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path: root/TamTamSynthLab.activity/common/Util/CSoundClient.py
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authorAleksey Lim <alsroot@activitycentral.org>2011-02-28 16:13:13 (GMT)
committer Aleksey Lim <alsroot@activitycentral.org>2011-02-28 16:13:13 (GMT)
commita0705d8ff9b25c1172e38925ec27bb28f9e5a1e9 (patch)
treed3a20dff1d1e8d196fab33530fb21dd470addef5 /TamTamSynthLab.activity/common/Util/CSoundClient.py
parent0c8e687ce284d7599b9bfb7c578b0fc7fb32c493 (diff)
Revert "fixing simlimking build error"
This reverts commit 0c8e687ce284d7599b9bfb7c578b0fc7fb32c493. Since common/ directory will be copied to .xo in setup.py anyway.
Diffstat (limited to 'TamTamSynthLab.activity/common/Util/CSoundClient.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 411 deletions
diff --git a/TamTamSynthLab.activity/common/Util/CSoundClient.py b/TamTamSynthLab.activity/common/Util/CSoundClient.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b6acd96..0000000
--- a/TamTamSynthLab.activity/common/Util/CSoundClient.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import socket
-import select
-import sys
-import threading
-import time
-import array
-from math import sqrt
-from common.Util.Clooper import *
-import common.Config as Config
-from common.Generation.GenerationConstants import GenerationConstants
-from common.Util import NoteDB
-import common.Util.InstrumentDB as InstrumentDB
-loadedInstruments = []
-_note_template = array.array('f', [0] * 19 )
-def _new_note_array():
- return _note_template.__copy__()
-def _noteid(dbnote):
- return (dbnote.page << 16) + dbnote.id
-class _CSoundClientPlugin:
- #array index constants for csound
- ONSET, \
- PAN, \
- INST_ID, \
- DECAY, \
- INSTRUMENT2 ) = range(13)
- def __init__(self):
- sc_initialize( Config.PLUGIN_UNIVORC, Config.PLUGIN_DEBUG,
- self.on = False
- #self.masterVolume = 100.0
- self.periods_per_buffer = 2
- global _loop_default
- _loop_default = self.loopCreate()
- self.instrumentDB = InstrumentDB.getRef()
- self.jamesSux = {} # temporyary dictionary of loopId: loopNumTicks, while I wait for james to implement it properly
- def __del__(self):
- self.connect(False)
- sc_destroy()
- def setChannel(self, name, val):
- sc_setChannel(name, val)
- def setMasterVolume(self, volume):
- sc_setChannel( 'masterVolume', volume)
- def setTrackVolume( self, volume, trackId ):
- sc_setChannel( 'trackVolume' + str(trackId + 1), volume )
- def setTrackpadX( self, value ):
- sc_setChannel( 'trackpadX', value)
- def setTrackpadY( self, value ):
- sc_setChannel( 'trackpadY', value)
- def micRecording( self, table ):
- sc_inputMessage( Config.CSOUND_MIC_RECORD % table )
- def load_mic_instrument( self, inst ):
- fileName = Config.DATA_DIR + '/' + inst
- instrumentId = Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + self.instrumentDB.instNamed[inst].instrumentId
- sc_inputMessage(Config.CSOUND_LOAD_INSTRUMENT % (instrumentId, fileName))
- def load_synth_instrument( self, inst ):
- fileName = Config.DATA_DIR + '/' + inst
- instrumentId = Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + self.instrumentDB.instNamed[inst].instrumentId
- sc_inputMessage(Config.CSOUND_LOAD_INSTRUMENT % (instrumentId, fileName))
- def load_ls_instrument( self, inst ):
- fileName = Config.DATA_DIR + '/' + inst
- sc_inputMessage(Config.CSOUND_LOAD_LS_INSTRUMENT % fileName)
- def load_instruments( self ):
- for instrumentSoundFile in self.instrumentDB.instNamed.keys():
- if instrumentSoundFile[0:3] == 'mic' or instrumentSoundFile[0:3] == 'lab' or self.instrumentDB.instNamed[instrumentSoundFile].category == 'mysounds':
- fileName = Config.DATA_DIR + '/' + instrumentSoundFile
