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path: root/Edit/TuneInterface.py
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authorAleksey Lim <alsroot@activitycentral.org>2011-06-28 09:23:54 (GMT)
committer Aleksey Lim <alsroot@activitycentral.org>2011-06-28 09:24:48 (GMT)
commit11003147ac4ea947ec5017921019d668cb4953d1 (patch)
treeeaab12347c33cb62326f9eb53121eff594301638 /Edit/TuneInterface.py
parent35278d261ace09d5ed20bdae0983730d88dd8037 (diff)
Switch to the singular sources tree and releasing scheme
Diffstat (limited to 'Edit/TuneInterface.py')
1 files changed, 646 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Edit/TuneInterface.py b/Edit/TuneInterface.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8bc4e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Edit/TuneInterface.py
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+import pygtk
+pygtk.require( '2.0' )
+import gtk
+import common.Config as Config
+from common.Util.Profiler import TP
+from Edit.MainWindow import CONTEXT
+from common.Util.NoteDB import PARAMETER
+class TuneInterfaceParasite:
+ def __init__( self, noteDB, owner, note ):
+ self.noteDB = noteDB
+ self.owner = owner
+ self.note = note
+ self.x = self.y = self.width = -1
+ def attach( self ):
+ self.updateParameter( None, None )
+ return self
+ def destroy( self ):
+ self.owner.invalidate_thumbnail( self.note.page, self.x, self.y, self.width, 1 )
+ def updateParameter( self, parameter, value ):
+ if parameter == PARAMETER.AMPLITUDE: return
+ x = 2 + Config.THUMBNAIL_TRACK_RECT[self.note.track][0] + self.owner.ticksToPixels( self.noteDB.getPage( self.note.page).beats, self.note.cs.onset )
+ if self.note.track == Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS-1: # drum track
+ y = Config.THUMBNAIL_TRACK_RECT[self.note.track][1] + self.owner.pitchToPixelsDrum( self.note.cs.pitch )
+ if x != self.x or y != self.y:
+ if parameter != None: # not the first update
+ xx = min( self.x, x )
+ yy = min( self.y, y )
+ endxx = max( self.endx, x + 1 )
+ endyy = max( self.y, y ) + 1
+ self.x = x
+ self.endx = x + 1
+ self.y = y
+ self.owner.invalidate_thumbnail( self.note.page, xx, yy, endxx-xx, endyy-yy )
+ else:
+ self.x = x
+ self.endx = x + 1
+ self.y = y
+ self.owner.invalidate_thumbnail( self.note.page, x, y, 1, 1 )
+ else:
+ y = Config.THUMBNAIL_TRACK_RECT[self.note.track][1] + self.owner.pitchToPixels( self.note.cs.pitch )
+ width = max( 1, self.owner.ticksToPixels( self.noteDB.getPage( self.note.page).beats, self.note.cs.duration ) )
+ if x != self.x or y != self.y or width != self.width:
+ if parameter != None: # not the first update
+ xx = min( self.x, x )
+ yy = min( self.y, y )
+ endxx = max( self.endx, x + width )
+ endyy = max( self.y, y ) + 1
+ self.x = x
+ self.endx = x + width
+ self.y = y
+ self.width = width
+ self.owner.invalidate_thumbnail( self.note.page, xx, yy, endxx-xx, endyy-yy )
+ else:
+ self.x = x
+ self.endx = x + width
+ self.y = y
+ self.width = width
+ self.owner.invalidate_thumbnail( self.note.page, x, y, width, 1 )
+ def draw( self, win, gc, startX, stopX ):
+ if stopX < self.x: return False # we don't need to draw and no one after us will draw
+ if startX > self.endx: return True # we don't need to draw, but maybe a later note does
+ win.draw_line( gc, self.x, self.y, self.endx, self.y )
+ return True # we drew something
+class TuneInterface( gtk.EventBox ):
+ DRAG_BLOCK = -1 # block other drag events
+ def __init__( self, noteDB, owner, adjustment ):
+ gtk.EventBox.__init__( self )
+ self.noteDB = noteDB
+ self.owner = owner
+ self.adjustment = adjustment
+ #adjustment.connect( "changed", self.adjustmentChanged )
+ adjustment.connect( "value-changed", self.adjustmentValue )
+ self.drawingArea = gtk.DrawingArea()
+ self.drawingAreaDirty = False # is the drawingArea waiting to draw?
