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path: root/TamTam.py
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authorNat <natcl@hotmail.com>2007-09-09 01:29:45 (GMT)
committer Nat <natcl@hotmail.com>2007-09-09 01:29:45 (GMT)
commit16f9f46b980a6833682d74a489769b786f90b903 (patch)
tree9e6452535e3d63f4abd8ace22af883710deabbf8 /TamTam.py
parent1b7bfe703f6d8a9ab196275c7c8b475a7be4fa49 (diff)
Activity separation mechanism
Diffstat (limited to 'TamTam.py')
1 files changed, 902 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TamTam.py b/TamTam.py
index e71b508..7305853 100755..100644
--- a/TamTam.py
+++ b/TamTam.py
@@ -285,6 +285,908 @@ class TamTam(Activity):
elif self.mode == 'jam':
self.metadata['tamtam_subactivity'] = self.mode
+class TamTamJam(Activity):
+ # TamTam is the topmost container in the TamTam application
+ # At all times it has one child, which may be one of
+ # - the welcome screen
+ # - the mini-tamtam
+ # - the synth lab
+ # - edit mode
+ def __init__(self, handle, mode='welcome'):
+ Activity.__init__(self, handle)
+ self.ensure_dirs()
+ color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(Config.WS_BCK_COLOR)
+ self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color)
+ self.set_title('TamTam Jam')
+ self.set_resizable(False)
+ self.trackpad = Trackpad( self )
+ #self.keyboardWindow = KeyboardWindow(size = 8, popup = True)
+ #self.keyboardWindow.color_piano()
+ self.preloadTimeout = None
+ self.focusInHandler = self.connect('focus_in_event',self.onFocusIn)
+ self.focusOutHandler = self.connect('focus_out_event',self.onFocusOut)
+ self.connect('notify::active', self.onActive)
+ self.connect('destroy', self.onDestroy)
+ self.connect( "key-press-event", self.onKeyPress )
+ self.connect( "key-release-event", self.onKeyRelease )
+ #self.connect( "key-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keypress)
+ #self.connect( "key-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keyrelease)
+ #self.connect( "button-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mousePress)
+ #self.connect( "button-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mouseRelease)
+ self.mode = None
+ self.modeList = {}
+ self.instrumentPanel = InstrumentPanel( force_load = False )
+ self.preloadList = [ self.instrumentPanel ]
+ #load the sugar toolbar
+ self.toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self)
+ self.set_toolbox(self.toolbox)
+ self.activity_toolbar = self.toolbox.get_activity_toolbar()
+ self.activity_toolbar.share.hide()
+ self.activity_toolbar.keep.hide()
+ self.toolbox.show()
+ self.set_mode("jam")
+ def onPreloadTimeout( self ):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::onPreloadTimeout", self.preloadList
+ t = time.time()
+ if self.preloadList[0].load( t + 0.100 ): # finished preloading this object
+ self.preloadList.pop(0)
+ if not len(self.preloadList):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 1: print "TamTam::finished preloading", time.time() - t
+ self.preloadTimeout = False
+ return False # finished preloading everything
+ if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::preload returned after", time.time() - t
+ return True
+ def doNothing(): #a callback function to appease SynthLab
+ pass
+ def set_mode(self, mode, arg = None):
+ if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode from', self.mode, 'to', mode
+ if self.mode != None:
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].onDeactivate()
+ self.remove( self.modeList[ self.mode ] )
+ self.mode = None
+ self.trackpad.setContext(mode)
+ if mode == 'welcome':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.modeList[mode] = Welcome(self, self.set_mode)
+ self.mode = mode
+ if len( self.preloadList ):
+ self.preloadTimeout = gobject.timeout_add( 300, self.onPreloadTimeout )
+ elif self.preloadTimeout:
+ gobject.source_remove( self.preloadTimeout )
+ self.predrawTimeout = False
+ if mode == 'jam':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Jam'
+ self.modeList[mode] = JamMain(self, self.set_mode)
+ self.mode = mode
+ if mode == 'mini':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Mini'
+ self.modeList[mode] = miniTamTamMain(self, self.set_mode)
+ else:
+ self.modeList[mode].regenerate()
+ if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList:
+ self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading
+ self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel )
+ self.mode = mode
+ if mode == 'edit':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Edit'
+ self.modeList[mode] = MainWindow(self, self.set_mode)
+ if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList:
+ self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading
+ self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel )
+ self.mode = mode
+ if mode == 'synth':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam SynthLab'
+ self.modeList[mode] = SynthLabWindow(self, self.set_mode, None)
+ self.mode = mode
+ if self.mode == None:
+ print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode invalid mode:', mode
+ else:
+ try: # activity mode
+ self.set_canvas( self.modeList[ self.mode ] )
+ except: # fake mode
+ self.add( self.modeList[ self.mode ] )
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].onActivate(arg)
+ self.show()
+ def onFocusIn(self, event, data=None):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in TamTam.py'
+ csnd = new_csound_client()
+ csnd.connect(True)
+ if self.mode == 'synth':
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateSound()
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateTables()
+ #csnd.load_instruments()
+ def onFocusOut(self, event, data=None):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in TamTam.py'
+ csnd = new_csound_client()
+ csnd.connect(False)
+ def onActive(self, widget = None, event = None):
+ pass
+ def onKeyPress(self, widget, event):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyPress in TamTam.py'
+ if event.state == gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK:
+ key = event.keyval
+ if key == gtk.keysyms.j:
+ self.set_mode("jam")
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.m:
+ self.set_mode('mini')
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.s:
+ self.set_mode('synth')
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.w:
+ self.set_mode('welcome')
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.e:
+ self.set_mode('edit')
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.t:
+ self.toolbox.show()
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.y:
+ self.toolbox.hide()
+ if self.mode:
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyPress(widget, event)
+ def onKeyRelease(self, widget, event):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyRelease in TamTam.py'
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyRelease(widget, event)
+ pass
+ def onDestroy(self, arg2):
+ if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onDestroy()'
+ os.system('rm -f ' + Config.PREF_DIR + '/synthTemp*')
+ for m in self.modeList:
+ if self.modeList[m] != None:
+ self.modeList[m].onDestroy()
+ csnd = new_csound_client()
+ csnd.connect(False)
+ csnd.destroy()
+ gtk.main_quit()
+ def ensure_dir(self, dir, perms=0777, rw=os.R_OK|os.W_OK):
+ if not os.path.isdir( dir ):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dir, perms)
+ except OSError, e:
+ print 'ERROR: failed to make dir %s: %i (%s)\n' % (dir, e.errno, e.strerror)
+ if not os.access(dir, rw):
+ print 'ERROR: directory %s is missing required r/w access\n' % dir
+ def ensure_dirs(self):
+ self.ensure_dir(Config.TUNE_DIR)
+ self.ensure_dir(Config.SYNTH_DIR)
+ self.ensure_dir(Config.SNDS_DIR)
+ self.ensure_dir(Config.SCRATCH_DIR)
+ if not os.path.isdir(Config.PREF_DIR):
+ os.mkdir(Config.PREF_DIR)
+ os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.PREF_DIR + ' &')
+ for snd in ['mic1','mic2','mic3','mic4','lab1','lab2','lab3','lab4', 'lab5', 'lab6']:
+ shutil.copyfile(Config.SOUNDS_DIR + '/' + snd , Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd)
+ os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd + ' &')
+ def read_file(self,file_path):
+ self.modeList['jam'].handleJournalLoad(file_path)
+ def write_file(self,file_path):
+ self.modeList['jam'].handleJournalSave(file_path)
+class TamTamEdit(Activity):
+ # TamTam is the topmost container in the TamTam application
+ # At all times it has one child, which may be one of
+ # - the welcome screen
+ # - the mini-tamtam
+ # - the synth lab
+ # - edit mode
+ def __init__(self, handle, mode='edit'):
+ Activity.__init__(self, handle)
+ self.ensure_dirs()
+ color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(Config.WS_BCK_COLOR)
+ self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color)
+ self.set_title('TamTam Edit')
+ self.set_resizable(False)
+ self.trackpad = Trackpad( self )
