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path: root/common/Util/Block.py
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authoramartin <olpc@xo-05-28-21.localdomain>2007-11-03 05:39:53 (GMT)
committer amartin <olpc@xo-05-28-21.localdomain>2007-11-03 05:39:53 (GMT)
commitf6b47121238d699066b110399e6b1619773752bf (patch)
treef1f07c196c17596d30c91837c384293df03eeec5 /common/Util/Block.py
parent1c2c38e8a8136a004ea2f302753d61f83d443196 (diff)
instruments saved by name
Diffstat (limited to 'common/Util/Block.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 903 deletions
diff --git a/common/Util/Block.py b/common/Util/Block.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f29e65..0000000
--- a/common/Util/Block.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,903 +0,0 @@
-import pygtk
-pygtk.require( '2.0' )
-import gtk
-import random
-import common.Util.InstrumentDB as InstrumentDB
-import common.Config as Config
-from common.Util.NoteDB import PARAMETER
-#::: NOTE:
-# All the graphics resources are loaded in Desktop and referenced here as necessary
-class Block:
- WIDTH = 100
- HEIGHT = 100
- SNAP = 15
- PAD = 4
- KEYSIZE = 26
- def __init__( self, owner, data ):
- self.owner = owner
- self.gc = owner.gc
- self.instrumentDB = InstrumentDB.getRef()
- self.data = {}
- for key in data.keys():
- self.data[key] = data[key]
- # hack to modify only Instrument and Drum Block
- if data.has_key("reverb"):
- self.data["id"] = self.instrumentDB.instNamed[self.data["name"]].instrumentId
- self.type = Block
- self.width = Block.WIDTH
- self.height = Block.HEIGHT
- self.parent = None
- self.canChild = False
- self.child = None
- self.canParent = False
- self.canSubstitute = False
- self.parentOffest = 0
- self.dragging = False # is currently dragging
- self.placed = False # has been placed on the desktop at least once
- self.firstLoc = True
- self.x = -1
- self.y = -1
- self.active = False
- def dumpToStream( self, ostream, child = False ):
- ostream.block_add( ClassToStr[ self.type ], self.active, self.x + self.width//2, self.y + self.height//2, child, self.data )
- if self.child:
- self.child.dumpToStream( ostream, True )
- def destroy( self ):
- if self.child:
- self.child.destroy()
- self.child = None
- self.invalidate_rect( not self.dragging )
- def isPlaced( self ):
- return self.placed
- def setPlaced( self, placed ):
- self.placed = placed
- def getLoc( self ):
- return ( self.x, self.y )
- def setLoc( self, x, y ):
- if x == self.x and y == self.y: return
- if self.firstLoc:
- self.firstLoc = False
- else:
- self.invalidate_rect( not self.dragging )
- self.x = int(x)
- self.y = int(y)
- self.endX = self.x + self.width
- self.endY = self.y + self.height
- self.invalidate_rect( not self.dragging )
- if self.child:
- self.child.snapToParentLoc( self.getChildAnchor() )
- def resetLoc( self ):
- if self.oldParent != None:
- self.oldParent.addChild( self )
- return False
- else:
- self.setLoc( self.oldLoc[0], self.oldLoc[1] )
- return True
- def getParentAnchor( self ):
- return ( self.x + self.parentOffset, self.y )
- def getChildAnchor( self ):
- return ( self.endX, self.y )
- def snapToParentLoc( self, loc ):
- self.setLoc( loc[0] - self.parentOffset, loc[1] )
- def substitute( self, block ):
- pass # override in subclasses
- def testSubstitute( self, block ):
- if self.child:
- return self.child.testSubstitute( block )
- def testChild( self, loc ):
- if not self.canParent:
- return False
- if self.child:
- return self.child.testChild( loc )
- elif abs( self.endX - loc[0] ) < Block.SNAP and abs( self.y - loc[1] ) < Block.SNAP:
