import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk from Util.Profiler import TP import gobject import time import shelve from gettext import gettext as _ import os import Config from Util.ThemeWidgets import * from Util.CSoundClient import new_csound_client from SynthLab.SynthLabParametersWindow import SynthLabParametersWindow from SynthLab.SynthObjectsParameters import SynthObjectsParameters from SynthLab.SynthLabConstants import SynthLabConstants from SynthLab.Parameter import Parameter from SynthLab.SynthLabToolbars import mainToolbar from SynthLab.SynthLabToolbars import presetToolbar from Util.Trackpad import Trackpad from SubActivity import SubActivity Tooltips = Config.Tooltips as_window = False class SynthLabWindow(SubActivity): def __init__( self, activity, set_mode, dummy_to_change_signature ): SubActivity.__init__(self, set_mode) if as_window: color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(Config.PANEL_BCK_COLOR) self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) self.set_border_width(Config.MAIN_WINDOW_PADDING) self.set_keep_above(False) self.set_decorated(False) self.activity = activity self.csnd = new_csound_client() self.trackpad = Trackpad( self ) self.synthObjectsParameters = SynthObjectsParameters() self.resetLocations() self.objectCount = len(self.locations) self.connections = [] self.initializeConnections() self.bounds = [] for i in range(self.objectCount): self.bounds.append([0,0,0,0]) self.updateBounds(i) self.instanceOpen = 0 self.recordWait = 0 self.recCount = 0 self.duration = 2 self.durString = '%.2f' % self.duration self.playingPitch = [] self.journalCalled = True #Toolbars self._mainToolbar = mainToolbar(self.activity.toolbox, self) self._presetToolbar = presetToolbar(self.activity.toolbox, self) self.activity.toolbox.add_toolbar(_('Main'), self._mainToolbar) self.activity.toolbox.add_toolbar(_('Presets'), self._presetToolbar) self.activity.toolbox.set_current_toolbar(1) loopPointsTable = [] sample_names = [name for i in range( len( Config.INSTRUMENTS ) ) for name in Config.INSTRUMENTS.keys() if Config.INSTRUMENTS[ name ].instrumentId == i ] for inst in sample_names: loopStart = Config.INSTRUMENTS[ inst ].loopStart loopEnd = Config.INSTRUMENTS[ inst ].loopEnd crossDur = Config.INSTRUMENTS[ inst ].crossDur loopPointsTable.extend( [ loopStart, loopEnd, crossDur ] ) mess = "f5755 0 512 -2 " + " " .join([str(n) for n in loopPointsTable]) self.csnd.inputMessage( mess ) self.lineWidth = 3 self.lineWidthMUL2 = self.lineWidth*2 self.lineWidthMUL4 = self.lineWidth*4 self.lineWidthMUL4SQ = self.lineWidthMUL4*self.lineWidthMUL4 self.pix = 10 self.parameterOpen = 0 self.clockStart = 0 self.sample_names = [name for i in range( len( Config.INSTRUMENTS ) ) for name in Config.INSTRUMENTS.keys() if Config.INSTRUMENTS[ name ].instrumentId == i ] self.tooltips = gtk.Tooltips() if as_window: self.add_events(gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS_MASK|gtk.gdk.KEY_RELEASE_MASK) self.action = None self.dragObject = None self.overWire = None self.overGate = None self.overGateObj = None self.overGateReject = False self.overGateSize = 32 self.overGateSizeDIV2 = self.overGateSize//2 self.overLineWidth = self.lineWidth*2 self.overLineWidthMUL2 = self.overLineWidth*2 self.gatePoint = SynthLabConstants.GATE_POINT self.gateMap = SynthLabConstants.GATE_MAP # look up gate type to find the matching gate type self.gateMatch = [ SynthLabConstants.GT_CONTROL_INPUT, SynthLabConstants.GT_CONTROL_OUTPUT, SynthLabConstants.GT_SOUND_INPUT, SynthLabConstants.GT_SOUND_OUTPUT ] # set up window if as_window: self.set_position( gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT ) self.set_title("Synth Lab") self.mainBox = gtk.VBox() self.subBox = gtk.HBox() self.drawingBox = RoundVBox( 10, Config.INST_BCK_COLOR, Config.PANEL_BCK_COLOR ) self.drawingBox.set_border_width(Config.PANEL_SPACING) self.presetBox = RoundVBox( 10, Config.PANEL_COLOR, Config.PANEL_BCK_COLOR ) self.presetBox.set_border_width(Config.PANEL_SPACING) self.presetBox.set_size_request(100, 790) self.subBox.pack_start(self.drawingBox, True, True) #self.subBox.pack_start(self.presetBox, True, True) self.mainBox.pack_start(self.subBox) self.commandBox = gtk.HBox() self.sliderBox = RoundHBox( 10, Config.PANEL_COLOR, Config.PANEL_BCK_COLOR ) self.sliderBox.set_border_width(Config.PANEL_SPACING) self.commandBox.pack_start(self.sliderBox) self.buttonBox = RoundHBox( 10, Config.PANEL_COLOR, Config.PANEL_BCK_COLOR ) self.buttonBox.set_border_width(Config.PANEL_SPACING) self.commandBox.pack_start(self.buttonBox) #self.mainBox.pack_start(self.commandBox) self.drawingAreaWidth = 1200 self.drawingAreaHeight = 750 self.separatorY = 640 self.clearMask = gtk.gdk.Rectangle(0,0,self.drawingAreaWidth,self.drawingAreaHeight) win = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window() self.gc = gtk.gdk.GC( win ) self.gc.set_line_attributes( self.lineWidth, gtk.gdk.LINE_SOLID, gtk.gdk.CAP_BUTT, gtk.gdk.JOIN_MITER ) self.dirtyRectToAdd = gtk.gdk.Rectangle() self.dirty = False self.screenBuf = gtk.gdk.Pixmap( win, self.drawingAreaWidth, self.drawingAreaHeight ) self.screenBufDirtyRect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle() self.screenBufDirty = False self.drawingArea = gtk.DrawingArea() self.drawingArea.set_size_request( self.drawingAreaWidth, self.drawingAreaHeight ) self.col = gtk.gdk.color_parse(Config.INST_BCK_COLOR) colormap = self.drawingArea.get_colormap() self.bgColor = colormap.alloc_color( Config.INST_BCK_COLOR, True, True ) self.lineColor = colormap.alloc_color( Config.SL_LINE_COLOR, True, True ) self.overWireColor = colormap.alloc_color( Config.SL_OVER_WIRE_COLOR, True, True ) self.overGateColor = colormap.alloc_color( Config.SL_OVER_GATE_COLOR, True, True ) self.overGateRejectColor = colormap.alloc_color( Config.SL_OVER_GATE_REJECT_COLOR, True, True ) self.drawingArea.