import pygtk pygtk.require( '2.0' ) import gtk from Framework.Constants import Constants from Framework.CSound.CSoundConstants import CSoundConstants from GUI.GUIConstants import GUIConstants from GUI.Core.NoteParametersWindow import NoteParametersWindow from BackgroundView import SELECTNOTES #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: currently we are only using CSoundNotes, # - this should updated to handle generic Note objects #---------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # A view for the (CSound)Note class #---------------------------------------------------------------------- class NoteView: #----------------------------------- # initialization # TODO: not sure if passing in beatsPerPageAdjustment is the best way to go about it #----------------------------------- def __init__( self, note, track, beatsPerPageAdjustment ): self.note = note self.track = track self.beatsPerPageAdjustment = beatsPerPageAdjustment self.posOffset = (0,0) self.baseOnset = self.basePitch = self.baseDuration = self.lastDragX = self.lastDragY = self.lastDragW = 0 # note dragging properties self.sampleNote = None self.parentSize = False self.selected = False self.potentialDeselect = False def getNoteParameters( self ): self.note.pitch = self.noteParameters.pitchAdjust.value self.note.amplitude = self.noteParameters.amplitudeAdjust.value self.note.pan = self.noteParameters.panAdjust.value self.note.attack = self.noteParameters.attackAdjust.value self.note.decay = self.noteParameters.decayAdjust.value self.note.reverbSend = self.noteParameters.reverbSendAdjust.value self.note.filterType = self.noteParameters.filterType self.note.filterCutoff = self.noteParameters.filterCutoff self.note.tied = self.noteParameters.tied self.note.overlap = self.noteParameters.overlap def handleButtonPress( self, emitter, event ): eX = event.x - self.x eY = event.y - self.y if eX < 0 or eX > self.width \ or eY < 0 or eY > self.height: return False if event.button == 3: self.noteParameters = NoteParametersWindow( self.note, self.getNoteParameters ) return True if event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS: # select bar self.potentialDeselect = False emitter.selectNotesByBar( self.track.getID(), self.x, self.x+self.width ) elif event.type == gtk.gdk._3BUTTON_PRESS: # select track self.potentialDeselect = False emitter.selectNotesByTrack( self.track.getID() ) else: if self.getSelected(): # we already selected, might want to delected self.potentialDeselect = True else: emitter.selectNotes( { self.track.getID(): [ self ] } ) self.updateSampleNote( self.note.pitch ) percent = eX/self.width if percent < 0.3: emitter.setCurrentAction( "note-drag-onset", self ) elif percent > 0.7: emitter.setCurrentAction( "note-drag-duration", self ) else: emitter.setCurrentAction( "note-drag-pitch", self ) emitter.dirty() return True def handleButtonRelease( self, emitter, event, buttonPressCount ): if self.potentialDeselect: self.potentialDeselect = False emitter.deselectNotes( { self.track.getID(): [ self ] } ) self.clearSampleNote() emitter.doneCurrentAction() return True def noteDrag( self, emitter, dx, dy, dw ): self.potentialDeselect = False ticksPerPixel = (round( self.beatsPerPageAdjustment.value, 0 ) * Constants.TICKS_PER_BEAT) / self.parentSize[0] stepPerPixel = (Constants.NUMBER_OF_POSSIBLE_PITCHES-1) / (self.parentSize[1] - self.height) pitchPerStep = (Constants.MAXIMUM_PITCH-Constants.MINIMUM_PITCH)/(Constants.NUMBER_OF_POSSIBLE_PITCHES-1) if dx != self.lastDragX: self.lastDragX = dx self.note.onset = self.baseOnset + int(dx*ticksPerPixel) if dy != self.lastDragY: self.lastDragY = dy newPitch = self.basePitch + round(-dy*stepPerPixel)*pitchPerStep self.note.pitch = newPitch self.updateSampleNote( newPitch ) if dw != self.lastDragW: self.lastDragW = dw self.note.duration = self.baseDuration + int(dw*ticksPerPixel) self.updateTransform( False ) def doneNoteDrag( self, emitter ): self.baseOnset = self.note.onset self.basePitch = self.note.pitch self.baseDuration = self.note.duration self.lastDragX = 