- return self
- return False
- def addChild( self, child ):
- c = self.child
- if self.child:
- self.removeChild()
- self.child = child
- child._addParent( self )
- child.snapToParentLoc( self.getChildAnchor() )
- if c:
- child.addChild( c )
- def removeChild( self ):
- self.child._removeParent()
- self.child = None
- def _addParent( self, parent ):
- self.parent = parent
- def _removeParent( self ):
- self.parent = None
- def getRoot( self ):
- if self.parent: return self.parent.getRoot()
- return self
- def isActive( self ):
- return self.active
- def setActive( self, state ):
- self.active = state
- self.invalidate_rect( not self.dragging )
- def getData( self, key ):
- return self.data[ key ]
- def setData( self, key, value ):
- self.data[ key ] = value
- def testMouseOver( self, event ):
- if self.child:
- ret = self.child.testMouseOver( event )
- if ret: return ret
- x = event.x - self.x
- y = event.y - self.y
- if 0 <= x <= self.width and 0 <= y <= self.height:
- return -1
- return False
- def button_press( self, event ):
- if event.y < self.y or event.y > self.endY:
- return False
- return self._button_pressB( event )
- def _button_pressB( self, event ):
- if event.x < self.x:
- return False
- if event.x > self.endX:
- if self.child:
- return self.child._button_pressB( event )
- else:
- return False
- self.oldParent = self.parent
- self.oldLoc = ( self.x, self.y )
- self.dragOffset = ( event.x - self.x, event.y - self.y )
- self._doButtonPress( event )
- return self
- def _doButtonPress( self, event ):
- pass # override in subclasses
- def button_release( self, event ):
- if self.dragging:
- self.dragging = False
- self.placed = True
- self.invalidateBranch()
- def motion_notify( self, event ):
- removeFromBlocks = not self.dragging and not self.parent
- if not self.dragging:
- self.dragging = True
- self.invalidate_rect()
- if self.parent:
- self.parent.removeChild()
- self.setLoc( event.x - self.dragOffset[0], event.y - self.dragOffset[1] )
- return removeFromBlocks
- def _beginDrag( self ):
- self.dragging = True
- self.dragOffset = ( self.width//2, self.height//2 )
- def invalidateBranch( self, base = True ):
- self.invalidate_rect( base )
- if self.child:
- self.child.invalidateBranch( base )
- def invalidate_rect( self, base = True ):
- self.owner.invalidate_rect( self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height, base )
- def draw( self, startX, startY, stopX, stopY, pixmap ):
- if stopY <= self.y or startY >= self.endY:
- return False
- self._drawB( startX, startY, stopX, stopY, pixmap )
- def _drawB( self, startX, startY, stopX, stopY, pixmap ):
- if stopX <= self.x:
- return False
- if self.child:
- self.child._drawB( startX, startY, stopX, stopY, pixmap )
- if startX >= self.endX:
- return False
- self._doDraw( startX, startY, stopX, stopY, pixmap )
- return True
- def _doDraw( self, startX, startY, stopX, stopY, pixmap ):
- pass # override in subclasses
- def drawHighlight( self, startX, startY, stopX, stopY, pixmap ):
- pass # override in subclasses
-class Instrument(Block):
- #::: data format:
- # { "name": name, "id": instrumentId [, "volume": 0-1, "pan": 0-1, "reverb": 0-1 ] }
- #:::
- def __init__( self, owner, data ):
- Block.__init__( self, owner, data )
- self.type = Instrument
- self.canParent = True
- self.canSubstitute = True
- if not "volume" in self.data.keys():
- self.data["volume"] = 0.5
- if not "pan" in self.data.keys():
- self.data["pan"] = 0.5
- if not "reverb" in self.data.keys():
- self.data["reverb"] = 0
- self.img = [ self.owner.getInstrumentImage( self.data["id"], False ),