+ self.add( self.drawingArea )
+ self.dirtyRectToAdd = gtk.gdk.Rectangle() # used by the invalidate_rect function
+ self.selectedIds = []
+ self.displayedPage = -1
+ self.drumIndex = Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS-1
+ self.trackRect = Config.THUMBNAIL_TRACK_RECT
+ self.thumbnail = {}
+ self.thumbnailDirty = {}
+ self.thumbnailDirtyRect = {}
+ self.defaultwin = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window() # used when creating pixmaps
+ self.gc = gtk.gdk.GC( self.defaultwin )
+ colormap = self.drawingArea.get_colormap()
+ self.bgColor = colormap.alloc_color( Config.TOOLBAR_BCK_COLOR, True, True )
+ self.lineColor = colormap.alloc_color( Config.THUMBNAIL_DRAG_COLOR, True, True )
+ self.displayedColor = colormap.alloc_color( Config.THUMBNAIL_DISPLAYED_COLOR, True, True )
+ self.selectedColor = colormap.alloc_color( Config.THUMBNAIL_SELECTED_COLOR, True, True )
+ # prepare thumbnail
+ self.thumbnailBG = []
+ self.gc.foreground = self.bgColor
+ for i in range(4):
+ pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"pageThumbnailBG%d.png"%i )
+ self.thumbnailBG.append( gtk.gdk.Pixmap( self.defaultwin, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT ) )
+ self.thumbnailBG[i].draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, 0, 0, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT )
+ self.thumbnailBG[i].draw_pixbuf( self.gc, pix, 0, 0, 0, 0, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT, gtk.gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE )
+ # load clipmask
+ pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(Config.IMAGE_ROOT+'pageThumbnailMask.png')
+ pixels = pix.get_pixels()
+ stride = pix.get_rowstride()
+ channels = pix.get_n_channels()
+ bitmap = ""
+ byte = 0
+ shift = 0
+ for j in range(pix.get_height()):
+ offset = stride*j
+ for i in range(pix.get_width()):
+ if pixels[i*channels+offset] != "\0":
+ byte += 1 << shift
+ shift += 1
+ if shift > 7:
+ bitmap += "%c" % byte
+ byte = 0
+ shift = 0
+ if shift:
+ bitmap += "%c" % byte
+ byte = 0
+ shift = 0
+ self.clipMask = gtk.gdk.bitmap_create_from_data( None, bitmap, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height() )
+ self.clearMask = gtk.gdk.Rectangle( 0, 0, 1200, 800 )
+ self.pageOffset = 5 # offset the first page by this
+ self.dropWidth = 5 # line thickness of the drop head
+ self.dropWidthDIV2 = self.dropWidth//2
+ self.pixelsPerPitch = float(self.trackRect[0][3]-1)/(Config.MAXIMUM_PITCH - Config.MINIMUM_PITCH)
+ self.pixelsPerPitchDrum = float(self.trackRect[self.drumIndex][3]-1)/(Config.MAXIMUM_PITCH_DRUM - Config.MINIMUM_PITCH_DRUM )
+ self.pixelsPerTick = [0] + [ float(self.trackRect[0][2]-4)/(i*Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT) for i in range(1,Config.MAXIMUM_BEATS+1) ]
+ self.alloced = False
+ self.width = self.baseWidth = self.height = -1
+ self.waitingForAlloc = True
+ self.scrollTo = None
+ self.clickX = -1
+ self.set_size_request( self.width, self.height )
+ self.button1Down = False
+ self.dragMode = None
+ self.dropAt = -1
+ self.dropAtX = 0
+ self.visibleX = 0
+ self.visibleEndX = 0
+ self.add_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK|gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK)
+ self.connect( "size-allocate", self.size_allocated )
+ self.drawingArea.connect( "expose-event", self.draw )
+ self.connect( "button-press-event", self.handleButtonPress )
+ self.connect( "button-release-event", self.handleButtonRelease )
+ self.connect( "motion-notify-event", self.handleMotion )