+ #self.keyboardWindow = KeyboardWindow(size = 8, popup = True)
+ #self.keyboardWindow.color_piano()
+ self.preloadTimeout = None
+ self.focusInHandler = self.connect('focus_in_event',self.onFocusIn)
+ self.focusOutHandler = self.connect('focus_out_event',self.onFocusOut)
+ self.connect('notify::active', self.onActive)
+ self.connect('destroy', self.onDestroy)
+ self.connect( "key-press-event", self.onKeyPress )
+ self.connect( "key-release-event", self.onKeyRelease )
+ #self.connect( "key-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keypress)
+ #self.connect( "key-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keyrelease)
+ #self.connect( "button-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mousePress)
+ #self.connect( "button-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mouseRelease)
+ self.mode = None
+ self.modeList = {}
+ self.instrumentPanel = InstrumentPanel( force_load = False )
+ self.preloadList = [ self.instrumentPanel ]
+ #load the sugar toolbar
+ self.toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self)
+ self.set_toolbox(self.toolbox)
+ self.activity_toolbar = self.toolbox.get_activity_toolbar()
+ self.activity_toolbar.share.hide()
+ self.activity_toolbar.keep.hide()
+ self.toolbox.show()
+ self.set_mode("edit")
+ def onPreloadTimeout( self ):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::onPreloadTimeout", self.preloadList
+ t = time.time()
+ if self.preloadList[0].load( t + 0.100 ): # finished preloading this object
+ self.preloadList.pop(0)
+ if not len(self.preloadList):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 1: print "TamTam::finished preloading", time.time() - t
+ self.preloadTimeout = False
+ return False # finished preloading everything
+ if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::preload returned after", time.time() - t
+ return True
+ def doNothing(): #a callback function to appease SynthLab
+ pass
+ def set_mode(self, mode, arg = None):
+ if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode from', self.mode, 'to', mode
+ if self.mode != None:
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].onDeactivate()
+ self.remove( self.modeList[ self.mode ] )
+ self.mode = None
+ self.trackpad.setContext(mode)
+ if mode == 'welcome':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.modeList[mode] = Welcome(self, self.set_mode)
+ self.mode = mode
+ if len( self.preloadList ):
+ self.preloadTimeout = gobject.timeout_add( 300, self.onPreloadTimeout )
+ elif self.preloadTimeout:
+ gobject.source_remove( self.preloadTimeout )
+ self.predrawTimeout = False
+ if mode == 'jam':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Jam'
+ self.modeList[mode] = JamMain(self, self.set_mode)
+ self.mode = mode
+ if mode == 'mini':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Mini'
+ self.modeList[mode] = miniTamTamMain(self, self.set_mode)
+ else:
+ self.modeList[mode].regenerate()
+ if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList:
+ self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading
+ self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel )
+ self.mode = mode
+ if mode == 'edit':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Edit'
+ self.modeList[mode] = MainWindow(self, self.set_mode)
+ if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList:
+ self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading
+ self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel )
+ self.mode = mode
+ if mode == 'synth':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam SynthLab'
+ self.modeList[mode] = SynthLabWindow(self, self.set_mode, None)
+ self.mode = mode
+ if self.mode == None:
+ print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode invalid mode:', mode
+ else:
+ try: # activity mode
+ self.set_canvas( self.modeList[ self.mode ] )
+ except: # fake mode
+ self.add( self.modeList[ self.mode ] )
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].onActivate(arg)
+ self.show()
+ def onFocusIn(self, event, data=None):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in TamTam.py'
+ csnd = new_csound_client()
+ csnd.connect(True)
+ if self.mode == 'synth':
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateSound()
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateTables()
+ #csnd.load_instruments()
+ def onFocusOut(self, event, data=None):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in TamTam.py'