- self.owner.getInstrumentImage( self.data["id"], True ) ]
- def setData( self, key, value ):
- self.data[ key ] = value
- if self.active:
- self.owner.updateInstrument( self )
- if self.child and self.child.active:
- self.owner.updateLoop( self.child )
- def substitute( self, block ):
- self.data["id"] = block.data["id"]
- self.img = [ self.owner.getInstrumentImage( self.data["id"], False ),
- self.owner.getInstrumentImage( self.data["id"], True ) ]
- self.invalidate_rect( True )
- if self.child and self.child.active:
- self.owner.updateLoop( self.child )
- def testSubstitute( self, block ):
- ret = Block.testSubstitute( self, block )
- if ret:
- return ret
- if block.type == Loop:
- return False
- if abs( self.x - block.x ) < Block.SNAP and abs( self.y - block.y ) < Block.SNAP:
- return self
- return False
- def _doButtonPress( self, event ): # we were hit with a button press
- pass
- def button_release( self, event ):
- if not self.dragging:
- self.owner.activateInstrument( self )
- Block.button_release( self, event )
- def _doDraw( self, startX, startY, stopX, stopY, pixmap ):
- x = max( startX, self.x )
- y = max( startY, self.y )
- endX = min( stopX, self.endX )
- endY = min( stopY, self.endY )
- width = endX - x
- height = endY - y
- # draw border
- if self.active: self.gc.foreground = self.owner.colors["Border_Active"]
- else: self.gc.foreground = self.owner.colors["Border_Inactive"]
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.x-Instrument.MASK_START, self.y )
- pixmap.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, x, y, width, height )
- # draw block
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.x-Instrument.MASK_START, self.y-self.height )
- pixmap.draw_drawable( self.gc, self.img[self.active], x-self.x, y-self.y, x, y, width, height )
- def drawHighlight( self, startX, startY, stopX, stopY, pixmap ):
- self.gc.foreground = self.owner.colors["Border_Highlight"]
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.x-Instrument.MASK_START, self.y )
- pixmap.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height )
-class Drum(Block):
- MASK_START = 100
- KEYRECT = [ Block.PAD - 1, Block.HEIGHT + 1 - Block.PAD - Block.KEYSIZE, Block.KEYSIZE, Block.KEYSIZE ]
- #::: data format:
- # { "name": name, "id": instrumentId [ , "page": pageId, "volume": 0-1, "reverb": 0-1, "beats": 2-12, "regularity": 0-1, "key": shortcut ] }
- #:::
- def __init__( self, owner, data ):
- Block.__init__( self, owner, data )
- self.instrumentDB = InstrumentDB.getRef()
- self.type = Drum
- self.canSubstitute = True
- if not "page" in self.data.keys():
- self.data["page"] = -1
- if not "volume" in self.data.keys():
- self.data["volume"] = 0.5
- if not "reverb" in self.data.keys():
- self.data["reverb"] = 0.0
- if not "beats" in self.data.keys():
- self.data["beats"] = 4 #random.randint(2, 12)
- if not "regularity" in self.data.keys():
- self.data["regularity"] = 0.8 #random.random()
- if "key" not in self.data.keys():
- self.data["key"] = None
- self.owner.mapKey( self.data["key"], self )
- self.keyImage = [ self.owner.getKeyImage( self.data["key"], False ),
- self.owner.getKeyImage( self.data["key"], True ) ]
- self.img = [ self.owner.getInstrumentImage( self.data["id"], False ),
- self.owner.getInstrumentImage( self.data["id"], True ) ]
- if self.data["page"] == -1:
- self.regenerate()
- def destroy( self ):
- self.owner.mapKey( None, self, self.data["key"] )
- self.owner.noteDB.deletePages( [ self.data["page"] ] )
- Block.destroy( self )
- def setData( self, key, value ):
- if key == "beats":
- self.data["beats"] = value
