import pygtk pygtk.require( '2.0' ) import gtk import Config from gettext import gettext as _ from Jam import Block from Jam import Popup class Desktop( gtk.EventBox ): def __init__( self, owner ): gtk.EventBox.__init__( self ) self.owner = owner self.drawingArea = gtk.DrawingArea() self.add( self.drawingArea ) # take drawing setup from owner self.gc = owner.gc self.colors = owner.colors self.blockMask = owner.blockMask self.noteDB = owner.noteDB self.dirtyRectToAdd = gtk.gdk.Rectangle() # used by the invalidate_rect function self.screenBuf = None self.screenBufDirty = False self.screenBufDirtyRect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle() self.blocks = [] # items on the desktop self.activeInstrument = None self.activeDrum = None self.loops = {} # dict of playing loops by loop root self.drums = [] # list of active drums self.add_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK|gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK) self.connect( "size-allocate", self.on_size_allocate ) self.connect( "button-press-event", self.on_button_press ) self.connect( "button-release-event", self.on_button_release ) self.connect( "motion-notify-event", self.on_motion_notify ) self.drawingArea.connect( "expose-event", self.on_expose ) self.clickedBlock = None self.possibleParent = None self.possibleSubstitute = None self.dragging = False self.possibleDelete = False #-- Popups -------------------------------------------- self.rightClicked = False self.popup = {} self.popup[Popup.Instrument] = Popup.Instrument( _("Instrument Properties"), self.owner ) self.popup[Popup.Drum] = Popup.Drum( _("Drum Kit Properties"), self.owner ) self.popup[Popup.Loop] = Popup.Loop( _("Loop Properties"), self.owner ) self.popup[Popup.Shortcut] = Popup.Shortcut( _("Assign Key"), self.owner ) def dumpToStream( self, ostream ): for b in self.blocks: b.dumpToStream( ostream ) def on_size_allocate( self, widget, allocation ): if self.screenBuf == None or self.alloc.width != allocation.width or self.alloc.height != allocation.height: win = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window() self.screenBuf = gtk.gdk.Pixmap( win, allocation.width, allocation.height ) self.invalidate_rect( 0, 0, allocation.width, allocation.height ) self.alloc = allocation self.absoluteLoc = [0,0] parent = self.get_parent() while parent: alloc = parent.get_allocation() self.absoluteLoc[0] += alloc.x self.absoluteLoc[1] += alloc.y parent = parent.get_parent() return False def getLoopIds( self ): return [ self.loops[loop] for loop in self.loops ] #========================================================== # Blocks def addBlock( self, blockClass, blockData, loc = (-1,-1), drag = False ): block = blockClass( self, blockData ) if loc[0] != -1: x = loc[0] else: x = self.alloc.width//2 if loc[1] != -1: y = loc[1] elif drag: y = self.alloc.height - block.height//2 else: y = self.alloc.height//2 if drag: win = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window() display = win.get_display() screen = display.get_default_screen() display.warp_pointer( screen, int(self.absoluteLoc[0] + x), int(self.absoluteLoc[1] + y) ) self._beginDrag( block ) block.setLoc( x - block.width//2, y - block.height//2 ) else: self.blocks.append( block ) block.setLoc( x - block.width//2, y - block.height//2 ) if blockClass == Block.Instrument: pass elif blockClass == Block.Drum: pass elif blockClass == Block.Loop: pass return block def deleteBlock( self, block ): if block.type == Block.Instrument: if block == self.activeInstrument: self.activeInstrument = None for i in range(len(self.blocks)-1, -1, -1): if self.blocks[i].type == Block.Instrument: self.activateInstrument( self.blocks[i] ) break elif block.type == Block.Drum: if block == self.activeDrum: self.deactivateDrum() elif block.type == Block.Loop: pass if block in self.blocks: block.invalidate_rect( True ) self.blocks.remove( block ) block.destroy() def _clearDesktop( self ): for i in range( len(self.blocks)-1, -1, -1 ): self.deleteBlock( self.blocks[i] ) def getInstrumentImage( self, id, active = False ): return self.owner.getInstrumentImage( id, active ) def getLoopImage( self, id, active = False ): return self.owner.getLoopImage( id, active ) def updateLoopImage( self, id ): self.owner.updateLoopImage( id ) #========================================================== # State def activateInstrument( self, block ): if self.activeInstrument: self.activeInstrument.setActive( False ) block.setActive( True ) self.activeInstrument = block self.updateInstrument( block ) def updateInstrument( self, block ): data = self.owner._updateInstrument( data["id"], data["volume"], data["pan"], data["reverb"] ) def activateDrum( self, block ): for drum in self.drums: self.deactivateDrum( drum ) block.setActive( True ) self.drums.append( block ) self.updateDrum( block, True ) def deactivateDrum( self, block ): self.owner._stopDrum( self.loops[block] ) del self.loops[block] block.setActive( False ) self.drums.remove( block ) def updateDrum( self, block, firstTime = False ): data = if firstTime: loopId = None else: loopId = self.loops[block] self.loops[block] = self.owner._playDrum( data["id"], data["page"], data["volume"], data["reverb"], data["beats"], data["regularity"], loopId ) def activateLoop( self, block ): block.setActive( True ) self.updateLoop( block, True ) def deactivateLoop( self, block ): block.setActive( False ) self.owner._stopLoop( self.loops[block] ) del self.loops[block] def updateLoop( self, block, firstTime = False ): inst = tune = [] itr = block while itr != None: tune.append(["id"] ) itr = itr.child if firstTime: loopId = None else: loopId = self.loops[block] self.loops[block] = self.owner._playLoop( inst["id"], inst["volume"], inst["reverb"], tune, loopId ) #========================================================== # Mouse def on_button_press( self, widget, event ): if event.button == 3: self.rightClicked = True hit = False for i in range(len(self.blocks)-1, -1, -1): hit = self.blocks[i].button_press( event ) if hit: self.clickedBlock = hit break def on_button_release( self, widget, event ): if event.button == 3: # Right Click if self.clickedBlock: if self.clickedBlock.type == Block.Instrument: self.popup[Popup.Instrument].setBlock( self.clickedBlock ) if self.popup[Popup.Instrument].is_up(): self.popup[Popup.Instrument].updatePosition() else: self.popup[Popup.Instrument].popup( True ) elif self.clickedBlock.type == Block.Drum: self.popup[Popup.Drum].setBlock( self.clickedBlock ) if self.popup[Popup.Drum].is_up(): self.popup[Popup.Drum].updatePosition() else: self.popup[Popup.Drum].popup( True ) elif self.clickedBlock.type == Block.Loop: self.popup[Popup.Loop].setBlock( self.clickedBlock ) if self.popup[Popup.Loop].is_up(): self.popup[Popup.Loop].updatePosition() else: self.popup[Popup.Loop].popup( True ) self.clickedBlock = None self.rightClicked = False return if self.possibleDelete: self.possibleDelete = False self.deleteBlock( self.clickedBlock ) self.clickedBlock = None self.possibleParent = None self.possibleSubstitute = None self.dragging = False if self.dragging: self.dragging = False if self.possibleParent: self.possibleParent.addChild( self.clickedBlock ) root = self.possibleParent.getRoot() self.blocks.remove(root) self.blocks.append(root) root.invalidateBranch( True ) self.possibleParent = None elif self.possibleSubstitute: self.possibleSubstitute.substitute( self.clickedBlock ) if self.clickedBlock.isPlaced(): if self.clickedBlock.resetLoc(): self.blocks.append( self.clickedBlock ) else: self.deleteBlock( self.clickedBlock ) self.clickedBlock = None if self.possibleSubstitute.type == Block.Instrument: self.activateInstrument( self.possibleSubstitute ) self.possibleSubstitute = None else: self.blocks.append( self.clickedBlock ) if