import Utils import random from math import sqrt import Config from Generation.GenerationConstants import GenerationConstants class GenerationRythm: def celluleRythmSequence(self, parameters, barLength, trackInstrument=None ): rythmSequence = [0, ] self.count = 0 lastOnsetTime = 0 onsetLen = len(GenerationConstants.TABLE_ONSET_VALUES) onsetValue = int( ( 1 - (parameters.density*0.98+0.02) ) * onsetLen ) onsetDeviation = int( ( 1 - parameters.rythmRegularity ) * 20 ) currentOnsetValue = onsetValue + ( random.randint( 0, onsetDeviation ) - ( onsetDeviation / 2 ) ) if currentOnsetValue < 0: currentOnsetValue = 0 elif currentOnsetValue >= onsetLen: currentOnsetValue = onsetLen - 1 else: currentOnsetValue = currentOnsetValue onsetDelta = GenerationConstants.TABLE_ONSET_VALUES[ currentOnsetValue ] listLen = range( int( barLength / Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT * 8 ) ) randInt = random.randint for i in listLen: if self.count == 0: currentOnsetValue = onsetValue + ( randInt( 0, onsetDeviation ) - ( onsetDeviation / 2 ) ) if currentOnsetValue < 0: currentOnsetValue = 0 elif currentOnsetValue >= onsetLen: currentOnsetValue = onsetLen - 1 else: currentOnsetValue = currentOnsetValue onsetDelta = GenerationConstants.TABLE_ONSET_VALUES[ currentOnsetValue ] if onsetDelta == GenerationConstants.DOUBLE_TICK_DUR: if self.count < (GenerationConstants.DOUBLE_HOW_MANY - 1): self.count += 1 else: self.count = 0 onsetTime = onsetDelta + lastOnsetTime lastOnsetTime = onsetTime if onsetTime < barLength-2: rythmSequence.append(onsetTime) continue else: break elif onsetDelta == GenerationConstants.HALF_TRIPLET_TICK_DUR: if self.count < (GenerationConstants.HALF_TRIPLET_HOW_MANY - 1): self.count += 1 else: self.count = 0 onsetTime = onsetDelta + lastOnsetTime lastOnsetTime = onsetTime if onsetTime < barLength-2: rythmSequence.append(onsetTime) continue else: break elif onsetDelta == GenerationConstants.HOLE_TRIPLET_TICK_DUR: if self.count < (GenerationConstants.HOLE_TRIPLET_HOW_MANY - 1): self.count += 1 else: self.count = 0 onsetTime = onsetDelta + lastOnsetTime lastOnsetTime = onsetTime if onsetTime < barLength-2: rythmSequence.append(onsetTime) continue else: break onsetTime = onsetDelta + lastOnsetTime lastOnsetTime = onsetTime if onsetTime < barLength-2: rythmSequence.append(onsetTime) else: break return rythmSequence def xnoiseRythmSequence(self, parameters, barLength ): rythmSequence = [] onsetTime = None randomParamScaler = parameters.rythmRegularity * 2 + 0.5 # need radioButton with 0 for random choose and each generator independant whichRandomGenerator = random.randint(0, 4) maximumNumberOfNotes = int( (parameters.density) * GenerationConstants.MAX_NOTES_PER_BAR) for i in range(maximumNumberOfNotes): while onsetTime in rythmSequence: if whichRandomGenerator == 0: onsetTime = random.expovariate(GenerationConstants.RANDOM_EXPO_PARAM * randomParamScaler) elif whichRandomGenerator == 1: onsetTime = 1 - random.expovariate(GenerationConstants.RANDOM_EXPO_PARAM * randomParamScaler) elif whichRandomGenerator == 2: onsetTime = random.gauss(GenerationConstants.RANDOM_GAUSS_PARAM1, GenerationConstants.RANDOM_GAUSS_PARAM2 * (3 - randomParamScaler)) elif whichRandomGenerator == 3: onsetTime = random.betavariate(GenerationConstants.RANDOM_BETA_PARAM * randomParamScaler, GenerationConstants.RANDOM_BETA_PARAM * randomParamScaler) elif