+ def size_allocated( self, widget, allocation ):
+ if not self.alloced:
+ self.baseWidth = allocation.width
+ self.visibleEndX = self.baseWidth
+ self.baseHeight = allocation.height
+ self.alloced = True
+ self.updateSize()
+ self.width = allocation.width
+ self.height = allocation.height
+ self.drawingArea.set_size_request( self.width, self.height )
+ self.clearMask.height = self.height
+ self.clearMask.width = self.width
+ self.pageY = 2 + (self.height-Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT)//2
+ if self.scrollTo != None:
+ if self.scrollTo >= 0: self.adjustment.set_value( self.scrollTo )
+ else: self.adjustment.set_value( self.width - self.baseWidth )
+ self.scrollTo = None
+ self.waitingForAlloc = False
+ def adjustmentValue( self, adj ):
+ self.visibleX = int(adj.value)
+ self.visibleEndX = self.visibleX + self.baseWidth
+ def updateSize( self ):
+ width = self.noteDB.getPageCount()*Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH + 5 # add extra 5 for the first page
+ self.waitingForAlloc = True
+ if width < self.baseWidth:
+ self.pageOffset = ( self.baseWidth - width ) // 2 + 5
+ else:
+ self.pageOffset = 5
+ if self.alloced:
+ self.set_size_request( max( self.baseWidth, width), -1 )
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.visibleX, 0, self.baseWidth, self.height )
+ def handleButtonPress( self, widget, event ):
+ if event.button != 1:
+ # bring up properties or something
+ return
+ self.button1Down = True
+ self.owner.abortPredrawPage()
+ ind = int(event.x-self.pageOffset)//Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH
+ if ind >= self.noteDB.getPageCount():
+ if self.dragMode != self.DRAG_MOVE:
+ self.dragMode = self.DRAG_BLOCK
+ return
+ if ind < 0: ind = 0
+ self.clickX = event.x
+ id = self.noteDB.getPageByIndex( ind )
+ if event.type == gtk.gdk._3BUTTON_PRESS: # triple click -> select all
+ self.owner.displayPage( id )
+ self.selectAll()
+ elif event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS: # double click -> exclusive select
+ self.owner.displayPage( id )
+ self.selectPage( id )
+ else:
+ if Config.ModKeys.ctrlDown:
+ if id in self.selectedIds: # ctrl click, selected page -> remove page from selection
+ if self.deselectPage( id ):
+ self.dragMode = self.DRAG_DESELECT
+ self.dragLastInd = ind
+ else:
+ self.dragMode = self.DRAG_SELECT # special case, they clicked on the last selected page and it wasn't deselected
+ self.dragLastInd = ind
+ else: # ctrl click, unselected page -> add page to selection (but don't display it)
+ self.selectPage( id, False )
+ self.dragMode = self.DRAG_SELECT
+ self.dragLastInd = ind
+ elif id in self.selectedIds: # click, selected page -> display this page but don't change the selection
+ self.owner.displayPage( id )
+ else: # click, unselected page -> exclusive select
+ self.owner.displayPage( id )
+ self.selectPage( id )
+ self.owner.setContext( CONTEXT.PAGE )
+ def handleButtonRelease( self, widget, event ):
+ if event.button != 1:
+ return
+ self.button1Down = False
+ if self.dragMode == self.DRAG_MOVE:
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.dropAtX - self.dropWidthDIV2, 0, self.dropWidth, self.height ) # drop head
+ if self.dropAt > 0: after = self.noteDB.getPageByIndex( self.dropAt-1 )
+ else: after = False
+ self.noteDB.movePages( self.selectedIds, after )
+ self.dropAt = -1
+ self.dragMode = None
+ def handleMotion( self, widget, event ):
+ if event.is_hint:
+ x, y, state = self.window.get_pointer()
+ event.x = float(x)
