self.clearMask = gtk.gdk.Rectangle(0,0,self.drawingAreaWidth,self.drawingAreaHeight)
+ win = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
+ self.gc = gtk.gdk.GC( win )
+ self.gc.set_line_attributes( self.lineWidth, gtk.gdk.LINE_SOLID, gtk.gdk.CAP_BUTT, gtk.gdk.JOIN_MITER )
+ self.dirtyRectToAdd = gtk.gdk.Rectangle()
+ self.dirty = False
+ self.screenBuf = gtk.gdk.Pixmap( win, self.drawingAreaWidth, self.drawingAreaHeight )
+ self.screenBufDirtyRect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle()
+ self.screenBufDirty = False
self.drawingArea = gtk.DrawingArea()
- self.drawingArea.set_size_request(1080, 790)
+ self.drawingArea.set_size_request( self.drawingAreaWidth, self.drawingAreaHeight )
self.col = gtk.gdk.color_parse(Config.INST_BCK_COLOR)
+ colormap = self.drawingArea.get_colormap()
+ self.bgColor = colormap.alloc_color( Config.INST_BCK_COLOR, True, True )
+ self.lineColor = colormap.alloc_color( "#666666", True, True )
self.drawingArea.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, self.col)
- self.drawingArea.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK)
- self.drawingArea.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK)
- self.drawingArea.add_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK)
+ self.drawingArea.add_events( gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK
self.drawingArea.connect( "button-press-event", self.handleButtonPress )
self.drawingArea.connect( "button-release-event", self.handleButtonRelease )
self.drawingArea.connect( "motion-notify-event", self.handleMotion )
@@ -97,10 +128,10 @@ class SynthLabWindow( gtk.Window ):
self.durationSlider = ImageHScale( Config.TAM_TAM_ROOT + "/Resources/Images/sliderbutviolet.png", self.durAdjust, 7 )
self.durationSlider.connect("button-press-event", self.showParameter)
self.durationSlider.connect("button-release-event", self.hideParameter)
- self.durationSlider.set_inverted(False)
self.durationSlider.set_size_request(750, 30)
self.sliderBox.pack_start(self.durationSlider, True, True, 5)
self.sliderBox.pack_start(self.durLabel, False, padding=10)
saveButton = ImageButton(Config.TAM_TAM_ROOT + '/Resources/Images/save.png')
saveButton.connect("clicked", self.handleSave, None)
self.buttonBox.pack_start(saveButton, False, False, 2)
@@ -213,6 +244,9 @@ class SynthLabWindow( gtk.Window ):
def handleReset( self, widget, data ):
self.locations = SynthLabConstants.INIT_LOCATIONS[:]
+ self.objectCount = len(self.locations)
+ for i in range(self.objectCount):
+ self.updateBounds( i )
self.duration = 1.5
self.connections = []
@@ -220,158 +254,428 @@ class SynthLabWindow( gtk.Window ):
self.writeTables( self.synthObjectsParameters.types, self.synthObjectsParameters.controlsParameters, self.synthObjectsParameters.sourcesParameters, self.synthObjectsParameters.fxsParameters )
- self.allConnections()
+ self.initializeConnections()
- self.queue_draw()
+ self.invalidate_rect( 0, 0, self.drawingAreaWidth, self.drawingAreaHeight )
- def handleButtonRelease( self, widget, event ):
- if self.buttonState:
- self.buttonState = 0
- self.queue_draw()
+ def setAction( self, action ):
+ self.action = action
+ def doneAction( self ):
+ if self.action == "drag-object": self.doneDragObject()
+ self.action = None
+ def handleButtonRelease( self, widget, event ):
+ if self.action == "drag-object":
+ self.doneAction()
+ elif self.action == "draw-wire":
+ for i in range(self.objectCount):
+ if self.bounds[i][0] < event.x < self.bounds[i][2] and self.bounds[i][1] < event.y < self.bounds[i][3]:
+ if i == self.wireObj:
+ break
+ gate = self.testGates( i, event.x-self.locations[i][0], event.y-self.locations[i][1] )
+ if gate:
+ self.connectWire( i, gate )
+ break
+ # if we don't connect the wire here they can try to click it somewhere, so don't end the action
def handleButtonPress( self, widget, event):
+ self.clickLoc = (int(event.x),int(event.y))
if event.button == 1:
- for i in self.locations:
- if (i[0]-self.pix) < event.x < (i[0]+self.pix) and (i[1]+(SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE-self.pix)) < event.y < (i[1]+(SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE+self.pix)) and self.locations.index(i) < 12:
- self.setConnection( 1, event, self.locations.index(i) )
- gate = 0
- break