- else:
- fileName = Config.SOUNDS_DIR + "/" + instrumentSoundFile
- instrumentId = Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + self.instrumentDB.instNamed[ instrumentSoundFile ].instrumentId
- sc_inputMessage( Config.CSOUND_LOAD_INSTRUMENT % (instrumentId, fileName) )
- def load_instrument(self, inst):
- if not inst in loadedInstruments:
- if inst[0:3] == 'mic' or inst[0:3] == 'lab' or self.instrumentDB.instNamed[inst].category == 'mysounds':
- if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(Config.DATA_DIR, inst)):
- fileName = os.path.join(Config.DATA_DIR, inst)
- else:
- fileName = os.path.join(Config.SOUNDS_DIR, 'armbone')
- else:
- fileName = os.path.join(Config.SOUNDS_DIR, inst)
- instrumentId = Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + self.instrumentDB.instNamed[ inst ].instrumentId
- sc_inputMessage( Config.CSOUND_LOAD_INSTRUMENT % (instrumentId, fileName) )
- loadedInstruments.append(inst)
- def load_drumkit(self, kit):
- if not kit in loadedInstruments:
- for i in self.instrumentDB.instNamed[kit].kit.values():
- fileName = Config.SOUNDS_DIR + "/" + i
- instrumentId = Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + self.instrumentDB.instNamed[ i ].instrumentId
- sc_inputMessage( Config.CSOUND_LOAD_INSTRUMENT % (instrumentId, fileName) )
- loadedInstruments.append(i)
- loadedInstruments.append(kit)
- def connect( self, init = True ):
- def reconnect():
- if sc_start(self.periods_per_buffer) :
- if (Config.DEBUG > 0) : print 'ERROR connecting'
- else:
- self.on = True
- def disconnect():
- if sc_stop() :
- if (Config.DEBUG > 0) : print 'ERROR connecting'
- else:
- self.on = False
- if init and not self.on :
- reconnect()
- if not init and self.on :
- disconnect()
- def destroy( self ):
- self.connect(False)
- sc_destroy()
- def inputMessage(self,msg):
- sc_inputMessage(msg)
- def getTick( self ):
- return sc_getTickf()
- def adjustTick( self, amt ):
- sc_adjustTick(amt)
- def setTempo(self,t):
- if (Config.DEBUG > 3) : print 'INFO: loop tempo: %f -> %f' % (t, 60.0 / (Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT * t))
- sc_setTickDuration( 60.0 / (Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT * t))
- def loopCreate(self):
- return sc_loop_new()
- def loopDestroy(self, loopId):
- sc_loop_delete(loopId)
- try:
- del self.jamesSux[ loopId ]
- except:
- pass
- def loopClear(self):
- global _loop_default
- sc_loop_delete(_loop_default)
- _loop_default = sc_loop_new()
- try:
- del self.jamesSux[ loopId ]
- except:
- pass
- # this is function deletes an Event from a loop
- # TODO: rename this function
- def loopDelete(self, dbnote, loopId=_loop_default):
- sc_loop_delScoreEvent( loopId, _noteid(dbnote))
- def loopDelete1(self, page, id, loopId=_loop_default):
- sc_loop_delScoreEvent( loopId, (page << 16) + id)
- def loopStart(self, loopId=_loop_default):
- sc_loop_playing(loopId, 1)
- def loopPause(self, loopId=_loop_default):
- sc_loop_playing(loopId, 0)
- def loopSetTick(self,t, loopId=_loop_default):
- sc_loop_setTickf(loopId, t)
- def loopGetTick(self, loopId=_loop_default):
- return sc_loop_getTickf(loopId)
- def loopSetNumTicks(self,n, loopId=_loop_default):
- sc_loop_setNumTicks(loopId, n)
- self.jamesSux[loopId] = n
- def loopGetNumTicks( self, loopId = _loop_default ):
- return self.jamesSux[loopId]
- def loopSetTickDuration(self,d, loopId=_loop_default):
- sc_loop_setTickDuration(loopId, d)
- james
- def loopDeactivate(self, note = 'all', loopId=_loop_default):
- if note == 'all':
- sc_loop_deactivate_all(loopId)
- else:
- if (Config.DEBUG > 0) : print 'ERROR: deactivating a single note is not implemented'