+ event.y = float(y)
+ event.state = state
+ if self.button1Down: # clicking
+ if Config.ModKeys.ctrlDown and (self.dragMode == None or self.dragMode == self.DRAG_MOVE):
+ self.dropAt = -1
+ self.dragMode = self.DRAG_SELECT
+ if event.x >= self.pageOffset: ind = int(event.x-self.pageOffset)//Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH
+ else: ind = 0
+ self.dragLastInd = ind
+ if self.dragMode == self.DRAG_SELECT: # select on drag
+ if event.x > self.pageOffset: ind = int(event.x-self.pageOffset)//Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH
+ else: ind = 0
+ pageCount = self.noteDB.getPageCount()
+ if ind >= pageCount: ind = pageCount-1
+ for i in range( min(ind,self.dragLastInd), max(ind,self.dragLastInd)+1):
+ self.selectPage( self.noteDB.getPageByIndex(i), False )
+ self.dragLastInd = ind
+ elif self.dragMode == self.DRAG_DESELECT: # deselect on drag
+ if event.x > self.pageOffset: ind = int(event.x-self.pageOffset)//Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH
+ else: ind = 0
+ pageCount = self.noteDB.getPageCount()
+ if ind >= pageCount: ind = pageCount-1
+ for i in range( min(ind,self.dragLastInd), max(ind,self.dragLastInd)+1):
+ self.deselectPage( self.noteDB.getPageByIndex(i) )
+ self.dragLastInd = ind
+ elif self.dragMode == None and abs(self.clickX-event.x) > 20: # drag and drop
+ self.dragMode = self.DRAG_MOVE
+ if self.dragMode == self.DRAG_MOVE:
+ if self.dropAt >= 0: lastX = self.dropAtX
+ else: lastX = -1
+ if event.x > self.pageOffset: self.dropAt = int(event.x-self.pageOffset+Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH_DIV2)//Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH
+ else: self.dropAt = 0
+ c = self.noteDB.getPageCount()
+ if self.dropAt > c: self.dropAt = c
+ self.dropAtX = self.pageOffset + self.dropAt*Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH - self.dropWidthDIV2 - 1
+ if lastX >= 0 and lastX != self.dropAtX:
+ if lastX < self.dropAtX:
+ x = lastX - self.dropWidthDIV2
+ w = self.dropAtX - lastX + self.dropWidth
+ else:
+ x = self.dropAtX - self.dropWidthDIV2
+ w = lastX - self.dropAtX + self.dropWidth
+ self.invalidate_rect( x, 0, w, self.height )
+ elif lastX == -1:
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.dropAtX-self.dropWidthDIV2, 0, self.dropWidth, self.height )
+ else: # hovering
+ ind = int(event.x-self.pageOffset)//Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH
+ if ind != self.lastPredrawInd and 0 <= ind < self.noteDB.getPageCount():
+ id = self.noteDB.getPageByIndex(ind)
+ if id != self.displayedPage:
+ self.owner.predrawPage( id )
+ self.lastPredrawInd = ind
+ def trackToggled( self, i ):
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.visibleX, 0, self.baseWidth, self.height )
+ def displayPage( self, id ):
+ if self.displayedPage == id: return -1
+ self.lastPredrawInd = -1
+ if self.displayedPage != -1:
+ ind = self.noteDB.getPageIndex( self.displayedPage )
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.pageOffset + ind*Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, 0, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, self.height )
+ if not self.thumbnail.has_key( id ):
+ # premptive add
+ self.thumbnail[id] = gtk.gdk.Pixmap( self.defaultwin, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT )
+ self.thumbnailDirtyRect[id] = gtk.gdk.Rectangle( 0, 0, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT )
+ self.thumbnailDirty[id] = True
+ self.selectPage( id )
+ self.updateSize()
+ self.displayedPage = id