whichRandomGenerator == 4: onsetTime = random.weibullvariate(GenerationConstants.RANDOM_WEIBULL_PARAM1, GenerationConstants.RANDOM_WEIBULL_PARAM2 * randomParamScaler) onsetTime = int(onsetTime * (int(( barLength - 1) / GenerationConstants.DOUBLE_TICK_DUR))) * GenerationConstants.DOUBLE_TICK_DUR if onsetTime < 0: onsetTime = 0 elif onsetTime > ( barLength - GenerationConstants.DOUBLE_TICK_DUR): onsetTime = ( barLength - GenerationConstants.DOUBLE_TICK_DUR) else: onsetTime = onsetTime rythmSequence.append(onsetTime) rythmSequence.sort() return rythmSequence def drumRythmSequence(self, parameters, trackInstrument, barLength ): density = sqrt(parameters.density) rythmSequence = [] binSelection = [] downBeats = [] upBeats = [] beats = [] countDown = 0 onsetTime = None beatsPerPage = int( barLength / Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT ) randInt = random.randint upBeatsAppend = upBeats.append if Config.INSTRUMENTS[ trackInstrument ].instrumentRegister == Config.PUNCH: registerDensity = 0.5 downBeatRecurence = 4 upBeatOffset = Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT / 2 downBeats = [x for x in GenerationConstants.DRUM_PUNCH_ACCENTS[ beatsPerPage ]] for downBeat in downBeats: upBeatsAppend( downBeat + upBeatOffset ) elif Config.INSTRUMENTS[ trackInstrument ].instrumentRegister == Config.LOW: registerDensity = 1.5 downBeatRecurence = 4 upBeatOffset = Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT / 2 downBeats = [x for x in GenerationConstants.DRUM_LOW_ACCENTS[ beatsPerPage ]] for downBeat in downBeats: upBeatsAppend( downBeat + upBeatOffset ) elif Config.INSTRUMENTS[ trackInstrument ].instrumentRegister == Config.MID: registerDensity = 1 downBeatRecurence = 1 upBeatOffset = Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT / 4 downBeats = [x for x in GenerationConstants.DRUM_MID_ACCENTS[ beatsPerPage ]] for downBeat in downBeats: upBeatsAppend( downBeat + upBeatOffset ) elif Config.INSTRUMENTS[ trackInstrument ].instrumentRegister == Config.HIGH: registerDensity = 1.5 downBeatRecurence = 1 upBeatOffset = Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT / 4 downBeats = [x for x in GenerationConstants.DRUM_HIGH_ACCENTS[ beatsPerPage ]] for downBeat in downBeats: upBeatsAppend( downBeat + upBeatOffset ) list = range( int( density * registerDensity * len( downBeats ) ) ) rand = random.random binCount = binSelection.count binAppend = binSelection.append for i in list: if rand() < ( parameters.rythmRegularity * downBeatRecurence ) and binCount( 1 ) < len( downBeats ): binAppend( 1 ) else: if binCount( 0 ) < len( downBeats ): binAppend( 0 ) else: binAppend( 1 ) countDown = binCount( 1 ) seqAppend = rythmSequence.append length = len(downBeats) - 1 downPop = downBeats.pop for i in range( countDown ): ran1 = randInt(0, length) ran2 = randInt(0, length) randMin = min(ran1, ran2) onsetTime = downPop(randMin) seqAppend( onsetTime ) length -= 1 length = len(upBeats) - 1 upPop = upBeats.pop for i in range( len( binSelection ) - countDown ): ran1 = randInt(0, length) ran2 = randInt(0, length) randMin = min(ran1, ran2) onsetTime = upPop(randMin) seqAppend( onsetTime ) length -= 1 rythmSequence.sort() return rythmSequence def makeCellule( self, currentDuration, targetDuration, threshold ): threshold = threshold - 1 if currentDuration == targetDuration: if self.count < threshold: self.count += 1 else: self.count = 0