+ csnd = new_csound_client()
+ csnd.connect(False)
+ def onActive(self, widget = None, event = None):
+ pass
+ def onKeyPress(self, widget, event):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyPress in TamTam.py'
+ if event.state == gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK:
+ key = event.keyval
+ if key == gtk.keysyms.j:
+ self.set_mode("jam")
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.m:
+ self.set_mode('mini')
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.s:
+ self.set_mode('synth')
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.w:
+ self.set_mode('welcome')
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.e:
+ self.set_mode('edit')
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.t:
+ self.toolbox.show()
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.y:
+ self.toolbox.hide()
+ if self.mode:
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyPress(widget, event)
+ def onKeyRelease(self, widget, event):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyRelease in TamTam.py'
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyRelease(widget, event)
+ pass
+ def onDestroy(self, arg2):
+ if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onDestroy()'
+ os.system('rm -f ' + Config.PREF_DIR + '/synthTemp*')
+ for m in self.modeList:
+ if self.modeList[m] != None:
+ self.modeList[m].onDestroy()
+ csnd = new_csound_client()
+ csnd.connect(False)
+ csnd.destroy()
+ gtk.main_quit()
+ def ensure_dir(self, dir, perms=0777, rw=os.R_OK|os.W_OK):
+ if not os.path.isdir( dir ):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dir, perms)
+ except OSError, e:
+ print 'ERROR: failed to make dir %s: %i (%s)\n' % (dir, e.errno, e.strerror)
+ if not os.access(dir, rw):
+ print 'ERROR: directory %s is missing required r/w access\n' % dir
+ def ensure_dirs(self):
+ self.ensure_dir(Config.TUNE_DIR)
+ self.ensure_dir(Config.SYNTH_DIR)
+ self.ensure_dir(Config.SNDS_DIR)
+ self.ensure_dir(Config.SCRATCH_DIR)
+ if not os.path.isdir(Config.PREF_DIR):
+ os.mkdir(Config.PREF_DIR)
+ os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.PREF_DIR + ' &')
+ for snd in ['mic1','mic2','mic3','mic4','lab1','lab2','lab3','lab4', 'lab5', 'lab6']:
+ shutil.copyfile(Config.SOUNDS_DIR + '/' + snd , Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd)
+ os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd + ' &')
+ def read_file(self,file_path):
+ self.modeList['edit'].handleJournalLoad(file_path)
+ def write_file(self,file_path):
+ self.modeList['edit'].handleJournalSave(file_path)
+class TamTamSynthLab(Activity):
+ # TamTam is the topmost container in the TamTam application
+ # At all times it has one child, which may be one of
+ # - the welcome screen
+ # - the mini-tamtam
+ # - the synth lab
+ # - edit mode
+ def __init__(self, handle, mode='synth'):
+ Activity.__init__(self, handle)
+ self.ensure_dirs()
+ color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(Config.WS_BCK_COLOR)
+ self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color)
+ self.set_title('TamTam SynthLab')
+ self.set_resizable(False)
+ self.trackpad = Trackpad( self )
+ #self.keyboardWindow = KeyboardWindow(size = 8, popup = True)
+ #self.keyboardWindow.color_piano()
+ self.preloadTimeout = None
+ self.focusInHandler = self.connect('focus_in_event',self.onFocusIn)
+ self.focusOutHandler = self.connect('focus_out_event',self.onFocusOut)
+ self.connect('notify::active', self.onActive)
+ self.connect('destroy', self.onDestroy)
+ self.connect( "key-press-event", self.onKeyPress )
+ self.connect( "key-release-event", self.onKeyRelease )
+ #self.connect( "key-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keypress)
+ #self.connect( "key-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keyrelease)
+ #self.connect( "button-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mousePress)
+ #self.connect( "button-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mouseRelease)
+ self.mode = None
+ self.modeList = {}
+ self.instrumentPanel = InstrumentPanel( force_load = False )
+ self.preloadList = [ self.instrumentPanel ]
+ #load the sugar toolbar
+ self.toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self)
+ self.set_toolbox(self.toolbox)
+ self.activity_toolbar = self.toolbox.get_activity_toolbar()
+ self.activity_toolbar.share.hide()
+ self.activity_toolbar.keep.hide()
+ self.toolbox.show()
+ self.set_mode("synth")