- elif (i[0]-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE) < event.x < (i[0]+SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE) and (i[1]-(SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE+self.pix)) < event.y < (i[1]-(SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE-self.pix)) and 3 < self.locations.index(i) < 8:
- self.setConnection( 2, event, self.locations.index(i) )
- gate = 0
- break
- elif (i[0]+(SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE-self.pix)) < event.x < (i[0]+(SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE+self.pix)) and (i[1]-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE) < event.y < (i[1]+SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE) and self.locations.index(i) > 7:
- self.setConnection( 2, event, self.locations.index(i) )
- gate = 0
- break
- elif (i[0]-self.pix) < event.x < (i[0]+self.pix) and (i[1]-(SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE+self.pix)) < event.y < (i[1]-(SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE-self.pix)) and self.locations.index(i) > 7:
- self.setConnection( 2, event, self.locations.index(i) )
- gate = 0
- break
- elif (i[0]-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE) < event.x < (i[0]+SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE) and (i[1]-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE) < event.y < (i[1]+SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE):
- self.buttonState = 1
- self.choosen = self.locations.index(i)
- gate = 0
- break
- else:
- gate = 1
- if gate:
- self.deleteCable( event )
+ for i in range(self.objectCount):
+ if self.bounds[i][0] < event.x < self.bounds[i][2] and self.bounds[i][1] < event.y < self.bounds[i][3]:
+ gate = self.testGates( i, event.x-self.locations[i][0], event.y-self.locations[i][1] )
+ if gate:
+ if self.action == "draw-wire":
+ self.connectWire( i, gate )
+ else:
+ self.startWire( i, gate )
+ else:
+ if self.action == "draw-wire":
+ self.doneWire()
+ if i != self.objectCount-1:
+ self.startDragObject( i )
+ return
+ if self.action == "draw-wire": # didn't hit anything
+ self.doneWire()
+ else:
+ # check if we clicked a wire
+ i = self.wireUnderLoc( event.x, event.y )
+ if i >= 0: self.deleteWire( i )
elif event.button == 3:
- for i in self.locations:
- if (i[0]-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE) < event.x < (i[0]+SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE) and (i[1]-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE) < event.y < (i[1]+SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE):
+ for i in range(self.objectCount):
+ if self.bounds[i][0] < event.x < self.bounds[i][2] and self.bounds[i][1] < event.y < self.bounds[i][3]:
if self.instanceOpen:
- instanceID = self.locations.index(i)
- self.synthLabParametersWindow = SynthLabParametersWindow( instanceID, self.synthObjectsParameters, self.writeTables, self.playNote )
+ self.synthLabParametersWindow = SynthLabParametersWindow( i, self.synthObjectsParameters, self.writeTables, self.playNote )
self.instanceOpen = 1
def handleMotion( self, widget, event ):
- if self.buttonState == 1 and self.choosen != 12:
- if 0+SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE < event.x < 1200-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE:
- X = event.x
- if 0+SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE < event.y < 820-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE:
- Y = event.y
- self.mouse = [ X, Y ]
- self.locations[self.choosen] = [ X, Y ]
- if Y > 700:
- self.queue_draw_area(0,695, 1200, 120)
+ if event.is_hint:
+ x, y, state = widget.window.get_pointer()
+ event.x = float(x)
+ event.y = float(y)
+ event.state = state
+ if self.action == "drag-object":
+ self.updateDragObject( int(event.x), int(event.y) )
+ elif self.action == "draw-wire":
+ self.updateWire( int(event.x), int(event.y) )
+ def testGates( self, i, x, y ):
+ oT = i >> 2
+ for gT in range(len(self.gateMap[oT])):
+ for n in range(len(self.gateMap[oT][gT])):
+ if self.gateMap[oT][gT][n][0] <= x <= self.gateMap[oT][gT][n][2] \
+ and self.gateMap[oT][gT][n][1] <= y <= self.gateMap[oT][gT][n][3]:
+ return ( gT, n, self.gateMap[oT][gT][n][4] ) # type, index, loc
+ return False
+ def startWire( self, obj, gate ):