- self.owner.noteDB.updatePage( self.data["page"], PARAMETER.PAGE_BEATS, value )
- elif key == "key":
- oldKey = self.data["key"]
- self.data["key"] = value
- self.keyImage = [ self.owner.getKeyImage( value, False ),
- self.owner.getKeyImage( value, True ) ]
- self.invalidate_rect()
- self.owner.mapKey( value, self, oldKey )
- else:
- self.data[key] = value
- if self.active:
- self.owner.updateDrum( self )
- def substitute( self, block ):
- self.setData( "name", block.data["name"] )
- self.setData( "id", block.data["id"] )
- self.img = [ self.owner.getInstrumentImage( self.data["id"], False ),
- self.owner.getInstrumentImage( self.data["id"], True ) ]
- self.invalidate_rect( True )
- if self.active:
- self.owner.updateDrum( self )
- def testSubstitute( self, block ):
- ret = Block.testSubstitute( self, block )
- if ret:
- return ret
- if block.type == Loop:
- return False
- if self.instrumentDB.instId[block.data["id"]].kit == None:
- return False
- if abs( self.x - block.x ) < Block.SNAP and abs( self.y - block.y ) < Block.SNAP:
- return self
- return False
- def testMouseOver( self, event ):
- ret = self.testWithinKey( event )
- if ret: return ret
- x = event.x - self.x
- y = event.y - self.y
- if 0 <= x <= self.width and 0 <= y <= self.height:
- return -1
- return False
- def testWithinKey( self, event ):
- x = event.x - self.x
- y = event.y - self.y
- if Drum.KEYRECT[0] <= x <= Drum.KEYRECT[4] and Drum.KEYRECT[1] <= y <= Drum.KEYRECT[5]:
- return self
- return False
- def _doButtonPress( self, event ): # we were hit with a button press
- pass
- def button_release( self, event ):
- if not self.dragging:
- if self.active:
- self.owner.deactivateDrum( self )
- else:
- self.owner.activateDrum( self )
- Block.button_release( self, event )
- def _doDraw( self, startX, startY, stopX, stopY, pixmap ):
- x = max( startX, self.x )
- y = max( startY, self.y )
- endX = min( stopX, self.endX )
- endY = min( stopY, self.endY )
- width = endX - x
- height = endY - y
- # draw border
- if self.active: self.gc.foreground = self.owner.colors["Border_Active"]
- else: self.gc.foreground = self.owner.colors["Border_Inactive"]
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.x-Drum.MASK_START, self.y )
- pixmap.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, x, y, width, height )
- # draw block
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.x-Drum.MASK_START, self.y-self.height )
- pixmap.draw_drawable( self.gc, self.img[self.active], x-self.x, y-self.y, x, y, width, height )
- # draw key
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.x+Drum.KEYRECT[0]-Block.KEYMASK_START, self.y+Drum.KEYRECT[1] )
- pixmap.draw_drawable( self.gc, self.keyImage[ self.active ], 0, 0, self.x+Drum.KEYRECT[0], self.y+Drum.KEYRECT[1], Block.KEYSIZE, Block.KEYSIZE )
- def drawHighlight( self, startX, startY, stopX, stopY, pixmap ):
- self.gc.foreground = self.owner.colors["Border_Highlight"]
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.x-Drum.MASK_START, self.y )
- pixmap.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height )
- def drawKeyHighlight( self, pixmap ):
- self.gc.foreground = self.owner.colors["Border_Highlight"]
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.x+Drum.KEYRECT[0]-Block.KEYMASK_START, self.y+Drum.KEYRECT[1]-Block.KEYSIZE )
- pixmap.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, self.x+Drum.KEYRECT[0], self.y+Drum.KEYRECT[1], Block.KEYSIZE, Block.KEYSIZE )
- def regenerate( self ):
- self.data["page"] = self.owner.owner._generateDrumLoop( self.data["id"], self.data["beats"], self.data["regularity"], self.data["reverb"], self.data["page"] )
