# Random: # Randomly choose, within a certain range, a new next value # arg 1: maxStepSize (negative value not allowed stepSize == 0) # arg 2: maximum value allowed import random class Drunk: def __init__( self, minValue, maxValue, trackLength=None ): self.minValue = min(minValue, maxValue) self.maxValue = max(minValue, maxValue) self.lastValue = random.randint( self.minValue, self.maxValue ) def getNextValue( self, maxStepSize, maxValue ): if self.lastValue < 0 or self.lastValue > maxValue: return random.randint( self.minValue, maxValue ) direction = self.getDirection( maxValue ) stepSize = self.getStepSize( direction, abs(maxStepSize), maxValue ) if maxStepSize < 0: minStepSize = 1 else: minStepSize = 0 self.lastValue += direction * random.randint( minStepSize, stepSize ) if self.lastValue < self.minValue: self.lastValue = self.minValue elif self.lastValue > maxValue: #instead of 14... self.lastValue = maxValue else: self.lastValue = self.lastValue return self.lastValue def getDirection( self, maxValue ): if self.lastValue == 0: return 1 elif self.lastValue == maxValue: return -1 else: return random.choice( [ 1, -1 ] ) def getStepSize( self, direction, maxStepSize, maxValue, ): if direction == -1: return min( maxStepSize, self.lastValue ) else: return min( maxStepSize, maxValue - self.lastValue ) class DroneAndJump( Drunk ): def __init__( self, minValue, maxValue, trackLength=None ): Drunk.__init__( self, minValue, maxValue, trackLength=None ) self.minValue = min(minValue, maxValue) self.maxValue = max(minValue, maxValue) self.beforeLastValue = self.minValue #random.randint( self.minValue, self.maxValue ) self.lastValue = self.beforeLastValue + 1 def getNextValue( self, maxStepSize, maxValue ): if self.beforeLastValue != self.lastValue: self.lastValue = self.beforeLastValue return self.beforeLastValue self.beforeLastValue = self.lastValue self.lastValue = Drunk.getNextValue( self, abs(maxStepSize), maxValue ) return self.lastValue def getStepSize( self, direction, maxStepSize, maxValue ): if random.randint( 0, 100 ) < 35: return Drunk.getStepSize( self, direction, maxStepSize, maxValue ) else: return Drunk.getStepSize( self, direction, 0, maxValue ) class Repeter( Drunk ): def __init__( self, minValue, maxValue, trackLength=None ): Drunk.__init__( self, minValue, maxValue, trackLength=None) self.minValue = min(minValue, maxValue) self.maxValue = max(minValue, maxValue) self.lastValue = random.randint( self.minValue, self.maxValue) def getNextValue( self, maxStepSize, maxValue ): self.lastValue = Drunk.getNextValue( self, abs(maxStepSize), maxValue ) return self.lastValue def getStepSize( self, direction, maxStepSize, maxValue ): if random.randint( 0, 100 ) < 20: return Drunk.getStepSize( self, direction, maxStepSize, maxValue ) else: return Drunk.getStepSize( self, direction, 0, maxValue ) class Loopseg( Drunk ): def __init__( self, minValue, maxValue, trackLength=None ): Drunk.__init__( self, minValue, maxValue, trackLength=None ) self.recordedValues = [] self.recordState = 2 self.recordPlayback = 0 self.loopPlayback = 1 self.recordLength = random.randint( 3, 6 ) self.recordLoopTime = random.randint( 1, 4 ) def getNextValue( self, maxStepSize, maxValue ): if self.recordState == 2: self.lastValue = Drunk.getNextValue( self, maxStepSize, maxValue ) self.recordState = random.choice([2, 2, 2, 1]) if len(self.recordedValues) != self.recordLength and self.recordState == 1: self.lastValue = Drunk.getNextValue( self, maxStepSize, maxValue ) self.recordedValues.append( self.lastValue ) elif self.recordState == 1 or self.recordState == 0: self.recordState = 0 if self.recordPlayback < self.recordLength: self.loopAround() else: if self.loopPlayback < self.recordLoopTime: self.recordPlayback = 0 self.loopPlayback += 1 self.loopAround() else: self.recordedValues = [] self.recordState = 2 self.recordPlayback = 0 self.loopPlayback = 1 self.recordLength = random.randint( 3, 6 ) self.recordLoopTime = random.randint( 1, 4 ) self.lastValue = Drunk.getNextValue( self, maxStepSize, maxValue ) self.recordedValues = [self.lastValue] return self.lastValue def loopAround( self ): self.lastValue = self.recordedValues[self.recordPlayback] self.recordPlayback += 1 class Line: def __init__(self, minValue, maxValue, trackLength=20): maxVal = max(minValue, maxValue) if maxVal == minValue: self.reverse = True minVal = maxValue self.lastValue = maxVal else: self.reverse = False minVal = minValue self.lastValue = minVal scale = float(maxVal - minVal) if self.reverse: self.inc = -scale/trackLength else: self.inc = scale/trackLength def getNextValue(self, rand, maxValue): self.val = self.lastValue + int(random.randint(0, rand)*random.choice([-0.5,0.5])) if self.val < 0: self.val = 0 elif self.val > maxValue: self.val = maxValue else: self.val = self.val self.lastValue = self.val+self.inc return self.val