+ if gate[0] == SynthLabConstants.GT_CONTROL_INPUT:
+ for c in self.inputMap[obj]:
+ if self.connections[c][1][1] == gate[0] \
+ and self.connections[c][1][2] == gate[1] : # same type and port
+ return False # multiple control inputs
+ self.wireObj = obj
+ self.wireGate = gate
+ x = gate[2][0] + self.locations[obj][0]
+ y = gate[2][1] + self.locations[obj][1]
+ self.wirePoint = [ [ x, y ], [ x, y ] ]
+ self.wireRect = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
+ self.setAction( "draw-wire" )
+ def updateWire( self, x, y ):
+ if x < 0: x = 0
+ elif x > self.drawingAreaWidth: x = self.drawingAreaWidth
+ if y < 0: y = 0
+ elif y > self.separatorY: y = self.separatorY
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.wireRect[0], self.wireRect[1], self.wireRect[2], self.wireRect[3], False )
+ if x < self.wirePoint[0][0]: self.wireRect[0], self.wireRect[2] = x-self.lineWidth, self.wirePoint[0][0]-x+self.lineWidthMUL2
+ else: self.wireRect[0], self.wireRect[2] = self.wirePoint[0][0]-self.lineWidth, x-self.wirePoint[0][0]+self.lineWidthMUL2
+ if y < self.wirePoint[0][1]: self.wireRect[1], self.wireRect[3] = y-self.lineWidth, self.wirePoint[0][1]-y+self.lineWidthMUL2
+ else: self.wireRect[1], self.wireRect[3] = self.wirePoint[0][1]-self.lineWidth, y-self.wirePoint[0][1]+self.lineWidthMUL2
+ self.wirePoint[1][0] = x
+ self.wirePoint[1][1] = y
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.wireRect[0], self.wireRect[1], self.wireRect[2], self.wireRect[3], False )
+ def connectWire( self, obj, gate ):
+ if gate[0] == SynthLabConstants.GT_CONTROL_OUTPUT or gate[0] == SynthLabConstants.GT_SOUND_OUTPUT:
+ bObj, eObj = obj, self.wireObj
+ bGate, eGate = gate, self.wireGate
+ else:
+ bObj, eObj = self.wireObj, obj
+ bGate, eGate = self.wireGate, gate
+ i = self.newConnection( bObj, bGate, eObj, eGate )
+ if i >= 0: # successful connection
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3] )
+ self.doneWire()
+ def deleteWire( self, i ):
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3] )
+ self.delConnection( i )
+ def doneWire( self ):
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.wireRect[0], self.wireRect[1], self.wireRect[2], self.wireRect[3] )
+ self.doneAction()
+ def wireUnderLoc( self, x, y ):
+ for i in range(len(self.connections)):
+ if x < self.cBounds[i][0] or x > self.cBounds[i][0]+self.cBounds[i][2]: continue
+ if y < self.cBounds[i][1] or y > self.cBounds[i][1]+self.cBounds[i][3]: continue
+ if self.cPoints[i][0] == self.cPoints[i][2]: # vertical line
+ if abs(x-self.cPoints[i][0]) < self.lineWidthMUL2:
+ return i
- self.queue_draw_area(X-40, Y-40, 80, 80)
- self.allConnections()
- def setConnection( self, gate, event, sourceLocation ):
- if gate == 1: # output connection
- self.temp = []
- self.temp.append( (sourceLocation, 0, SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE ) )
- if gate == 2:
- # source control parameter input connection
- if self.temp[0][0] < 4 and sourceLocation < 8:
- first = self.nearest(event.x - self.locations[sourceLocation][0], [-25, -9, 8, 25])
- second = -SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE
- self.temp.append( (sourceLocation, first, second, 0) )
- self.connections.append( self.temp )
- # fx control parameter input connection
- if self.temp[0][0] < 4 and 7 < sourceLocation < 12:
- first = SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE
- second = self.nearest(event.y - self.locations[sourceLocation][1], [-19, -6, 7, 20])
- self.temp.append( (sourceLocation, first, second, 0) )
- self.connections.append( self.temp )
- # source and fx to fx and out connection
- if self.temp[0][0] > 3 and self.temp[0][0] < 12 and sourceLocation > 7:
- refused = self.connectionGating()
- if sourceLocation not in refused:
- first = 0
- second = -SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE
- else:
- print 'refused'
- self.temp.append( (sourceLocation, first, second, 0) )
- self.connections.append( self.temp )
- self.allConnections()
- self.controlToSrcConnections()
- time.sleep(.01)
- self.controlToFxConnections()
- time.sleep(.01)
- self.audioConnections()
- time.sleep(.01)
- lastTable = [0]*12
- for i in range(12):
- if i in self.outputs:
- lastTable[i] = (self.synthObjectsParameters.types[i]+1)