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, self.col) self.drawingArea.add_events( gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK | gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK ) self.drawingArea.connect( "button-press-event", self.handleButtonPress ) self.drawingArea.connect( "button-release-event", self.handleButtonRelease ) self.drawingArea.connect( "motion-notify-event", self.handleMotion ) self.drawingArea.connect("expose-event", self.draw) self.drawingBox.pack_start(self.drawingArea, False, False, 5) self.presets = self.initRadioButton(SynthLabConstants.PRESET, self.presetCallback, self.presetBox) self.durLabel = gtk.Image() self.durLabel.set_from_file(Config.IMAGE_ROOT + 'dur2.png') self.durAdjust = gtk.Adjustment(2, .5, 10, .01, .01, 0) self.durAdjust.connect("value-changed", self.handleDuration) self.durationSlider = ImageHScale( Config.TAM_TAM_ROOT + "/Resources/Images/sliderbutviolet.png", self.durAdjust, 7 ) self.durationSlider.connect("button-press-event", self.showParameter) self.durationSlider.connect("button-release-event", self.hideParameter) self.durationSlider.set_size_request(440, 30) self.sliderBox.pack_start(self.durationSlider, True, True, 5) self.sliderBox.pack_start(self.durLabel, False, padding=10) # for i in [1,2,3,4,5,6]: # recordButton = ImageToggleButton(Config.IMAGE_ROOT + 'synthRecord' + str(i) + '.png', Config.IMAGE_ROOT + 'synthRecord' + str(i) + 'Down.png', Config.IMAGE_ROOT + 'synthRecord' + str(i) + 'Over.png') # recordButton.connect("clicked", self.recordSound, i) # self.buttonBox.pack_start(recordButton, False, False, 2) # self.tooltips.set_tip(recordButton, Tooltips.SL_RECORDBUTTONS[i-1]) # saveButton = ImageButton(Config.IMAGE_ROOT + 'save.png') # saveButton.connect("clicked", self.handleSave, None) # self.buttonBox.pack_start(saveButton, False, False, 2) # loadButton = ImageButton(Config.IMAGE_ROOT + 'load.png') # loadButton.connect("clicked", self.handleLoad, None) # self.buttonBox.pack_start(loadButton, False, False, 2) # resetButton = ImageButton(Config.IMAGE_ROOT + 'reset.png') # resetButton.connect("clicked", self.handleReset, None) # self.buttonBox.pack_start(resetButton, False, False, 2) # closeButton = ImageButton(Config.IMAGE_ROOT + 'close.png') # closeButton.connect("clicked", self.handleClose, None) # self.buttonBox.pack_start(closeButton, False, False, 2) # self.tooltips.set_tip(saveButton, Tooltips.SAVE) # self.tooltips.set_tip(loadButton, Tooltips.LOAD) # self.tooltips.set_tip(resetButton, Tooltips.RESET) # self.tooltips.set_tip(closeButton, Tooltips.CLOSE) # self.tooltips.set_tip(self.durationSlider, Tooltips.SOUNDDUR + ': ' + self.durString) tempFile = 'synthTemp' if tempFile in os.listdir(Config.PREF_DIR): self.handleLoadTemp() else: self.presetCallback(self.presets,1) self.add(self.mainBox) self.show_all() def onDestroy(self): pass def onKeyPress(self,widget,event): key = event.hardware_keycode #temporary binding if key == 50: self.handleSave(None, None) if key not in Config.KEY_MAP: return midiPitch = Config.KEY_MAP[key] if midiPitch not in self.playingPitch: if self.recordWait == 0: self.playingPitch.append( midiPitch ) self.playNote( midiPitch, 0 ) else: self.recordWait = 0 self.playingPitch.append( midiPitch ) self.playNote( midiPitch, self.table ) self.waitRecording() def resetRecord( self ): gobject.source_remove( self.wait ) self.recordButton.set_active(False) inst = 'lab' + str(self.table-85) self.csnd.load_synth_instrument(inst) self.table = 0 return True def waitRecording(self): self.wait = gobject.timeout_add(int(self.duration*1000) , self.resetRecord ) def onKeyRelease( self, widget, event ): key = event.hardware_keycode if key not in Config.KEY_MAP: return midiPitch = Config.KEY_MAP[key] if midiPitch in self.playingPitch: self.playingPitch.remove( midiPitch ) def handleDuration( self, adjustment ): self.duration = adjustment.value self.durString = '%.2f' % self.duration img = int((self.duration - .5) * .5 + 1) self.parameterUpdate(self.durString) self.tooltips.set_tip(self.durationSlider, Tooltips.SOUNDDUR + ': ' + self.durString) def showParameter( self, widget, data=None ): if not self.parameterOpen: self.parameter = Parameter(self.durString) self.parameterOpen = 1 def hideParameter( self, widget, data=None ): if self.parameterOpen and not self.clockStart: self.windowCloseDelay = gobject.timeout_add(500, self.closeParameterWindow) self.clockStart = 1 def closeParameterWindow( self ): if self.parameterOpen: self.parameter.hide() self.parameterOpen = 0 gobject.source_remove( self.windowCloseDelay ) self.clockStart = 0 self.tooltips.set_tip(self.durationSlider, Tooltips.SOUNDDUR + ': ' + self.durString) return True def parameterUpdate( self, durString ): if self.parameterOpen: self.parameter.update(durString) def playNote( self, midiPitch, table ): cpsPitch = 261.626*pow(1.0594633, midiPitch-36) self.recCount += 1 mess = "i5203." + str(self.recCount) + " 0 " + str(self.duration) + " " + str(cpsPitch) + " " + str(table) + " " + " " .join([str(n) for n in self.synthObjectsParameters.getOutputParameters()]) self.csnd.inputMessage( mess ) if self.recCount >= 9: self.recCount = 0 def handleClose( self, widget, data ): if self.journalCalled: self.set_mode('quit') return if self.instanceOpen: self.synthLabParametersWindow.destroy() self.set_mode('welcome') if as_window: self.set_keep_above(False) self.hide() def resetLocations( self ): # deep copy the list self.locations = [ loc[:] for loc in SynthLabConstants.INIT_LOCATIONS ] def handleReset( self, widget, data = None): self.resetLocations() self.objectCount = len(self.locations) for i in range(self.objectCount): self.updateBounds( i ) self.duration = 2 self.durAdjust.set_value(self.duration) self.connections = [] self.synthObjectsParameters.