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path: root/TamTamJam.activity/common/Generation/Generator.py
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1 files changed, 174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TamTamJam.activity/common/Generation/Generator.py b/TamTamJam.activity/common/Generation/Generator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff05462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TamTamJam.activity/common/Generation/Generator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+import random
+import math
+import Utils
+import Drunk
+import common.Util.InstrumentDB as InstrumentDB
+import common.Config as Config
+from common.Util.CSoundNote import CSoundNote
+from common.Generation.GenerationConstants import GenerationConstants
+from common.Generation.GenerationRythm import GenerationRythm
+from common.Generation.GenerationPitch import GenerationPitch
+instrumentDB = InstrumentDB.getRef()
+class GenerationParameters:
+ def __init__( self,
+ density = GenerationConstants.DEFAULT_DENSITY,
+ rythmRegularity = GenerationConstants.DEFAULT_RYTHM_REGULARITY,
+ step = GenerationConstants.DEFAULT_STEP,
+ pitchRegularity = GenerationConstants.DEFAULT_PITCH_REGULARITY,
+ articule = GenerationConstants.DEFAULT_DURATION,
+ silence = GenerationConstants.DEFAULT_SILENCE,
+ rythmMethod = GenerationConstants.DEFAULT_RYTHM_METHOD,
+ pitchMethod = GenerationConstants.DEFAULT_PITCH_METHOD,
+ pattern = GenerationConstants.DEFAULT_PATTERN,
+ scale = GenerationConstants.DEFAULT_SCALE ):
+ self.density = density
+ self.rythmRegularity = rythmRegularity
+ self.step = step
+ self.pitchRegularity = pitchRegularity
+ self.articule = articule
+ self.silence = silence
+ self.rythmMethod = rythmMethod
+ self.pitchMethod = pitchMethod
+ self.pattern = pattern
+ self.scale = scale
+def generator1(
+ parameters, # algorithm-specific parameters
+ volume, # [trackId: float(volume) ]
+ instrument, # [pageId][trackId: instrument]
+ tempo, # integer bpm
+ nbeats, # map [ pageId : beats ]
+ trackIds, # list of trackIds to generate
+ pageIds, # list of pageIds to generate
+ trackDictionary, # map [ trackId : [ pageId : events ] ]
+ nPagesCycle = 4 # META ALGO number of pages in a section
+ ):
+ makeRythm = GenerationRythm()
+ makePitch = GenerationPitch()
+ def makeGainSequence( onsetList ):
+ gainSequence = []
+ append = gainSequence.append
+ rand = random.uniform
+ max = GenerationConstants.GAIN_MAX_BOUNDARY
+ midMax = GenerationConstants.GAIN_MID_MAX_BOUNDARY
+ midMin = GenerationConstants.GAIN_MID_MIN_BOUNDARY
+ min = GenerationConstants.GAIN_MIN_BOUNDARY
+ for onset in onsetList:
+ if onset == 0:
+ append(rand(midMax, max))
+ elif ( onset % Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT) == 0:
+ append(rand(midMin, midMax))
+ else:
+ append(rand(min, midMin))
+ return gainSequence
+ def makeDurationSequence( onsetList, parameters, table_duration, barLength, currentInstrument ):
+ durationSequence = []
+ if instrumentDB.instNamed[currentInstrument].name[0:4] == 'drum':
+ duration = GenerationConstants.DOUBLE_TICK_DUR / 2
+ durationSequence = [duration] * len(onsetList)
+ return durationSequence
+ append = durationSequence.append
+ proba = Utils.prob2
+ if len( onsetList ) > 1:
+ for i in range(len(onsetList) - 1):
+ append((onsetList[i+1] - onsetList[i]) * proba( table_duration ))
+ append(( barLength - onsetList[-1]) * proba( table_duration ))
+ elif len( onsetList ) == 1:
+ append( ( barLength - onsetList[0] ) * proba( table_duration ))
+ return durationSequence
+ def pageGenerate(parameters, trackId, pageId, trackOfNotes, drumPitch = None):
+ trackNotes = trackOfNotes
+ if drumPitch:
+ currentInstrument = instrumentDB.instNamed[instrument[pageId][trackId]].kit[drumPitch[0]]
+ rythmSequence = makeRythm.drumRythmSequence(parameters, currentInstrument, barLength)