- mess = "perf.InputMessage('f5203 0 16 -2 " + " " .join([str(n) for n in lastTable]) + " 0 0 0 0')"
- self.csnd.sendText( mess )
- time.sleep(.01)
- self.queue_draw()
- def nearest( self, val, mainList ):
- diffList = [abs(i-val) for i in mainList]
- return mainList[diffList.index(min(diffList))]
+ slope = (self.cPoints[i][3]-self.cPoints[i][1])/float(self.cPoints[i][2]-self.cPoints[i][0])
+ yy = self.cPoints[i][1] + (x-self.cPoints[i][0])*slope
+ if abs(y-yy) < self.lineWidthMUL2:
+ return i
+ return -1 # nothing found
+ def startDragObject( self, i ):
+ self.dragObject = i
+ self.dragInitialLoc = (self.locations[i][0],self.locations[i][1])
+ self.potentialDisconnect = False
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.bounds[i][0], self.bounds[i][1], SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE )
+ for i in self.outputMap[self.dragObject]:
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3] )
+ for i in self.inputMap[self.dragObject]:
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3] )
+ self.setAction( "drag-object" )
+ def updateDragObject( self, x, y ):
+ delta = [ x-self.clickLoc[0], y-self.clickLoc[1] ]
+ x = self.dragInitialLoc[0]+delta[0]
+ if x-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE < 0: x = SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE
+ elif x+SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE > self.drawingAreaWidth: x = self.drawingAreaWidth - SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE
+ y = self.dragInitialLoc[1]+delta[1]
+ if y-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE < 0: y = SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE
+ elif y+SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE > self.drawingAreaHeight: y = self.drawingAreaHeight - SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE
+ self.invalidate_rect(self.bounds[self.dragObject][0], self.bounds[self.dragObject][1], SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, False )
+ if not self.potentialDisconnect:
+ for i in self.outputMap[self.dragObject]:
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3], False )
+ for i in self.inputMap[self.dragObject]:
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3], False )
+ if y > self.separatorY: self.potentialDisconnect = True
+ else: self.potentialDisconnect = False
+ self.locations[self.dragObject][0] = int( x )
+ self.locations[self.dragObject][1] = int( y )
+ self.updateBounds(self.dragObject)
+ self.invalidate_rect(self.bounds[self.dragObject][0], self.bounds[self.dragObject][1], SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, False )
+ if not self.potentialDisconnect:
+ for i in self.outputMap[self.dragObject]:
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3], False )
+ for i in self.inputMap[self.dragObject]:
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3], False )
+ def doneDragObject( self ):
+ if self.potentialDisconnect:
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.bounds[self.dragObject][0], self.bounds[self.dragObject][1], SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, False )
+ m = self.outputMap[self.dragObject][:]
+ m.sort(reverse=True)
+ for i in m: self.delConnection( i )
+ m = self.inputMap[self.dragObject][:]
+ m.sort(reverse=True)
+ for i in m: self.delConnection( i )
+ self.locations[self.dragObject][0] = SynthLabConstants.INIT_LOCATIONS[self.dragObject][0]
+ self.locations[self.dragObject][1] = SynthLabConstants.INIT_LOCATIONS[self.dragObject][1]
+ self.updateBounds( self.dragObject )
+ self.invalidate_rect(self.bounds[self.dragObject][0], self.bounds[self.dragObject][1], SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE )
+ else:
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.bounds[self.dragObject][0], self.bounds[self.dragObject][1], SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE )
+ for i in self.outputMap[self.dragObject]:
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3] )
+ for i in self.inputMap[self.dragObject]:
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3] )
+ self.dragObject = None
+ self.handleSaveTemp()
+ def updateBounds( self, i ):
+ self.bounds[i][0] = self.locations[i][0]-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE
+ self.bounds[i][1] = self.locations[i][1]-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE
+ self.bounds[i][2] = self.locations[i][0]+SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE
+ self.bounds[i][3] = self.locations[i][1]+SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE
+ for c in self.outputMap[i]:
+ self.updateConnection( c )
+ for c in self.inputMap[i]:
+ self.updateConnection( c )
+ def updateConnection( self, i ):
+ c = self.connections[i]
+ oT = c[0][0]//4
+ x1 = self.locations[c[0][0]][0] + self.gateMap[oT][c[0][1]][c[0][2]][4][0]
+ y1 = self.locations[c[0][0]][1] + self.gateMap[oT][c[0][1]][c[0][2]][4][1]
+ oT = c[1][0]//4
+ x2 = self.locations[c[1][0]][0] + self.gateMap[oT][c[1][1]][c[1][2]][4][0]
+ y2 = self.locations[c[1][0]][1] + self.gateMap[oT][c[1][1]][c[1][2]][4][1]
+ self.cPoints[i][0], self.cPoints[i][1], self.cPoints[i][2], self.cPoints[i][3] = ( x1, y1, x2, y2 )
+ if x1 > x2: x1, x2 = ( x2, x1 )
+ if y1 > y2: y1, y2 = ( y2, y1 )
+ self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3] = ( x1-self.lineWidth, y1-self.lineWidth, x2+self.lineWidth, y2+self.lineWidth )
+ def findRecursive( self, obj, target ):
+ if obj == target: return True
+ for c in self.outputMap[obj]:
+ r = self.findRecursive( self.straightConnections[c][1], target )
+ if r: return True
+ return False
+ def testConnection( self, bObj, bGate, eObj, eGate ):
+ if self.gateMatch[bGate[0]] != eGate[0]:
+ return False # type mismatch
+ for c in self.inputMap[eObj]:
+ if self.connections[c][1][1] == eGate[0] \
+ and self.connections[c][1][2] == eGate[1] : # same type and port
+ if eGate[0] == SynthLabConstants.GT_CONTROL_INPUT:
+ return False # multiple control inputs
+ if self.connections[c][0][0] == bObj:
+ return False # connections already exists
+ if self.findRecursive( eObj, bObj ):
+ return False # loop
+ return True
+ def newConnection( self, bObj, bGate, eObj, eGate ):
+ if not self.testConnection( bObj, bGate, eObj, eGate ):
+ return -1 # connection failed
+ ind = len(self.connections)
+ # connection format: [ ( outputObject, gate type, gate num ), ( inputObject, gate type, gate num ) ]
+ self.connections.append ( [ ( bObj, bGate[0], bGate[1] ),
+ ( eObj, eGate[0], eGate[1] ) ] )
+ self.straightConnections.append( ( bObj, eObj ) )
+ self.outputMap[bObj].append(ind)
+ self.inputMap[eObj].append(ind)
+ self.outputs.append( bObj )
+ self.cPoints.append( [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] )
+ self.cBounds.append( [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] )
+ self.updateConnection( ind )
+ self.updateSound()
+ self.handleSaveTemp()
+ return ind
+ def delConnection( self, i ):
+ b = self.straightConnections[i][0]
+ e = self.straightConnections[i][1]
+ self.straightConnections.pop(i)
+ self.outputMap[b].remove(i)
+ self.inputMap[e].remove(i)
+ self.outputs.pop(i)
+ self.cPoints.pop(i)
+ self.cBounds.pop(i)
+ self.connections.pop(i)
+ for o in range(self.objectCount):
+ for m in range(len(self.outputMap[o])):
+ if self.outputMap[o][m] > i: self.outputMap[o][m] -= 1
+ for m in range(len(self.inputMap[o])):
+ if self.inputMap[o][m] > i: self.inputMap[o][m] -= 1
- def draw( self, widget, event ):
- context = self.drawingArea.window.cairo_create()
- context.set_line_width( self.lineWidth )
- context.move_to(0, 690)
- context.line_to(1080, 690)
- if self.buttonState == 1:
- for i in self.locations:
- X, Y = i[0], i[1]
- context.move_to(X-20, Y-20)
- context.line_to(X+20, Y-20)
- context.line_to(X+20, Y+20)
- context.line_to(X-20, Y+20)
- context.line_to(X-20, Y-20)
- elif self.buttonState == 0:
- for i in self.locations:
- if i[1] > 710:
- ind = self.locations.index(i)
- self.locations[ind][0] = SynthLabConstants.INIT_LOCATIONS[ind][0]
- self.locations[ind][1] = SynthLabConstants.INIT_LOCATIONS[ind][1]
- for i in self.locations:
- index = self.locations.index(i)
- context.set_source_pixbuf(self.pixbufs[index], i[0]-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE, i[1]-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE)
- context.paint()
- if self.connections and not self.buttonState:
- for i in self.connections:
- context.move_to( self.locations[i[0][0]][0]+i[0][1], self.locations[i[0][0]][1]+i[0][2])
- context.line_to( self.locations[i[1][0]][0]+i[1][1], self.locations[i[1][0]][1]+i[1][2])
