import pygtk pygtk.require( '2.0' ) import gtk import gobject from Util.ThemeWidgets import * from Util.Profiler import TP from Util import NoteDB from Util.NoteDB import PARAMETER from Util import ControlStream from Util.CSoundClient import new_csound_client from Util.InstrumentPanel import InstrumentPanel from Util.InstrumentPanel import DrumPanel from Util.CSoundNote import CSoundNote from EditToolbars import mainToolbar from EditToolbars import generateToolbar from gettext import gettext as _ from subprocess import Popen import time import os import commands import random class CONTEXT: PAGE = 0 TRACK = 1 NOTE = 2 import Config from SubActivity import SubActivity from Generation.GenerationConstants import GenerationConstants from Generation.GenerationParametersWindow import GenerationParametersWindow from Edit.Properties import Properties from Edit.TrackInterface import TrackInterface, TrackInterfaceParasite from Edit.TuneInterface import TuneInterface, TuneInterfaceParasite from Generation.Generator import generator1, GenerationParameters Tooltips = Config.Tooltips() KEY_MAP_PIANO = Config.KEY_MAP_PIANO #----------------------------------- # The main TamTam window #----------------------------------- class MainWindow( SubActivity ): def __init__( self, activity, set_mode ): self.csnd = new_csound_client() self.tooltips = gtk.Tooltips() self.activity = activity for i in [6,7,8,9,10]: self.csnd.setTrackVolume(100, i) self.trackCount = 6 def init_data( ): TP.ProfileBegin("init_data") self._data = {} #[ volume, ... ] self._data['track_volume'] = [ Config.DEFAULT_VOLUME ] * Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS self._data['track_mute'] = [ 1.0 ] * Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS #[ instrument index, ... ] self.trackInstrumentDefault = [ Config.INSTRUMENTS["kalimba"], Config.INSTRUMENTS["kalimba"], Config.INSTRUMENTS["kalimba"], Config.INSTRUMENTS["kalimba"], Config.INSTRUMENTS["drum2kit"] ] self.trackInstrument = self.trackInstrumentDefault[:] if len(self.trackInstrument) != Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS: raise 'error' self.drumIndex = Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS - 1 #second instrument for melodic tracks self.trackInstrument2Default = [ None, None, None, None] self.trackInstrument2 = self.trackInstrument2Default[:] self._data['volume'] = Config.DEFAULT_VOLUME self._data['tempo'] = Config.PLAYER_TEMPO self.playScope = "Selection" self.displayedPage = -1 self.trackSelected = [ 0 for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS) ] self.trackActive = [ 1 for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS) ] self.pages_playing = [] self.journalCalled = True self.noteDB = NoteDB.NoteDB() TP.ProfileEnd("init_data") def formatRoundBox( box, fillcolor ): box.set_radius( 7 ) box.set_border_width( 1 ) box.set_fill_color( fillcolor ) box.set_border_color( Config.PANEL_BCK_COLOR ) return box def init_GUI(): self.GUI = {} self.GUI["2main"] = gtk.VBox() def draw_inst_icons(): instrumentNames = [ k for k in Config.INSTRUMENTS.keys() if (k[0:4] != 'drum' and k[0:4] != 'guid') or Config.INSTRUMENTS[k].category == "kit" ] self.GUI["2instrumentIcons"] = {} for instrument in instrumentNames: try: self.GUI["2instrumentIcons"][instrument] = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(Config.IMAGE_ROOT + instrument + '.png') except: self.GUI["2instrumentIcons"][instrument] = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(Config.IMAGE_ROOT + 'generic.png') TP.ProfileBegin("init_GUI::instrument icons") draw_inst_icons() TP.ProfileEnd("init_GUI::instrument icons") #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # page self.GUI["2page"] = gtk.HBox() self.GUI["2main"].pack_start( self.GUI["2page"], False ) if 1: # + instrument panel self.GUI["2instrumentPanel"] = gtk.VBox() self.GUI["2instrumentPanel"].set_size_request( 132, -1 ) self.GUI["2page"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrumentPanel"], False ) # + + instrument 1 box self.GUI["2instrument1Box"] = formatRoundBox( RoundHBox(), Config.BG_COLOR ) self.GUI["2instrument1Box"].set_size_request( -1, 132 ) self.GUI["2instrument1volBox"] = gtk.VBox() self.GUI["2instrument1volumeAdjustment"] = gtk.Adjustment( self._data["track_volume"][1], 0, 100, 1, 1, 0 ) #self.GUI["2instrument1volumeAdjustment"].connect( "value_changed", self.onTrackVolumeChanged, 0 ) self.GUI["2instrument1volumeSlider"] = gtk.VScale(self.GUI["2instrument1volumeAdjustment"]) self.GUI["2instrument1volumeSlider"].set_draw_value(False) self.GUI["2instrument1volumeSlider"].set_inverted(True) self.GUI["2instrument1volumeSlider"].set_size_request( 30, -1 ) self.GUI["2instrument1volumeAdjustment"].connect( "value-changed", self.handleTrackVolume, 0 ) self.GUI["2instrument1muteButton"] = ImageToggleButton(Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"checkOff.svg",Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"checkOn.svg") self.GUI["2instrument1muteButton"].connect("toggled",self.handlemuteButton,0) self.GUI["2instrument1muteButton"].connect("button-press-event",self.handlemuteButtonRightClick,0) self.GUI["2instrument1muteButton"].set_active(True) self.GUI["2instrument1volBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument1volumeSlider"], True, True, 0 ) self.GUI["2instrument1volBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument1muteButton"], False, False, 5 ) self.GUI["2instrument1Box"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument1volBox"], False, False, 0 ) self.GUI["2instrument1Button"] = InstrumentButton( self, 0, Config.BG_COLOR ) self.GUI["2instrument1Button"].setPrimary( self.GUI["2instrumentIcons"][self.trackInstrument[0].name] ) self.GUI["2instrument1Box"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument1Button"], padding = 3 ) self.GUI["2instrumentPanel"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument1Box"] ) # + + instrument 2 box self.GUI["2instrument2Box"] = formatRoundBox( RoundHBox(), Config.BG_COLOR ) self.GUI["2instrument2Box"].set_size_request( -1, 132 ) self.GUI["2instrument2volBox"] = gtk.VBox() self.GUI["2instrument2volumeAdjustment"] = gtk.Adjustment( self._data["track_volume"][1], 0, 100, 1, 1, 0 ) #self.GUI["2instrument2volumeAdjustment"].connect( "value_changed", self.onTrackVolumeChanged, 1 ) self.GUI["2instrument2volumeSlider"] = gtk.VScale(self.GUI["2instrument2volumeAdjustment"]) self.GUI["2instrument2volumeSlider"].set_draw_value(False) self.GUI["2instrument2volumeSlider"].set_inverted(True) self.GUI["2instrument2volumeSlider"].set_size_request( 30, -1 ) self.GUI["2instrument2volumeAdjustment"].connect( "value-changed", self.handleTrackVolume, 1 ) self.GUI["2instrument2muteButton"] = ImageToggleButton(Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"checkOff.svg",Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"checkOn.svg") self.GUI["2instrument2muteButton"].connect("toggled",self.handlemuteButton,1) self.GUI["2instrument2muteButton"].connect("button-press-event",self.handlemuteButtonRightClick,1) self.GUI["2instrument2muteButton"].set_active(True) self.GUI["2instrument2volBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument2volumeSlider"], True, True, 0 ) self.GUI["2instrument2volBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument2muteButton"], False, False, 5 ) self.GUI["2instrument2Box"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument2volBox"], False, False, 0 ) self.GUI["2instrument2Button"] = InstrumentButton( self, 1, Config.BG_COLOR ) self.GUI["2instrument2Button"].setPrimary( self.GUI["2instrumentIcons"][self.trackInstrument[1].name] ) self.GUI["2instrument2Box"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument2Button"], padding = 3 ) self.GUI["2instrumentPanel"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument2Box"] ) # + + instrument 3 box self.GUI["2instrument3Box"] = formatRoundBox( RoundHBox(), Config.BG_COLOR ) self.GUI["2instrument3Box"].set_size_request( -1, 132 ) self.GUI["2instrument3volBox"] = gtk.VBox() self.GUI["2instrument3volumeAdjustment"] = gtk.Adjustment( self._data["track_volume"][2], 0, 100, 1, 1, 0 ) #self.GUI["2instrument3volumeAdjustment"].connect( "value_changed", self.onTrackVolumeChanged, 2 ) self.GUI["2instrument3volumeSlider"] = gtk.VScale(self.GUI["2instrument3volumeAdjustment"]) self.GUI["2instrument3volumeSlider"].set_draw_value(False) self.GUI["2instrument3volumeSlider"].set_inverted(True) self.GUI["2instrument3volumeSlider"].set_size_request( 30, -1 ) self.GUI["2instrument3volumeAdjustment"].connect( "value-changed", self.handleTrackVolume, 2 ) self.GUI["2instrument3muteButton"] = ImageToggleButton(Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"checkOff.svg",Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"checkOn.svg") self.GUI["2instrument3muteButton"].connect("toggled",self.handlemuteButton,2) self.GUI["2instrument3muteButton"].connect("button-press-event",self.handlemuteButtonRightClick,2) self.GUI["2instrument3muteButton"].set_active(True) self.GUI["2instrument3volBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument3volumeSlider"], True, True, 0 ) self.GUI["2instrument3volBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument3muteButton"], False, False, 5 ) self.GUI["2instrument3Box"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument3volBox"], False, False, 0 ) self.GUI["2instrument3Button"] = InstrumentButton( self, 2, Config.BG_COLOR ) self.GUI["2instrument3Button"].setPrimary( self.GUI["2instrumentIcons"][self.trackInstrument[2].name] ) self.GUI["2instrument3Box"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument3Button"], padding = 3 ) self.GUI["2instrumentPanel"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument3Box"] ) # + + instrument 4 box self.GUI["2instrument4Box"] = formatRoundBox( RoundHBox(), Config.BG_COLOR ) self.GUI["2instrument4Box"].set_size_request( -1, 132 ) self.GUI["2instrument4volBox"] = gtk.VBox() self.GUI["2instrument4volumeAdjustment"] = gtk.Adjustment( self._data["track_volume"][3], 0, 100, 1, 1, 0 ) #self.GUI["2instrument4volumeAdjustment"].connect( "value_changed", self.onTrackVolumeChanged, 3 ) self.GUI["2instrument4volumeSlider"] = gtk.VScale(self.GUI["2instrument4volumeAdjustment"]) self.GUI["2instrument4volumeSlider"].set_draw_value(False) self.GUI["2instrument4volumeSlider"].set_inverted(True) self.GUI["2instrument4volumeSlider"].set_size_request( 30, -1 ) self.GUI["2instrument4volumeAdjustment"].connect( "value-changed", self.handleTrackVolume, 3 ) self.GUI["2instrument4muteButton"] = ImageToggleButton(Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"checkOff.svg",Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"checkOn.svg") self.GUI["2instrument4muteButton"].connect("toggled",self.handlemuteButton,3) self.GUI["2instrument4muteButton"].connect("button-press-event",self.handlemuteButtonRightClick,3) self.GUI["2instrument4muteButton"].set_active(True) self.GUI["2instrument4volBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument4volumeSlider"], True, True, 0 ) self.GUI["2instrument4volBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument4muteButton"], False, False, 5 ) self.GUI["2instrument4Box"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument4volBox"], False, False, 0 ) self.GUI["2instrument4Button"] = InstrumentButton( self, 3, Config.BG_COLOR ) self.GUI["2instrument4Button"].setPrimary( self.GUI["2instrumentIcons"][self.trackInstrument[3].name] ) self.GUI["2instrument4Box"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument4Button"], padding = 3 ) self.GUI["2instrumentPanel"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrument4Box"] ) # + + drum box self.GUI["2drumBox"] = formatRoundBox( RoundHBox(), Config.BG_COLOR ) self.GUI["2drumBox"].set_size_request( -1, 165 ) self.GUI["2drumVolBox"] = gtk.VBox() self.GUI["2drumvolumeAdjustment"] = gtk.Adjustment( self._data["track_volume"][4], 0, 100, 1, 1, 0 ) #self.GUI["2drumvolumeAdjustment"].connect( "value_changed", self.onTrackVolumeChanged, 4 ) self.GUI["2drumvolumeSlider"] = gtk.VScale(self.GUI["2drumvolumeAdjustment"]) self.GUI["2drumvolumeSlider"].set_draw_value(False) self.GUI["2drumvolumeSlider"].set_inverted(True) self.GUI["2drumvolumeSlider"].set_size_request( 30, -1 ) self.GUI["2drumvolumeAdjustment"].connect( "value-changed", self.handleTrackVolume, 4 ) self.GUI["2drumMuteButton"] = ImageToggleButton(Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"checkOff.svg",Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"checkOn.svg") self.GUI["2drumMuteButton"].connect("toggled",self.handlemuteButton,4) self.GUI["2drumMuteButton"].connect("button-press-event",self.handlemuteButtonRightClick,4) self.GUI["2drumMuteButton"].set_active(True) self.GUI["2drumVolBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["2drumvolumeSlider"], True, True, 0 ) self.GUI["2drumVolBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["2drumMuteButton"], False, False, 5 ) self.GUI["2drumBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["2drumVolBox"], False, False, 0 ) self.GUI["2drumButton"] = ImageToggleButton(Config.IMAGE_ROOT + self.trackInstrument[4].name + '.png', Config.IMAGE_ROOT + self.trackInstrument[4].name + '.png') self.GUI["2drumButton"].connect("toggled", self.pickDrum) self.GUI["2drumBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["2drumButton"] ) self.GUI["2instrumentPanel"].pack_start( self.GUI["2drumBox"] ) self.GUI["2page"].pack_start( self.GUI["2instrumentPanel"], False ) # + track interface self.trackInterface = TrackInterface( self.noteDB, self, self.getScale ) self.noteDB.addListener( self.trackInterface, TrackInterfaceParasite, True ) self.trackInterface.set_size_request( 1068, 693 ) self.GUI["2page"].pack_start( self.trackInterface, False, False ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # tune interface if 1: # + tune interface self.GUI["2tuneHBox"] = RoundHBox( fillcolor = Config.TOOLBAR_BCK_COLOR, bordercolor = Config.TOOLBAR_BCK_COLOR, radius = 0 ) self.GUI["2tuneScrollLeftButton"] = ImageButton( Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"arrowEditLeft.png", Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"arrowEditLeftDown.png", Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"arrowEditLeftOver.png", backgroundFill = Config.TOOLBAR_BCK_COLOR ) self.GUI["2tuneScrollLeftButton"].set_size_request( 25, -1 ) self.GUI["2tuneScrollLeftButton"].connect( "clicked", lambda a1:self.scrollTune( -1 ) ) self.GUI["2tuneHBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["2tuneScrollLeftButton"], False, False ) self.GUI["2tuneVBox"] = gtk.VBox() self.GUI["2tuneScrolledWindow"] = gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.GUI["2tuneScrolledWindow"].set_policy( gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_NEVER ) self.tuneInterface = TuneInterface( self.noteDB, self, self.GUI["2tuneScrolledWindow"].get_hadjustment() ) self.noteDB.addListener( self.tuneInterface, TuneInterfaceParasite, True ) self.GUI["2tuneScrolledWindow"].add_with_viewport( self.tuneInterface ) self.tuneInterface.get_parent().set_shadow_type( gtk.SHADOW_NONE ) self.GUI["2tuneVBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["2tuneScrolledWindow"] ) self.GUI["2tuneSlider"] = gtk.HScrollbar( self.GUI["2tuneScrolledWindow"].get_hadjustment() ) #ImageHScale( Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"sliderEditTempo.png", self.GUI["2tuneScrolledWindow"].get_hadjustment(), 6 ) self.GUI["2tuneVBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["2tuneSlider"], False, False ) self.GUI["2tuneHBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["2tuneVBox"] ) self.GUI["2tuneScrollRightButton"] = ImageButton( Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"arrowEditRight.png", Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"arrowEditRightDown.png", Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"arrowEditRightOver.png", backgroundFill = Config.TOOLBAR_BCK_COLOR ) self.GUI["2tuneScrollRightButton"].set_size_request( 25, -1 ) self.GUI["2tuneScrollRightButton"].connect( "clicked", lambda a1:self.scrollTune( 1 ) ) self.GUI["2tuneHBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["2tuneScrollRightButton"], False, False ) self.GUI["2main"].pack_start( self.GUI["2tuneHBox"] ) # set tooltips for key in self.GUI: if Tooltips.Edit.has_key(key): self.tooltips.set_tip(self.GUI[key],Tooltips.Edit[key]) self.add( self.GUI["2main"] ) self.skipCleanup = "" # used when jumping between duplicate note/track # Popups TP.ProfileBegin("init_GUI::popups") # + instrument panel self.GUI["9instrumentPopup"] = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_POPUP) self.GUI["9instrumentPopup"].move( 400, 100 ) self.GUI["9instrumentPopup"].resize( 800, 452 ) self.GUI["9instrumentPopup"].set_modal(True) self.GUI["9instrumentPopup"].add_events( gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK ) self.GUI["9instrumentPopup"].connect("button-release-event", lambda w,e:self.cancelInstrumentSelection() ) # + drum panel TP.ProfileBegin("init_GUI::drumPanel") self.drumPanel = DrumPanel( self.donePickDrum ) TP.ProfileEnd("init_GUI::drumPanel") self.GUI["9drumPopup"] = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_POPUP) self.GUI["9drumPopup"].move( 400, 100 ) self.GUI["9drumPopup"].resize( 400, 100 ) self.GUI["9drumPopup"].set_modal(True) self.GUI["9drumPopup"].add_events( gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK ) self.GUI["9drumPopup"].connect("button-release-event", lambda w,e:self.cancelDrumSelection() ) self.GUI["9drumPopup"].add( self.drumPanel ) # + generation window TP.ProfileBegin("init_GUI::generationPanel") self.generationPanel = GenerationParametersWindow( self.generate, self.doneGenerationPopup ) TP.ProfileEnd("init_GUI::generationPanel") self.GUI["9generationPopup"] = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_POPUP) self.GUI["9generationPopup"].set_modal(True) self.GUI["9generationPopup"].add_events( gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK ) self.GUI["9generationPopup"].connect("button-release-event", lambda w,e:self.doneGenerationPopup() ) self.GUI["9generationPopup"].add( self.generationPanel ) # + properties window self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"] = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_POPUP) self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].set_modal(True) self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].add_events( gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK ) self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].connect("button-release-event", lambda w,e:self.donePropertiesPopup() ) TP.ProfileBegin("init_GUI::propertiesPanel") self.propertiesPanel = Properties( self.noteDB, self.donePropertiesPopup, self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"] ) TP.ProfileEnd("init_GUI::propertiesPanel") self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].add( self.propertiesPanel ) # + playback scope self.GUI["9loopPopup"] = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_POPUP) self.GUI["9loopPopup"].move( 100, 100 ) self.GUI["9loopPopup"].resize( 300, 100 ) self.GUI["9loopPopup"].set_modal(True) self.GUI["9loopPopup"].add_events( gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK ) self.GUI["9loopPopup"].connect("button-release-event", lambda w,e:self.GUI["2loopButton"].set_active(False) ) self.GUI["9loopBox"] = formatRoundBox( RoundHBox(), Config.BG_COLOR ) self.GUI["9loopAllOnce"] = gtk.Button("AO") self.GUI["9loopBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["9loopAllOnce"] ) self.GUI["9loopAllRepeat"] = gtk.Button("AR") self.GUI["9loopBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["9loopAllRepeat"] ) self.GUI["9loopSelectedOnce"] = gtk.Button("SO") self.GUI["9loopBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["9loopSelectedOnce"] ) self.GUI["9loopSelectedRepeat"] = gtk.Button("SR") self.GUI["9loopBox"].pack_start( self.GUI["9loopSelectedRepeat"] ) self.GUI["9loopPopup"].add(self.GUI["9loopBox"]) TP.ProfileEnd("init_GUI::popups") #=================================================== # begin initialization SubActivity.