- if self.active:
- self.owner.updateDrum( self )
- def clear( self ):
- self.owner.noteDB.deleteNotesByTrack( [ self.data["page"] ], [ 0 ] )
-class Loop(Block):
- HEAD = 13
- BEAT = 23
- TAIL = BEAT + Block.PAD
- WIDTH = [ HEAD + BEAT*(n-1) + TAIL for n in range(Config.MAXIMUM_BEATS+1) ]
- MASK_START = 200
- KEYRECT = [ HEAD + Block.PAD, Block.HEIGHT - 2*Block.PAD - Block.KEYSIZE, Block.KEYSIZE, Block.KEYSIZE ]
- #::: data format:
- # { "name": name, "id": pageId [, "beats": 2-12, "regularity": 0-1, "key": shortcut ] }
- #:::
- def __init__( self, owner, data ):
- Block.__init__( self, owner, data )
- self.type = Loop
- self.canParent = True
- self.canChild = True
- self.canSubstitute = True
- self.parentOffset = Loop.HEAD - 4
- self.data["beats"] = self.owner.noteDB.getPage(self.data["id"]).beats
- self.width = Loop.WIDTH[ self.data["beats"] ]
- if "regularity" not in self.data.keys():
- self.data["regularity"] = 0.8 #random.random()
- if "key" not in self.data.keys():
- self.data["key"] = None
- self.keyActive = False
- self.keyImage = [ self.owner.getKeyImage( self.data["key"], False ),
- self.owner.getKeyImage( self.data["key"], True ) ]
- self.img = [ self.owner.getLoopImage( self.data["id"], False ),
- self.owner.getLoopImage( self.data["id"], True ) ]
- def destroy( self ):
- if self.active:
- self.owner.deactivateLoop( self )
- if self.keyActive:
- self.owner.mapKey( None, self, self.data["key"] )
- self.owner.noteDB.deletePages( [ self.data["id"] ] )
- Block.destroy( self )
- def _updateWidth( self ):
- self.invalidateBranch( True )
- oldWidth = self.width
- self.width = Loop.WIDTH[self.data["beats"]]
- self.endX = self.x + self.width
- if self.child:
- self.child.snapToParentLoc( self.getChildAnchor() )
- if oldWidth < self.width: # or block.child:
- self.invalidateBranch( True )
- def updateLoop( self ):
- self.updateImage()
- self.invalidate_rect()
- if self.active:
- self.owner.updateLoop( self.getRoot().child )
- def updateImage( self ):
- self.owner.updateLoopImage( self.data["id"] )
- self.img = [ self.owner.getLoopImage( self.data["id"], False ),
- self.owner.getLoopImage( self.data["id"], True ) ]
- def setData( self, key, value ):
- if key == "beats":
- self.data["beats"] = value
- self.owner.noteDB.updatePage( self.data["id"], PARAMETER.PAGE_BEATS, value )
- self._updateWidth()
- self.updateLoop()
- elif key == "key":
- oldKey = self.data["key"]
- self.data["key"] = value
- self.keyImage = [ self.owner.getKeyImage( value, False ),
- self.owner.getKeyImage( value, True ) ]
- self.invalidate_rect()
- if self.keyActive:
- self.owner.mapKey( value, self, oldKey )
- else:
- self.data[key] = value
- def substitute( self, block ):
- self.invalidateBranch( True )
- oldWidth = self.width
- newid = self.owner.noteDB.duplicatePages( [ block.data["id"] ] )[block.data["id"]]
- self.data["id"] = newid
- self.data["beats"] = self.owner.noteDB.getPage(self.data["id"]).beats
- self.updateImage()
- self._updateWidth()
- if False: # don't substitute children
- if block.child:
- c = block.child
- after = self
- while c:
- data = {}
- for key in c.data.keys():
- data[key] = c.data[key]
- newid = self.owner.noteDB.duplicatePages( [ data["id"] ] )[data["id"]]
- self.owner.updateLoopImage( newid )
- data["id"] = newid
- copy = Loop( self.owner, self.gc, data )
- after.addChild( copy )
- after = copy
- c = c.child
- elif self.child:
- self.child.snapToParentLoc( self.getChildAnchor() )
- if self.active:
- self.owner.updateLoop( self.getRoot().child )
- def testSubstitute( self, block ):