- def loopUpdate(self, note, parameter, value,cmd, loopId=_loop_default):
- page = note.page
- track = note.track
- id = note.id
- if note.cs.mode == 'mini':
- instrument_id_offset = 0
- elif note.cs.mode == 'edit':
- if self.instrumentDB.instId[note.cs.instrumentId].kit != None:
- instrument_id_offset = 0
- else:
- instrument_id_offset = 100
- if (parameter == NoteDB.PARAMETER.ONSET):
- if (Config.DEBUG > 2): print 'INFO: updating onset', (page<<16)+id, value
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, 1, value, cmd)
- elif (parameter == NoteDB.PARAMETER.PITCH):
- if (Config.DEBUG > 2): print 'INFO: updating pitch', (page<<16)+id, value
- pitch = value
- if self.instrumentDB.instId[note.cs.instrumentId].kit != None:
- instrument = self.instrumentDB.instNamed[
- self.instrumentDB.instId[note.cs.instrumentId].kit[pitch]]
- csoundInstId = instrument.csoundInstrumentId
- csoundTable = Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + instrument.instrumentId
- if (Config.DEBUG > 2): print 'INFO: updating drum instrument (pitch)', (page<<16)+id, instrument.name, csoundInstId
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, 0, (csoundInstId + instrument_id_offset) + note.track * 0.01, -1 )
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, 7, csoundTable , -1 )
- pitch = 1
- else:
- pitch = GenerationConstants.TRANSPOSE[ pitch - 24 ]
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, 3, pitch, cmd)
- elif (parameter == NoteDB.PARAMETER.AMPLITUDE):
- if (Config.DEBUG > 2): print 'INFO: updating amp', (page<<16)+id, value
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, 5, value, cmd)
- elif (parameter == NoteDB.PARAMETER.DURATION):
- if (Config.DEBUG > 2): print 'INFO: updating duration', (page<<16)+id, value
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, self.DURATION, value, cmd)
- elif (parameter == NoteDB.PARAMETER.INSTRUMENT):
- pitch = note.cs.pitch
- instrument = self.instrumentDB.instId[value]
- if instrument.kit != None:
- instrument = self.instrumentDB.instNamed[instrument.kit[pitch]]
- csoundInstId = instrument.csoundInstrumentId
- csoundTable = Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + instrument.instrumentId
- loopStart = instrument.loopStart
- loopEnd = instrument.loopEnd
- crossDur = instrument.crossDur
- if (Config.DEBUG > 2): print 'INFO: updating instrument', (page<<16)+id, instrument.name, csoundInstId
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, 0, (csoundInstId + (track+1) + instrument_id_offset) + note.track * 0.01, cmd )
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, 7, csoundTable, -1 )
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, 12, loopStart, -1 )
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, 13, loopEnd, -1 )
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, 14, crossDur , -1 )
- elif (parameter == NoteDB.PARAMETER.PAN):
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, self.PAN, value, cmd)
- elif (parameter == NoteDB.PARAMETER.REVERB):
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, self.REVERBSEND, value, cmd)
- elif (parameter == NoteDB.PARAMETER.ATTACK):
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, self.ATTACK, value, cmd)
- elif (parameter == NoteDB.PARAMETER.DECAY):
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, self.DECAY, value, cmd)
- elif (parameter == NoteDB.PARAMETER.FILTERTYPE):
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, self.FILTERTYPE, value, cmd)
- elif (parameter == NoteDB.PARAMETER.FILTERCUTOFF):
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, self.FILTERCUTOFF, value, cmd)
- elif (parameter == NoteDB.PARAMETER.INSTRUMENT2):
- sc_loop_updateEvent( loopId, (page<<16)+id, self.INSTRUMENT2, value, cmd)