+ def onPreloadTimeout( self ):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::onPreloadTimeout", self.preloadList
+ t = time.time()
+ if self.preloadList[0].load( t + 0.100 ): # finished preloading this object
+ self.preloadList.pop(0)
+ if not len(self.preloadList):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 1: print "TamTam::finished preloading", time.time() - t
+ self.preloadTimeout = False
+ return False # finished preloading everything
+ if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::preload returned after", time.time() - t
+ return True
+ def doNothing(): #a callback function to appease SynthLab
+ pass
+ def set_mode(self, mode, arg = None):
+ if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode from', self.mode, 'to', mode
+ if self.mode != None:
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].onDeactivate()
+ self.remove( self.modeList[ self.mode ] )
+ self.mode = None
+ self.trackpad.setContext(mode)
+ if mode == 'welcome':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.modeList[mode] = Welcome(self, self.set_mode)
+ self.mode = mode
+ if len( self.preloadList ):
+ self.preloadTimeout = gobject.timeout_add( 300, self.onPreloadTimeout )
+ elif self.preloadTimeout:
+ gobject.source_remove( self.preloadTimeout )
+ self.predrawTimeout = False
+ if mode == 'jam':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Jam'
+ self.modeList[mode] = JamMain(self, self.set_mode)
+ self.mode = mode
+ if mode == 'mini':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Mini'
+ self.modeList[mode] = miniTamTamMain(self, self.set_mode)
+ else:
+ self.modeList[mode].regenerate()
+ if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList:
+ self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading
+ self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel )
+ self.mode = mode
+ if mode == 'edit':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Edit'
+ self.modeList[mode] = MainWindow(self, self.set_mode)
+ if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList:
+ self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading
+ self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel )
+ self.mode = mode
+ if mode == 'synth':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam SynthLab'
+ self.modeList[mode] = SynthLabWindow(self, self.set_mode, None)
+ self.mode = mode
+ if self.mode == None:
+ print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode invalid mode:', mode
+ else:
+ try: # activity mode
+ self.set_canvas( self.modeList[ self.mode ] )
+ except: # fake mode
+ self.add( self.modeList[ self.mode ] )
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].onActivate(arg)
+ self.show()
+ def onFocusIn(self, event, data=None):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in TamTam.py'
+ csnd = new_csound_client()
+ csnd.connect(True)
+ if self.mode == 'synth':
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateSound()
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateTables()
+ #csnd.load_instruments()
+ def onFocusOut(self, event, data=None):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in TamTam.py'
+ csnd = new_csound_client()
+ csnd.connect(False)
+ def onActive(self, widget = None, event = None):
+ pass
+ def onKeyPress(self, widget, event):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyPress in TamTam.py'
+ if event.state == gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK:
+ key = event.keyval
+ if key == gtk.keysyms.j:
+ self.set_mode("jam")
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.m:
+ self.set_mode('mini')
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.s:
+ self.set_mode('synth')
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.w:
+ self.set_mode('welcome')
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.e:
+ self.set_mode('edit')
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.t:
+ self.toolbox.show()
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.y:
+ self.toolbox.hide()
+ if self.mode:
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyPress(widget, event)
+ def onKeyRelease(self, widget, event):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyRelease in TamTam.py'
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyRelease(widget, event)
+ pass
+ def onDestroy(self, arg2):
+ if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onDestroy()'
+ os.system('rm -f ' + Config.PREF_DIR + '/synthTemp*')
