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path: root/TamTamEdit.activity/Edit/rm/TrackView.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'TamTamEdit.activity/Edit/rm/TrackView.py')
1 files changed, 263 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TamTamEdit.activity/Edit/rm/TrackView.py b/TamTamEdit.activity/Edit/rm/TrackView.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b66abd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TamTamEdit.activity/Edit/rm/TrackView.py
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+import pygtk
+pygtk.require( '2.0' )
+import gtk
+from Framework.Constants import Constants
+from GUI.GUIConstants import GUIConstants
+from BackgroundView import SELECTNOTES
+from NoteView import NoteView
+# This view class is used to show the contents of a NoteTrack
+# i.e. a Collection of Note objects
+class TrackView:
+ #-----------------------------------
+ # initialization functions
+ #-----------------------------------
+ def __init__( self, trackID, beatsPerPageAdjustment ):
+ self.trackID = trackID
+ self.beatsPerPageAdjustment = beatsPerPageAdjustment
+ self.noteViews = []
+ self.posOffset = (0,0)
+ self.selectedNotes = []
+ def getID( self ):
+ return self.trackID
+ #-----------------------------------
+ # modification methods
+ #-----------------------------------
+ def setNotes( self, notes ):
+ self.clearNotes()
+ lineW = self.getBorderWidth()
+ for note in notes:
+ noteView = NoteView( note, self, self.beatsPerPageAdjustment )
+ self.noteViews.append( noteView )
+ noteView.setPositionOffset( (self.posOffset[0]+lineW, self.posOffset[1]+lineW ) )
+ self.updateNoteTransforms()
+ def clearNotes( self ):
+ del self.noteViews
+ self.noteViews = []
+ self.selectedNotes = []
+ def selectNotes( self, mode, which ):
+ if mode == SELECTNOTES.ALL:
+ for note in self.noteViews: note.setSelected( True )
+ self.selectedNotes = self.noteViews[:]
+ elif mode == SELECTNOTES.NONE:
+ for note in self.noteViews: note.setSelected( False )
+ self.selectedNotes = []
+ elif mode == SELECTNOTES.ADD:
+ for note in which:
+ if note.setSelected( True ):
+ self.selectedNotes.insert( 0, note )
+ elif mode == SELECTNOTES.REMOVE:
+ for note in which:
+ if note.setSelected( False ):
+ self.selectedNotes.remove( note )
+ for note in self.noteViews:
+ if note in which:
+ if note.setSelected( True ):
+ self.selectedNotes.insert( 0, note )
+ else:
+ if note.setSelected( False ):
+ self.selectedNotes.remove( note )
+ def updateDragLimits( self, dragLimits ):
+ if not len(self.selectedNotes): return # no selected notes here
+ leftBound = 0
+ maxRightBound = round( self.beatsPerPageAdjustment.value, 0 ) * Constants.TICKS_PER_BEAT
+ last = len(self.noteViews)-1
+ for i in range(0,last):
+ if not self.noteViews[i].getSelected():
+ leftBound = self.noteViews[i].getEndTick()
+ else:
+ if not self.noteViews[i+1].getSelected():
+ rightBound = min( self.noteViews[i+1].getStartTick(), maxRightBound )
+ widthBound = rightBound
+ else:
+ rightBound = maxRightBound
+ widthBound = min( self.noteViews[i+1].getStartTick(), maxRightBound )
+ self.noteViews[i].updateDragLimits( dragLimits, leftBound, rightBound, widthBound )
+ if self.noteViews[last].getSelected():
+ self.noteViews[last].updateDragLimits( dragLimits, leftBound, maxRightBound, maxRightBound )
+ def getNotesByBar( self, beatCount, startX, stopX ):
+ beatWidth = self.getBeatLineSpacing( beatCount )
+ beatStart = self.getBeatLineStart()
+ while beatStart+beatWidth <= startX:
+ beatStart += beatWidth
+ beatStop = beatStart + beatWidth
+ while beatStop+beatWidth < stopX:
+ beatStop += beatWidth
+ notes = []
+ for note in self.noteViews:
+ if note.checkX( beatStart, beatStop ):
+ notes.insert(0,note)
+ return notes
+ #-----------------------------------
+ # event methods
+ #-----------------------------------
+ def handleButtonPress( self, emitter, event ):
+ eX = event.x - self.posOffset[0]
+ eY = event.y - self.posOffset[1]
+ if eX < 0 or eX > self.width or eY < 0 or eY > self.height:
+ return False
+ for note in self.noteViews:
+ handled = note.handleButtonPress( emitter, event )
+ if handled: return handled
+ return False
+ def handleButtonRelease( self, emitter, event, buttonPressCount ):
+ eX = event.x - self.posOffset[0]
+ eY = event.y - self.posOffset[1]
+ if eX < 0 or eX > self.width or eY < 0 or eY > self.height:
+ return False
+ if event.button == 1:
+ if buttonPressCount == 1: emitter.toggleTrack( self.trackID, False )
+ else: emitter.toggleTrack( self.trackID, True )
+ return True
+ def handleMarqueeSelect( self, emitter, start, stop ):
+ intersectionY = [ max(start[1],self.posOffset[1]), min(stop[1],self.posOffset[1]+self.height) ]
+ if intersectionY[0] > intersectionY[1]:
+ return False
+ intersectionX = [ max(start[0],self.posOffset[0]), min(stop[0],self.posOffset[0]+self.width) ]
+ if intersectionX[0] > intersectionX[1]:
+ return False
+ hits = []
+ for note in self.noteViews:
+ hit = note.handleMarqueeSelect( emitter,
+ [ intersectionX[0], intersectionY[0] ], \
+ [ intersectionX[1], intersectionY[1] ] )
+ if hit: hits.insert(0,note)
+ if len(hits): return hits
+ return False
+ def noteDrag( self, emitter, dx, dy, dw ):
+ for note in self.selectedNotes:
+ note.noteDrag( emitter, dx, dy, dw )
+ def doneNoteDrag( self, emitter ):
+ for note in self.selectedNotes:
+ note.doneNoteDrag( emitter )
+ #-----------------------------------
+ # drawing methods
+ #-----------------------------------
+ def getBorderWidth( self ): #should return a constant value, otherwise we have to recalculate sizing and positioning everyframe!