+ if id not in self.selectedIds:
+ self.selectPage( id )
+ ind = self.noteDB.getPageIndex( id )
+ startX = self.pageOffset + ind*Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH
+ stopX = startX + Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH
+ if self.adjustment.value > startX:
+ scroll = startX + Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH + Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH_DIV2 - self.baseWidth
+ if scroll < 0: scroll = 0
+ self.adjustment.set_value( scroll )
+ elif self.adjustment.value + self.baseWidth < stopX:
+ scroll = startX - Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH_DIV2
+ if scroll + self.baseWidth > self.width:
+ if self.waitingForAlloc:
+ self.scrollTo = -1
+ else:
+ self.adjustment.set_value( self.width - self.baseWidth )
+ else:
+ if self.waitingForAlloc:
+ self.scrollTo = scroll
+ else:
+ self.adjustment.set_value( scroll )
+ self.invalidate_rect( startX, 0, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, self.height )
+ def selectPage( self, id, exclusive = True ):
+ if exclusive:
+ self._clearSelection()
+ if id in self.selectedIds: return False # no change
+ ind = self.noteDB.getPageIndex( id )
+ l = len(self.selectedIds)
+ i = 0 # in case len(self.selectedIds) == 0
+ while i < l:
+ if self.noteDB.getPageIndex( self.selectedIds[i] ) > ind: break
+ i += 1
+ self.selectedIds.insert( i, id )
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.pageOffset + ind*Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, 0, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, self.height )
+ self.owner.updatePageSelection( self.selectedIds )
+ return True # page added to selection
+ def deselectPage( self, id, force = False, skip_redraw = False, noUpdate = False ):
+ if not id in self.selectedIds: return False # page isn't selected
+ if not force:
+ if len(self.selectedIds) <= 1: return False # don't deselect the last page
+ if self.displayedPage == id:
+ i = self.selectedIds.index(id)
+ if i == 0: self.owner.displayPage( self.selectedIds[1] )
+ else: self.owner.displayPage( self.selectedIds[i-1] )
+ self.selectedIds.remove( id )
+ if not skip_redraw:
+ ind = self.noteDB.getPageIndex( id )
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.pageOffset + ind*Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, 0, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, self.height )
+ if not noUpdate:
+ self.owner.updatePageSelection( self.selectedIds )
+ return True # page removed from the selection
+ def selectPages( self, which ):
+ self._clearSelection()
+ self.selectedIds += which
+ self.owner.updatePageSelection( self.selectedIds )
+ def selectAll( self ):
+ self.selectedIds = self.noteDB.getTune()[:]
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.visibleX, 0, self.baseWidth, self.height )
+ self.owner.updatePageSelection( self.selectedIds )
+ def _clearSelection( self ):
+ self.selectedIds = []
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.visibleX, 0, self.baseWidth, self.height )
+ def getSelectedIds( self ):
+ return self.selectedIds
+ def getDisplayedIndex( self ):
+ return self.selectedIds.index( self.displayedPage )
+ def getFirstSelected( self ):
+ return self.selectedIds[0]
+ def getLastSelected( self ):
+ return self.selectedIds[-1]
+ #=======================================================
+ # NoteDB notifications
+ def notifyPageAdd( self, id, at ):
+ if not self.thumbnail.has_key(id):
+ self.thumbnail[id] = gtk.gdk.Pixmap( self.defaultwin, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT )
+ self.thumbnailDirtyRect[id] = gtk.gdk.Rectangle( 0, 0, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT )
+ self.thumbnailDirty[id] = True
+ self.selectPage( id )
+ self.updateSize()
+ def notifyPageDelete( self, which, safe ):
+ if self.displayedPage in which:
+ noUpdate = True
+ else:
+ noUpdate = False
+ for id in self.selectedIds:
+ if id in which:
+ self.deselectPage( id, True, True, noUpdate )
+ for id in which:
+ del self.thumbnail[id]
+ del self.thumbnailDirtyRect[id]
+ del self.thumbnailDirty[id]
+ if self.displayedPage in which:
+ self.displayedPage = -1
+ self.updateSize()
+ def notifyPageDuplicate( self, new, at ):
+ for id in new:
+ self.thumbnail[new[id]] = gtk.gdk.Pixmap( self.defaultwin, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT )
+ self.thumbnailDirtyRect[new[id]] = gtk.gdk.Rectangle( 0, 0, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT )
+ self.thumbnailDirty[new[id]] = True
+ self.updateSize()
+ def notifyPageMove( self, which, low, high ):
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.visibleX, 0, self.baseWidth, self.height )
+ def notifyPageUpdate( self, page, parameter, value ):
+ if parameter == PARAMETER.PAGE_BEATS:
+ notes = self.noteDB.getNotesByPage( page, self )
+ for note in notes:
+ note.updateParameter( -1, -1 ) # force update transform
+ elif parameter == PARAMETER.PAGE_COLOR:
+ self.invalidate_thumbnail( page, 0, 0, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT )
+ #=======================================================
+ # Drawing
+ def drawThumbnail( self, id, pixmap, rect ):
+ startX = rect.x
+ startY = rect.y
+ stopX = rect.x + rect.width
+ stopY = rect.y + rect.height
+ # draw background
+ pixmap.draw_drawable( self.gc, self.thumbnailBG[self.noteDB.getPage(id).color], startX, startY, startX, startY, rect.width, rect.height+1 )
+ # draw regular tracks
+ self.gc.foreground = self.lineColor
+ self.gc.set_line_attributes( 1, gtk.gdk.LINE_SOLID, gtk.gdk.CAP_BUTT, gtk.gdk.JOIN_MITER )
+ for i in range(self.drumIndex):
+ if startY >= self.trackRect[i+1][1]: continue
+ if stopY < self.trackRect[i][1]: break
+ # draw notes
+ notes = self.noteDB.getNotesByTrack( id, i, self )
+ for n in range( len(notes) ):
+ if not notes[n].draw( pixmap, self.gc, startX, stopX ): break
+ # drum track
+ if stopY > self.trackRect[self.drumIndex][0]:
+ # draw notes
+ notes = self.noteDB.getNotesByTrack( id, self.drumIndex, self )
+ for n in range( len(notes) ):
+ if not notes[n].draw( pixmap, self.gc, startX, stopX ): break
+ self.thumbnailDirty[id] = False
+ def draw( self, drawingArea, event ):
+ startX = event.area.x
+ startY = event.area.y
+ stopX = event.area.x + event.area.width
+ stopY = event.area.y + event.area.height
+ self.gc.set_clip_rectangle( self.clearMask )
+ # draw background
+ self.gc.foreground = self.bgColor
+ drawingArea.window.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, startX, startY, event.area.width, event.area.height )
+ tracks = [ self.owner.getTrackSelected(i) for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS) ]
+ # draw pages
+ self.gc.set_clip_mask( self.clipMask )
+ x = self.pageOffset
+ endx = x + Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH
+ for pageId in self.noteDB.getTune():
+ if endx < startX:
+ x = endx
+ continue
+ if x > stopX: break
+ # draw thumbnail
+ if self.thumbnailDirty[pageId]:
+ self.gc.set_clip_origin( 0, 0 )
+ self.drawThumbnail( pageId, self.thumbnail[pageId], self.thumbnailDirtyRect[pageId] )
