import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, 'C') import signal , time , sys , os, shutil import pygtk pygtk.require( '2.0' ) import gtk import gobject import time import Config from Util.CSoundClient import new_csound_client from Util.Profiler import TP from Util.InstrumentPanel import InstrumentPanel from miniTamTam.miniTamTamMain import miniTamTamMain from Jam.JamMain import JamMain from Edit.MainWindow import MainWindow from Welcome import Welcome from SynthLab.SynthLabWindow import SynthLabWindow from Util.Trackpad import Trackpad from gettext import gettext as _ #from Util.KeyboardWindow import KeyboardWindow import commands if __name__ != '__main__': try: from sugar.activity.activity import Activity from sugar.activity import activity FAKE_ACTIVITY = False if Config.DEBUG: print 'using sugar Activity' except ImportError: from FActivity import FakeActivity as Activity FAKE_ACTIVITY = True if Config.DEBUG: print 'using fake activity' else: from FActivity import FakeActivity as Activity if Config.DEBUG: print 'using fake activity' class TamTam(Activity): # TamTam is the topmost container in the TamTam application # At all times it has one child, which may be one of # - the welcome screen # - the mini-tamtam # - the synth lab # - edit mode def __init__(self, handle, mode='welcome'): Activity.__init__(self, handle) self.ensure_dirs() color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(Config.WS_BCK_COLOR) self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) self.set_title('TamTam') self.set_resizable(False) self.trackpad = Trackpad( self ) #self.keyboardWindow = KeyboardWindow(size = 8, popup = True) #self.keyboardWindow.color_piano() self.preloadTimeout = None self.focusInHandler = self.connect('focus_in_event',self.onFocusIn) self.focusOutHandler = self.connect('focus_out_event',self.onFocusOut) self.connect('notify::active', self.onActive) self.connect('destroy', self.onDestroy) self.connect( "key-press-event", self.onKeyPress ) self.connect( "key-release-event", self.onKeyRelease ) #self.connect( "key-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keypress) #self.connect( "key-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keyrelease) #self.connect( "button-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mousePress) #self.connect( "button-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mouseRelease) self.mode = None self.modeList = {} self.instrumentPanel = InstrumentPanel( force_load = False ) self.preloadList = [ self.instrumentPanel ] #load the sugar toolbar self.toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self) self.set_toolbox(self.toolbox) self.activity_toolbar = self.toolbox.get_activity_toolbar() self.activity_toolbar.share.hide() self.activity_toolbar.keep.hide() if self._shared_activity: # if we're joining a shared activity force mini self.set_mode("mini") else: self.set_mode(mode) def onPreloadTimeout( self ): if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::onPreloadTimeout", self.preloadList t = time.time() if self.preloadList[0].load( t + 0.100 ): # finished preloading this object self.preloadList.pop(0) if not len(self.preloadList): if Config.DEBUG > 1: print "TamTam::finished preloading", time.time() - t self.preloadTimeout = False return False # finished preloading everything if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::preload returned after", time.time() - t return True def doNothing(): #a callback function to appease SynthLab pass def set_mode(self, mode, arg = None): if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode from', self.mode, 'to', mode if self.mode != None: self.modeList[ self.mode ].onDeactivate() if FAKE_ACTIVITY: self.remove( self.modeList[ self.mode ] ) self.mode = None self.trackpad.setContext(mode) if mode == 'welcome': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.modeList[mode] = Welcome(self, self.set_mode) self.mode = mode #if len( self.preloadList ): # self.preloadTimeout = gobject.timeout_add( 300, self.onPreloadTimeout ) elif self.preloadTimeout: gobject.source_remove( self.preloadTimeout ) self.predrawTimeout = False if mode == 'jam': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Jam' self.modeList[mode] = JamMain(self, self.set_mode) self.mode = mode if mode == 'mini': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Mini' self.modeList[mode] = miniTamTamMain(self, self.set_mode) else: self.modeList[mode].regenerate() if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList: self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel ) self.mode = mode if mode == 'edit': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Edit' self.modeList[mode] = MainWindow(self, self.set_mode) if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList: self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel ) self.mode = mode if mode == 'synth': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam SynthLab' self.modeList[mode] = SynthLabWindow(self, self.set_mode, None) self.mode = mode if self.mode == None: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode invalid mode:', mode else: try: # activity mode self.set_canvas( self.modeList[ self.mode ] ) except: # fake mode self.add( self.modeList[ self.mode ] ) self.modeList[ self.mode ].onActivate(arg) def onFocusIn(self, event, data=None): if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in' csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(True) if self.mode == 'synth': self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateSound() self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateTables() #csnd.load_instruments() def onFocusOut(self, event, data=None): if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in' csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(False) def