+ for m in self.modeList:
+ if self.modeList[m] != None:
+ self.modeList[m].onDestroy()
+ csnd = new_csound_client()
+ csnd.connect(False)
+ csnd.destroy()
+ gtk.main_quit()
+ def ensure_dir(self, dir, perms=0777, rw=os.R_OK|os.W_OK):
+ if not os.path.isdir( dir ):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dir, perms)
+ except OSError, e:
+ print 'ERROR: failed to make dir %s: %i (%s)\n' % (dir, e.errno, e.strerror)
+ if not os.access(dir, rw):
+ print 'ERROR: directory %s is missing required r/w access\n' % dir
+ def ensure_dirs(self):
+ self.ensure_dir(Config.TUNE_DIR)
+ self.ensure_dir(Config.SYNTH_DIR)
+ self.ensure_dir(Config.SNDS_DIR)
+ self.ensure_dir(Config.SCRATCH_DIR)
+ if not os.path.isdir(Config.PREF_DIR):
+ os.mkdir(Config.PREF_DIR)
+ os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.PREF_DIR + ' &')
+ for snd in ['mic1','mic2','mic3','mic4','lab1','lab2','lab3','lab4', 'lab5', 'lab6']:
+ shutil.copyfile(Config.SOUNDS_DIR + '/' + snd , Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd)
+ os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd + ' &')
+ def read_file(self,file_path):
+ self.modeList['synth'].handleJournalLoad(file_path)
+ def write_file(self,file_path):
+ self.modeList['synth'].handleJournalSave(file_path)
+class TamTamMini(Activity):
+ # TamTam is the topmost container in the TamTam application
+ # At all times it has one child, which may be one of
+ # - the welcome screen
+ # - the mini-tamtam
+ # - the synth lab
+ # - edit mode
+ def __init__(self, handle, mode='mini'):
+ Activity.__init__(self, handle)
+ self.ensure_dirs()
+ color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(Config.WS_BCK_COLOR)
+ self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color)
+ self.set_title('TamTam Mini')
+ self.set_resizable(False)
+ self.trackpad = Trackpad( self )
+ #self.keyboardWindow = KeyboardWindow(size = 8, popup = True)
+ #self.keyboardWindow.color_piano()
+ self.preloadTimeout = None
+ self.focusInHandler = self.connect('focus_in_event',self.onFocusIn)
+ self.focusOutHandler = self.connect('focus_out_event',self.onFocusOut)
+ self.connect('notify::active', self.onActive)
+ self.connect('destroy', self.onDestroy)
+ self.connect( "key-press-event", self.onKeyPress )
+ self.connect( "key-release-event", self.onKeyRelease )
+ #self.connect( "key-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keypress)
+ #self.connect( "key-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keyrelease)
+ #self.connect( "button-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mousePress)
+ #self.connect( "button-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mouseRelease)
+ self.mode = None
+ self.modeList = {}
+ self.instrumentPanel = InstrumentPanel( force_load = False )
+ self.preloadList = [ self.instrumentPanel ]
+ #load the sugar toolbar
+ self.toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self)
+ self.set_toolbox(self.toolbox)
+ self.activity_toolbar = self.toolbox.get_activity_toolbar()
+ self.activity_toolbar.share.hide()
+ self.activity_toolbar.keep.hide()
+ self.toolbox.show()
+ self.set_mode("mini")
+ def onPreloadTimeout( self ):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::onPreloadTimeout", self.preloadList
+ t = time.time()
+ if self.preloadList[0].load( t + 0.100 ): # finished preloading this object
+ self.preloadList.pop(0)
+ if not len(self.preloadList):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 1: print "TamTam::finished preloading", time.time() - t
+ self.preloadTimeout = False
+ return False # finished preloading everything
+ if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::preload returned after", time.time() - t
+ return True
+ def doNothing(): #a callback function to appease SynthLab
+ pass
+ def set_mode(self, mode, arg = None):
+ if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode from', self.mode, 'to', mode
+ if self.mode != None:
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].onDeactivate()
+ self.remove( self.modeList[ self.mode ] )
+ self.mode = None
+ self.trackpad.setContext(mode)
+ if mode == 'welcome':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.modeList[mode] = Welcome(self, self.set_mode)
+ self.mode = mode
+ if len( self.preloadList ):
+ self.preloadTimeout = gobject.timeout_add( 300, self.onPreloadTimeout )
+ elif self.preloadTimeout:
+ gobject.source_remove( self.preloadTimeout )
+ self.predrawTimeout = False