self.clickedBlock: self.clickedBlock.button_release( event ) self.clickedBlock = None def on_motion_notify( self, widget, event ): if not self.clickedBlock or self.rightClicked: return if event.is_hint or widget != self: x, y, state = self.window.get_pointer() event.x = float(x) event.y = float(y) event.state = state self.dragging = True if self.clickedBlock.motion_notify( event ): # first drag of root block, remove from self.blocks self.blocks.remove( self.clickedBlock ) if event.y < 0 or event.y > self.alloc.height: self.possibleDelete = True return else: self.possibleDelete = False blockCount = len(self.blocks) if self.clickedBlock.canChild and blockCount: for i in range(blockCount-1, -1, -1): handled = self.blocks[i].testChild( self.clickedBlock.getParentAnchor() ) if handled: if self.possibleParent != handled: if self.possibleParent: self.possibleParent.invalidate_rect( False ) self.possibleParent = handled self.possibleParent.invalidate_rect( False ) break if not handled and self.possibleParent: self.possibleParent.invalidate_rect( False ) self.possibleParent = None if self.clickedBlock.canSubstitute and blockCount: for i in range(blockCount-1, -1, -1): handled = self.blocks[i].testSubstitute( self.clickedBlock ) if handled: if self.possibleSubstitute != handled: if self.possibleSubstitute: self.possibleSubstitute.invalidate_rect( False ) self.possibleSubstitute = handled self.possibleSubstitute.invalidate_rect( False ) break if not handled and self.possibleSubstitute: self.possibleSubstitute.invalidate_rect( False ) self.possibleSubstitute = None def _beginDrag( self, block ): block._beginDrag() self.clickedBlock = block self.dragging = True #========================================================== # Drawing def draw( self ): startX = self.screenBufDirtyRect.x startY = self.screenBufDirtyRect.y stopX = startX + self.screenBufDirtyRect.width stopY = startY + self.screenBufDirtyRect.height self.gc.set_clip_rectangle( self.screenBufDirtyRect ) # draw background self.gc.foreground = self.colors["bg"] self.screenBuf.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, startX, startY, self.screenBufDirtyRect.width, self.screenBufDirtyRect.height ) # draw blocks self.gc.set_clip_mask( self.blockMask ) for block in self.blocks: block.draw( startX, startY, stopX, stopY, self.screenBuf ) self.screenBufDirty = False def on_expose( self, DA, event ): if self.screenBufDirty: self.draw() self.drawingAreaDirty = False startX = event.area.x startY = event.area.y stopX = event.area.x + event.area.width stopY = event.area.y + event.area.height self.gc.set_clip_rectangle( event.area ) # draw base DA.window.draw_drawable( self.gc, self.screenBuf, startX, startY, startX, startY, event.area.width, event.area.height ) if self.possibleDelete: return self.gc.set_clip_mask( self.blockMask ) # draw possible parent if self.possibleParent: self.possibleParent.drawHighlight( startX, startY, stopX, stopY, DA.window ) # draw dragged objects if self.dragging: self.clickedBlock.draw( startX, startY, stopX, stopY, DA.window ) # draw possible substitute if self.possibleSubstitute: self.possibleSubstitute.drawHighlight( startX, startY, stopX, stopY, DA.window ) def invalidate_rect( self, x, y, width, height, base = True ): self.dirtyRectToAdd.x = x self.dirtyRectToAdd.y = y self.dirtyRectToAdd.width = width self.dirtyRectToAdd.height = height #print "dirty %d %d %d %d %d %d" % (x, y, width, height, x+width, y+height) if base: # the base image has been dirtied if not self.screenBufDirty: self.screenBufDirtyRect.x = x self.screenBufDirtyRect.y = y self.screenBufDirtyRect.width = width self.screenBufDirtyRect.height = height else: self.screenBufDirtyRect = self.screenBufDirtyRect.union( self.dirtyRectToAdd ) self.screenBufDirty = True if self.drawingArea.window != None: self.drawingArea.window.invalidate_rect( self.dirtyRectToAdd, True ) self.drawingAreaDirty = True