- context.set_source_rgb( .4, .4, .4 )
- context.stroke()
+ self.updateSound()
- def connectionGating( self ):
- self.straightConnections = [[i[0][0], i[1][0]] for i in self.connections]
- self.fxConnections = [i for i in self.straightConnections if 7 < i[0] < 12 and 7 < i[1] < 12]
+ def initializeConnections( self ):
+ self.straightConnections = []
+ self.outputMap = [ [] for i in self.locations ]
+ self.inputMap = [ [] for i in self.locations ]
+ self.outputs = []
+ self.cPoints = []
+ self.cBounds = []
+ for i in range(len(self.connections)):
+ c = self.connections[i]
+ first = c[0][0]
+ second = c[1][0]
+ self.straightConnections.append([first, second])
+ self.outputMap[first].append(i)
+ self.inputMap[second].append(i)
+ self.outputs.append(first)
+ self.cPoints.append( [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] )
+ self.cBounds.append( [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] )
+ self.updateConnection( i )
+ self.updateSound()
+ def predraw( self, buf ):
+ startX = self.screenBufDirtyRect.x
+ startY = self.screenBufDirtyRect.y
+ stopX = self.screenBufDirtyRect.x + self.screenBufDirtyRect.width
+ stopY = self.screenBufDirtyRect.y + self.screenBufDirtyRect.height
+ # draw bg
+ self.gc.foreground = self.bgColor
+ buf.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, startX, startY, self.screenBufDirtyRect.width, self.screenBufDirtyRect.height )
+ # draw separator
+ self.gc.foreground = self.lineColor
+ buf.draw_line( self.gc, startX, self.separatorY, stopX, self.separatorY )
+ # draw objects
+ self.gc.set_clip_mask( self.clipMask )
+ for i in range(self.objectCount):
+ if i == self.dragObject:
+ continue
+ if startX > self.bounds[i][2] or stopX < self.bounds[i][0] or startY > self.bounds[i][3] or stopY < self.bounds[i][1]:
+ continue
+ type = i >> 2
+ self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.bounds[i][0]-SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE*type, self.bounds[i][1] )
+ buf.draw_drawable( self.gc, self.pixmap[i], 0, 0, self.bounds[i][0], self.bounds[i][1], SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE )
+ self.gc.set_clip_rectangle( self.clearMask )
+ # draw wires
+ for c in range(len(self.connections)):
+ if self.straightConnections[c][0] == self.dragObject or self.straightConnections[c][1] == self.dragObject:
+ continue
+ if startX > self.cBounds[c][2] or stopX < self.cBounds[c][0] or startY > self.cBounds[c][3] or stopY < self.cBounds[c][1]:
+ continue
+ buf.draw_line( self.gc, self.cPoints[c][0], self.cPoints[c][1],
+ self.cPoints[c][2], self.cPoints[c][3] )
+ self.screenBufDirty = False
- fxConnectionRefused = [i[0] for i in self.fxConnections if i[1] == self.temp[0][0]]
- fxConnectionRefused2 = [k[0] for j in fxConnectionRefused for k in self.fxConnections if k[1] == j]
- fxConnectionRefused.extend(fxConnectionRefused2)
+ def draw( self, widget, event ):
+ #TP.ProfileBegin("SL::draw")
+ startX = event.area.x
+ startY = event.area.y
+ stopX = event.area.x + event.area.width
+ stopY = event.area.y + event.area.height
- return fxConnectionRefused
+ if self.screenBufDirty:
+ self.predraw( self.screenBuf )
+ # draw base
+ widget.window.draw_drawable( self.gc, self.screenBuf, startX, startY, startX, startY, event.area.width, event.area.height )
+ if self.action == "drag-object":
+ # draw dragObject
+ self.gc.set_clip_mask( self.clipMask )
+ type = self.dragObject >> 2
+ self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.bounds[self.dragObject][0]-SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE*type, self.bounds[self.dragObject][1] )
+ widget.window.draw_drawable( self.gc, self.pixmap[self.dragObject], 0, 0, self.bounds[self.dragObject][0], self.bounds[self.dragObject][1], SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE )
+ self.gc.set_clip_rectangle( self.clearMask )
+ # draw wires
+ if not self.potentialDisconnect:
+ for c in self.outputMap[self.dragObject]:
+ if startX > self.cBounds[c][2] or stopX < self.cBounds[c][0] or startY > self.cBounds[c][3] or stopY < self.cBounds[c][1]:
+ continue
+ widget.window.draw_line( self.gc, self.cPoints[c][0], self.cPoints[c][1],
+ self.cPoints[c][2], self.cPoints[c][3] )
+ for c in self.inputMap[self.dragObject]:
