import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import pango import os import sys import shutil import commands import random import common.Util.Instruments import common.Config as Config from gettext import gettext as _ import as style from Jam.Desktop import Desktop import Jam.Picker as Picker import Jam.Block as Block from Jam.Toolbars import JamToolbar from Jam.Toolbars import PlaybackToolbar from Jam.Toolbars import DesktopToolbar from Jam.Toolbars import RecordToolbar from common.Util.CSoundNote import CSoundNote from common.Util.CSoundClient import new_csound_client import common.Util.InstrumentDB as InstrumentDB from common.Util import NoteDB from Fillin import Fillin from RythmGenerator import generator from common.Generation.GenerationConstants import GenerationConstants from common.Util.NoteDB import Note, Page from common.Util import ControlStream from common.Util import OS from common.Tooltips import Tooltips import common.Util.Network as Net import xdrlib import time import gobject from sugar.presence import presenceservice from import XoColor from math import sqrt # increase the length of heartbeat loop to remove problems with # wrapping during sync correction HEARTBEAT_BUFFER = 100 class JamMain(gtk.EventBox): def __init__(self, activity): gtk.EventBox.__init__(self) self.activity = activity self.instrumentDB = InstrumentDB.getRef() self.noteDB = NoteDB.NoteDB() #-- initial settings ---------------------------------- self.tempo = Config.PLAYER_TEMPO self.beatDuration = 60.0 / self.tempo self.ticksPerSecond = Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT * self.tempo / 60.0 self.volume = 0.5 self.csnd = new_csound_client() for i in range(0, 9): self.csnd.setTrackVolume(100, i) # csnd expects a range 0-100 for now self.csnd.setMasterVolume(self.volume * 100) self.csnd.setTempo(self.tempo) self.muted = False presenceService = presenceservice.get_instance() self.xoOwner = presenceService.get_owner() #-- Drawing ------------------------------------------- def darken(colormap, hex): hexToDec = {"0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3, "4": 4, "5": 5, "6": 6, "7": 7, "8": 8, "9": 9, "A": 10, "B": 11, "C": 12, "D": 13, "E": 14, "F": 15, "a": 10, "b": 11, "c": 12, "d": 13, "e": 14, "f": 15} r = int(0.7 * (16 * hexToDec[hex[1]] + hexToDec[hex[2]])) g = int(0.7 * (16 * hexToDec[hex[3]] + hexToDec[hex[4]])) b = int(0.7 * (16 * hexToDec[hex[5]] + hexToDec[hex[6]])) return colormap.alloc_color(r * 256, g * 256, b * 256) def lighten(colormap, hex): hexToDec = {"0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3, "4": 4, "5": 5, "6": 6, "7": 7, "8": 8, "9": 9, "A": 10, "B": 11, "C": 12, "D": 13, "E": 14, "F": 15, "a": 10, "b": 11, "c": 12, "d": 13, "e": 14, "f": 15} r = 255 - int(0.7 * (255 - ( 16 * hexToDec[hex[1]] + hexToDec[hex[2]]))) g = 255 - int(0.7 * (255 - ( 16 * hexToDec[hex[3]] + hexToDec[hex[4]]))) b = 255 - int(0.7 * (255 - ( 16 * hexToDec[hex[5]] + hexToDec[hex[6]]))) return colormap.alloc_color(r * 256, g * 256, b * 256) xoColorKey = self.xoOwner.props.color if not xoColorKey: xoColorKey = ("#8D8D8D,#FFDDEA") xoColor = XoColor(xoColorKey) win = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window() self.gc = gtk.gdk.GC(win) colormap = gtk.gdk.colormap_get_system() self.colors = {"bg": colormap.alloc_color(Config.PANEL_BCK_COLOR), "black": colormap.alloc_color( style.COLOR_BLACK.get_html()), #"Picker_Bg": colormap.alloc_color("#404040"), #"Picker_Bg_Inactive": colormap.alloc_color("#808080"), "Picker_Bg": colormap.alloc_color( style.COLOR_TOOLBAR_GREY.get_html()), "Picker_Bg_Inactive": colormap.alloc_color( style.COLOR_BUTTON_GREY.get_html()), "Picker_Fg": colormap.alloc_color( style.COLOR_WHITE.get_html()), "Border_Active": colormap.alloc_color( #colormap.alloc_color("#590000"), xoColor.get_stroke_color()), "Border_Inactive": colormap.alloc_color("#8D8D8D"), "Border_Highlight": colormap.alloc_color("#FFFFFF"), "Bg_Active": colormap.alloc_color( #colormap.alloc_color("#FFDDEA"), xoColor.get_fill_color()), "Bg_Inactive": colormap.alloc_color("#DBDBDB"), "Preview_Note_Fill": colormap.alloc_color( Config.BG_COLOR), "Preview_Note_Border": colormap.alloc_color( Config.FG_COLOR), "Preview_Note_Selected": colormap.alloc_color( style.COLOR_WHITE.get_html()), "Note_Fill_Active": lighten(colormap, "#590000"), # base "Border_Active" "Note_Fill_Inactive": lighten(colormap, "#8D8D8D"), # base "Border_Inactive" "Beat_Line": colormap.alloc_color("#959595")} self.colors["Note_Border_Active"] = self.colors["Border_Active"] self.colors["Note_Border_Inactive"] = self.colors["Border_Inactive"] if True: # load block clipmask pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( Config.IMAGE_ROOT + 'jam-blockMask.png') pixels = pix.get_pixels() stride = pix.get_rowstride() channels = pix.get_n_channels() bitmap = "" byte = 0 shift = 0 for j in range(pix.get_height()): offset = stride * j for i in range(pix.get_width()): r = pixels[i * channels + offset] if r != "\0": byte += 1 << shift shift += 1 if shift > 7: bitmap += "%c" % byte byte = 0 shift = 0 if shift > 0: bitmap += "%c" % byte byte = 0 shift = 0 self.blockMask = gtk.gdk.bitmap_create_from_data( None, bitmap, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height()) pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(Config.IMAGE_ROOT + "sampleBG.png") self.sampleBg = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(win, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height()) self.sampleBg.draw_pixbuf(self.gc, pix, 0, 0, 0, 0, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height(), gtk.gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE) self.sampleBg.endOffset = pix.get_width() - 5 self.sampleNoteHeight = 7 if True: # load sample note clipmask pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( Config.IMAGE_ROOT + 'sampleNoteMask.png') pixels = pix.get_pixels() stride = pix.get_rowstride() channels = pix.get_n_channels() bitmap = "" byte = 0 shift = 0 for j in range(pix.get_height()): offset = stride * j for i in range(pix.get_width()): r = pixels[i * channels + offset] if r != "\0": byte += 1 << shift shift += 1 if shift > 7: bitmap += "%c" % byte byte = 0 shift = 0 if shift > 0: bitmap += "%c" % byte byte = 0 shift = 0 self.sampleNoteMask = gtk.gdk.bitmap_create_from_data( None, bitmap, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height()) self.sampleNoteMask.endOffset = pix.get_width() - 3 self.loopPitchOffset = 4 self.loopTickOffset = 13 self.pitchPerPixel = float(Config.NUMBER_OF_POSSIBLE_PITCHES - 1) / \ (Block.Loop.HEIGHT - 2 * self.loopPitchOffset - \ self.sampleNoteHeight) self.pixelsPerPitch = float(Block.Loop.HEIGHT - \ 2 * self.loopPitchOffset - self.sampleNoteHeight) / \ (Config.MAXIMUM_PITCH - Config.MINIMUM_PITCH) self.pixelsPerTick = Block.Loop.BEAT / float(Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT) self.ticksPerPixel = 1.0 / self.pixelsPerTick #-- Instruments --------------------------------------- self.instrumentImage = {} self.instrumentImageActive = {} for inst in self.instrumentDB.getSet("All"): if not inst.kitStage: self.prepareInstrumentImage(inst.instrumentId, inst.img) self.csnd.load_instrument( #-- Loop Images --------------------------------------- self.loopImage = {} # get filled in through updateLoopImage self.loopImageActive = {} #-- Key Images ---------------------------------------- self.keyImage = {} self.keyImageActive = {} # use hardware key codes to work on any keyboard layout (hopefully) self.valid_shortcuts = {18: "9", 19: "0", 20: "-", 21: "=", 32: "O", 33: "P", 34: "[", 35: "]", 47: ";", 48: "'", 51: "\\", 60: ".", 61: "/", None: " "} for key in self.valid_shortcuts.keys(): self.prepareKeyImage(key) #-- Toolbars ------------------------------------------ if self.activity.have_toolbox: from import ToolbarButton self.jamToolbar = JamToolbar(self) jam_toolbar_button = ToolbarButton(label=_('Jam'), page=self.jamToolbar, icon_name='voltemp') self.activity.toolbox.toolbar.insert(jam_toolbar_button, -1) self.playbackToolbar = PlaybackToolbar(self) playback_toolbar_button = ToolbarButton(label=_('Playback'), page=self.playbackToolbar, # Fixme: need an icon icon_name='activity-start') self.activity.toolbox.toolbar.insert(playback_toolbar_button, -1) self.desktopToolbar = DesktopToolbar(self) desktop_toolbar_button = ToolbarButton(label=_('Desktop'), page=self.desktopToolbar, icon_name='text-x-generic') self.activity.toolbox.toolbar.insert(desktop_toolbar_button, -1) if Config.FEATURES_MIC or Config.FEATURES_NEWSOUNDS: self.recordToolbar = RecordToolbar(self) record_toolbar_button = ToolbarButton(label=_('Record'), page=self.recordToolbar, icon_name='microphone') self.activity.toolbox.toolbar.insert(record_toolbar_button, -1) self.activity.add_stop_button() else: self.jamToolbar = JamToolbar(self) self.activity.toolbox.add_toolbar(_("Jam"), self.jamToolbar) self.playbackToolbar = PlaybackToolbar(self) self.activity.toolbox.add_toolbar(_("Playback"), self.playbackToolbar) self.desktopToolbar = DesktopToolbar(self) self.activity.toolbox.add_toolbar(_("Desktop"), self.desktopToolbar) if Config.FEATURES_MIC or Config.FEATURES_NEWSOUNDS: self.recordToolbar = RecordToolbar(self) self.activity.toolbox.add_toolbar(_("Record"), self.recordToolbar) #-- GUI ----------------------------------------------- if True: # GUI self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, self.colors["bg"]) # window bg self.GUI = {} self.GUI["mainVBox"] = gtk.VBox() self.add(self.GUI["mainVBox"]) #-- Desktop ------------------------------------------- self.desktop = self.GUI["desktop"] = Desktop(self) self.GUI["mainVBox"].pack_start(self.GUI["desktop"]) #-- Bank ---------------------------------------------- separator = gtk.Label(" ") separator.set_size_request(-1, style.TOOLBOX_SEPARATOR_HEIGHT) self.GUI["mainVBox"].pack_start(separator, False) self.GUI["notebook"] = gtk.Notebook() self.GUI["notebook"].set_scrollable(True) self.GUI["notebook"].modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, self.colors["Picker_Bg"]) self.GUI["notebook"].modify_bg(gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, self.colors["Picker_Bg_Inactive"]) self.GUI["notebook"].props.tab_vborder = style.TOOLBOX_TAB_VBORDER self.GUI["notebook"].props.tab_hborder = style.TOOLBOX_TAB_HBORDER self.GUI["notebook"].set_size_request(-1, 160) self.GUI["notebook"].connect("switch-page", self.setPicker) self.GUI["mainVBox"].pack_start(self.GUI["notebook"], False, False) self.pickers = {} self.pickerScroll = {} for type in [Picker.Instrument, Picker.Drum, Picker.Loop]: self.pickers[type] = type(self) def prepareLabel(name): label = gtk.Label(Tooltips.categories.get(name) or name) label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) label.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, self.colors["Picker_Fg"]) label.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, self.colors["Picker_Fg"]) return label self.GUI["notebook"].append_page(self.pickers[Picker.Drum], prepareLabel(_("Drum Kits"))) self.GUI["notebook"].append_page(self.pickers[Picker.Loop], prepareLabel(_("Loops"))) sets = self.instrumentDB.getLabels()[:] sets.sort() for set in sets: page = gtk.HBox() page.set = set self.GUI["notebook"].append_page(page, prepareLabel(set)) self.show_all() self.GUI["notebook"].set_current_page(0) #-- Keyboard ------------------------------------------ self.key_dict = {} self.nextTrack = 2 self.keyboardListener = None self.recordingNote = None self.keyMap = {} # default instrument self._updateInstrument( self.instrumentDB.instNamed["kalimba"].instrumentId, 0.5) self.instrumentStack = [] # metronome page = NoteDB.Page(1, local=False) self.metronomePage = self.noteDB.addPage(-1, page) self.metronome = False #-- Drums --------------------------------------------- self.drumLoopId = None # use dummy values for now self.drumFillin = Fillin( 2, 100, self.instrumentDB.instNamed["drum1kit"].instrumentId, 0, 1) #-- Desktops ------------------------------------------ self.curDesktop = None # copy preset desktops path = Config.FILES_DIR + "/Desktops/" filelist = os.listdir(path) for file in filelist: shutil.copyfile(path + file, Config.TMP_DIR + '/' + file) #-- Network ------------------------------------------- = Net.Network(), self.processHT_SYNC_REPLY), self.processHT_TEMPO_UPDATE), self.processPR_SYNC_QUERY), self.processPR_TEMPO_QUERY), self.processPR_REQUEST_TEMPO_CHANGE) # sync self.syncQueryStart = {} self.syncTimeout = None self.heartbeatLoop = self.csnd.loopCreate() self.syncBeats = 4 self.syncTicks = self.syncBeats * Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT self.offsetTicks = 0 # offset from the true heartbeat self.csnd.loopSetNumTicks(self.syncTicks * HEARTBEAT_BUFFER, self.heartbeatLoop) self.heartbeatStart = time.time() self.csnd.loopStart(self.heartbeatLoop) self.curBeat = 0 self.beatWheelTimeout = gobject.timeout_add(100, self.updateBeatWheel) # data packing classes self.packer = xdrlib.Packer() self.unpacker = xdrlib.Unpacker("") # handle forced networking if self.updateSync() self.syncTimeout = gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.updateSync) elif self.sendTempoQuery() self.syncTimeout = gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.updateSync) self.activity.connect("shared", self.shared) if self.activity._shared_activity: # PEER self.activity._shared_activity.connect("buddy-joined", self.buddy_joined) self.activity._shared_activity.connect("buddy-left", self.buddy_left) self.activity.connect("joined", self.joined) #-- Final Set Up -------------------------------------- self.setVolume(self.volume) self.setTempo(self.tempo) if self.activity.have_toolbox: # jam_toolbar_button.set_expanded(True) pass else: self.activity.toolbox.set_current_toolbar(1) # JamToolbar self.setDesktop(0, True) #========================================================== def onActivate(self, arg): pass def onDeactivate(self): pass def onDestroy(self): #clear up scratch folder path = Config.TMP_DIR filelist = os.listdir(path) for file in filelist: os.remove(path + '/' + file) #========================================================== # Playback def onKeyPress(self, widget, event): key = event.hardware_keycode if key in self.keyMap.keys(): activate = True for block