+ pitchSequence = makePitch.drumPitchSequence(len(rythmSequence), parameters, drumPitch, table_pitch )
+ else:
+ currentInstrument = instrument[pageId][trackId]
+ rythmSequence = makeRythm.celluleRythmSequence(parameters, barLength, trackId, currentInstrument)
+ pitchSequence = makePitch.drunkPitchSequence(len(rythmSequence),parameters, table_pitch, trackId)
+ gainSequence = makeGainSequence(rythmSequence)
+ durationSequence = makeDurationSequence(rythmSequence, parameters, table_duration, barLength, currentInstrument)
+ numOfNotes = range(len(rythmSequence))
+ rand = random.random
+ append = trackNotes.append
+ pan = GenerationConstants.DEFAULT_PAN
+ instrument_id = instrumentDB.instNamed[instrument[pageId][trackId]].instrumentId
+ for i in numOfNotes:
+ if drumPitch:
+ if ( rand() * fillDrum ) > ( parameters.silence[0] * .5 ):
+ if fillDrum != 1:
+ if rythmSequence[i] not in trackOnsets or pitchSequence[i] not in trackPitchs:
+ append( CSoundNote( rythmSequence[i], pitchSequence[i], gainSequence[i], pan, durationSequence[i], trackId, instrument_id, 0.002, 0.098, 0.1, 0, 1000, False, 'edit' ) )
+ else:
+ append( CSoundNote( rythmSequence[i], pitchSequence[i], gainSequence[i], pan, durationSequence[i], trackId, instrument_id, 0.002, 0.098, 0.1, 0, 1000, False, 'edit' ) )
+ else:
+ if rand() > parameters.silence[trackId]:
+ append( CSoundNote( rythmSequence[i], pitchSequence[i], gainSequence[i], pan, durationSequence[i], trackId, instrument_id, 0.002, 0.1, 0.1, 0, 1000, False, 'edit' ) )
+ trackDictionary[ trackId ][ pageId ] = trackNotes
+ # begin generate()
+ table_pitch = GenerationConstants.SCALES[parameters.scale]
+ for trackId in trackIds:
+ if trackId == 4: # drum index
+ table_duration = Utils.scale(parameters.articule[0], GenerationConstants.ARTICULATION_SCALE_MIN_MAPPING, GenerationConstants.ARTICULATION_SCALE_MAX_MAPPING, GenerationConstants.ARTICULATION_SCALE_STEPS)
+ if parameters.rythmRegularity > 0.75:
+ streamOfPitch = GenerationConstants.DRUM_COMPLEXITY1
+ elif parameters.rythmRegularity > 0.5:
+ streamOfPitch = GenerationConstants.DRUM_COMPLEXITY2
+ elif parameters.rythmRegularity > 0.25:
+ streamOfPitch = GenerationConstants.DRUM_COMPLEXITY3
+ else:
+ streamOfPitch = GenerationConstants.DRUM_COMPLEXITY4
+ else:
+ table_duration = Utils.scale(parameters.articule[trackId], GenerationConstants.ARTICULATION_SCALE_MIN_MAPPING, GenerationConstants.ARTICULATION_SCALE_MAX_MAPPING, GenerationConstants.ARTICULATION_SCALE_STEPS)
+ selectedPageCount = 0
+ lastPageId = 0
+ for pageId in pageIds:
+ barLength = Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT * nbeats[ pageId ]
+ trackOfNotes = []
+ pageCycle = selectedPageCount % nPagesCycle
+ #if instrument[pageId][trackId][0:4] == 'drum':
+ if trackId == 4:
+ if pageCycle not in [0,nPagesCycle-1] and nbeats[pageId] == nbeats[lastPageId]:
+ trackDictionary[trackId][pageId] = []
+ for n in trackDictionary[trackId][lastPageId]:
+ trackDictionary[trackId][pageId].append(n.clone())
+ elif pageCycle == (nPagesCycle-1) and nbeats[pageId] == nbeats[lastPageId]:
+ for n in trackDictionary[trackId][lastPageId]:
+ trackOfNotes.append(n.clone())
+ trackOnsets = [n.onset for n in trackOfNotes]
+ trackPitchs = [n.pitch for n in trackOfNotes]
+ fillDrum = .5
+ rythmRegTemp = parameters.rythmRegularity[0]
+ parameters.rythmRegularity[0] = 0.5
+ for drumPitch in GenerationConstants.DRUM_COMPLEXITY4:
+ pageGenerate( parameters, trackId, pageId, trackOfNotes, drumPitch )
+ parameters.rythmRegularity[0] = rythmRegTemp
+ else:
+ fillDrum = 1
+ for drumPitch in streamOfPitch:
+ pageGenerate( parameters, trackId, pageId, trackOfNotes, drumPitch )
+ else:
+ pageGenerate( parameters, trackId, pageId, trackOfNotes, drumPitch = None )
+ selectedPageCount += 1
+ lastPageId = pageId