+ if startX > self.cBounds[c][2] or stopX < self.cBounds[c][0] or startY > self.cBounds[c][3] or stopY < self.cBounds[c][1]:
+ continue
+ widget.window.draw_line( self.gc, self.cPoints[c][0], self.cPoints[c][1],
+ self.cPoints[c][2], self.cPoints[c][3] )
+ elif self.action == "draw-wire":
+ # draw the wire
+ widget.window.draw_line( self.gc, self.wirePoint[0][0], self.wirePoint[0][1],
+ self.wirePoint[1][0], self.wirePoint[1][1] )
+ #print TP.ProfileEndAndPrint("SL::draw")
+ return True
+ def invalidate_rect( self, x, y, w, h, dirtyScreenBuf = True ):
+ self.dirtyRectToAdd.x = x
+ self.dirtyRectToAdd.y = y
+ self.dirtyRectToAdd.width = w
+ self.dirtyRectToAdd.height = h
+ if dirtyScreenBuf:
+ if self.screenBufDirty:
+ self.screenBufDirtyRect = self.screenBufDirtyRect.union(self.dirtyRectToAdd)
+ else:
+ self.screenBufDirtyRect.x = x
+ self.screenBufDirtyRect.y = y
+ self.screenBufDirtyRect.width = w
+ self.screenBufDirtyRect.height = h
+ self.screenBufDirty = True
+ if self.drawingArea.window != None:
+ self.drawingArea.window.invalidate_rect( self.dirtyRectToAdd, True )
+ self.dirty = True
def writeTables( self, typesTable, controlParametersTable, sourceParametersTable, fxParametersTable ):
mess = "perf.InputMessage('f5200 0 16 -2 " + " " .join([str(n) for n in controlParametersTable]) + "')"
@@ -384,15 +688,14 @@ class SynthLabWindow( gtk.Window ):
self.csnd.sendText( mess )
lastTable = [0]*12
- self.allConnections()
for i in range(12):
if i in self.outputs:
lastTable[i] = (typesTable[i]+1)
mess = "perf.InputMessage('f5203 0 16 -2 " + " " .join([str(n) for n in lastTable]) + " 0 0 0 0')"
self.csnd.sendText( mess )
- self.loadPixbufs(typesTable)
- self.queue_draw()
+ self.loadPixmaps(typesTable)
+ self.invalidate_rect( 0, 0, self.drawingAreaWidth, self.drawingAreaHeight )
def recordSound( self, widget, data=None ):
if widget.get_active() == True:
@@ -402,62 +705,21 @@ class SynthLabWindow( gtk.Window ):
self.recordWait = 0
- def allConnections( self ):
- self.straightConnections = []
- self.outputs = []
- self.inputs = []
- self.checkConnections = []
- self.cablesPoints = []
- for i in self.connections:
- first = i[0][0]
- second = i[1][0]
- self.straightConnections.append([first, second])
- self.outputs.append(first)
- self.inputs.append(second)
- self.checkConnections.extend([first, second])
- firstX = self.locations[i[0][0]][0] + i[0][1]
- firstY = self.locations[i[0][0]][1] + i[0][2]
- secondX = self.locations[i[1][0]][0] + i[1][1]
- secondY = self.locations[i[1][0]][1] + i[1][2]
- XPoint = [int(firstX), int(secondX)]
- YPoint = [int(firstY), int(secondY)]
- self.cablesPoints.append([XPoint, YPoint])
- def deleteCable( self, event ):
- if self.cablesPoints:
- gate = 1
- for point in self.cablesPoints:
- Xmin = min(point[0])-1
- Xmax = max(point[0])+1
- Ymin = min(point[1])-1
- Ymax = max(point[1])+1
- if event.x in range(Xmin, Xmax) and event.y in range(Ymin, Ymax):
- XDiff = (event.x - Xmin) / (Xmax - Xmin)
- YDiff = (event.y - Ymin) / (Ymax - Ymin)
- if Xmin == (point[0][0]-1) and Ymin == (point[1][0]-1) or Xmax == (point[0][0]+1) and Ymax == (point[1][0]+1):
- if -.15 < (XDiff - YDiff) < .15:
- if gate:
- del self.connections[self.cablesPoints.index(point)]
- self.connectAndDraw()
- gate = 0
- else:
- if .85 < (XDiff + YDiff) < 1.15:
- if gate:
- del self.connections[self.cablesPoints.index(point)]
- self.connectAndDraw()
- gate = 0
- self.allConnections()
- def connectAndDraw( self ):
- self.allConnections()
+ def updateSound( self ):
- self.queue_draw_area(0, 0, 1200, 790)
+ lastTable = [0]*12
+ for i in range(12):
+ if i in self.outputs:
+ lastTable[i] = (self.synthObjectsParameters.types[i]+1)
+ mess = "perf.InputMessage('f5203 0 16 -2 " + " " .join([str(n) for n in lastTable]) + " 0 0 0 0')"
+ self.csnd.sendText( mess )
+ time.sleep(.01)
def controlToSrcConnections( self ):
self.contSrcConnections = []
for i in self.connections:
@@ -516,20 +778,40 @@ class SynthLabWindow( gtk.Window ):
mess = "perf.InputMessage('f5206 0 16 -2 " + " " .join([str(n) for n in table]) + "')"
self.csnd.sendText( mess )
- def loadPixbufs( self, typesList ):
- self.pixbufs = []
+ def loadPixmaps( self, typesList ):
+ win = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
+ gc = gtk.gdk.GC( win )
+ gc.foreground = self.bgColor
+ self.pixmap = []
