from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk import cairo from common.Util.NoteDB import PARAMETER from Edit.NoteInterface import NoteInterface import common.Config as Config def gdk_color_to_cairo(color): return (,, class HitInterface( NoteInterface ): def __init__( self, noteDB, owner, note ): NoteInterface.__init__( self, noteDB, owner, note ) self.width = self.height = Config.HIT_HEIGHT self.imgWidth = self.imgHeight = Config.HIT_HEIGHT + Config.HIT_IMAGE_PADDING_MUL2 self.firstTransform = True self.updateTransform() def updateTransform( self ): if in self.owner.getActivePages(): if not self.firstTransform: oldX = self.imgX oldY = self.imgY oldEndX = self.imgX + self.imgWidth dirty = True else: dirty = False beats = self.noteDB.getPage( ).beats if self.note.cs.onset != self.oldOnset or beats != self.oldBeats: self.x = self.owner.ticksToPixels( beats, self.note.cs.onset ) self.x += self.origin[0] self.imgX = self.x - Config.NOTE_IMAGE_PADDING self.oldOnset = self.note.cs.onset self.oldBeats = beats if self.note.cs.pitch != self.oldPitch: self.y = self.owner.pitchToPixelsDrum( self.note.cs.pitch ) + self.origin[1] self.imgY = self.y - Config.NOTE_IMAGE_PADDING self.oldPitch = self.note.cs.pitch if dirty: if self.firstTransform: self.owner.invalidate_rect( self.imgX, self.imgY, self.imgWidth, self.imgHeight, ) self.firstTransform = False else: x = min( self.imgX, oldX ) y = min( self.imgY, oldY ) endx = max( self.imgX + self.imgWidth, oldEndX ) endy = max( self.imgY, oldY ) + self.imgHeight self.owner.invalidate_rect( x, y, endx-x, endy-y, ) self.firstTransform = False def updateDragLimits( self, dragLimits, leftBound, rightBound, widthBound, maxRightBound ): left = 0 - self.note.cs.onset right = maxRightBound - self.note.cs.duration - self.note.cs.onset up = Config.MAXIMUM_PITCH_DRUM - self.note.cs.pitch down = Config.MINIMUM_PITCH_DRUM - self.note.cs.pitch if dragLimits[0][0] < left: dragLimits[0][0] = left if dragLimits[0][1] > right: dragLimits[0][1] = right if dragLimits[1][0] < down: dragLimits[1][0] = down if dragLimits[1][1] > up: dragLimits[1][1] = up # store the current loc as a reference point self.baseOnset = self.note.cs.onset self.basePitch = self.note.cs.pitch #======================================================= # Events # handleButtonPress returns: # -1, event occurs before us so don't bother checking any later notes # 0, event didn't hit # 1, event was handled def handleButtonPress( self, emitter, event ): eX = event.x - self.x if eX < 0: return -1 # event occurs before us, no point in checking further if eX > self.width: return 0 # no X overlap eY = event.y - self.y if eY < 0 or eY > self.height: return 0 # not a hit if event.button == 3: print "Show some note parameters!?!" #self.noteParameters = NoteParametersWindow( self.note, self.getNoteParameters ) return 1 # handled playSample = False if event.type == Gdk.EventType._2BUTTON_PRESS: # select bar self.potentialDeselect = False start = 0 check = self.note.cs.onset - Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT while start <= check: start += Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT stop = start + Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT check += 1 while stop < check: stop += Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT emitter.selectNotesByBar( self.note.track, start, stop ) elif event.type == gtk.gdk._3BUTTON_PRESS: # select track self.potentialDeselect = False emitter.selectNotesByTrack( self.note.track ) else: if self.getSelected(): # we already selected, might want to delected self.potentialDeselect = True else: emitter.selectNotes( { self.note.track: [ self ] } ) playSample = True percent = eX/self.width if percent < 0.5: emitter.setCurrentAction( "note-drag-onset", self ) else: emitter.setCurrentAction( "note-drag-pitch-drum", self ) if playSample: self.playSampleNote() return 1 def noteDragPitch( self, dp, stream ): self.potentialDeselect = False if dp != self.lastDragP and not dp%2: self.lastDragP = dp stream += [, self.basePitch + dp ] def noteDragDuration( self, dd, stream ): return def noteDecOnset( self, step, leftBound, stream ): if self.selected: if leftBound < self.note.cs.onset: onset = max( self.note.cs.onset+step, leftBound ) stream += [, onset ] return leftBound def noteIncOnset( self, step, rightBound, stream ): if self.selected: if rightBound > self.end: onset = min( self.end+step, rightBound ) - self.note.cs.duration stream += [, onset ] return rightBound def noteDecPitch( self, step, stream ): if self.note.cs.pitch > Config.MINIMUM_PITCH_DRUM: stream += [, max( self.note.cs.pitch+2*step, Config.MINIMUM_PITCH_DRUM ) ] def noteIncPitch( self, step, stream ): if self.note.cs.pitch < Config.MAXIMUM_PITCH_DRUM: stream += [, min( self.note.cs.pitch+2*step, Config.MAXIMUM_PITCH_DRUM ) ] def noteDecDuration( self, step, stream ): return def noteIncDuration( self, step, rightBound, stream ): return # updateTooltip returns: # -1, event occurs before us so don't bother checking any later notes # 0, event didn't hit # 1, event was handled def updateTooltip( self, emitter, event ): eX = event.x - self.x if eX < 0: return -1 # event occurs before us, no point in checking further if eX > self.width: return 0 # no X overlap eY = event.y - self.y if eY < 0 or eY > self.height: return 0 # not a hit percent = eX/self.width if percent < 0.5: emitter.setCursor("drag-onset") else: emitter.setCursor("drag-pitch") return 1 # we handled it #======================================================= # Draw def draw( self, surface, startX, stopX ): if stopX < self.imgX: return False # we don't need to draw and no one after us will draw if startX > self.imgX + self.imgWidth: return True # we don't need to draw, but maybe a later note does cxt = cairo.Context(surface) cxt.set_source_rgb(*gdk_color_to_cairo(self.color)) cxt.rectangle(self.x+2, self.y+2, self.width-4, self.height-4) cxt.fill() if self.selected: img = self.imageSelected else: img = self.image cxt.set_source_surface(img, 0, 0) cxt.paint() #win.draw_pixbuf( gc, img, 0, 0, self.imgX, self.imgY, self.imgWidth, self.imgHeight, gtk.gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE ) return True # we drew something