__init__( self, set_mode ) # keyboard variables self.kb_record = False self.kb_keydict = {} # playback params self.playing = False self.playSource = 'Page' self.currentpageId = 0 self.playingTuneIdx = 0 # timers self.playbackTimeout = False # FPS stuff self.fpsTotalTime = 0 self.fpsFrameCount = 0 self.fpsN = 100 # how many frames to average FPS over self.fpsLastTime = time.time() # fps will be borked for the first few frames but who cares? self.context = -1 # invalidate self.contextTrackActive = False self.contextNoteActive = False init_data() #above init_GUI() #above # register for notification AFTER track and tune interfaces self.noteDB.addListener( self, page=True, note=True ) self.csnd.setMasterVolume( self.getVolume() ) self.initTrackVolume() for tid in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS): self.handleInstrumentChanged( ( tid, self.trackInstrument[tid] ) ) instrumentsIds = [] for inst in self.trackInstrument: instrumentsIds.append(inst.instrumentId) first = self.noteDB.addPage( -1, NoteDB.Page(4, instruments = instrumentsIds) ) self.displayPage( first ) self.createNewTune( None ) # Toolbar self._mainToolbar = mainToolbar(self.activity.toolbox, self) self._generateToolbar = generateToolbar(self.activity.toolbox, self) self.activity.toolbox.add_toolbar(_('Compose'), self._mainToolbar) self.activity.toolbox.add_toolbar(_('Generate'), self._generateToolbar) self.activity.toolbox.set_current_toolbar(1) self.show_all() #gtk command self.setContext( CONTEXT.PAGE ) self.audioRecordState = False def createNewTune( self, widget, data=None ): if random.choice([0,1]): self.createNewTune1() else: self.createNewTune2() def createNewTune1( self ): if self.playing == True: self.handleStop() self.tuneInterface.selectPages( self.noteDB.getTune() ) beats = random.randint(3,8) stream = [] for page in self.noteDB.getTune(): stream += [ page, beats ] if len(stream): self.noteDB.updatePages( [ PARAMETER.PAGE_BEATS, len(stream)//2 ] + stream ) orch = self.newOrchestra() instrumentsIds = [] for inst in orch: instrumentsIds.append(inst.instrumentId) self.pageDelete( -1, instruments = instrumentsIds ) initTempo = random.randint(60, 132) self._data['tempo'] = initTempo #self.GUI["2tempoAdjustment"].set_value(self._data['tempo']) param = self.chooseGenParams() self.pageAdd(instruments = instrumentsIds) self.pageAdd(instruments = instrumentsIds) self.pageAdd(instruments = instrumentsIds) self.tuneInterface.selectPages( self.noteDB.getTune() ) self.displayPage( self.noteDB.getTune()[0] ) self.generateMode = 'page' self.generate( GenerationParameters( density = param[0], rythmRegularity = param[1], step = param[2], pitchRegularity = param[3], articule = param[4], silence = param[5], pattern = param[6], scale = param[7]) ) orch = self.newOrchestra() instrumentsIds = [] for inst in orch: instrumentsIds.append(inst.instrumentId) self.pageAdd(instruments = instrumentsIds) self.pageAdd(instruments = instrumentsIds) self.pageAdd(instruments = instrumentsIds) self.pageAdd(instruments = instrumentsIds) param = self.chooseGenParams() self.tuneInterface.selectPages( self.noteDB.getTune()[4:] ) self.displayPage( self.noteDB.getTune()[4] ) self.generateMode = 'page' self.generate( GenerationParameters( density = param[0], rythmRegularity = param[1], step = param[2], pitchRegularity = param[3], articule = param[4], silence = param[5], pattern = param[6], scale = param[7]) ) self.tuneInterface.selectPages( self.noteDB.getTune() ) self.displayPage( self.noteDB.getTune()[0] ) def createNewTune2( self ): if self.playing == True: self.handleStop() self.tuneInterface.selectPages( self.noteDB.getTune() ) beats = random.randint(3,8) stream = [] for page in self.noteDB.getTune(): stream += [ page, beats ] if len(stream): self.noteDB.updatePages( [ PARAMETER.PAGE_BEATS, len(stream)//2 ] + stream ) orch = self.newOrchestra() instrumentsIds = [] for inst in orch: instrumentsIds.append(inst.instrumentId) self.pageDelete( -1, instruments = instrumentsIds ) initTempo = random.randint(60, 132) self._data['tempo'] = initTempo #self.GUI["2tempoAdjustment"].set_value(self._data['tempo']) param = self.chooseGenParams() self.pageAdd(instruments = instrumentsIds) self.tuneInterface.selectPages( self.noteDB.getTune() ) self.displayPage( self.noteDB.getTune()[0] ) self.generateMode = 'page' self.generate( GenerationParameters( density = param[0], rythmRegularity = param[1], step = param[2], pitchRegularity = param[3], articule = param[4], silence = param[5], pattern = param[6], scale = param[7]) ) if param[0] < 0.5: densRange = .9 - param[0] densStep = densRange / 4. densDir = 1 else: densRange = param[0] - 0.1 densStep = densRange / 4. densDir = -1 if param[1] < 0.5: rytRange = .95 - param[1] rytStep = rytRange / 4. rytDir = 1 else: rytRange = param[1] - 0.25 rytStep = rytRange / 4. rytDir = -1 if param[2] < 0.5: stepRange = .95 - param[2] stepStep = stepRange / 4. stepDir = 1 else: stepRange = param[2] - 0.05 stepStep = stepRange / 4. stepDir = -1 if param[3] < 0.5: pitRange = .9 - param[3] pitStep = pitRange / 4. pitDir = 1 else: pitRange = param[3] - 0.1 pitStep = pitRange / 4. pitDir = -1 if param[4] < 0.5: durRange = .9 - param[4] durStep = durRange / 4. durDir = 1 else: durRange = param[4] - 0.45 durStep = durRange / 4. durDir = -1 for i in [1,2,3,4]: self.pageAdd(instruments = instrumentsIds) self.pageAdd(instruments = instrumentsIds) self.tuneInterface.selectPages( self.noteDB.getTune()[i*2:] ) #self.displayPage( self.noteDB.getTune()[i*2] ) self.generate( GenerationParameters( density = param[0], rythmRegularity = param[1]+(rytStep*i*rytDir), step = param[2]+(stepStep*i*stepDir), pitchRegularity = param[3]+(pitStep*i*pitDir), articule = param[4], silence = param[5], pattern = param[6], scale = param[7]) ) self.tuneInterface.selectPages( self.noteDB.getTune() ) self.displayPage( self.noteDB.getTune()[0] ) def newOrchestra(self): stringsPickup = [] windsPickup = [] keyboardPickup = [] fxPickup = [] drumsPickup = ["drum1kit", "drum2kit", "drum3kit", "drum4kit", "drum5kit"] for name in Config.INSTRUMENTS.keys(): if Config.INSTRUMENTS[name].category == 'strings' and Config.INSTRUMENTS[name].name != 'violin': stringsPickup.append(name) elif Config.INSTRUMENTS[name].category == 'winds' and Config.INSTRUMENTS[name].name != 'didjeridu': windsPickup.append(name) elif Config.INSTRUMENTS[name].category == 'keyboard' or Config.INSTRUMENTS[name].category == 'percussions': if Config.INSTRUMENTS[name].name != 'zap' and Config.INSTRUMENTS[name].name != 'cling': keyboardPickup.append(name) return [ Config.INSTRUMENTS[random.choice(stringsPickup)], Config.INSTRUMENTS[random.choice(stringsPickup)], Config.INSTRUMENTS[random.choice(windsPickup)], Config.INSTRUMENTS[random.choice(keyboardPickup)], Config.INSTRUMENTS[random.choice(drumsPickup)] ] def chooseGenParams(self): choose = random.randint(0,4) density = GenerationConstants.RYTHM_DENSITY_BANK[choose] rytReg = GenerationConstants.RYTHM_REGU_BANK[choose] step = GenerationConstants.PITCH_STEP_BANK[choose] pitReg = GenerationConstants.PITCH_REGU_BANK[choose] dur = GenerationConstants.DURATION_BANK[choose] silence = GenerationConstants.SILENCE_BANK[choose] pattern = GenerationConstants.PATTERN_BANK[choose] scale = GenerationConstants.SCALE_BANK[choose] return [density, rytReg, step, pitReg, dur, silence, pattern, scale] def onActivate( self, arg ): SubActivity.onActivate( self,arg ) # whatever needs to be done on initialization self.csnd.loopPause() self.csnd.loopClear() for n in self.noteDB.getNotes( ): self.csnd.loopPlay(n, 0) #adds all notes to c client in inactive state def onDeactivate( self ): SubActivity.onDeactivate( self ) # clean up things like popups etc self.releaseInstrumentPanel() self.csnd.loopPause() self.csnd.loopClear() def setInstrumentPanel( self, instrumentPanel ): instrumentPanel.configure( self.donePickInstrument, self.playInstrumentNote, enterMode = True ) self.instrumentPanel = instrumentPanel self.GUI["9instrumentPopup"].add( self.instrumentPanel ) def releaseInstrumentPanel( self ): self.GUI["9instrumentPopup"].remove( self.instrumentPanel ) def updateFPS( self ): t = time.time() dt = t - self.fpsLastTime self.fpsLastTime = t self.fpsTotalTime += dt self.fpsFrameCount += 1 if self.fpsFrameCount == self.fpsN: fps = self.fpsN/self.fpsTotalTime avgMS = 1000/fps fps = "FPS %d ms %.2f" % (fps, avgMS) #self.fpsText.set_text(fps ) if (Config.DEBUG > 2): print fps self.fpsTotalTime = 0 self.fpsFrameCount = 0 #========================================================= # Popup Windows def doneGenerationPopup( self ): if