- ret = Block.testSubstitute( self, block )
- if ret:
- return ret
- if block.type != Loop:
- return False
- if abs( self.x - block.x ) < Block.SNAP and abs( self.y - block.y ) < Block.SNAP:
- return self
- return False
- def setActive( self, state ):
- Block.setActive( self, state )
- if self.child:
- self.child.setActive( state )
- def addChild( self, child ):
- Block.addChild( self, child )
- if self.active:
- child.setActive( True )
- self.owner.updateLoop( self.getRoot().child )
- def _addParent( self, parent ):
- Block._addParent( self, parent )
- if self.parent.type == Instrument:
- self.keyActive = True
- self.owner.mapKey( self.data["key"], self )
- else:
- root = self.getRoot()
- if root.type == Instrument:
- root = root.child
- if root.getData("key") == None:
- root.setData( "key", self.data["key"] )
- self.setData( "key", None )
- def _removeParent( self ):
- if self.active:
- loopRoot = self.getRoot().child
- parent = self.parent
- else:
- loopRoot = None
- self.keyActive = False
- self.owner.mapKey( None, self, self.data["key"] )
- Block._removeParent( self )
- if loopRoot == self:
- self.owner.deactivateLoop( loopRoot )
- elif loopRoot != None:
- self.setActive( False )
- parent.child = None # disconnect us before updating
- self.owner.updateLoop( loopRoot )
- def testMouseOver( self, event ):
- ret = self.testWithinKey( event )
- if ret: return ret
- x = event.x - self.x
- y = event.y - self.y
- if 0 <= x <= self.width and 0 <= y <= self.height:
- return -1
- return False
- def testWithinKey( self, event ):
- if not self.keyActive:
- return False
- x = event.x - self.x
- y = event.y - self.y
- if Loop.KEYRECT[0] <= x <= Loop.KEYRECT[4] and Loop.KEYRECT[1] <= y <= Loop.KEYRECT[5]:
- return self
- return False
- def _doButtonPress( self, event ): # we were hit with a button press
- pass
- def button_release( self, event ):
- if not self.dragging:
- if self.active:
- root = self.getRoot()
- self.owner.deactivateLoop( root.child )
- else:
- root = self.getRoot()
- if root.type == Instrument: # must be attached to an instrument
- self.owner.activateLoop( root.child )
- Block.button_release( self, event )
- def _doDraw( self, startX, startY, stopX, stopY, pixmap ):
- y = max( startY, self.y )
- endY = min( stopY, self.endY )
- height = endY - y
- loop = self.img[ self.active ]
- if self.active: self.gc.foreground = self.owner.colors["Border_Active"]
- else: self.gc.foreground = self.owner.colors["Border_Inactive"]
- #-- draw head -----------------------------------------
- if self.x + Loop.HEAD > startX:
- x = max( startX, self.x )
- endX = min( stopX, self.x + Loop.HEAD )
- width = endX - x
- # draw border
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.x-Loop.MASK_START, self.y )
- pixmap.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, x, y, width, height )
- # draw block
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.x-Loop.MASK_START, self.y-self.height )
- pixmap.draw_drawable( self.gc, loop, x-self.x, y-self.y, x, y, width, height )
- #-- draw beats ----------------------------------------
- beats = self.owner.noteDB.getPage(self.data["id"]).beats - 1 # last beat is drawn with the tail
- curx = self.x + Loop.HEAD
- while beats > 3:
- if curx >= stopX:
- break
- elif curx + Loop.BEAT_MUL3 > startX:
- x = max( startX, curx )
- endX = min( stopX, curx + Loop.BEAT_MUL3 )
- width = endX - x
- # draw border
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Loop.MASK_BEAT, self.y )
- pixmap.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, x, y, width, height )
- # draw block