__init__() self.writeTables( self.synthObjectsParameters.types, self.synthObjectsParameters.controlsParameters, self.synthObjectsParameters.sourcesParameters, self.synthObjectsParameters.fxsParameters ) self.synthObjectsParameters.update() self.initializeConnections() self.invalidate_rect( 0, 0, self.drawingAreaWidth, self.drawingAreaHeight ) time.sleep(.01) self.controlToSrcConnections() time.sleep(.01) self.controlToFxConnections() time.sleep(.01) self.audioConnections() time.sleep(.01) def setAction( self, action ): self.action = action def doneAction( self ): if self.action == "drag-object": self.doneDragObject() self.action = None def handleButtonRelease( self, widget, event ): self.highlightWire( None ) self.highlightGate( None ) if self.action == "drag-object": self.doneAction() elif self.action == "draw-wire": for i in range(self.objectCount): if self.bounds[i][0] < event.x < self.bounds[i][2] and self.bounds[i][1] < event.y < self.bounds[i][3]: if i == self.wireObj: break gate = self.testGates( i, event.x-self.locations[i][0], event.y-self.locations[i][1] ) if gate: self.connectWire( i, gate ) break # if we don't connect the wire here they can try to click it somewhere, so don't end the action def handleButtonPress( self, widget, event): self.clickLoc = (int(event.x),int(event.y)) self.highlightWire( None ) self.highlightGate( None ) if event.button == 1: for i in range(self.objectCount): if self.bounds[i][0] < event.x < self.bounds[i][2] and self.bounds[i][1] < event.y < self.bounds[i][3]: gate = self.testGates( i, event.x-self.locations[i][0], event.y-self.locations[i][1] ) if gate: if self.action == "draw-wire": self.connectWire( i, gate ) else: self.startWire( i, gate ) else: if self.action == "draw-wire": self.doneWire() if i != self.objectCount-1: self.startDragObject( i ) return if self.action == "draw-wire": # didn't hit anything self.doneWire() else: # check if we clicked a wire i = self.wireUnderLoc( event.x, event.y ) if i >= 0: self.deleteWire( i ) elif event.button == 3: for i in range(self.objectCount): if self.bounds[i][0] < event.x < self.bounds[i][2] and self.bounds[i][1] < event.y < self.bounds[i][3]: if self.instanceOpen: self.synthLabParametersWindow.destroy() self.synthLabParametersWindow = SynthLabParametersWindow( i, self.synthObjectsParameters, self.writeTables, self.playNote ) self.instanceOpen = 1 def handleMotion( self, widget, event ): if event.is_hint: x, y, state = widget.window.get_pointer() event.x = float(x) event.y = float(y) event.state = state if self.action == "drag-object": self.updateDragObject( int(event.x), int(event.y) ) elif self.action == "draw-wire": self.updateWire( int(event.x), int(event.y) ) for i in range(self.objectCount): if self.locations[i] == SynthLabConstants.INIT_LOCATIONS[i] \ and i != self.objectCount-1: continue if self.bounds[i][0] < event.x < self.bounds[i][2] and self.bounds[i][1] < event.y < self.bounds[i][3]: gate = self.testGates( i, event.x-self.locations[i][0], event.y-self.locations[i][1] ) if gate and gate != self.wireGate: if gate[0] == SynthLabConstants.GT_CONTROL_OUTPUT or gate[0] == SynthLabConstants.GT_SOUND_OUTPUT: ok = self.testConnection( i, gate, self.wireObj, self.wireGate ) else: ok = self.testConnection( self.wireObj, self.wireGate, i, gate ) self.highlightGate( i, gate, not ok ) else: self.highlightGate( None ) return self.highlightGate( None ) else: # check for mouse overs for i in range(self.objectCount): if self.locations[i] == SynthLabConstants.INIT_LOCATIONS[i] \ and i != self.objectCount-1: continue if self.bounds[i][0] < event.x < self.bounds[i][2] and self.bounds[i][1] < event.y < self.bounds[i][3]: gate = self.testGates( i, event.x-self.locations[i][0], event.y-self.locations[i][1] ) if gate: self.highlightGate( i, gate ) else: self.highlightGate( None ) if self.parameterOpen: self.parameter.hide() self.parameterOpen = 0 self.highlightWire( None ) return # didn't find a gate self.highlightGate( None ) if self.parameterOpen: self.parameter.hide() self.parameterOpen = 0 # check for wires i = self.wireUnderLoc( event.x, event.y ) if i >= 0: self.highlightWire( i ) else: self.highlightWire( None ) def testGates( self, i, x, y ): oT = i >> 2 for gT in range(len(self.gateMap[oT])): for n in range(len(self.gateMap[oT][gT])): if self.gateMap[oT][gT][n][0] <= x <= self.gateMap[oT][gT][n][2] \ and self.gateMap[oT][gT][n][1] <= y <= self.gateMap[oT][gT][n][3]: return ( gT, n, self.gateMap[oT][gT][n][4], self.gatePoint[oT][gT][n] ) # type, index, wire loc, center loc return False def startWire( self, obj, gate ): self.wireObj = obj self.wireGate = gate x = gate[2][0] + self.locations[obj][0] y = gate[2][1] + self.locations[obj][1] self.wirePoint = [ [ x, y ], [ x, y ] ] self.wireRect = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] self.setAction( "draw-wire" ) def updateWire( self, x, y ): if x < 0: x = 0 elif x > self.drawingAreaWidth: x = self.drawingAreaWidth if y < 0: y = 0 elif y > self.separatorY: y = self.separatorY self.invalidate_rect( self.wireRect[0], self.wireRect[1], self.wireRect[2], self.wireRect[3], False ) if x < self.wirePoint[0][0]: self.wireRect[0], self.wireRect[2] = x-self.lineWidth, self.wirePoint[0][0]-x+self.lineWidthMUL2 else: self.wireRect[0], self.wireRect[2] = self.wirePoint[0][0]-self.lineWidth, x-self.wirePoint[0][0]+self.lineWidthMUL2 if y < self.wirePoint[0][1]: self.wireRect[1], self.wireRect[3] = y-self.lineWidth, self.wirePoint[0][1]-y+self.lineWidthMUL2 else: self.wireRect[1], self.wireRect[3] = self.wirePoint[0][1]-self.lineWidth, y-self.wirePoint[0][1]+self.lineWidthMUL2 self.wirePoint[1][0] = x self.wirePoint[1][1] = y self.invalidate_rect( self.wireRect[0], self.wireRect[1], self.wireRect[2], self.wireRect[3], False ) def connectWire( self, obj, gate ): if gate[0] == SynthLabConstants.GT_CONTROL_OUTPUT or gate[0] == SynthLabConstants.GT_SOUND_OUTPUT: bObj, eObj = obj, self.wireObj bGate, eGate = gate, self.wireGate else: bObj, eObj = self.wireObj, obj bGate, eGate = self.wireGate, gate i = self.newConnection( bObj, bGate, eObj, eGate ) if i >= 0: # successful connection self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3] ) self.doneWire() def deleteWire( self, i ): self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3] ) self.delConnection( i ) def doneWire( self ): self.invalidate_rect( self.wireRect[0], self.wireRect[1], self.wireRect[2], self.wireRect[3] ) self.doneAction() def wireUnderLoc( self, x, y ): for i in range(len(self.connections)): if x < self.cBounds[i][0] or x > self.cBounds[i][4]: continue if y < self.cBounds[i][1] or y > self.cBounds[i][5]: continue if self.cPoints[i][0] == self.cPoints[i][2]: # vertical line if abs(x-self.cPoints[i][0]) < self.lineWidthMUL4: return i else: slope = (self.cPoints[i][3]-self.cPoints[i][1])/float(self.cPoints[i][2]-self.cPoints[i][0]) if abs(slope) < 1: yy = self.cPoints[i][1] + (x-self.cPoints[i][0])*slope if abs(y-yy) < self.lineWidthMUL4: return i else: xx = self.cPoints[i][0] + (y-self.cPoints[i][1])/slope if abs(x-xx) < self.lineWidthMUL4: return i return -1 # nothing found # pass in i = None to clear def highlightWire( self, i ): if self.overWire != i: if self.overWire != None: self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[self.overWire][0], self.cBounds[self.overWire][1], self.cBounds[self.overWire][2], self.cBounds[self.overWire][3] ) self.overWire = i if self.overWire != None: self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[self.overWire][0], self.cBounds[self.overWire][1], self.cBounds[self.overWire][2], self.cBounds[self.overWire][3] ) # pass in obj = None to clear def highlightGate( self, obj, gate = None, reject = False ): if self.overGateObj != obj or self.overGate != gate or self.overGateReject != reject: if self.overGate != None: self.invalidate_rect( self.overGateLoc[0], self.overGateLoc[1], self.overGateSize, self.overGateSize ) self.overGateObj = obj self.overGate = gate self.overGateReject = reject if self.overGate != None: oT = self.overGateObj//4 x = self.locations[self.overGateObj][0] + self.overGate[3][0] - self.overGateSizeDIV2 y = self.locations[self.overGateObj][1] + self.overGate[3][1] - self.overGateSizeDIV2 self.overGateLoc = ( x, y ) self.invalidate_rect( self.overGateLoc[0], self.overGateLoc[1], self.overGateSize, self.overGateSize ) if obj != 12: choosen = SynthLabConstants.CHOOSE_TYPE[obj/4][self.typesTable[obj]] str = Tooltips.SYNTHTYPES[obj/4][self.typesTable[obj]] + ': ' + Tooltips.SYNTHPARA[choosen][gate[1]] if gate[0] == 1: if self.parameterOpen: self.parameterUpdate( str ) else: self.parameter = Parameter( str ) self.parameterOpen = 1 def startDragObject( self, i ): self.dragObject = i self.dragInitialLoc = (self.locations[i][0],self.locations[i][1]) self.potentialDisconnect = False self.invalidate_rect( self.bounds[i][0], self.bounds[i][1], SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE ) for i in self.outputMap[self.dragObject]: self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3] ) for i in self.inputMap[self.dragObject]: self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3] ) self.setAction( "drag-object" ) def updateDragObject( self, x, y ): delta = [ x-self.clickLoc[0], y-self.clickLoc[1] ] x = self.dragInitialLoc[0]+delta[0] if x-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE < 0: x = SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE elif x+SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE > self.drawingAreaWidth: x = self.drawingAreaWidth - SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE y = self.dragInitialLoc[1]+delta[1] if y-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE < 0: y = SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE elif y+SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE > self.drawingAreaHeight: y = self.drawingAreaHeight - SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE self.invalidate_rect(self.bounds[self.dragObject][0], self.bounds[self.dragObject][1], SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, False ) if not self.potentialDisconnect: for i in self.outputMap[self.dragObject]: self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3], False ) for i in