+ self.gc.set_clip_origin( x, self.pageY )
+ drawingArea.window.draw_drawable( self.gc, self.thumbnail[pageId], 0, 0, x, self.pageY, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT )
+ # draw border if necessary
+ if pageId == self.displayedPage: # displayed page border
+ self.gc.set_function( gtk.gdk.INVERT )
+ for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS):
+ if tracks[i]:
+ drawingArea.window.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, x + self.trackRect[i][0], self.pageY + self.trackRect[i][1], self.trackRect[i][2], self.trackRect[i][3] )
+ self.gc.set_function( gtk.gdk.COPY )
+ self.gc.foreground = self.displayedColor
+ self.gc.set_clip_origin( x - Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, self.pageY )
+ drawingArea.window.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, x, self.pageY, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT )
+ elif pageId in self.selectedIds: # selected page border
+ self.gc.set_function( gtk.gdk.INVERT )
+ for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS):
+ if tracks[i]:
+ drawingArea.window.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, x + self.trackRect[i][0], self.pageY + self.trackRect[i][1], self.trackRect[i][2], self.trackRect[i][3] )
+ self.gc.set_function( gtk.gdk.COPY )
+ self.gc.foreground = self.selectedColor
+ self.gc.set_clip_origin( x - Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, self.pageY )
+ drawingArea.window.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, x, self.pageY, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT )
+ # draw drop marker
+ if self.dropAt >= 0:
+ self.gc.set_clip_rectangle( self.clearMask )
+ self.gc.set_line_attributes( self.dropWidth, gtk.gdk.LINE_SOLID, gtk.gdk.CAP_ROUND, gtk.gdk.JOIN_MITER )
+ self.gc.foreground = self.lineColor
+ drawingArea.window.draw_line( self.gc, self.dropAtX, self.pageY+2, self.dropAtX, self.pageY+Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT-4 )
+ def invalidate_rect( self, x, y, width, height ):
+ if self.alloced == False: return
+ if x < self.visibleX: x = self.visibleX
+ if x + width > self.visibleEndX: width = self.visibleEndX - x
+ if width <= 0: return
+ self.dirtyRectToAdd.x = x
+ self.dirtyRectToAdd.y = y
+ self.dirtyRectToAdd.width = width
+ self.dirtyRectToAdd.height = height
+ if self.drawingArea.window:
+ self.drawingArea.window.invalidate_rect( self.dirtyRectToAdd, True )
+ self.drawingAreaDirty = True
+ def invalidate_thumbnail( self, id, x, y, width, height ):
+ if not self.thumbnailDirty[id]:
+ self.thumbnailDirtyRect[id].x = x
+ self.thumbnailDirtyRect[id].y = y
+ self.thumbnailDirtyRect[id].width = width
+ self.thumbnailDirtyRect[id].height = height
+ self.thumbnailDirty[id] = True
+ else:
+ self.dirtyRectToAdd.x = x
+ self.dirtyRectToAdd.y = y
+ self.dirtyRectToAdd.width = width
+ self.dirtyRectToAdd.height = height
+ self.thumbnailDirtyRect[id] = self.thumbnailDirtyRect[id].union( self.dirtyRectToAdd )
+ ind = self.noteDB.getPageIndex( id )
+ self.invalidate_rect( self.pageOffset + ind*Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, 0, Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, self.height )
+ def ticksToPixels( self, beats, ticks ):
+ return int(round( ticks * self.pixelsPerTick[beats] ))
+ def pitchToPixels( self, pitch ):
+ return int(round( ( Config.MAXIMUM_PITCH - pitch ) * self.pixelsPerPitch ))
+ def pitchToPixelsDrum( self, pitch ):
+ return int(round( ( Config.MAXIMUM_PITCH_DRUM - pitch ) * self.pixelsPerPitchDrum ))