+ if mode == 'jam':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Jam'
+ self.modeList[mode] = JamMain(self, self.set_mode)
+ self.mode = mode
+ if mode == 'mini':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Mini'
+ self.modeList[mode] = miniTamTamMain(self, self.set_mode)
+ else:
+ self.modeList[mode].regenerate()
+ if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList:
+ self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading
+ self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel )
+ self.mode = mode
+ if mode == 'edit':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Edit'
+ self.modeList[mode] = MainWindow(self, self.set_mode)
+ if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList:
+ self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading
+ self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel )
+ self.mode = mode
+ if mode == 'synth':
+ if not (mode in self.modeList):
+ self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam SynthLab'
+ self.modeList[mode] = SynthLabWindow(self, self.set_mode, None)
+ self.mode = mode
+ if self.mode == None:
+ print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode invalid mode:', mode
+ else:
+ try: # activity mode
+ self.set_canvas( self.modeList[ self.mode ] )
+ except: # fake mode
+ self.add( self.modeList[ self.mode ] )
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].onActivate(arg)
+ self.show()
+ def onFocusIn(self, event, data=None):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in TamTam.py'
+ csnd = new_csound_client()
+ csnd.connect(True)
+ if self.mode == 'synth':
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateSound()
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateTables()
+ #csnd.load_instruments()
+ def onFocusOut(self, event, data=None):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in TamTam.py'
+ csnd = new_csound_client()
+ csnd.connect(False)
+ def onActive(self, widget = None, event = None):
+ pass
+ def onKeyPress(self, widget, event):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyPress in TamTam.py'
+ if event.state == gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK:
+ key = event.keyval
+ if key == gtk.keysyms.j:
+ self.set_mode("jam")
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.m:
+ self.set_mode('mini')
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.s:
+ self.set_mode('synth')
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.w:
+ self.set_mode('welcome')
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.e:
+ self.set_mode('edit')
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.t:
+ self.toolbox.show()
+ return
+ elif key == gtk.keysyms.y:
+ self.toolbox.hide()
+ if self.mode:
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyPress(widget, event)
+ def onKeyRelease(self, widget, event):
+ if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyRelease in TamTam.py'
+ self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyRelease(widget, event)
+ pass
+ def onDestroy(self, arg2):
+ if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onDestroy()'
+ os.system('rm -f ' + Config.PREF_DIR + '/synthTemp*')
+ for m in self.modeList:
+ if self.modeList[m] != None:
+ self.modeList[m].onDestroy()
+ csnd = new_csound_client()
+ csnd.connect(False)
+ csnd.destroy()
+ gtk.main_quit()
+ def ensure_dir(self, dir, perms=0777, rw=os.R_OK|os.W_OK):
+ if not os.path.isdir( dir ):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dir, perms)
+ except OSError, e:
+ print 'ERROR: failed to make dir %s: %i (%s)\n' % (dir, e.errno, e.strerror)
+ if not os.access(dir, rw):
+ print 'ERROR: directory %s is missing required r/w access\n' % dir
+ def ensure_dirs(self):
+ self.ensure_dir(Config.TUNE_DIR)
+ self.ensure_dir(Config.SYNTH_DIR)
+ self.ensure_dir(Config.SNDS_DIR)
+ self.ensure_dir(Config.SCRATCH_DIR)
+ if not os.path.isdir(Config.PREF_DIR):
+ os.mkdir(Config.PREF_DIR)
+ os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.PREF_DIR + ' &')
+ for snd in ['mic1','mic2','mic3','mic4','lab1','lab2','lab3','lab4', 'lab5', 'lab6']:
+ shutil.copyfile(Config.SOUNDS_DIR + '/' + snd , Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd)
+ os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd + ' &')
+ def read_file(self,file_path):
+ self.metadata['tamtam_subactivity'] = 'mini'
+ def write_file(self,file_path):
+ f = open(file_path,'w')
+ f.close()
if __name__ == "__main__":