self.GUI["2pageGenerateButton"].get_active(): self.GUI["2pageGenerateButton"].set_active( False ) if self.GUI["2trackGenerateButton"].get_active(): self.GUI["2trackGenerateButton"].set_active( False ) def donePropertiesPopup( self ): if self.GUI["2pagePropertiesButton"].get_active(): self.GUI["2pagePropertiesButton"].set_active( False ) if self.GUI["2trackPropertiesButton"].get_active(): self.GUI["2trackPropertiesButton"].set_active( False ) if self.GUI["2notePropertiesButton"].get_active(): self.GUI["2notePropertiesButton"].set_active( False ) def cancelPopup( self, w, event, popup ): popup.hide() def handleLoopButton( self, w ): if w.get_active(): self.GUI["9loopPopup"].show_all() else: self.GUI["9loopPopup"].hide() #----------------------------------- # playback functions #----------------------------------- def updatePageSelection( self, selectedIds ): if not self.playing: return if self.playScope == "All": return if self.displayedPage in selectedIds: startPage = self.displayedPage else: startPage = selectedIds[0] self._playPages( selectedIds, startPage, self.trackInterface.getPlayhead() ) def updatePagesPlaying( self ): if not self.playing: return curTick = self.csnd.loopGetTick() pageTick = self.page_onset[self.displayedPage] if curTick < pageTick: pageTick = 0 ind = 0 else: ind = self.pages_playing.index(self.displayedPage) localTick = curTick - pageTick self._playPages( self.tuneInterface.getSelectedIds(), ind, localTick ) def handleAudioRecord( self, widget, data=None ): if widget.get_active() == True: chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog( title='Save tune as Audio file', action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL,gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL,gtk.STOCK_SAVE,gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) filter = gtk.FileFilter() filter.add_pattern('*.ogg') chooser.set_filter(filter) chooser.set_current_folder(Config.TUNE_DIR) for f in chooser.list_shortcut_folder_uris(): chooser.remove_shortcut_folder_uri(f) if == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: if self.playing: self.handleStop() else: self.handleRewind() self.audioRecordState = True self.audioFileName = chooser.get_filename() if self.audioFileName[-4:] != '.ogg': self.audioFileName += '.ogg' self.audioRecordTimeout = gobject.timeout_add( 500, self._startAudioRecord ) self.audioRecordTick = -1 chooser.destroy() else: self.audioRecordState = False def _startAudioRecord( self ): if not self.playing: self.handlePlay() return False def handlePlay( self, widget = None ): if widget: widget.event( gtk.gdk.Event( gtk.gdk.LEAVE_NOTIFY ) ) # fake the leave event if self.audioRecordState: self.csnd.inputMessage( "i5400 0 -1" ) time.sleep( 0.01 ) if self.playScope == "All": toPlay = self.noteDB.getTune() else: toPlay = self.tuneInterface.getSelectedIds() self._playPages( toPlay, self.displayedPage, self.trackInterface.getPlayhead() ) self.playing = True def _playPages( self, pages, startPage, startTick ): self.pages_playing = pages[:] trackset = set( [ i for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS) if self.trackActive[i] ] ) numticks = 0 self.page_onset = {} for pid in self.pages_playing: self.page_onset[pid] = numticks numticks += self.noteDB.getPage(pid).ticks # check for a second instrument on melodic tracks stream = [] for page in self.pages_playing: for track in trackset: if track != self.drumIndex: if self.trackInstrument2[track] != None: if len(self.noteDB.getNotesByTrack(page, track)): stream += [ page, track, NoteDB.PARAMETER.INSTRUMENT2, len(self.noteDB.getNotesByTrack(page, track)) ] for n in self.noteDB.getNotesByTrack(page, track): stream += [, self.trackInstrument2[track].instrumentId ] if len(stream): self.noteDB.updateNotes( stream + [-1] ) self.csnd.loopClear() for page in self.pages_playing: for track in trackset: for n in self.noteDB.getNotesByTrack( page, track ): self.csnd.loopPlay(n, 1) self.csnd.loopUpdate(n, NoteDB.PARAMETER.ONSET, n.cs.onset + self.page_onset[] , 1) self.csnd.loopSetNumTicks( numticks ) self.csnd.loopSetTick( self.page_onset[startPage] + startTick ) self.csnd.loopSetTempo(self._data['tempo']) if (Config.DEBUG > 3): print "starting from tick", startTick, 'at tempo', self._data['tempo'] self.csnd.loopStart() if not self.playbackTimeout: self.playbackTimeout = gobject.timeout_add( 50, self.onTimeout ) def handleStop( self, widget = None, rewind = True ): if widget: widget.event( gtk.gdk.Event( gtk.gdk.LEAVE_NOTIFY ) ) # fake the leave event if self.audioRecordState: self.csnd.inputMessage( "i5401 4 1" ) time.sleep( 0.01 ) if self.playbackTimeout: gobject.source_remove( self.playbackTimeout ) self.playbackTimeout = False self.csnd.loopPause() self.csnd.loopDeactivate() if self.audioRecordState: time.sleep(4) self.csnd.__del__() time.sleep(0.5) self.audioRecordState = False command = "gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location=" + Config.PREF_DIR + "/perf.wav ! wavparse ! audioconvert ! vorbisenc ! oggmux ! filesink location=" + self.audioFileName command2 = "rm /home/olpc/.sugar/default/tamtam/perf.wav" (status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(command) (status2, output2) = commands.getstatusoutput(command2) self.csnd.__init__() time.sleep(0.1) self.csnd.connect(True) time.sleep(0.1) self.waitToSet() self.csnd.load_instruments() self.GUI["2recordButton"].set_active(False) self.playing = False if rewind: self.handleRewind() def handleRewind( self, widget = None ): if self.playScope == "All": id = self.noteDB.getPageByIndex(0) else: id = self.tuneInterface.getFirstSelected() self.trackInterface.setPlayhead( 0 ) self.displayPage( id ) def handleClose(self,widget): self.activity.close() def onTimeout(self): self.updateFPS() curTick = self.csnd.loopGetTick() pageTick = self.page_onset[self.displayedPage] if curTick < pageTick: pageTick = 0 ind = 0 else: ind = self.pages_playing.index(self.displayedPage) localTick = curTick - pageTick pageLength = self.noteDB.getPage(self.pages_playing[ind]).ticks max = len(self.pages_playing) while localTick > pageLength: ind += 1 if ind == max: ind = 0 localTick -= pageLength pageLength = self.noteDB.getPage(self.pages_playing[ind]).ticks self.trackInterface.setPlayhead( localTick ) if self.pages_playing[ind] != self.displayedPage: if ind + 1 < max: predraw = self.pages_playing[ind+1] else: predraw = self.pages_playing[0] self._displayPage( self.pages_playing[ind], predraw ) else: self.trackInterface.predrawPage() if self.audioRecordState: if self.audioRecordTick > curTick: # we've looped around self.handleStop() else: self.audioRecordTick = curTick return True def onMuteTrack( self, widget, trackId ): self._data['track_mute'][trackId] = not self._data['track_mute'][trackId] #if self._data['track_mute'][trackId]: #self.noteLooper.setMute( trackId, 0.0 ) #else: #self.noteLooper.setMute( trackId, 1.0 ) def onTrackVolumeChanged( self, widget, trackId ): v = widget.get_value() / 100.0 self._data['track_volume'][trackId] = v #self.noteLooper.setVolume( trackId, v ) def clearInstrument( self, id, primary = True ): btn = self.GUI["2instrument%dButton" % (id+1)] if primary: if self.trackInstrument2[id] == None: return self.handleInstrumentChanged( ( id, self.trackInstrument2[id] ), True ) self.handleInstrumentChanged( ( id, None ), False ) btn.setPrimary( self.GUI["2instrumentIcons"][self.trackInstrument[id].name] ) btn.setSecondary( None ) else: self.handleInstrumentChanged( ( id, None ), False ) btn.setSecondary( None ) pages = self.tuneInterface.getSelectedIds() self.noteDB.setInstrument2( pages, id, -1 ) # data is tuple ( trackId, instrumentName ) def handleInstrumentChanged( self, data, primary = True ): (id, instrument) = data if primary: self.trackInstrument[id] = instrument else: self.trackInstrument2[id] = instrument if primary: # TODO handle secondary instruments properly if (Config.DEBUG > 3): print "handleInstrumentChanged", id,, primary pages = self.tuneInterface.getSelectedIds() self.noteDB.setInstrument( pages, id, instrument.instrumentId ) def getScale(self): return self.generationPanel.scale def handleVolume( self, widget ): self._data["volume"] = round( widget.get_value() ) self.csnd.setMasterVolume(self._data["volume"]) img = min(3,int(4*self._data["volume"]/100)) # volume 0-3 #self.GUI["2volumeImage"].set_from_file( Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"volume"+str(img)+".png" ) def initTrackVolume( self ): for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS): self.csnd.setTrackVolume(self._data["track_volume"][i], i) def handleTrackVolume( self, widget, track ): self._data["track_volume"][track] = round( widget.get_value() ) self.csnd.setTrackVolume(self._data["track_volume"][track], track) def getTrackInstrument( self, track ): return self.trackInstrument[track] def getTrackVolume( self, track ): return self._data["track_volume"][track] def handleTempo( self, widget ): self._data['tempo'] = round( widget.get_value() ) img = min(7,int(8*(self._data["tempo"]-widget.lower)/(widget.upper-widget.lower)))+1# tempo 1-8 #self.GUI["2tempoImage"].set_from_file( Config.IMAGE_ROOT+"tempo"+str(img)+".png" ) if self.playing: self.csnd.loopSetTempo(self._data['tempo']) def handleToolClick( self, widget, mode ): if widget.get_active(): self.trackInterface.setInterfaceMode( mode ) def getTool( self ): if self.GUI["2toolPointerButton"].get_active(): return "default" else: return "draw" def handleKeyboardRecordButton( self, widget, data=None ): self.kb_record = widget.get_active() def pickInstrument( self, widget, num, primary = True ): self.last_clicked_instTrackID = num