self.inputMap[self.dragObject]: self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3], False ) if y > self.separatorY: self.potentialDisconnect = True else: self.potentialDisconnect = False self.locations[self.dragObject][0] = int( x ) self.locations[self.dragObject][1] = int( y ) self.updateBounds(self.dragObject) self.invalidate_rect(self.bounds[self.dragObject][0], self.bounds[self.dragObject][1], SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, False ) if not self.potentialDisconnect: for i in self.outputMap[self.dragObject]: self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3], False ) for i in self.inputMap[self.dragObject]: self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3], False ) def doneDragObject( self ): if self.potentialDisconnect: self.invalidate_rect( self.bounds[self.dragObject][0], self.bounds[self.dragObject][1], SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, False ) m = self.outputMap[self.dragObject][:] m.sort(reverse=True) for i in m: self.delConnection( i ) m = self.inputMap[self.dragObject][:] m.sort(reverse=True) for i in m: self.delConnection( i ) self.locations[self.dragObject][0] = SynthLabConstants.INIT_LOCATIONS[self.dragObject][0] self.locations[self.dragObject][1] = SynthLabConstants.INIT_LOCATIONS[self.dragObject][1] self.updateBounds( self.dragObject ) self.invalidate_rect(self.bounds[self.dragObject][0], self.bounds[self.dragObject][1], SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE ) else: self.invalidate_rect( self.bounds[self.dragObject][0], self.bounds[self.dragObject][1], SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE ) for i in self.outputMap[self.dragObject]: self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3] ) for i in self.inputMap[self.dragObject]: self.invalidate_rect( self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3] ) self.dragObject = None self.handleSaveTemp() def updateBounds( self, i ): self.bounds[i][0] = self.locations[i][0]-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE self.bounds[i][1] = self.locations[i][1]-SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE self.bounds[i][2] = self.locations[i][0]+SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE self.bounds[i][3] = self.locations[i][1]+SynthLabConstants.HALF_SIZE for c in self.outputMap[i]: self.updateConnection( c ) for c in self.inputMap[i]: self.updateConnection( c ) def updateConnection( self, i ): c = self.connections[i] oT = c[0][0]//4 x1 = self.locations[c[0][0]][0] + self.gateMap[oT][c[0][1]][c[0][2]][4][0] y1 = self.locations[c[0][0]][1] + self.gateMap[oT][c[0][1]][c[0][2]][4][1] oT = c[1][0]//4 x2 = self.locations[c[1][0]][0] + self.gateMap[oT][c[1][1]][c[1][2]][4][0] y2 = self.locations[c[1][0]][1] + self.gateMap[oT][c[1][1]][c[1][2]][4][1] self.cPoints[i][0], self.cPoints[i][1], self.cPoints[i][2], self.cPoints[i][3] = ( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) if x1 > x2: x1, x2 = ( x2, x1 ) if y1 > y2: y1, y2 = ( y2, y1 ) self.cBounds[i][0], self.cBounds[i][1], self.cBounds[i][2], self.cBounds[i][3], self.cBounds[i][4], self.cBounds[i][5] = ( x1-self.lineWidth, y1-self.lineWidth, x2-x1+self.lineWidthMUL2, y2-y1+self.lineWidthMUL2, x2+self.lineWidth, y2+self.lineWidth ) def findRecursive( self, obj, target ): if obj == target: return True for c in self.outputMap[obj]: if self.findRecursive( self.straightConnections[c][1], target ): return True return False def testConnection( self, bObj, bGate, eObj, eGate ): if self.gateMatch[bGate[0]] != eGate[0]: return False # type mismatch for c in self.inputMap[eObj]: if self.connections[c][1][1] == eGate[0] \ and self.connections[c][1][2] == eGate[1] : # same type and port if self.connections[c][0][0] == bObj: return False # connections already exists if self.findRecursive( eObj, bObj ): return False # loop return True def newConnection( self, bObj, bGate, eObj, eGate ): if not self.testConnection( bObj, bGate, eObj, eGate ): return -1 # connection failed ind = len(self.connections) # connection format: [ ( outputObject, gate type, gate num ), ( inputObject, gate type, gate num ) ] self.connections.append ( [ ( bObj, bGate[0], bGate[1] ), ( eObj, eGate[0], eGate[1] ) ] ) self.straightConnections.append( ( bObj, eObj ) ) self.outputMap[bObj].append(ind) self.inputMap[eObj].append(ind) self.outputs.append( bObj ) self.cPoints.append( [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ) self.cBounds.append( [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ) self.updateConnection( ind ) self.updateSound() self.handleSaveTemp() return ind def delConnection( self, i ): b = self.straightConnections[i][0] e = self.straightConnections[i][1] self.straightConnections.pop(i) self.outputMap[b].remove(i) self.inputMap[e].remove(i) self.outputs.pop(i) self.cPoints.pop(i) self.cBounds.pop(i) self.connections.pop(i) for o in range(self.objectCount): for m in range(len(self.outputMap[o])): if self.outputMap[o][m] > i: self.outputMap[o][m] -= 1 for m in range(len(self.inputMap[o])): if self.inputMap[o][m] > i: self.inputMap[o][m] -= 1 self.updateSound() self.handleSaveTemp() def initializeConnections( self ): self.straightConnections = [] self.outputMap = [ [] for i in self.locations ] self.inputMap = [ [] for i in self.locations ] self.outputs = [] self.cPoints = [] self.cBounds = [] for i in range(len(self.connections)): c = self.connections[i] first = c[0][0] second = c[1][0] self.straightConnections.append([first, second]) self.outputMap[first].append(i) self.inputMap[second].append(i) self.outputs.append(first) self.cPoints.append( [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ) self.cBounds.append( [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ) self.updateConnection( i ) self.updateSound() def predraw( self, buf ): startX = self.screenBufDirtyRect.x startY = self.screenBufDirtyRect.y stopX = self.screenBufDirtyRect.x + self.screenBufDirtyRect.width stopY = self.screenBufDirtyRect.y + self.screenBufDirtyRect.height # draw bg self.gc.foreground = self.bgColor buf.draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, startX, startY, self.screenBufDirtyRect.width, self.screenBufDirtyRect.height ) # draw separator self.gc.foreground = self.lineColor buf.draw_line( self.gc, startX, self.separatorY, stopX, self.separatorY ) # draw objects self.gc.set_clip_mask( self.clipMask ) for i in range(self.objectCount): if i == self.dragObject: continue if startX > self.bounds[i][2] or stopX < self.bounds[i][0] or startY > self.bounds[i][3] or stopY < self.bounds[i][1]: continue type = i >> 2 self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.bounds[i][0]-SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE*type, self.bounds[i][1] ) buf.draw_drawable( self.gc, self.pixmap[i], 0, 0, self.bounds[i][0], self.bounds[i][1], SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE ) self.gc.set_clip_rectangle( self.clearMask ) # draw wires for c in range(len(self.connections)): if self.straightConnections[c][0] == self.dragObject or self.straightConnections[c][1] == self.dragObject: continue if startX > self.cBounds[c][4] or stopX < self.cBounds[c][0] or startY > self.cBounds[c][5] or stopY < self.cBounds[c][1]: continue buf.draw_line( self.gc, self.cPoints[c][0], self.cPoints[c][1], self.cPoints[c][2], self.cPoints[c][3] ) self.screenBufDirty = False def draw( self, widget, event ): #TP.ProfileBegin("SL::draw") startX = event.area.x startY = event.area.y stopX = event.area.x + event.area.width stopY = event.area.y + event.area.height self.gc.foreground = self.lineColor if self.screenBufDirty: self.predraw( self.screenBuf ) # draw base widget.window.draw_drawable( self.gc, self.screenBuf, startX, startY, startX, startY, event.area.width, event.area.height ) if self.action == "drag-object": # draw dragObject self.gc.set_clip_mask( self.clipMask ) type = self.dragObject >> 2 self.gc.set_clip_origin( self.bounds[self.dragObject][0]-SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE*type, self.bounds[self.dragObject][1] ) widget.window.draw_drawable( self.gc, self.pixmap[self.dragObject], 0, 0, self.bounds[self.dragObject][0], self.bounds[self.dragObject][1], SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE, SynthLabConstants.PIC_SIZE ) self.gc.set_clip_rectangle( self.clearMask ) # draw wires if not self.potentialDisconnect: for c in self.outputMap[self.dragObject]: if startX > self.cBounds[c][4] or stopX < self.cBounds[c][0] or startY > self.cBounds[c][5] or stopY < self.cBounds[c][1]: continue widget.window.draw_line( self.gc, self.cPoints[c][0], self.cPoints[c][1], self.cPoints[c][2], self.cPoints[c][3] ) for c in self.inputMap[self.dragObject]: if startX > self.cBounds[c][4] or stopX < self.cBounds[c][0] or startY > self.cBounds[c][5] or stopY < self.cBounds[c][1]: continue widget.window.draw_line( self.gc, self.cPoints[c][0], self.cPoints[c][1], self.cPoints[c][2], self.cPoints[c][3] ) elif self.action == "draw-wire": # draw the wire widget.window.draw_line( self.gc, self.wirePoint[0][0], self.wirePoint[0][1], self.wirePoint[1][0], self.wirePoint[1][1] ) # draw highlights if self.overWire != None: self.gc.foreground = self.overWireColor widget.window.draw_line( self.gc, self.cPoints[self.overWire][0], self.cPoints[self.overWire][1], self.cPoints[self.overWire][2], self.cPoints[self.overWire][3] ) elif self.overGate != None: self.gc.set_line_attributes( self.overLineWidth, gtk.gdk.LINE_SOLID, gtk.gdk.CAP_BUTT, gtk.gdk.JOIN_MITER ) if self.overGateReject: self.gc.foreground = self.overGateRejectColor widget.window.draw_line( self.gc, self.overGateLoc[0]+self.overLineWidth, self.overGateLoc[1]+self.overLineWidth, self.overGateLoc[0]+self.overGateSize-self.overLineWidth, self.overGateLoc[1]+self.overGateSize-self.overLineWidth ) widget.window.draw_line( self.gc, self.overGateLoc[0]+self.overLineWidth, self.overGateLoc[1]+self.overGateSize-self.overLineWidth, self.overGateLoc[0]+self.overGateSize-self.overLineWidth, self.overGateLoc[1]+self.overLineWidth ) else: self.gc.foreground = self.overGateColor widget.window.draw_arc( self.gc, False, self.overGateLoc[0]+self.overLineWidth, self.overGateLoc[1]+self.overLineWidth, self.overGateSize-self.overLineWidthMUL2, self.overGateSize-self.overLineWidthMUL2, 0, 23040 ) self.gc.set_line_attributes( self.lineWidth, gtk.gdk.LINE_SOLID, gtk.gdk.CAP_BUTT, gtk.gdk.JOIN_MITER ) #print TP.ProfileEndAndPrint("SL::draw") return True def invalidate_rect( self, x, y, w, h, dirtyScreenBuf = True ): self.dirtyRectToAdd.x = x self.dirtyRectToAdd.y = y self.dirtyRectToAdd.width = w self.dirtyRectToAdd.height = h if dirtyScreenBuf: if self.screenBufDirty: self.screenBufDirtyRect = self.screenBufDirtyRect.union(self.dirtyRectToAdd) else: self.screenBufDirtyRect.x = x self.screenBufDirtyRect.y = y self.screenBufDirtyRect.width = w self.screenBufDirtyRect.height = h self.screenBufDirty = True if self.drawingArea.window != None: self.drawingArea.window.invalidate_rect( self.dirtyRectToAdd, True ) self.dirty = True def writeTables( self, typesTable, controlParametersTable, sourceParametersTable, fxParametersTable ): mess = 'f5200 0 16 -2 ' + " ".join([str(n) for n in controlParametersTable]) self.csnd.inputMessage( mess ) time.sleep(0.005) mess = "f5201 0 16 -2 " + " " .join([str(n) for n in sourceParametersTable]) self.csnd.inputMessage( mess ) time.sleep(.005) mess = "f5202 0 16 -2 " + " " .join([str(n) for n in fxParametersTable]) self.csnd.inputMessage( mess ) time.sleep(.005) self.typesTable = typesTable lastTable = [0]*12 for i in range(12): if i in self.outputs: lastTable[i] = (typesTable[i]+1) mess = "f5203 0 16 -2 " + " " .join([str(n) for n in lastTable]) + " 0 0 0 0" self.csnd.inputMessage( mess ) time.sleep(.005) if lastTable[4] == 8: snd = Config.SOUNDS_DIR + '/' + self.sample_names[int(sourceParametersTable[1])] mess = "f5501 0 32768 -1 " + "\"%s\" 0 0 0" % snd self.csnd.inputMessage( mess ) if lastTable[5] == 8: snd = Config.SOUNDS_DIR + '/' + self.sample_names[int(sourceParametersTable[5])] mess = "f5502 0 32768 -1 " + "\"%s\" 0 0 0" % snd self.csnd.inputMessage( mess ) if lastTable[6] == 8: snd = Config.SOUNDS_DIR + '/' + self.sample_names[int(sourceParametersTable[9])] mess = "f5503 0 32768 -1 " + "\"%s\" 0 0 0" % snd self.csnd.inputMessage( mess ) if lastTable[7] == 8: snd = Config.SOUNDS_DIR + '/' + self.sample_names[int(sourceParametersTable[13])] mess = "f5504 0 32768 -1 " + "\"%s\" 0 0 0" % snd self.csnd.inputMessage( mess ) time.sleep(.005) self.loadPixmaps(typesTable) self.invalidate_rect( 0, 0, self.drawingAreaWidth, self.drawingAreaHeight ) def recordSound( self, widget, data ): if widget.get_active() == True: self.recordButton = widget self.recordWait = 1 os.system('rm ' + Config.SNDS_DIR + '/lab' + str(data)) self.table = 85 + data else: self.recordWait = 0 def updateSound( self ): self.controlToSrcConnections() time.sleep(.01) self.controlToFxConnections() time.sleep(.01) self.audioConnections() time.sleep(.01) lastTable = [0]*12 for i in range(12): if i in self.outputs: lastTable[i] = (self.synthObjectsParameters.types[i]+1) mess = "f5203 0 16 -2 " + " " .join([str(n) for n in lastTable]) + " 0 0 0 0" self.csnd.inputMessage( mess ) time.sleep(.01) def updateTables( self ): self.writeTables( self.synthObjectsParameters.types, self.synthObjectsParameters.controlsParameters, self.synthObjectsParameters.sourcesParameters, self.synthObjectsParameters.fxsParameters ) def controlToSrcConnections( self ): self.contSrcConnections = [] for i in self.connections: if i[0][0] < 4 and 3 < i[1][0] < 8: offset = i[1][2] self.contSrcConnections.append([i[0][0], i[1][0], offset]) table = [0 for i in range(16)] sources = [source for source in range(4,8) if source in self.outputs] for source in sources: for entre in range(4): value = sum([2**(li[0]+1) for li in self.contSrcConnections if li[1] == source and li[2] == entre], 1) table[(source % 4) * 4 + entre] = value mess = "f5204 0 16 -2 " + " " .join([str(n) for n in table]) self.csnd.inputMessage( mess ) def controlToFxConnections( self ): self.contFxConnections = [] for i in self.connections: if i[0][0] < 4 and 7 < i[1][0] < 12: offset = i[1][2] self.contFxConnections.append([i[0][0], i[1][0], offset]) table = [0 for i in range(16)] fxs = [fx for fx in range(8,12) if fx in self.outputs] for fx in fxs: for entre in range(4): value = sum([2**(li[0]+1) for li in self.contFxConnections if li[1] == fx and li[2] == entre], 1) table[(fx % 4) * 4 + entre] = value mess = "f5205 0 16 -2 " + " " .join([str(n) for n in table]) self.csnd.inputMessage( mess ) def audioConnections( self ): self.srcFxConnections = [i for i in self.straightConnections if 3 < i[0] < 8 and 7 < i[1] < 12] self.fxConnections = [i for i in self.straightConnections if 7 < i[0] < 12 and 7 < i[1] < 12] self.outConnections = [i[0] for i in self.straightConnections if i[1] == 12] table = [] for fx in range(8, 12): value = 0 for li in self.srcFxConnections: if li[1] == fx: value += pow(2, li[0]-4) table.append(value) for fx in range(8, 12): value = 0 for li in self.fxConnections: if li[1] == fx: value += pow(2, li[0]-8) table.append(value) for sig in range(4, 12): value = 0 if sig in self.outConnections: value = 1 table.append(value) mess = "f5206 0 16 -2 " + " " .join([str(n) for n in table]) self.csnd.inputMessage( mess ) def loadPixmaps( self, typesList ): win = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window() gc = gtk.gdk.GC( win ) gc.foreground = self.bgColor self.pixmap = [] for i in range(13): if i < 4: img = SynthLabConstants.CHOOSE_TYPE_PLUS[0][typesList[i]] elif i < 8: img = SynthLabConstants.CHOOSE_TYPE_PLUS[1][typesList[i]] elif i < 12: img = SynthLabConstants.CHOOSE_TYPE_PLUS[2][typesList[i]] else: img = "speaker" pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(Config.IMAGE_ROOT + img + '.png') map = gtk.gdk.Pixmap( win, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height() ) map.draw_rectangle( gc, True, 0, 0, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height() ) map.draw_pixbuf( gc, pix, 0, 0, 0, 0, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height(), gtk.gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE ) self.pixmap.append(map) pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(Config.IMAGE_ROOT+'synthlabMask.png') pixels = pix.get_pixels() stride = pix.get_rowstride() channels = pix.get_n_channels() bitmap = "" byte = 0 shift = 0 for j in