for i in range(13):
- if i < 4:
- img = SynthLabConstants.CHOOSE_TYPE_PLUS[0][typesList[i]]
- self.pixbufs.append(gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(Config.IMAGE_ROOT + img + '.png'))
- elif i < 8:
- img = SynthLabConstants.CHOOSE_TYPE_PLUS[1][typesList[i]]
- self.pixbufs.append(gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(Config.IMAGE_ROOT + img + '.png'))
- elif i < 12:
- img = SynthLabConstants.CHOOSE_TYPE_PLUS[2][typesList[i]]
- self.pixbufs.append(gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(Config.IMAGE_ROOT + img + '.png'))
- else:
- self.pixbufs.append(gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(Config.TAM_TAM_ROOT + '/Resources/Images/speaker.png'))
+ if i < 4: img = SynthLabConstants.CHOOSE_TYPE_PLUS[0][typesList[i]]
+ elif i < 8: img = SynthLabConstants.CHOOSE_TYPE_PLUS[1][typesList[i]]
+ elif i < 12: img = SynthLabConstants.CHOOSE_TYPE_PLUS[2][typesList[i]]
+ else: img = "speaker"
+ pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(Config.IMAGE_ROOT + img + '.png')
+ map = gtk.gdk.Pixmap( win, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height() )
+ map.draw_rectangle( gc, True, 0, 0, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height() )
+ map.draw_pixbuf( gc, pix, 0, 0, 0, 0, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height(), gtk.gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE )
+ self.pixmap.append(map)
+ pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(Config.IMAGE_ROOT+'synthlabMask.png')
+ pixels = pix.get_pixels()
+ stride = pix.get_rowstride()
+ channels = pix.get_n_channels()
+ bitmap = ""
+ byte = 0
+ shift = 0
+ for j in range(pix.get_height()):
+ offset = stride*j
+ for i in range(pix.get_width()):
+ r = pixels[i*channels+offset]
+ if r != "\0": byte += 1 << shift
+ shift += 1
+ if shift > 7:
+ bitmap += "%c" % byte
+ byte = 0
+ shift = 0
+ bitmap += "%c" % byte
+ self.clipMask = gtk.gdk.bitmap_create_from_data( None, bitmap, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height() )
def handleSave(self, widget, data):
chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title=None,action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL,gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL,gtk.STOCK_SAVE,gtk.RESPONSE_OK))
@@ -584,6 +866,37 @@ class SynthLabWindow( gtk.Window ):
state['connections'] = self.connections
state['duration'] = self.duration
+ def tempVerifyLocations(self):
+ for l in self.locations:
+ l[0] = int(l[0])
+ l[1] = int(l[1])
+ def tempVerifyConnectionFormat(self):
+ for c in self.connections:
+ if c[0][1] > 3 or c[0][2] > 3 \
+ or c[1][1] > 3 or c[1][2] > 3:
+ print "old format"
+ print c
+ i = c[0]
+ if i[1] == 0 and i[2] == 40:
+ if i[0] < 4: t,n = 0,0 # control output
+ else: t,n = 2,0 # sound output
+ else:
+ print "unhandled loc"
+ t,n = i[1],i[2]
+ c[0] = ( c[0][0], t, n )
+ i = c[1]
+ if i[1] == 0 and i[2] == -40: t,n = 3,0
+ elif i[1] == 40 and i[2] == -19: t,n = 1,0
+ elif i[1] == -25 and i[2] == -40: t,n = 1,0
+ elif i[1] == -9 and i[2] == -40: t,n = 1,1
+ elif i[1] == 8 and i[2] == -40: t,n = 1,2
+ elif i[1] == 25 and i[2] == -40: t,n = 1,3
+ else:
+ print "unhandled loc"
+ t,n = i[1],i[2]
+ c[1] = ( c[1][0], t, n )
def loadState( self, state ):
self.synthObjectsParameters.types = state['types']
self.synthObjectsParameters.controlsParameters = state['controls']
@@ -591,21 +904,26 @@ class SynthLabWindow( gtk.Window ):
self.synthObjectsParameters.fxsParameters = state['fxs']
self.synthObjectsParameters.outputParameters = state['envelope']
self.locations = state['locations']
+ #self.tempVerifyLocations()
+ self.objectCount = len(self.locations)
+ for i in range(self.objectCount):
+ self.updateBounds( i )
self.connections = state['connections']
+ #self.tempVerifyConnectionFormat()
self.duration = state['duration']
self.writeTables( self.synthObjectsParameters.types, self.synthObjectsParameters.controlsParameters, self.synthObjectsParameters.sourcesParameters, self.synthObjectsParameters.fxsParameters )
- self.allConnections()
+ self.initializeConnections()
- self.queue_draw()
+ self.invalidate_rect( 0, 0, self.drawingAreaWidth, self.drawingAreaHeight )
def presetCallback( self, widget, data ):
preset = 'synthFile' + str(data+1)