import gtk import common.Config as Config from import ToolButton from import ToggleToolButton from import RadioToolButton from gettext import gettext as _ class mainToolbar(gtk.Toolbar): def __init__(self, toolbox, synthLab): gtk.Toolbar.__init__(self) def _button_factory(name='', toolbar=None, cb=None, arg=None, tooltip=None, toggle=True): ''' Add a toggle button to a toolbar ''' if toggle: button = ToggleToolButton(name) else: button = ToolButton(name) if cb is not None: if arg is None: button.connect('clicked', cb) else: button.connect('clicked', cb, arg) if toolbar is not None: toolbar.insert(button, -1) if tooltip is not None: button.set_tooltip(tooltip) return button def _insertSeparator(x=1): for i in range(x): self.separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() self.separator.set_draw(False) self.insert(self.separator, -1) def _label_factory(label='', toolbar=None): ''' Add a label to a toolbar ''' mylabel = gtk.Label(label) mytool = gtk.ToolItem() mytool.add(mylabel) if toolbar is not None: toolbar.insert(mytool, -1) return mylabel def _slider_factory(toolbar=None, cb=None, tooltip=None): ''' Add a slider to a toolbar ''' sliderAdj = gtk.Adjustment(2, .5, 30, .01, .01, 0) sliderAdj.connect("value_changed", cb) slider = gtk.HScale(adjustment=sliderAdj) slider.set_size_request(250,15) slider.set_inverted(False) slider.set_value_pos(gtk.POS_RIGHT) sliderTool = gtk.ToolItem() sliderTool.add(slider) tooltips = gtk.Tooltips() sliderTool.set_tooltip(tooltips, tooltip) toolbar.insert(sliderTool, -1) return sliderAdj self.toolbox = toolbox self.synthLab = synthLab self.durationSliderLabel = _label_factory(label=_('Duration: '), toolbar=self) self.durationSliderAdj = _slider_factory(toolbar=self, cb=self.synthLab.handleDuration, tooltip=_('Duration')) self.durationSliderLabelSecond = _label_factory(label=_(' s.'), toolbar=self) _insertSeparator(1) if Config.FEATURES_LAB: self.synthRecButtons = [] for i in range(6): j = i + 1 self.synthRecButton.append(_button_factory( name='rec%d' % (j), toolbar=self, cb=self.synthLab.recordSound, arg=j, tooltip=_('Record Synth sound into slot') + \ ' "lab%d"' % (j))) if False: #Config.FEATURES_OGG: # Disabled .ogg support until fixing #2669 #RecordOgg button self.recordOggButton = _button_factory( name='record0', toolbar=self, cb=self.synthLab.recordOgg, tooltip=_('Record to ogg')) _insertSeparator(1) self.resetButton = _button_factory( name='sl-reset', toolbar=self, cb=self.synthLab.handleReset, tooltip=_('Reset the worktable'), toggle=False) class presetToolbar(gtk.Toolbar): def __init__(self,toolbox, synthLab): gtk.Toolbar.__init__(self) def _insertSeparator(x = 1): for i in range(x): self.separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() self.separator.set_draw(False) self.insert(self.separator,-1) def _radio_button_factory(name='', toolbar=None, cb=None, arg=None, tooltip=None, group=None): ''' Add a radio button to a toolbar ''' button = RadioToolButton(group=group) button.set_named_icon(name) if cb is not None: if arg is None: button.connect('clicked', cb) else: button.connect('clicked', cb, arg) if toolbar is not None: toolbar.insert(button, -1) if tooltip is not None: button.set_tooltip(tooltip) return button self.toolbox = toolbox self.synthLab = synthLab self.presetButton = [] for i in range(10): j = i + 1 if i == 0: self.presetButton.append(_radio_button_factory( name='preset%d' % (j), toolbar=self, cb=self.synthLab.presetCallback, arg=j, tooltip=_('Preset') + ' %d' % (j), group=None)) else: self.presetButton.append(_radio_button_factory( name='preset%d' % (j), toolbar=self, cb=self.synthLab.presetCallback, arg=j, tooltip=_('Preset') + ' %d' % (j), group=self.presetButton[0]))