range(pix.get_height()): offset = stride*j for i in range(pix.get_width()): r = pixels[i*channels+offset] if r != "\0": byte += 1 << shift shift += 1 if shift > 7: bitmap += "%c" % byte byte = 0 shift = 0 bitmap += "%c" % byte self.clipMask = gtk.gdk.bitmap_create_from_data( None, bitmap, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height() ) def handleSave(self, widget, data): chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title='Save SynthLab Preset',action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL,gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL,gtk.STOCK_SAVE,gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) filter = gtk.FileFilter() filter.add_pattern('*.syn') chooser.set_filter(filter) chooser.set_current_folder(Config.SYNTH_DIR) for f in chooser.list_shortcut_folder_uris(): chooser.remove_shortcut_folder_uri(f) if == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: ofilename = chooser.get_filename() if ofilename[-4:] != '.syn': ofilename += '.syn' try: print 'INFO: save SynthLab file %s' % chooser.get_filename() f =, 'n') self.saveState(f) f.close() except IOError: print 'ERROR: failed to save SynthLab to file %s' % chooser.get_filename() chooser.destroy() def handleJournalSave(self, file_path): f =, 'n') self.saveState(f) f.close() def handleLoad(self, widget, data): chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title='Load SynthLab Preset',action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL,gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL,gtk.STOCK_OPEN,gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) filter = gtk.FileFilter() filter.add_pattern('*.syn') chooser.set_filter(filter) chooser.set_current_folder(Config.SYNTH_DIR) for f in chooser.list_shortcut_folder_uris(): chooser.remove_shortcut_folder_uri(f) if == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: try: print 'INFO: load SynthLab state from file %s' % chooser.get_filename() f = chooser.get_filename(), 'r') self.loadState(f) f.close() except IOError: print 'ERROR: failed to load SynthLab state from file %s' % chooser.get_filename() chooser.destroy() def handleJournalLoad(self, file_path): f = file_path, 'r') self.loadState(f) f.close() def handleSaveTemp( self ): file = Config.PREF_DIR + '/synthTemp' f =, 'n') self.saveState(f) f.close() def handleLoadTemp( self ): file = Config.PREF_DIR + '/synthTemp' f =, 'r') self.loadState(f) f.close() def saveState( self, state ): state['types'] = self.synthObjectsParameters.types state['controls'] = self.synthObjectsParameters.controlsParameters state['sources'] = self.synthObjectsParameters.sourcesParameters state['fxs'] = self.synthObjectsParameters.fxsParameters state['envelope'] = self.synthObjectsParameters.outputParameters state['locations'] = self.locations state['connections'] = self.connections state['duration'] = self.duration def tempVerifyLocations(self): for l in self.locations: l[0] = int(l[0]) l[1] = int(l[1]) def tempVerifyConnectionFormat(self): for c in self.connections: if c[0][1] > 3 or c[0][2] > 3 \ or c[1][1] > 3 or c[1][2] > 3: print "old format" print c i = c[0] if i[1] == 0 and i[2] == 40: if i[0] < 4: t,n = 0,0 # control output else: t,n = 2,0 # sound output else: print "unhandled loc" t,n = i[1],i[2] c[0] = ( c[0][0], t, n ) i = c[1] if i[1] == 0 and i[2] == -40: t,n = 3,0 elif i[1] == 40 and i[2] == -19: t,n = 1,0 elif i[1] == -25 and i[2] == -40: t,n = 1,0 elif i[1] == -9 and i[2] == -40: t,n = 1,1 elif i[1] == 8 and i[2] == -40: t,n = 1,2 elif i[1] == 25 and i[2] == -40: t,n = 1,3 else: print "unhandled loc" t,n = i[1],i[2] c[1] = ( c[1][0], t, n ) def loadState( self, state ): self.synthObjectsParameters.types = state['types'] self.synthObjectsParameters.controlsParameters = state['controls'] self.synthObjectsParameters.sourcesParameters = state['sources'] self.synthObjectsParameters.fxsParameters = state['fxs'] self.synthObjectsParameters.outputParameters = state['envelope'] self.locations = state['locations'] #self.tempVerifyLocations() self.objectCount = len(self.locations) for i in range(self.objectCount): self.updateBounds( i ) self.connections = state['connections'] #self.tempVerifyConnectionFormat() self.duration = state['duration'] self._mainToolbar.durationSliderAdj.set_value(self.duration) self.initializeConnections() self.controlToSrcConnections() time.sleep(.01) self.controlToFxConnections() time.sleep(.01) self.audioConnections() time.sleep(.01) self.synthObjectsParameters.update() self.writeTables( self.synthObjectsParameters.types, self.synthObjectsParameters.controlsParameters, self.synthObjectsParameters.sourcesParameters, self.synthObjectsParameters.fxsParameters ) time.sleep(.01) self.invalidate_rect( 0, 0, self.drawingAreaWidth, self.drawingAreaHeight ) def presetCallback( self, widget, data ): preset = 'synthFile' + str(data) f = Config.TAM_TAM_ROOT + '/Resources/SynthFiles/' + preset, 'r') self.loadState(f) f.close() self.handleSaveTemp() def initRadioButton( self, labelList, methodCallback, box ): for i in range( len( labelList ) ): label = labelList[i] if i == 0: button = ImageRadioButton( group = None, mainImg_path = Config.IMAGE_ROOT + label + '.png', altImg_path = Config.IMAGE_ROOT + label + 'sel.png' ) else: button = ImageRadioButton( group = button, mainImg_path = Config.IMAGE_ROOT + label + '.png', altImg_path = Config.IMAGE_ROOT + label + 'sel.png' ) button.connect( "toggled", methodCallback, i ) box.pack_start( button, True, True )