0 self.lastDragY = 0 self.lastDragW = 0 self.clearSampleNote() def handleMarqueeSelect( self, emitter, start, stop ): intersectionY = [ max(start[1],self.y), min(stop[1],self.y+self.height) ] if intersectionY[0] > intersectionY[1]: return False intersectionX = [ max(start[0],self.x), min(stop[0],self.x+self.width) ] if intersectionX[0] > intersectionX[1]: return False return True #----------------------------------- # draw #----------------------------------- def setPositionOffset( self, offset ): self.posOffset = offset if self.parentSize: self.updateTransform( False ) def draw( self, context ): lineW = GUIConstants.NOTE_BORDER_SIZE lineWDIV2 = lineW/2.0 context.set_line_width( lineW ) context.move_to( self.x + lineWDIV2, self.y + lineWDIV2 ) context.rel_line_to( self.width - lineW, 0 ) context.rel_line_to( 0, self.height - lineW ) context.rel_line_to( -self.width + lineW, 0 ) context.close_path() #background colour = 1 - ( ( self.note.amplitude * 0.7 ) + 0.3 ) context.set_source_rgb( colour, colour, colour ) context.fill_preserve() #border if self.selected: context.set_source_rgb( 1, 1, 1 ) else: context.set_source_rgb( 0, 0, 0 ) context.stroke() #----------------------------------- # update #----------------------------------- def updateTransform( self, parentSize ): if parentSize: self.parentSize = parentSize self.width = int( self.parentSize[0] * self.note.duration / (round( self.beatsPerPageAdjustment.value, 0 ) * Constants.TICKS_PER_BEAT) ) self.height = round( max( GUIConstants.MINIMUM_NOTE_HEIGHT, self.parentSize[1] / (Constants.NUMBER_OF_POSSIBLE_PITCHES-1) ) ) self.x = int( self.parentSize[0] * self.note.onset / (round( self.beatsPerPageAdjustment.value, 0 ) * Constants.TICKS_PER_BEAT) ) \ + self.posOffset[0] self.y = round( (self.parentSize[1]-self.height) * ( Constants.MAXIMUM_PITCH - self.note.pitch ) / (Constants.NUMBER_OF_POSSIBLE_PITCHES-1) ) \ + self.posOffset[1] def checkX( self, startx, stopx ): if self.x >= startx and self.x < stopx: return True else: return False def getStartTick( self ): return self.note.onset def getEndTick( self ): return self.note.onset + self.note.duration def updateDragLimits( self, dragLimits, leftBound, rightBound, widthBound ): pixelsPerTick = self.parentSize[0] / (round( self.beatsPerPageAdjustment.value, 0 ) * Constants.TICKS_PER_BEAT) pixelsPerPitch = (self.parentSize[1] - self.height) / (Constants.MAXIMUM_PITCH - Constants.MINIMUM_PITCH) left = (leftBound - self.note.onset) * pixelsPerTick right = (rightBound - self.note.duration - self.note.onset) * pixelsPerTick up = (self.note.pitch - Constants.MAXIMUM_PITCH) * pixelsPerPitch down = (self.note.pitch - Constants.MINIMUM_PITCH) * pixelsPerPitch short = (Constants.MINIMUM_NOTE_DURATION - self.note.duration) * pixelsPerTick long = (widthBound - self.note.duration - self.note.onset) * pixelsPerTick if dragLimits[0][0] < left: dragLimits[0][0] = left if dragLimits[0][1] > right: dragLimits[0][1] = right if dragLimits[1][0] < up: dragLimits[1][0] = up if dragLimits[1][1] > down: dragLimits[1][1] = down if dragLimits[2][0] < short: dragLimits[2][0] = short if dragLimits[2][1] > long: dragLimits[2][1] = long # store the current loc as a reference point self.baseOnset = self.note.onset self.basePitch = self.note.pitch self.baseDuration = self.note.duration def updateSampleNote( self, pitch ): if self.sampleNote == None: self.sampleNote = self.note.clone() #TODO clean this up: if CSoundConstants.INSTRUMENTS[ self.sampleNote.instrumentFlag ].csoundInstrumentID == 103: self.sampleNote.duration = 100 else: self.sampleNote.duration = -1 elif self.sampleNote.pitch != pitch: self.sampleNote.pitch = pitch def clearSampleNote( self ): if self.sampleNote != None: self.sampleNote.duration = 0 del self.sampleNote self.sampleNote = None #----------------------------------- # Selection #----------------------------------- def setSelected( self, state ): if self.selected != state: self.selected = state return True # state changed return False # state is the same def getSelected( self ): return self.selected