self.last_clicked_instPrimary = primary self.instrumentPanel.selectFirstCat() if primary or self.trackInstrument2[num] == None: self.instrumentPanel.set_activeInstrument( self.trackInstrument[num].name, True ) else: self.instrumentPanel.set_activeInstrument( self.trackInstrument2[num].name, True ) winLoc = self.parent.window.get_position() alloc = widget.parent.get_allocation() x = alloc.x + alloc.width + winLoc[0] y = alloc.y + winLoc[1] self.GUI["9instrumentPopup"].move( x, y ) self.GUI["9instrumentPopup"].show() def cancelInstrumentSelection( self ): self.GUI["9instrumentPopup"].hide() def donePickInstrument( self, instrumentName ): self.handleInstrumentChanged( (self.last_clicked_instTrackID, Config.INSTRUMENTS[instrumentName]), self.last_clicked_instPrimary ) btn = self.GUI["2instrument%dButton" % (self.last_clicked_instTrackID+1)] if self.last_clicked_instPrimary: btn.setPrimary( self.GUI["2instrumentIcons"][instrumentName] ) else: btn.setSecondary( self.GUI["2instrumentIcons"][instrumentName] ) self.GUI["9instrumentPopup"].hide() def pickDrum( self, widget , data = None ): if widget.get_active(): # show the panel winLoc = self.parent.window.get_position() alloc = widget.get_allocation() x = alloc.x + alloc.width + winLoc[0] y = alloc.y + winLoc[1] self.drumPanel.set_activeInstrument( self.trackInstrument[Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS-1].name, True ) self.GUI["9drumPopup"].move( x, y ) self.GUI["9drumPopup"].show() else: # hide the panel self.GUI["9drumPopup"].hide() def cancelDrumSelection( self ): self.GUI["2drumButton"].set_active( False ) def donePickDrum( self, drumName ): self.handleInstrumentChanged( ( self.drumIndex, Config.INSTRUMENTS[drumName] ) ) self.GUI["2drumButton"].setImage( "main", self.GUI["2instrumentIcons"][drumName] ) self.GUI["2drumButton"].setImage( "alt", self.GUI["2instrumentIcons"][drumName] ) self.GUI["2drumButton"].set_active( False ) def playInstrumentNote( self, instrumentName, secs_per_tick = 0.025): CSoundNote( onset = 0, pitch = 36, amplitude = 1, pan = 0.5, duration = 20, trackId = 1, instrumentId = Config.INSTRUMENTS[instrumentName].instrumentId, reverbSend = 0), secs_per_tick) def handlemuteButton(self,widget,track): if widget.get_active(): self.trackActive[track] = True else: self.trackActive[track] = False self.updatePagesPlaying() def handlemuteButtonRightClick(self,widget,event,track): if event.button == 3: widget.set_active(True) #if the other tracks are inactive if self.trackActive.count(False) == Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS - 1: for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS): if i == 4: self.GUI["2drumMuteButton"].set_active(True) else: self.GUI["2instrument" + str(i+1) + "muteButton"].set_active(True) else: for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS): if i != track: if i == 4: self.GUI["2drumMuteButton"].set_active(False) else: self.GUI["2instrument" + str(i+1) + "muteButton"].set_active(False) self.updatePagesPlaying() #----------------------------------- # generation functions #----------------------------------- def recompose( self, algo, params): if self.generateMode == "track": if self.trackSelected == [ 0 for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS) ]: newtracks = set(range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS)) else: newtracks = set( [ i for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS) if self.trackSelected[i] ] ) newpages = self.tuneInterface.getSelectedIds() else: # page mode newtracks = set(range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS)) newpages = self.tuneInterface.getSelectedIds() dict = {} for t in newtracks: dict[t] = {} for p in newpages: dict[t][p] = self.noteDB.getCSNotesByTrack( p, t ) beatsOfPages = {} for pageId in newpages: beatsOfPages[pageId] = self.noteDB.pages[pageId].beats instruments = self.noteDB.getInstruments(newpages) #[ for i in self.trackInstrument ], algo( params, self._data['track_volume'][:], instruments, self._data['tempo'], beatsOfPages, newtracks, newpages, dict) # filter & fix input ...WTF!? for track in dict: for page in dict[track]: for note in dict[track][page]: intdur = int(note.duration) note.duration = intdur note.pageId = page note.trackId = track # prepare the new notes newnotes = [] for tid in dict: for pid in dict[tid]: newnotes += dict[tid][pid] # delete the notes and add the new self.noteDB.deleteNotesByTrack( newpages, newtracks ) stream = [] for page in newpages: for track in newtracks: stream += [ page, track, len(dict[track][page]) ] stream += dict[track][page] stream += [-1] self.noteDB.addNotes( stream ) def generate( self, params ): self.recompose( generator1, params) #======================================================= # Clipboard Functions def getClipboardArea( self, page = -1 ): if page == -1: page = self.displayedPage ids = self.tuneInterface.getSelectedIds() return self.noteDB.getClipboardArea( ids.index(page) ) def pasteClipboard( self, offset, trackMap ): pages = self.tuneInterface.getSelectedIds() instrumentMap = {} for t in trackMap: if t != trackMap[t]: instrumentMap[t] = self.trackInstrument[t].instrumentId return self.noteDB.pasteClipboard( pages, offset, trackMap, instrumentMap ) def cleanupClipboard( self ): self.trackInterface.donePaste() #======================================================= # Note Functions def noteProperties( self, widget ): if widget.get_active(): ids = self.trackInterface.getSelectedNotes() notes = { self.displayedPage: {} } for t in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS): if len(ids[t]): notes[self.displayedPage][t] = [ self.noteDB.getNote( self.displayedPage, t, id ) for id in ids[t] ] self.propertiesPanel.setContext("note", self.generationPanel.scale, notes = notes ) winLoc = self.parent.window.get_position() balloc = self.GUI["2contextBox"].get_allocation() walloc = self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].get_allocation() if walloc.height != 1: # hack to deal with showing the window before first allocation T_T self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].move( balloc.x + winLoc[0] - 30, balloc.y - walloc.height + winLoc[1] ) else: self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].move(0, 2048) # off the screen self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].show() if walloc.height == 1: walloc = self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].get_allocation() self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].move( balloc.x + winLoc[0] - 30, balloc.y - walloc.height + winLoc[1] ) else: self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].hide() def noteDelete( self ): ids = self.trackInterface.getSelectedNotes() stream = [] for t in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS): N = len(ids[t]) if not N: continue stream += [ self.displayedPage, t, N ] + ids[t] if len(stream): self.noteDB.deleteNotes( stream + [-1] ) def noteDuplicate( self ): ids = self.trackInterface.getSelectedNotes() stream = [] for t in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS): N = len(ids[t]) if not N: continue stream += [ self.displayedPage, t, N ] + ids[t] if len(stream): self.skipCleanup = "note" self.skipCleanup = "" self.noteDB.notesToClipboard( stream + [-1] ) self.trackInterface.setInterfaceMode("paste_notes") return True return False def noteDuplicateWidget( self, widget ): if widget.get_active(): if self.noteDuplicate(): # duplicate succeeded return # cancel duplicate widget.set_active(False) self.trackInterface.setInterfaceMode("tool") else: self.trackInterface.setInterfaceMode("tool") def noteOnset( self, step ): self.trackInterface.noteStepOnset( step ) def notePitch( self, step ): # TODO return def noteDuration( self, step ): # TODO return def noteVolume( self, step ): # TODO return #======================================================= # Track Functions def toggleTrack( self, trackN, exclusive ): if exclusive: for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS): if self.trackSelected[i]: self.trackSelected[i] = False self.trackInterface.trackToggled( i ) self.tuneInterface.trackToggled( i ) self.trackSelected[trackN] = True self.trackInterface.trackToggled( trackN ) self.tuneInterface.trackToggled( trackN ) self.setContextState( CONTEXT.TRACK, True ) self.setContext( CONTEXT.TRACK ) else: self.trackSelected[trackN] = not self.trackSelected[trackN] self.trackInterface.trackToggled( trackN ) self.tuneInterface.trackToggled( trackN ) trackSelected = False for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS): if self.trackSelected[i]: self.setContextState( CONTEXT.TRACK, True ) self.setContext( CONTEXT.TRACK ) trackSelected = True break if not trackSelected: self.setContextState( CONTEXT.TRACK, False ) def setTrack( self, trackN, state ): if self.trackSelected[trackN] != state: self.trackSelected[trackN] = state self.trackInterface.trackToggled( trackN ) def clearTracks( self ): for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS): if self.trackSelected[i]: self.trackSelected[i]= False self.trackInterface.trackToggled( i ) self.tuneInterface.trackToggled( i ) self.setContextState( CONTEXT.TRACK, False ) def getTrackSelected( self, trackN ): return self.trackSelected[trackN] def trackGenerate( self, widget ): if widget.get_active(): self.generateMode = "track" winLoc = self.parent.window.get_position() balloc = self.GUI["2contextBox"].get_allocation() walloc = self.GUI["9generationPopup"].get_allocation() if walloc.height != 1: # hack to make deal with showing the window before first allocation T_T self.GUI["9generationPopup"].move( balloc.x + winLoc[0], balloc.y - walloc.height + winLoc[1] ) else: self.GUI["9generationPopup"].move(0, 2048) # off the screen self.GUI["9generationPopup"].show() if walloc.height == 1: walloc = self.GUI["9generationPopup"].get_allocation() self.GUI["9generationPopup"].move( balloc.x + winLoc[0], balloc.y - walloc.height + winLoc[1] ) else: self.GUI["9generationPopup"].hide() def trackProperties( self, widget ): if widget.get_active(): self.propertiesPanel.setContext( "track", self.generationPanel.scale, self.tuneInterface.getSelectedIds(), [ i for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS) if self.trackSelected[i] ] ) winLoc = self.parent.window.get_position() balloc = self.GUI["2contextBox"].get_allocation() walloc = self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].get_allocation() if walloc.height != 1: # hack to make deal with showing the window before first allocation T_T self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].move( balloc.x + winLoc[0] - 30, balloc.y - walloc.height + winLoc[1] ) else: self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].move(0, 2048) # off the screen self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].show() if walloc.height == 1: walloc = self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].get_allocation() self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].move( balloc.x + winLoc[0] - 30, balloc.y - walloc.height + winLoc[1] ) else: self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].hide() def trackDelete( self, pageIds = -1, trackIds = -1 ): if pageIds == -1: pageIds = self.tuneInterface.getSelectedIds() if trackIds == -1: trackIds = [ i for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS) if self.trackSelected[i] ] self.noteDB.deleteNotesByTrack( pageIds, trackIds ) def trackDuplicate( self, pageIds = -1, trackIds = -1 ): if pageIds == -1: pageIds = self.tuneInterface.getSelectedIds() if trackIds == -1: trackIds = [ i for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS) if self.trackSelected[i] ] if len(trackIds): self.skipCleanup = "track" self.skipCleanup = "" self.noteDB.tracksToClipboard( pageIds, trackIds ) self.trackInterface.setInterfaceMode("paste_tracks") return True return False def trackDuplicateWidget( self, widget ): if widget.get_active(): if self.trackDuplicate(): # duplicate succeeded return # cancel duplicate widget.set_active(False) self.trackInterface.setInterfaceMode("tool") else: self.trackInterface.setInterfaceMode("tool") #----------------------------------- # tune/page functions #----------------------------------- def scrollTune( self, direction ): adj = self.GUI["2tuneScrolledWindow"].get_hadjustment() if direction > 0: adj.set_value( min( adj.value + Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, adj.upper - adj.page_size ) ) else: adj.set_value( max( adj.value - Config.PAGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, 0) ) def displayPage( self, pageId, nextId = -1 ): if self.playing: if self.displayedPage != pageId and pageId in self.pages_playing: self.csnd.loopSetTick( self.page_onset[pageId] ) self._displayPage( pageId, nextId ) # only called locally! def _displayPage( self, pageId, nextId = -1 ): self.displayedPage = pageId page = self.noteDB.getPage(pageId) for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS): if self.trackInstrument[i].instrumentId != page.instruments[i]: self.trackInstrument[i] = Config.INSTRUMENTSID[page.instruments[i]] if i == Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS-1: btn = self.GUI["2drumButton"] btn.setImage( "main", self.GUI["2instrumentIcons"][self.trackInstrument[i].name] ) btn.setImage( "alt", self.GUI["2instrumentIcons"][self.trackInstrument[i].name] ) else: btn = self.GUI["2instrument%dButton"%(i+1)] btn.setPrimary( self.GUI["2instrumentIcons"][self.trackInstrument[i].name] ) if self.trackInstrument2[i] != None: btn.setSecondary( self.GUI["2instrumentIcons"][self.trackInstrument2[i].name] ) else: btn.setSecondary( None ) self.tuneInterface.displayPage( pageId ) self.trackInterface.displayPage( pageId, nextId ) def predrawPage( self, pageId ): if self.playbackTimeout: return # we're playing, predrawing is already handled if self.trackInterface.setPredrawPage( pageId ): # page needs to be drawn self.trackInterface.predrawPage() def abortPredrawPage( self ): self.trackInterface.abortPredrawPage() def pageGenerate( self, widget ): if widget.get_active(): self.generateMode = "page" winLoc = self.parent.window.get_position() balloc = self.GUI["2contextBox"].get_allocation() walloc = self.GUI["9generationPopup"].get_allocation() if walloc.height != 1: # hack to make deal with showing the window before first allocation T_T self.GUI["9generationPopup"].move( balloc.x + winLoc[0], balloc.y - walloc.height + winLoc[1] ) else: self.GUI["9generationPopup"].move(0, 2048) # off the screen self.GUI["9generationPopup"].show() if walloc.height == 1: walloc = self.GUI["9generationPopup"].get_allocation() self.GUI["9generationPopup"].move( balloc.x + winLoc[0], balloc.y - walloc.height + winLoc[1] ) else: self.GUI["9generationPopup"].hide() def setPageGenerateMode(self, mode): self.generateMode = mode def pageProperties( self, widget ): if widget.get_active(): self.propertiesPanel.setContext( "page", self.generationPanel.scale, self.tuneInterface.getSelectedIds() ) winLoc = self.parent.window.get_position() balloc = self.GUI["2contextBox"].get_allocation() walloc = self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].get_allocation() if walloc.height != 1: # hack to make deal with showing the window before first allocation T_T self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].move( balloc.x + winLoc[0] - 100, balloc.y - walloc.height + winLoc[1] ) else: self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].move(0, 2048) # off the screen self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].show() if walloc.height == 1: walloc = self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].get_allocation() self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].move( balloc.x + winLoc[0] - 100, balloc.y - walloc.height + winLoc[1] ) else: self.GUI["9propertiesPopup"].hide() def pageDelete( self, pageIds = -1, instruments = False ): if pageIds == -1: pageIds = self.tuneInterface.getSelectedIds() if instruments == False: instruments = [] for inst in self.trackInstrument: instruments.append(inst.instrumentId) self.noteDB.deletePages( pageIds[:], instruments ) def pageDuplicate( self, after = -1, pageIds = False ): if after == -1: after = self.tuneInterface.getLastSelected() if not pageIds: pageIds = self.tuneInterface.getSelectedIds() new = self.noteDB.duplicatePages( pageIds[:], after ) self.displayPage( new[self.displayedPage] ) self.tuneInterface.selectPages( new.values() ) def pageAdd( self, after = -1, beats = False, color = False, instruments = False ): if after == -1: after = self.tuneInterface.getLastSelected() page = self.noteDB.getPage( self.displayedPage ) if not beats: beats = if not color: color = page.color if not instruments: instruments = page.instruments # TODO think about network mode here... self.displayPage( self.noteDB.addPage( -1, NoteDB.Page(beats,color,instruments), after ) ) def pageBeats( self, pageIds = -1 ): if pageIds == -1: pageIds = self.tuneInterface.getSelectedIds() # TODO change the beats #======================================================= # NoteDB notifications def notifyPageAdd( self, id, at ): return def notifyPageDelete( self, which, safe ): if self.displayedPage in which: self.displayPage( safe ) def notifyPageDuplicate( self, new, at ): return def notifyPageMove( self, which, low, high ): return def notifyPageUpdate( self, page, parameter, value ): pass def notifyNoteAdd( self, page, track, id ): if (Config.DEBUG > 3) : print 'INFO: adding note to loop', page, track, id n = self.noteDB.getNote(page, track, id) self.csnd.loopPlay(n,0) if self.playing and ( in self.page_onset ): onset = n.cs.onset + self.page_onset[] self.csnd.loopUpdate(n, NoteDB.PARAMETER.ONSET, onset, 1) #set onset + activate def notifyNoteDelete( self, page, track, id ): if (Config.DEBUG > 3) : print 'INFO: deleting note from loop', page, track, id self.csnd.loopDelete1(page,id) def notifyNoteUpdate( self, page, track, id, parameter, value ): if (Config.DEBUG > 3) : print 'INFO: updating note ', page, id, parameter, value note = self.noteDB.getNote(page, track, id) self.csnd.loopUpdate(note, parameter, value, -1) #----------------------------------- # load and save functions #----------------------------------- def waitToSet(self): self.csnd.setMasterVolume(self._data['volume']) self.csnd.loopSetTempo(self._data['tempo']) self.initTrackVolume() def handleSave(self, widget): chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog( title='Save Tune', action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL,gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL,gtk.STOCK_SAVE,gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) filter = gtk.FileFilter() filter.add_pattern('*.tam') chooser.set_filter(filter) chooser.set_current_folder(Config.TUNE_DIR) for f in chooser.list_shortcut_folder_uris(): chooser.remove_shortcut_folder_uri(f) if == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: ofilename = chooser.get_filename() if ofilename[-4:] != '.tam': ofilename += '.tam' try: ofile = open(ofilename, 'w') ofilestream = ControlStream.TamTamOStream (ofile) self.noteDB.dumpToStream(ofilestream) ofilestream.track_vol(self._data['track_volume']) ofilestream.master_vol(self._data['volume']) ofilestream.tempo(self._data['tempo']) ofile.close() except