in self.keyMap[key]: if block.isActive(): activate = False break if activate: for block in self.keyMap[key]: if not block.isActive(): if block.type == Block.Drum: self.desktop.activateDrum(block) elif block.type == Block.Loop: self.desktop.activateLoop(block) else: for block in self.keyMap[key]: if block.isActive(): if block.type == Block.Drum: self.desktop.deactivateDrum(block) elif block.type == Block.Loop: self.desktop.deactivateLoop(block) return if key in self.key_dict: # repeated press return if key in Config.KEY_MAP_PIANO: pitch = Config.KEY_MAP_PIANO[key] inst = self.instrumentDB.instId[self.instrument["id"]] if inst.kit: # drum kit if pitch in GenerationConstants.DRUMPITCH: pitch = GenerationConstants.DRUMPITCH[pitch] csnote = self._playNote( # trackVol * noteVol key, 36, self.instrument["amplitude"] * 0.5, self.instrument["pan"], 100, self.instrumentDB.instNamed[inst.kit[pitch]].instrumentId, self.instrument["reverb"]) else: if event.state == gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK: pitch += 5 # Percussions resonance if inst.csoundInstrumentId == Config.INST_PERC: duration = 60 else: duration = -1 csnote = self._playNote( # trackVol * noteVol key, pitch, self.instrument["amplitude"] * 0.5, self.instrument["pan"], duration, self.instrument["id"], self.instrument["reverb"]) if self.keyboardListener: self.keyboardListener.recordNote(csnote.pitch) self.recordingNote = True def onKeyRelease(self, widget, event): key = event.hardware_keycode if key in self.key_dict: self._stopNote(key) if self.recordingNote: if self.keyboardListener: self.keyboardListener.finishNote() self.recordingNote = False def _playNote(self, key, pitch, amplitude, pan, duration, instrumentId, reverb): self.key_dict[key] = CSoundNote( # onset 0, pitch, amplitude, pan, duration, self.nextTrack, instrumentId, reverbSend=reverb, tied=True, mode='mini') self.nextTrack += 1 if self.nextTrack > 8: self.nextTrack = 2[key], 0.3) return self.key_dict[key] def _stopNote(self, key): csnote = self.key_dict[key] if self.instrumentDB.instId[csnote.instrumentId].csoundInstrumentId \ == Config.INST_TIED: csnote.duration = .5 csnote.decay = 0.7 csnote.tied = False, 0.3) del self.key_dict[key] def _updateInstrument(self, id, volume, pan=0, reverb=0): self.instrument = {"id": id, "amplitude": volume, "pan": pan, "reverb": reverb} def pushInstrument(self, instrument): self.instrumentStack.append(self.instrument) self.instrument = instrument def popInstrument(self): self.instrument = self.instrumentStack.pop() def _playDrum(self, id, pageId, volume, reverb, beats, regularity, loopId=None, sync=True): oldId = loopId loopId = self.csnd.loopCreate() noteOnsets = [] notePitchs = [] for n in self.noteDB.getNotesByTrack(pageId, 0): n.pushState() noteOnsets.append(n.cs.onset) notePitchs.append(n.cs.pitch) n.cs.instrumentId = id n.cs.amplitude = volume * n.cs.amplitude n.cs.reverbSend = reverb self.csnd.loopPlay(n, 1, loopId=loopId) # add as active n.popState() ticks = self.noteDB.getPage(pageId).ticks self.csnd.loopSetNumTicks(ticks, loopId) self.drumFillin.setLoopId(loopId) self.drumFillin.setProperties( self.tempo, self.instrumentDB.instId[id].name, volume, beats, reverb) self.drumFillin.unavailable(noteOnsets, notePitchs) if oldId == None: if sync: startTick = self.csnd.loopGetTick(self.heartbeatLoop) \ % self.syncTicks else: startTick = 0 else: # TODO is this really safe? could potentially add several # milliseconds of delay everytime a loop is updated if sync: startTick = self.csnd.loopGetTick(oldId) else: startTick = 0 while startTick > ticks: startTick -= ticks self.csnd.loopSetTick(startTick, loopId) self.csnd.loopStart(loopId) if oldId != None: self.csnd.loopDestroy(oldId) return loopId def _stopDrum(self, loopId): self.drumFillin.stop() self.csnd.loopDestroy(loopId) def _playLoop(self, id, volume, reverb, tune, loopId=None, force=False, sync=True): oldId = loopId loopId = self.csnd.loopCreate() inst = self.instrumentDB.instId[id] ticks = 0 for page in tune: for n in self.noteDB.getNotesByTrack(page, 0): n.pushState() n.cs.instrumentId = id n.cs.amplitude = volume * n.cs.amplitude n.cs.reverbSend = reverb if inst.kit: # drum kit if n.cs.pitch in GenerationConstants.DRUMPITCH: n.cs.pitch = GenerationConstants.DRUMPITCH[n.cs.pitch] n.cs.onset += ticks self.csnd.loopPlay(n, 1, loopId=loopId) n.popState() # metronome track for n in self.noteDB.getNotesByTrack(page, 1): self.csnd.loopPlay(n, 1, loopId=loopId) # record scratch track for n in self.noteDB.getNotesByTrack(page, 2): self.csnd.loopPlay(n, 1, loopId=loopId) ticks += self.noteDB.getPage(page).ticks self.csnd.loopSetNumTicks(ticks, loopId) if oldId == None: if sync: startTick = self.csnd.loopGetTick(self.heartbeatLoop) \ % self.syncTicks else: startTick = 0 else: # TODO is this really safe? could potentially add several # milliseconds of delay everytime a loop is updated if sync: startTick = self.csnd.loopGetTick(oldId) else: startTick = 0 while startTick > ticks: startTick -= ticks self.csnd.loopSetTick(startTick, loopId) self.csnd.loopStart(loopId) if oldId != None: self.csnd.loopDestroy(oldId) return loopId def _stopLoop(self, loopId): self.csnd.loopDestroy(loopId) def addMetronome(self, page, period): self.noteDB.deleteNotesByTrack([page], [1]) baseCS = CSoundNote( 0, # onset 36, # pitch 0.2, # amplitude 0.5, # pan 100, # duration 1, # track self.instrumentDB.instNamed["drum1hatpedal"].instrumentId, reverbSend=0.5, tied=True, mode='mini') stream = [] offset = 0 for b in range(self.noteDB.getPage(page).beats): cs = baseCS.clone() cs.instrumentId = \ self.instrumentDB.instNamed["drum1hatshoulder"].instrumentId cs.amplitude = 0.5 cs.onset += offset stream.append(cs) onset = period while onset < Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT: cs = baseCS.clone() cs.onset = onset + offset stream.append(cs) onset += period offset += Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT self.noteDB.addNotes([page, 1, len(stream)] + stream + [-1]) def removeMetronome(self, page): self.noteDB.deleteNotesByTrack([page], [1]) def setMuted(self, muted): self.playbackToolbar.setMuted(muted) def _setMuted(self, muted): if self.muted == muted: return False if self.muted: # unmute self.muted = False self.csnd.setTrackVolume(100, 0) else: # mute self.muted = True self.csnd.setTrackVolume(0, 0) return True def setStopped(self): for drum in list(self.desktop.drums): self.desktop.deactivateDrum(drum) # we copy the list using the list() method for loop in list(self.desktop.loops): self.desktop.deactivateLoop(loop) #========================================================== # Generate def _generateDrumLoop(self, instrumentId, beats, regularity, reverb, pageId=-1): def flatten(ll): rval = [] for l in ll: rval += l return rval notes = flatten(generator( self.instrumentDB.instId[instrumentId].name, beats, 0.8, regularity, reverb)) if pageId == -1: page = Page(beats) pageId = self.noteDB.addPage(-1, page) else: self.noteDB.deleteNotesByTrack([pageId], [0]) if len(notes): self.noteDB.addNotes([pageId, 0, len(notes)] + notes + [-1]) return pageId def _generateTrack(self, instrumentId, page, track, parameters, algorithm): dict = {track: {page: self.noteDB.getCSNotesByTrack(page, track)}} instruments = {page: [self.instrumentDB.instId[instrumentId].name \ for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS)]} beatsOfPages = {page: self.noteDB.getPage(page).beats} algorithm(parameters, [0.5 for i in range(Config.NUMBER_OF_TRACKS)], instruments, self.tempo, beatsOfPages, [track], [page], dict, 4) # filter & fix input ...WTF!? for track in dict: for page in dict[track]: for note in dict[track][page]: intdur = int(note.duration) note.duration = intdur note.pageId = page note.trackId = track # prepare the new notes newnotes = [] for tid in dict: for pid in dict[tid]: newnotes += dict[tid][pid] # delete the notes and add the new self.noteDB.deleteNotesByTrack([page], [track]) self.noteDB.addNotes([page, track, len(dict[track][page])] \ + dict[track][page] + [-1]) #========================================================== # Mic recording def micRec(self, widget, mic): self.csnd.inputMessage("i5600 0 4") OS.arecord(4, "crop.csd", mic) self.csnd.load_mic_instrument(mic) #========================================================== # Loop Settings def loopSettingsChannel(self, channel, value): self.csnd.setChannel(channel, value) def loopSettingsPlayStop(self, state, loop): if not state: if loop: self.loopSettingsPlaying = True self.csnd.inputMessage(Config.CSOUND_PLAY_LS_NOTE % 5022) else: self.csnd.inputMessage(Config.CSOUND_PLAY_LS_NOTE % 5023) else: if loop: self.loopSettingsPlaying = False self.csnd.inputMessage(Config.CSOUND_STOP_LS_NOTE) def load_ls_instrument(self, soundName): self.csnd.load_ls_instrument(soundName) #========================================================== # Get/Set def getVolume(self): return self.volume def setVolume(self, volume): self.jamToolbar.volumeSlider.set_value(volume) def _setVolume(self, volume): if self.muted: self.setMuted(False) self.volume = volume # csnd expects a range 0-100 for now self.csnd.setMasterVolume(self.volume * 100) def getTempo(self): return self.tempo def setTempo(self, tempo, quiet=False): self.jamToolbar.setTempo(tempo, quiet) def _setTempo(self, tempo, propagate=True): if or t = time.time() elapsedTicks = (t - self.heartbeatStart) * self.ticksPerSecond self.tempo = tempo self.beatDuration = 60.0 / self.tempo self.ticksPerSecond = Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT * self.tempo / 60.0 self.csnd.setTempo(self.tempo) if or self.heatbeatStart = t - elapsedTicks * self.beatDuration self.updateSync() self.sendTempoUpdate() def getInstrument(self): return self.instrument def getDesktop(self): return self.desktop def _clearDesktop(self, save=True): if self.curDesktop == None: return if save: self._saveDesktop() self.desktop._clearDesktop() self.curDesktop = None def setDesktop(self, desktop, force=False): radiobtn = self.desktopToolbar.getDesktopButton(desktop) if force and radiobtn.get_active(): self._setDesktop(desktop) else: radiobtn.set_active(True) def _setDesktop(self, desktop): self._clearDesktop() self.curDesktop = desktop TTTable = ControlStream.TamTamTable(self.noteDB, jam=self) filename = self.getDesktopScratchFile(self.curDesktop) try: stream = open(filename, "r") TTTable.parseFile(stream) stream.close() except IOError, (errno, strerror): if Config.DEBUG > 3: print "IOError:: _setDesktop:", errno, strerror def getInstrumentImage(self, id, active=False): if active: return self.instrumentImageActive[id] else: return self.instrumentImage[id] def getKeyImage(self, key, active=False): if active: return self.keyImageActive[key] else: return self.keyImage[key] def getLoopImage(self, id, active=False): if active: return self.loopImageActive[id] else: return self.loopImage[id] def setPicker(self, widget, pagePointer, page_num): page = self.GUI["notebook"].get_nth_page(page_num) if page == self.pickers[Picker.Drum]: pass elif page == self.pickers[Picker.Loop]: pass else: self.pickers[Picker.Instrument].setFilter((page.set)) parent = self.pickers[Picker.Instrument].get_parent() if parent != page: if parent != None: parent.remove(self.pickers[Picker.Instrument]) page.add(self.pickers[Picker.Instrument]) def setKeyboardListener(self, listener): self.keyboardListener = listener def mapKey(self, key, block, oldKey=None): if oldKey != None and block in self.keyMap[oldKey]: self.keyMap[oldKey].remove(block) if key == None: return if key not in self.keyMap.keys(): self.keyMap[key] = [] if block not in self.keyMap[key]: self.keyMap[key].append(block) #========================================================== # Pixmaps def prepareInstrumentImage(self, id, img_path): win = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window() try: pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(img_path) except: if Config.DEBUG >= 5: print "JamMain:: file does not exist: " + img_path pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( Config.IMAGE_ROOT + "generic.png") x = (Block.Block.WIDTH - pix.get_width()) // 2 y = (Block.Block.HEIGHT - pix.get_height()) // 2 img = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(win, Block.Block.WIDTH, Block.Block.HEIGHT) self.gc.foreground = self.colors["Bg_Inactive"] img.draw_rectangle(self.gc, True, 0, 0, Block.Block.WIDTH, Block.Block.HEIGHT) img.draw_pixbuf(self.gc, pix, 0, 0, x, y, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height(), gtk.gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE) self.instrumentImage[id] = img img = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(win, Block.Block.WIDTH, Block.Block.HEIGHT) self.gc.foreground = self.colors["Bg_Active"] img.draw_rectangle(self.gc, True, 0, 0, Block.Block.WIDTH, Block.Block.HEIGHT) img.draw_pixbuf(self.gc, pix, 0, 0, x, y, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height(), gtk.gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE) self.instrumentImageActive[id] = img def _drawNotes(self, pixmap, beats, notes, active): self.gc.set_clip_mask(self.sampleNoteMask) for note in notes: # draw N notes x = self.ticksToPixels(note.cs.onset) # include end cap offset endX = self.ticksToPixels(note.cs.onset + note.cs.duration) - 3 width = endX - x if width < 5: width = 5 endX = x + width y = self.pitchToPixels(note.cs.pitch) # draw fill if active: self.gc.foreground = self.colors["Note_Fill_Active"] else: self.gc.foreground = self.colors["Note_Fill_Inactive"] self.gc.set_clip_origin(x, y - self.sampleNoteHeight) pixmap.draw_rectangle(self.gc, True, x + 1, y + 1, width + 1, self.sampleNoteHeight - 2) # draw border if active: self.gc.foreground = self.colors["Note_Border_Active"] else: self.gc.foreground = self.colors["Note_Border_Inactive"] self.gc.set_clip_origin(x, y) pixmap.draw_rectangle(self.gc, True, x, y, width, self.sampleNoteHeight) self.gc.set_clip_origin(endX - self.sampleNoteMask.endOffset, y) pixmap.draw_rectangle(self.gc, True, endX, y, 3, self.sampleNoteHeight) def prepareKeyImage(self, key): win = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window() pangolayout = self.create_pango_layout(_(self.valid_shortcuts[key])) fontDesc = pango.FontDescription("bold") pangolayout.set_font_description(fontDesc) extents = pangolayout.get_pixel_extents() x = (Block.Block.KEYSIZE - extents[1][2]) // 2 y = (Block.Block.KEYSIZE - extents[1][3]) // 2 pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(win, Block.Block.KEYSIZE, Block.Block.KEYSIZE) self.gc.foreground = self.colors["Border_Inactive"] pixmap.draw_rectangle(self.gc, True, 0, 0, Block.Block.KEYSIZE, Block.Block.KEYSIZE) self.gc.foreground = self.colors["Bg_Inactive"] pixmap.draw_layout(self.gc, x, y, pangolayout) self.keyImage[key] = pixmap pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(win, Block.Block.KEYSIZE, Block.Block.KEYSIZE) self.gc.foreground = self.colors["Border_Active"] pixmap.draw_rectangle(self.gc, True, 0, 0, Block.Block.KEYSIZE, Block.Block.KEYSIZE) self.gc.foreground = self.colors["Bg_Active"] pixmap.draw_layout(self.gc, x, y, pangolayout) self.keyImageActive[key] = pixmap def updateLoopImage(self, id): page = self.noteDB.getPage(id) win = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window() width = Block.Loop.WIDTH[] height = Block.Loop.HEIGHT self.gc.set_clip_rectangle(gtk.gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, width, height)) pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(win, width, height) self.gc.foreground = self.colors["Bg_Inactive"] pixmap.draw_rectangle(self.gc, True, 0, 0, width, height) self._drawNotes(pixmap,, self.noteDB.getNotesByTrack(id, 0), False) self.loopImage[id] = pixmap self.gc.set_clip_rectangle(gtk.gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, width, height)) pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(win, width, height) self.gc.foreground = self.colors["Bg_Active"] pixmap.draw_rectangle(self.gc, True, 0, 0, width, height) self._drawNotes(pixmap,, self.noteDB.getNotesByTrack(id, 0), True) self.loopImageActive[id] = pixmap def ticksToPixels(self, ticks): return self.loopTickOffset + int(round(ticks * self.pixelsPerTick)) def pitchToPixels(self, pitch): return self.loopPitchOffset + \ int(round((Config.MAXIMUM_PITCH - pitch) * self.pixelsPerPitch)) #========================================================== # Load/Save def _saveDesktop(self): if self.curDesktop == None: return filename = self.getDesktopScratchFile(self.curDesktop) if os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename) try: scratch = open(filename, "w") stream = ControlStream.TamTamOStream(scratch) self.noteDB.dumpToStream(stream, True) self.desktop.dumpToStream(stream) stream.sync_beats(self.syncBeats) scratch.close() except IOError, (errno, strerror): if Config.DEBUG > 3: print "IOError:: _saveDesktop:", errno, strerror def getDesktopScratchFile(self, i): return Config.TMP_DIR + "/desktop%d" % i def handleJournalLoad(self, filepath): self._clearDesktop(False) TTTable = ControlStream.TamTamTable(self.noteDB, jam=self) try: stream = open(filepath, "r") TTTable.parseFile(stream) stream.close() self.setVolume(TTTable.masterVolume) self.setTempo(TTTable.tempo) except IOError, (errno, strerror): if Config.DEBUG > 3: print "IOError:: handleJournalLoad:", errno, strerror def handleJournalSave(self, filepath): self._saveDesktop() try: streamF = open(filepath, "w") stream = ControlStream.TamTamOStream(streamF) for i in range(10): desktop_file = self.getDesktopScratchFile(i) stream.desktop_store(desktop_file, i) stream.desktop_set(self.curDesktop) stream.master_vol(self.volume) stream.tempo(self.tempo) streamF.close() except IOError, (errno, strerror): if Config.DEBUG > 3: print "IOError:: handleJournalSave:", errno, strerror #========================================================== # Network #-- Activity ---------------------------------------------- def shared(self, activity): if Config.DEBUG: print "TamTamJam:: successfully shared, start host mode" self.activity._shared_activity.connect("buddy-joined", self.buddy_joined) self.activity._shared_activity.connect("buddy-left", self.buddy_left) self.updateSync() self.syncTimeout = gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.updateSync) def joined(self, activity): if Config.DEBUG: print "TamTamJam:: joined activity!!" for buddy in self.activity._shared_activity.get_joined_buddies(): print buddy.props.ip4_address def buddy_joined(self, activity, buddy): if Config.DEBUG: print "buddy joined " + str(buddy) try: print buddy.props.ip4_address except: print "bad ip4_address" if if buddy == self.xoOwner: return if buddy.props.ip4_address: else: print "TamTamJam:: new buddy does not have an ip4_address!!" def buddy_left(self, activity, buddy): if Config.DEBUG: print "buddy left" #def joined(self, activity): # if Config.DEBUG: # print "miniTamTam:: successfully joined, wait for host" # #-- Senders ----------------------------------------------- def sendSyncQuery(self): self.packer.pack_float(random.random()) hash = self.packer.get_buffer() self.packer.reset() self.syncQueryStart[hash] = time.time(), hash) def sendTempoUpdate(self): self.packer.pack_int(self.tempo), self.packer.get_buffer()) self.packer.reset() def sendTempoQuery(self): def requestTempoChange(self, val): self.packer.pack_int(val), self.packer.get_buffer()) self.packer.reset() #-- Handlers ---------------------------------------------- def networkStatusWatcher(self, mode): if mode == Net.MD_OFFLINE: if self.syncTimeout: gobject.source_remove(self.syncTimeout) self.syncTimeout = None if mode == Net.MD_PEER: self.updateSync() if not self.syncTimeout: self.syncTimeout = gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.updateSync) self.sendTempoQuery() def processHT_SYNC_REPLY(self, sock, message, data): t = time.time() hash = data[0: 4] latency = t - self.syncQueryStart[hash] self.unpacker.reset(data[4: 8]) elapsed = self.unpacker.unpack_float() #print "mini:: got sync: next beat in %f, latency %d" \ # % (nextBeat, latency*1000) self.heartbeatStart = t - elapsed - latency / 2 self.correctSync() self.syncQueryStart.pop(hash) def processHT_TEMPO_UPDATE(self, sock, message, data): self.unpacker.reset(data) val = self.unpacker.unpack_int() self.setTempo(val, True) self.sendSyncQuery() def processPR_SYNC_QUERY(self, sock, message, data): self.packer.pack_float(time.time() - self.heartbeatStart), data + self.packer.get_buffer(), sock) self.packer.reset() def processPR_TEMPO_QUERY(self, sock, message, data): self.packer.pack_int(self.tempo), self.packer.get_buffer(), to=sock) self.packer.reset() def processPR_REQUEST_TEMPO_CHANGE(self, sock, message, data): if self.jamToolbar.tempoSliderActive: return self.unpacker.reset(data) val = self.unpacker.unpack_int() self.setTempo(val) #========================================================== # Sync def setSyncBeats(self, beats): self.playbackToolbar.setSyncBeats(beats) def _setSyncBeats(self, beats): if beats == self.syncBeats: return elapsedTicks = (time.time() - self.heartbeatStart) \ * self.ticksPerSecond + self.offsetTicks elapsedBeats = int(elapsedTicks) // Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT targBeat = (elapsedBeats % self.syncBeats) % beats curBeat = elapsedBeats % beats offset = (targBeat - curBeat) * Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT self.syncBeats = beats self.syncTicks = beats * Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT self.offsetTicks = (offset + self.offsetTicks) \ % (self.syncTicks * HEARTBEAT_BUFFER) elapsedTicks += offset newTick = elapsedTicks % (self.syncTicks * HEARTBEAT_BUFFER) self.csnd.loopSetTick(newTick, self.heartbeatLoop) self.csnd.loopSetNumTicks(self.syncTicks * HEARTBEAT_BUFFER, self.heartbeatLoop) self.updateSync() def _setBeat(self, beat): curTick = self.csnd.loopGetTick(self.heartbeatLoop) % self.syncTicks curBeat = int(curTick) // Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT offset = (beat - curBeat) * Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT if offset > self.syncTicks // 2: offset -= self.syncTicks elif offset < -self.syncTicks // 2: offset += self.syncTicks self.offsetTicks = (offset + self.offsetTicks) \ % (self.syncTicks * HEARTBEAT_BUFFER) for id in self.desktop.getLoopIds() + [self.heartbeatLoop]: tick = self.csnd.loopGetTick(id) maxTick = self.csnd.loopGetNumTicks(id) newTick = (tick + offset) % maxTick self.csnd.loopSetTick(newTick, id) def updateBeatWheel(self): curTick = self.csnd.loopGetTick(self.heartbeatLoop) % self.syncTicks self.curBeat = int(curTick) // Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT self.playbackToolbar.updateBeatWheel(self.curBeat) return True def correctedHeartbeat(self): elapsedTicks = (time.time() - self.heartbeatStart) \ * self.ticksPerSecond return (elapsedTicks + self.offsetTicks) \ % (self.syncTicks * HEARTBEAT_BUFFER) def updateSync(self): if Config.DEBUG: # help the log print out on time sys.stdout.flush() if return False elif return True elif self.correctSync() else: self.sendSyncQuery() return True def correctSync(self): curTick = self.csnd.loopGetTick(self.heartbeatLoop) corTick = self.correctedHeartbeat() err = corTick - curTick maxTick = self.syncTicks * HEARTBEAT_BUFFER # these should never happen becasue of HEARTBEAT_BUFFER, but hey if err < -maxTick // 2: err += maxTick elif err > maxTick // 2: err -= maxTick #print "correctSync", curTick, corTick, err, maxTick, self.offsetTicks if abs(err) > 4 * Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT: # we're way off for id in self.desktop.getLoopIds() + [self.heartbeatLoop]: tick = self.csnd.loopGetTick(id) maxTick = self.csnd.loopGetNumTicks(id) newTick = (tick + err) % maxTick self.csnd.loopSetTick(newTick, id) elif abs(err) > 0.25: # soft correction self.csnd.adjustTick(err / 3)