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Loop.MASK_BEAT, self.y-self.height )
- pixmap.draw_drawable( self.gc, loop, x-self.x, y-self.y, x, y, width, height )
- curx += Loop.BEAT_MUL3
- beats -= 3
- if beats and curx < stopX:
- endX = curx + Loop.BEAT*beats
- if endX > startX:
- x = max( startX, curx )
- endX = min( stopX, endX )
- width = endX - x
- # draw border
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Loop.MASK_BEAT, self.y )
- pixmap.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, x, y, width, height )
- # draw block
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Loop.MASK_BEAT, self.y-self.height )
- pixmap.draw_drawable( self.gc, loop, x-self.x, y-self.y, x, y, width, height )
- curx += Loop.BEAT*beats
- #-- draw tail -----------------------------------------
- if curx < stopX:
- x = max( startX, curx )
- endX = min( stopX, self.endX )
- width = endX - x
- # draw border
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Loop.MASK_TAIL, self.y )
- pixmap.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, x, y, width, height )
- # draw block
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( curx-Loop.MASK_TAIL, self.y-self.height )
- pixmap.draw_drawable( self.gc, loop, x-self.x, y-self.y, x, y, width, height )
- #-- draw key ------------------------------------------
- if self.keyActive:
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.x+Loop.KEYRECT[0]-Block.KEYMASK_START, self.y+Loop.KEYRECT[1] )
- pixmap.draw_drawable( self.gc, self.keyImage[ self.active ], 0, 0, self.x+Loop.KEYRECT[0], self.y+Loop.KEYRECT[1], Block.KEYSIZE, Block.KEYSIZE )
- def drawHighlight( self, startX, startY, stopX, stopY, pixmap ):
- self.gc.foreground = self.owner.colors["Border_Highlight"]
- #-- draw head -----------------------------------------
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.x-Loop.MASK_START, self.y )
- pixmap.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, self.x, self.y, Loop.HEAD, self.height )
- #-- draw beats ----------------------------------------
- beats = self.owner.noteDB.getPage(self.data["id"]).beats - 1 # last beat is drawn with the tail
- x = self.x + Loop.HEAD
- while beats > 3:
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( x-Loop.MASK_BEAT, self.y )
- pixmap.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, x, self.y, Loop.BEAT_MUL3, self.height )
- x += Loop.BEAT_MUL3
- beats -= 3
- if beats:
- width = Loop.BEAT*beats
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( x-Loop.MASK_BEAT, self.y )
- pixmap.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, x, self.y, width, self.height )
- x += width
- #-- draw tail -----------------------------------------
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( x-Loop.MASK_TAIL, self.y )
- pixmap.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, x, self.y, Loop.TAIL, self.height )
- def drawKeyHighlight( self, pixmap ):
- self.gc.foreground = self.owner.colors["Border_Highlight"]
- self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.x+Loop.KEYRECT[0]-Block.KEYMASK_START, self.y+Loop.KEYRECT[1]-Block.KEYSIZE )
- pixmap.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, self.x+Loop.KEYRECT[0], self.y+Loop.KEYRECT[1], Block.KEYSIZE, Block.KEYSIZE )
- def clear( self ):
- self.owner.noteDB.deleteNotesByTrack( [ self.data["id"] ], [ 0 ] )
- self.updateImage()
- self.invalidate_rect()
- if self.active:
- self.owner.updateLoop( self.getRoot().child )
-StrToClass = {
- "Instrument": Instrument,
- "Drum": Drum,
- "Loop": Loop
- }
-ClassToStr = {
- Instrument: "Instrument",
- Drum: "Drum",
- Loop: "Loop"
- }