OSError,e: print 'ERROR: failed to open file %s for writing\n' % ofilename chooser.destroy() def handleJournalSave(self, file_path): ofile = open(file_path, 'w') ofilestream = ControlStream.TamTamOStream (ofile) self.noteDB.dumpToStream(ofilestream) ofilestream.track_vol(self._data['track_volume']) ofilestream.master_vol(self._data['volume']) ofilestream.tempo(self._data['tempo']) ofile.close() def _loadFile( self, path ): try: oldPages = self.noteDB.getTune()[:] ifile = open(path, 'r') ttt = ControlStream.TamTamTable ( self.noteDB ) ttt.parseFile(ifile) self.trackInstrument = self.trackInstrumentDefault[:] # these will get set correctly in displayPage self._data['track_volume'] = ttt.tracks_volume self._data['volume'] = float(ttt.masterVolume) self._data['tempo'] = float(ttt.tempo) #self.GUI["2volumeAdjustment"].set_value(self._data['volume']) #self.GUI["2tempoAdjustment"].set_value(self._data['tempo']) for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS): if i == 4: string = '2drumvolumeAdjustment' else: string = '2instrument' + str(i+1) + 'volumeAdjustment' self.GUI[string].set_value(self._data['track_volume'][i]) ifile.close() self.noteDB.deletePages( oldPages ) self.tuneInterface.selectPages( self.noteDB.getTune() ) except OSError,e: print 'ERROR: failed to open file %s for reading\n' % ofilename def handleLoad(self, widget): chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog( title='Load Tune', action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL,gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL,gtk.STOCK_OPEN,gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) filter = gtk.FileFilter() filter.add_pattern('*.tam') chooser.set_filter(filter) chooser.set_current_folder(Config.TUNE_DIR) for f in chooser.list_shortcut_folder_uris(): chooser.remove_shortcut_folder_uri(f) if == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: print 'DEBUG: loading file: ', chooser.get_filename() self._loadFile( chooser.get_filename() ) chooser.destroy() self.delay = gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.waitToSet) def handleJournalLoad(self,file_path): self.journalCalled = True self._loadFile( file_path ) #----------------------------------- # Record functions #----------------------------------- def handleMicRecord( self, widget, data ): self.csnd.micRecording( data ) def handleCloseMicRecordWindow( self, widget = None, data = None ): self.micRecordWindow.destroy() self.micRecordButton.set_active( False ) #----------------------------------- # callback functions #----------------------------------- def handleKeyboardShortcuts(self,event): keyval = event.keyval # backspace and del keys if keyval == gtk.keysyms.Delete or keyval == gtk.keysyms.BackSpace: if self.context == CONTEXT.PAGE: self.pageDelete() if self.context == CONTEXT.TRACK: self.trackDelete() if self.context == CONTEXT.NOTE: self.noteDelete() # plus key if keyval == gtk.keysyms.equal: self.pageAdd() # duplicate ctrl-c if event.state == gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK and keyval == gtk.keysyms.c: if self.context == CONTEXT.PAGE: self.pageDuplicate() if self.context == CONTEXT.TRACK: self.trackDuplicate() if self.context == CONTEXT.NOTE: self.noteDuplicate() #Arrows if event.state == gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK: # up/down arrows volume if keyval == gtk.keysyms.Up: self.trackInterface.noteStepVolume(0.1) if keyval == gtk.keysyms.Down: self.trackInterface.noteStepVolume(-0.1) # left/right arrows onset if keyval == gtk.keysyms.Left: self.trackInterface.noteStepDuration(-1) if keyval == gtk.keysyms.Right: self.trackInterface.noteStepDuration(1) else: # up/down arrows pitch if keyval == gtk.keysyms.Up: self.trackInterface.noteStepPitch(1) if keyval == gtk.keysyms.Down: self.trackInterface.noteStepPitch(-1) # left/right arrows duration if keyval == gtk.keysyms.Left: self.trackInterface.noteStepOnset(-1) if keyval == gtk.keysyms.Right: self.trackInterface.noteStepOnset(1) def onKeyPress(self,widget,event): self.handleKeyboardShortcuts(event) Config.ModKeys.keyPress( event.hardware_keycode ) key = event.hardware_keycode # If the key is already in the dictionnary, exit function (to avoir key repeats) if self.kb_keydict.has_key(key): return # Assign on which track the note will be created according to the number of keys pressed if self.trackCount >= 9: self.trackCount = 6 fakeTrack = self.trackCount self.trackCount += 1 # If the pressed key is in the keymap if KEY_MAP_PIANO.has_key(key): pitch = KEY_MAP_PIANO[key] duration = -1 # get instrument from top selected track if a track is selected if True in self.trackSelected: index = self.trackSelected.index(True) instrument = self.getTrackInstrument(index).name else: return tid = index # pitch, inst and duration for drum recording if tid == Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS-1: if GenerationConstants.DRUMPITCH.has_key( pitch ): pitch = GenerationConstants.DRUMPITCH[pitch] if Config.INSTRUMENTS[instrument].kit != None: instrument = Config.INSTRUMENTS[instrument].kit[pitch].name duration = 100 # Create and play the note self.kb_keydict[key] = CSoundNote(onset = 0, pitch = pitch, amplitude = 1, pan = 0.5, duration = duration, trackId = fakeTrack, instrumentId = Config.INSTRUMENTS[instrument].instrumentId, tied = False, mode = 'edit')[key], 0.3) # doesn't keep track of keys for drum recording if tid == Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS-1: del self.kb_keydict[key] # remove previosly holded key from dictionary if len(self.kb_keydict) > 1: for k in self.kb_keydict.keys(): if k != key: gobject.source_remove( self.durUpdate ) self.durUpdate = False self.kb_keydict[k].duration = 0.5 self.kb_keydict[k].amplitude = 0 self.kb_keydict[k].decay = 0.7 self.kb_keydict[k].tied = False[k], 0.3) if not self.kb_record: del self.kb_keydict[k] return self.removeRecNote(self.csId) if not self.kb_record: return #record the note on track pageList = self.tuneInterface.getSelectedIds() pid = self.displayedPage minOnset = self.page_onset[pid] onsetQuantized = Config.DEFAULT_GRID * int((self.csnd.loopGetTick() - minOnset) / Config.DEFAULT_GRID + 0.5) maxOnset = self.noteDB.getPage(pid).ticks if onsetQuantized >= maxOnset: if pid == pageList[-1]: pid = pageList[0] else: if len(pageList) > 1: pidPos = pageList.index(pid) pid = pageList[pidPos+1] onsetQuantized = 0 if tid < Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS-1: for n in self.noteDB.getNotesByTrack( pid, tid ): if onsetQuantized < n.cs.onset: break if onsetQuantized >= n.cs.onset + n.cs.duration: continue if onsetQuantized < n.cs.onset + n.cs.duration - 2: self.noteDB.deleteNote(, n.track, elif onsetQuantized - n.cs.onset < 1: self.noteDB.deleteNote(, n.track, else: self.noteDB.updateNote(, n.track,, PARAMETER.DURATION, onsetQuantized - n.cs.onset ) break else: for n in self.noteDB.getNotesByTrack( pid, tid ): if onsetQuantized < n.cs.onset: break if onsetQuantized == n.cs.onset: if pitch < n.cs.pitch: break if pitch == n.cs.pitch: return # don't bother with a new note csnote = CSoundNote(onset = 0, pitch = pitch, amplitude = 1, pan = 0.5, duration = duration, trackId = index, instrumentId = Config.INSTRUMENTS[instrument].instrumentId, tied = False, mode = 'edit') csnote.onset = onsetQuantized csnote.duration = 1 csnote.pageId = pid id = self.noteDB.addNote(-1, pid, tid, csnote) # csId: PageId, TrackId, Onset, Key, DurationSetOnce self.csId = [pid, tid, id, csnote.onset, key, False ] if tid < Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS-1: self.durUpdate = gobject.timeout_add( 25, self.durationUpdate ) def onKeyRelease(self,widget,event): Config.ModKeys.keyRelease( event.hardware_keycode ) key = event.hardware_keycode if True in self.trackSelected: index = self.trackSelected.index(True) if index == Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS-1: return else: return if KEY_MAP_PIANO.has_key(key) and self.kb_keydict.has_key(key): if self.kb_record and self.durUpdate: gobject.source_remove( self.durUpdate ) self.durUpdate = False if Config.INSTRUMENTSID[ self.kb_keydict[key].instrumentId ].csoundInstrumentId == Config.INST_TIED: self.kb_keydict[key].duration = 0.5 self.kb_keydict[key].amplitude = 0 self.kb_keydict[key].decay = 0.5 self.kb_keydict[key].tied = False[key], 0.3) if not self.kb_record: del self.kb_keydict[key] return self.removeRecNote(self.csId) def removeRecNote(self, csId): newDuration = (int(self.csnd.loopGetTick()) - self.page_onset[csId[0]]) - csId[3] maxTick = self.noteDB.getPage(csId[0]).ticks if not csId[5]: # handle notes that were created right at the end of a page if newDuration > maxTick//2: newDuration = 1 else: csId[5] = True if newDuration < -Config.DEFAULT_GRID_DIV2: # we looped around newDuration = maxTick - self.csId[3] elif newDuration < 1: newDuration = 1 if (csId[3] + newDuration) > maxTick: newDuration = maxTick - csId[3] for n in self.noteDB.getNotesByTrack( csId[0], csId[1] ): if == csId[2]: continue if csId[3] + newDuration <= n.cs.onset: break if csId[3] >= n.cs.onset + n.cs.duration: continue self.noteDB.deleteNote(, n.track, break self.noteDB.updateNote( csId[0], csId[1], csId[2], PARAMETER.DURATION, newDuration) del self.kb_keydict[csId[4]] def durationUpdate(self): newDuration = (int(self.csnd.loopGetTick()) - self.page_onset[self.csId[0]]) - self.csId[3] maxTick = self.noteDB.getPage(self.csId[0]).ticks stop = False if not self.csId[5]: # handle notes that were created right at the end of a page if newDuration > maxTick//2: newDuration = 1 else: self.csId[5] = True if newDuration < -Config.DEFAULT_GRID_DIV2: # we looped around newDuration = maxTick - self.csId[3] stop = True elif newDuration < 1: newDuration = 1 if (self.csId[3] + newDuration) > maxTick: stop = True newDuration = maxTick - self.csId[3] for n in self.noteDB.getNotesByTrack( self.csId[0], self.csId[1] ): if == self.csId[2]: continue if self.csId[3] + newDuration <= n.cs.onset: break if self.csId[3] >= n.cs.onset + n.cs.duration: continue self.noteDB.deleteNote(, n.track, break self.noteDB.updateNote( self.csId[0], self.csId[1], self.csId[2], PARAMETER.DURATION, newDuration) if stop: key = self.csId[4] if Config.INSTRUMENTSID[ self.kb_keydict[key].instrumentId ].csoundInstrumentId == Config.INST_TIED: self.kb_keydict[key].duration = 0.5 self.kb_keydict[key].amplitude = 0 self.kb_keydict[key].decay = 0.5 self.kb_keydict[key].tied = False[key], 0.3) del self.kb_keydict[key] return False return True def delete_event( self, widget, event, data = None ): return False def onDestroy( self ): if (Config.DEBUG > 1): print TP.PrintAll() def setContextState( self, context, state ): if context == CONTEXT.TRACK: self.contextTrackActive = state if not state: if self.context == CONTEXT.TRACK: if self.contextNoteActive: self.setContext( CONTEXT.NOTE ) else: self.setContext( CONTEXT.PAGE ) else: self.contextNoteActive = state if not state: if self.context == CONTEXT.NOTE: self.prevContext() def setContext( self, context, force = False ): if self.context == context and not force: return self.context = context if self.context == CONTEXT.NOTE: self._generateToolbar.generationButton.set_sensitive(False) else: self._generateToolbar.generationButton.set_sensitive(True) def getContext(self): return self.context def prevContext( self ): if self.context == CONTEXT.TRACK: self.setContext( CONTEXT.PAGE ) elif self.contextTrackActive: self.setContext( CONTEXT.TRACK ) else: self.setContext( CONTEXT.PAGE ) def nextContext( self ): if self.context == CONTEXT.TRACK: self.setContext( CONTEXT.NOTE ) elif self.contextTrackActive: self.setContext( CONTEXT.TRACK ) else: self.setContext( CONTEXT.NOTE ) #----------------------------------- # access functions (not sure if this is the best way to go about doing this) #----------------------------------- def getVolume( self ): return self._data["volume"] def getTempo( self ): return self._data["tempo"] #return round( self.tempoAdjustment.value, 0 ) def getBeatsPerPage( self ): return int(round( self.beatsPerPageAdjustment.value, 0 )) def getWindowTitle( self ): return "Tam-Tam [Volume %i, Tempo %i, Beats/Page %i]" % ( self.getVolume(), self.getTempo(), self.getBeatsPerPage() ) class InstrumentButton( gtk.DrawingArea ): def __init__( self, owner, index, backgroundFill ): gtk.DrawingArea.__init__( self ) self.index = index self.owner = owner = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window() self.gc = gtk.gdk.GC( ) colormap = self.get_colormap() self.color = { "background": colormap.alloc_color( backgroundFill, True, True ), "divider": colormap.alloc_color( "#000", True, True ), "+/-": colormap.alloc_color( Config.FG_COLOR, True, True ), "+/-Highlight": colormap.alloc_color( "#FFF", True, True ) } self.pixmap = None self.primary = None self.primaryWidth = self.primaryHeight = 1 self.secondary = None self.secondaryWidth = self.secondaryHeight = 1 self.clicked = None self.hover = None self.add_events( gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK | gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK | gtk.gdk.LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK ) self.connect( "size-allocate", self.size_allocate ) self.connect( "button-press-event", self.button_press ) self.connect( "button-release-event", self.button_release ) self.connect( "motion-notify-event", self.motion_notify ) self.connect( "leave-notify-event", self.leave_notify ) self.connect( "expose-event", self.expose ) def size_allocate( self, widget, allocation ): self.alloc = allocation self.pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(, allocation.width, allocation.height ) self.primaryX = (self.alloc.width - self.primaryWidth) // 2 self.primaryY = (self.alloc.height - self.primaryHeight) // 2 self.secondaryX = (self.alloc.width - self.secondaryWidth) // 2 self.secondaryY = self.alloc.height//2 self.hotspots = [ [ self.alloc.width-24, self.alloc.height-29, self.alloc.width-8, self.alloc.height-13 ], [ self.alloc.width-24, self.alloc.height//2-23, self.alloc.width-8, self.alloc.height//2-7 ] ] self.hotspots[0] += [ (self.hotspots[0][0]+self.hotspots[0][2])//2, (self.hotspots[0][1]+self.hotspots[0][3])//2 ] self.hotspots[1] += [ (self.hotspots[1][0]+self.hotspots[1][2])//2, (self.hotspots[1][1]+self.hotspots[1][3])//2 ] self._updatePixmap() def button_press( self, widget, event ): self.clicked = "PRIMARY" self.hover = None if event.x >= self.hotspots[0][0] and event.x <= self.hotspots[0][2] \ and event.y >= self.hotspots[0][1] and event.y <= self.hotspots[0][3]: self.clicked = "HOTSPOT_0" elif self.secondary != None: if event.x >= self.hotspots[1][0] and event.x <= self.hotspots[1][2] \ and event.y >= self.hotspots[1][1] and event.y <= self.hotspots[1][3]: self.clicked = "HOTSPOT_1" elif event.y > self.alloc.height//2: self.clicked = "SECONDARY" def button_release( self, widget, event ): if self.clicked == "PRIMARY": self.owner.pickInstrument( self, self.index, True ) elif self.clicked == "SECONDARY": self.owner.pickInstrument( self, self.index, False ) elif self.clicked == "HOTSPOT_0": if self.secondary != None: # remove secondary self.owner.clearInstrument( self.index, False ) else: # add secondary self.owner.pickInstrument( self, self.index, False ) else: # HOTSPOT_1, remove primary self.owner.clearInstrument( self.index, True ) self.clicked = None def motion_notify( self, widget, event ): if self.clicked != None: return if event.is_hint: x, y, state = widget.window.get_pointer() event.x = float(x) event.y = float(y) event.state = state if event.x >= self.hotspots[0][0] and event.x <= self.hotspots[0][2] \ and event.y >= self.hotspots[0][1] and event.y <= self.hotspots[0][3]: if self.hover != "HOTSPOT_0": self.hover = "HOTSPOT_0" self.queue_draw() elif self.secondary != None \ and event.x >= self.hotspots[1][0] and event.x <= self.hotspots[1][2] \ and event.y >= self.hotspots[1][1] and event.y <= self.hotspots[1][3]: if self.hover != "HOTSPOT_1": self.hover = "HOTSPOT_1" self.queue_draw() else: if self.hover != None: self.hover = None self.queue_draw() def leave_notify( self, widget, event ): if event.mode != gtk.gdk.CROSSING_NORMAL: return if self.hover != None: self.hover = None if self.clicked == None: self.queue_draw() def setPrimary( self, img ): self.primary = img self.primaryWidth = img.get_width() self.primaryHeight = img.get_height() if self.pixmap: self.primaryX = (self.alloc.width - self.primaryWidth) // 2 self.primaryY = (self.alloc.height - self.primaryHeight) // 2 self._updatePixmap() def setSecondary( self, img ): self.secondary = img if img != None: self.secondaryWidth = img.get_width() self.secondaryHeight = img.get_height() self.secondaryOffset = self.secondaryHeight//2 if self.pixmap: self.secondaryX = (self.alloc.width - self.secondaryWidth) // 2 self.secondaryY = self.alloc.height//2 if self.pixmap: self._updatePixmap() def _updatePixmap( self ): self.gc.foreground = self.color["background"] self.pixmap.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, 0, 0, self.alloc.width, self.alloc.height ) if self.secondary != None: self.pixmap.draw_pixbuf( self.gc, self.primary, 0, 0, self.primaryX, self.primaryY, self.primaryWidth, self.primaryHeight//2, gtk.gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE ) self.pixmap.draw_pixbuf( self.gc, self.secondary, 0, self.secondaryOffset, self.secondaryX, self.secondaryY, self.secondaryWidth, self.secondaryHeight//2, gtk.gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE ) self.gc.foreground = self.color["divider"] self.gc.set_line_attributes( 2, gtk.gdk.LINE_SOLID, gtk.gdk.CAP_BUTT, gtk.gdk.JOIN_MITER ) self.pixmap.draw_line( self.gc, 2, self.alloc.height//2, self.alloc.width-4, self.alloc.height//2 ) else: self.pixmap.draw_pixbuf( self.gc, self.primary, 0, 0, self.primaryX, self.primaryY, self.primaryWidth, self.primaryHeight, gtk.gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE ) self.queue_draw() def expose( self, widget, event ): self.window.draw_drawable( self.gc, self.pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, self.alloc.width, self.alloc.height ) self.gc.set_line_attributes( 4, gtk.gdk.LINE_SOLID, gtk.gdk.CAP_ROUND, gtk.gdk.JOIN_MITER ) if self.secondary != None: if self.clicked == "HOTSPOT_0" or (self.clicked == None and self.hover == "HOTSPOT_0" ): self.gc.foreground = self.color["+/-Highlight"] else: self.gc.foreground = self.color["+/-"] self.window.draw_line( self.gc, self.hotspots[0][0], self.hotspots[0][5], self.hotspots[0][2], self.hotspots[0][5] ) if self.clicked == "HOTSPOT_1" or (self.clicked == None and self.hover == "HOTSPOT_1" ): self.gc.foreground = self.color["+/-Highlight"] else: self.gc.foreground = self.color["+/-"] self.window.draw_line( self.gc, self.hotspots[1][0], self.hotspots[1][5], self.hotspots[1][2], self.hotspots[1][5] ) else: if self.clicked == "HOTSPOT_0" or self.hover == "HOTSPOT_0": self.gc.foreground = self.color["+/-Highlight"] else: self.gc.foreground = self.color["+/-"] self.window.draw_line( self.gc, self.hotspots[0][0], self.hotspots[0][5], self.hotspots[0][2], self.hotspots[0][5] ) self.window.draw_line( self.gc, self.hotspots[0][4], self.hotspots[0][1], self.hotspots[0][4], self.hotspots[0][3] )