- else:
- if (Config.DEBUG > 0): print 'ERROR: loopUpdate(): unsupported parameter change'
- def loopPlay(self, dbnote, active, storage=_new_note_array(),
- loopId=_loop_default ):
- qid = (dbnote.page << 16) + dbnote.id
- sc_loop_addScoreEvent( loopId, qid, 1, active, 'i',
- self.csnote_to_array( dbnote.cs, storage))
- def play(self, csnote, secs_per_tick, storage=_new_note_array()):
- a = self.csnote_to_array(csnote, storage)
- a[self.DURATION] = a[self.DURATION] * secs_per_tick
- a[self.ATTACK] = max(a[self.ATTACK]*a[self.DURATION], 0.002)
- a[self.DECAY] = max(a[self.DECAY]*a[self.DURATION], 0.002)
- sc_scoreEvent( 'i', a)
- def csnote_to_array(self, csnote, storage):
- return self._csnote_to_array1(storage,
- csnote.onset,
- csnote.pitch,
- csnote.amplitude,
- csnote.pan,
- csnote.duration,
- csnote.trackId,
- csnote.attack,
- csnote.decay,
- csnote.reverbSend,
- csnote.filterType,
- csnote.filterCutoff,
- csnote.tied,
- csnote.instrumentId,
- csnote.mode,
- csnote.instrumentId2 )
- def _csnote_to_array1( self, storage, onset, pitch, amplitude, pan, duration,
- trackId, attack, decay, reverbSend, filterType, filterCutoff,
- tied, instrumentId, mode, instrumentId2 = -1):
- rval=storage
- instrument = self.instrumentDB.instId[instrumentId]
- if instrument.volatile != None:
- sound = os.path.join(Config.DATA_DIR, instrument.name)
- if os.path.isfile(sound):
- st_mtime = os.stat(sound).st_mtime
- if st_mtime != instrument.volatile:
- instrument.volatile = st_mtime
- loadedInstruments.remove(instrument.name)
- self.load_instrument(instrument.name)
- time.sleep(0.2)
- if instrument.kit != None:
- instrument = self.instrumentDB.instNamed[instrument.kit[pitch]]
- pitch = 1
- time_in_ticks = 0
- else:
- pitch = GenerationConstants.TRANSPOSE[ pitch - 24 ]
- time_in_ticks = 1
- instrument_id_offset = 0
- # condition for tied notes
- if instrument.csoundInstrumentId == Config.INST_TIED:
- if tied:
- if mode == 'mini':
- duration = -1
- instrument_id_offset = 0
- elif mode == 'edit':
- instrument_id_offset = 0
- if duration < 0:
- duration = -1
- else:
- if mode == 'mini':
- instrument_id_offset = 0
- elif mode == 'edit':
- instrument_id_offset = 100
- if instrument.csoundInstrumentId == Config.INST_SIMP:
- if mode == 'mini':
- instrument_id_offset = 0
- elif mode == 'edit':
- if instrument.name[0:4] == 'drum':
- instrument_id_offset = 0
- else:
- instrument_id_offset = 100
- amplitude = amplitude / sqrt(pitch) * instrument.ampScale
- rval[0] = (instrument.csoundInstrumentId + \
- (trackId+1) + instrument_id_offset) + trackId * 0.01
- rval[1] = onset
- rval[2] = duration
- rval[3] = pitch
- rval[4] = reverbSend
- rval[5] = amplitude
- rval[6] = pan
- rval[7] = Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + instrument.instrumentId
- rval[8] = attack
- rval[9] = decay
- rval[10]= filterType
- rval[11]= filterCutoff
- rval[12]= float(instrument.loopStart)
- rval[13]= float(instrument.loopEnd)
- rval[14]= float(instrument.crossDur)
- if instrumentId2 != -1:
- instrument2 = self.instrumentDB.instId[instrumentId2]
- csInstrumentId2 = (instrument2.csoundInstrumentId + 100) * 0.0001
- rval[15] = Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + instrumentId2 + csInstrumentId2
- rval[16] = instrument2.loopStart
- rval[17] = instrument2.loopEnd
- rval[18] = instrument2.crossDur
- else:
- rval[15] = -1
- rval[16] = 0
- rval[17] = 0
- rval[18] = 0
- return rval
-_Client = None
-def new_csound_client():
- global _Client
- if _Client == None:
- _Client = _CSoundClientPlugin()
- _Client.connect(True)
- _Client.setMasterVolume(100.0)
- #_Client.load_instruments()
- time.sleep(0.2)
- return _Client