+ return GUIConstants.BORDER_SIZE
+ def getBeatLineWidth( self ):
+ return GUIConstants.BEAT_LINE_SIZE #should return a constant value, otherwise we have to recalculate sizing and positioning everyframe!
+ def getBeatLineSpacing( self, beatCount ):
+ return (self.width - 2*self.getBorderWidth() + self.getBeatLineWidth())/beatCount
+ def getBeatLineStart( self ):
+ return self.posOffset[0] + self.getBorderWidth() - self.getBeatLineWidth()/2.0
+ def setPositionOffset( self, offset ):
+ self.posOffset = offset
+ lineW = self.getBorderWidth()
+ for note in self.noteViews:
+ note.setPositionOffset( ( self.posOffset[0]+lineW, self.posOffset[1]+lineW ) )
+ def draw( self, context, beatCount, selected ):
+ #if selected: lineW = GUIConstants.SELECTED_BORDER_SIZE
+ #else: lineW = GUIConstants.BORDER_SIZE
+ lineW = self.getBorderWidth()
+ context.set_line_width( lineW )
+ lineWDIV2 = lineW/2.0
+ context.move_to( self.posOffset[0] + lineWDIV2, self.posOffset[1] + lineWDIV2 )
+ context.rel_line_to( self.width - lineW, 0 )
+ context.rel_line_to( 0, self.height - lineW )
+ context.rel_line_to( -self.width + lineW, 0 )
+ context.close_path()
+ #draw the background
+ context.set_source_rgb( 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 )
+ context.fill_preserve()
+ #draw the border
+ if selected: context.set_source_rgb( 1, 1, 1 )
+ else: context.set_source_rgb( 0, 0, 0 )
+ context.stroke()
+ #draw the beat lines
+ beatLineWidth = self.getBeatLineWidth()
+ context.set_line_width( beatLineWidth )
+ beatWidth = self.getBeatLineSpacing( beatCount )
+ beatStart = self.getBeatLineStart()
+ context.set_source_rgb( 0, 0, 0 )
+ for i in range(1,beatCount):
+ context.move_to( beatStart + i*beatWidth, self.posOffset[1] + lineW )
+ context.rel_line_to( 0, self.height - 2*lineW )
+ context.stroke()
+ #draw the notes
+ for note in self.noteViews:
+ note.draw( context )
+ #-----------------------------------
+ # sizing methods
+ #-----------------------------------
+ def updateNoteTransforms( self ):
+ width = self.width - 2*self.getBorderWidth()
+ height = self.height - 2*self.getBorderWidth() # adjust for actual note drawing area
+ for noteView in self.noteViews:
+ noteView.updateTransform( (width, height) )
+ def set_size_request( self, width, height ):
+ self.width = width
+ self.height = height
+ self.updateNoteTransforms()
+#unused for now...
+class NoteViewPool:
+ def __init__( self, parentContainer, beatsPerPageAdjustment ):
+ self.parentContainer = parentContainer
+ self.beatsPerPageAdjustment = beatsPerPageAdjustment
+ self.pool = []
+ def addNoteView( self, noteView ):
+ #noteView.hide()
+ self.pool.append( noteView )
+ def addNoteViews( self, noteViews ):
+ for noteView in noteViews:
+ self.addNoteView( noteView )
+ def getNoteView( self ):
+ poolSize = len( pool )
+ if poolSize != 0:
+ return pool.pop( poolSize )
+ return NoteView( None, self.parentContainer, self.beatsPerPageAdjustment )