onActive(self, widget = None, event = None): pass def onKeyPress(self, widget, event): if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyPress in' #print "-----", event.keyval, event.string, event.hardware_keycode if event.state == gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK: key = event.keyval if key == gtk.keysyms.j: self.set_mode("jam") return elif key == gtk.keysyms.m: self.set_mode('mini') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.s: self.set_mode('synth') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.w: self.set_mode('welcome') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.e: self.set_mode('edit') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.t: return elif key == gtk.keysyms.y: self.toolbox.hide() if self.mode: self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyPress(widget, event) def onKeyRelease(self, widget, event): if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyRelease in' self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyRelease(widget, event) pass def onDestroy(self, arg2): if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onDestroy()' os.system('rm -f ' + Config.PREF_DIR + '/synthTemp*') for m in self.modeList: if self.modeList[m] != None: self.modeList[m].onDestroy() csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(False) csnd.destroy() gtk.main_quit() def ensure_dir(self, dir, perms=0777, rw=os.R_OK|os.W_OK): if not os.path.isdir( dir ): try: os.makedirs(dir, perms) except OSError, e: print 'ERROR: failed to make dir %s: %i (%s)\n' % (dir, e.errno, e.strerror) if not os.access(dir, rw): print 'ERROR: directory %s is missing required r/w access\n' % dir def ensure_dirs(self): self.ensure_dir(Config.TUNE_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SYNTH_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SNDS_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SCRATCH_DIR) if not os.path.isdir(Config.PREF_DIR): os.mkdir(Config.PREF_DIR) os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.PREF_DIR + ' &') for snd in ['mic1','mic2','mic3','mic4','lab1','lab2','lab3','lab4', 'lab5', 'lab6']: shutil.copyfile(Config.SOUNDS_DIR + '/' + snd , Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd) os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd + ' &') def read_file(self,file_path): subactivity_name = self.metadata['tamtam_subactivity'] if subactivity_name == 'edit' \ or subactivity_name == 'synth' \ or subactivity_name == 'jam': self.set_mode(subactivity_name) self.modeList[subactivity_name].handleJournalLoad(file_path) elif subactivity_name == 'mini': self.set_mode(subactivity_name) else: return def write_file(self,file_path): if self.mode == 'edit': self.metadata['tamtam_subactivity'] = self.mode self.modeList[self.mode].handleJournalSave(file_path) elif self.mode == 'synth': self.metadata['tamtam_subactivity'] = self.mode self.modeList[self.mode].handleJournalSave(file_path) elif self.mode == 'mini': self.metadata['tamtam_subactivity'] = self.mode f = open(file_path,'w') f.close() elif self.mode == 'jam': self.metadata['tamtam_subactivity'] = self.mode self.modeList[self.mode].handleJournalSave(file_path) class TamTamJam(Activity): # TamTam is the topmost container in the TamTam application # At all times it has one child, which may be one of # - the welcome screen # - the mini-tamtam # - the synth lab # - edit mode def __init__(self, handle, mode='welcome'): Activity.__init__(self, handle) self.ensure_dirs() color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(Config.WS_BCK_COLOR) self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) self.set_title('TamTam Jam') self.set_resizable(False) self.trackpad = Trackpad( self ) #self.keyboardWindow = KeyboardWindow(size = 8, popup = True) #self.keyboardWindow.color_piano() self.preloadTimeout = None self.focusInHandler = self.connect('focus_in_event',self.onFocusIn) self.focusOutHandler = self.connect('focus_out_event',self.onFocusOut) self.connect('notify::active', self.onActive) self.connect('destroy', self.onDestroy) self.connect( "key-press-event", self.onKeyPress ) self.connect( "key-release-event", self.onKeyRelease ) #self.connect( "key-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keypress) #self.connect( "key-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keyrelease) #self.connect( "button-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mousePress) #self.connect( "button-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mouseRelease) self.mode = None self.modeList = {} self.instrumentPanel = InstrumentPanel( force_load = False ) self.preloadList = [ self.instrumentPanel ] #load the sugar toolbar self.toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self) self.set_toolbox(self.toolbox) self.activity_toolbar = self.toolbox.get_activity_toolbar() self.activity_toolbar.share.hide() self.activity_toolbar.keep.hide() self.set_mode("jam") def onPreloadTimeout( self ): if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::onPreloadTimeout", self.preloadList t = time.time() if self.preloadList[0].load( t + 0.100 ): # finished preloading this object self.preloadList.pop(0) if not len(self.preloadList): if Config.DEBUG > 1: print "TamTam::finished preloading", time.time() - t self.preloadTimeout = False return False # finished preloading everything if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::preload returned after", time.time() - t return True def doNothing(): #a callback function to appease SynthLab pass def set_mode(self, mode, arg = None): if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode from', self.mode, 'to', mode if self.mode != None: self.modeList[ self.mode ].onDeactivate() if FAKE_ACTIVITY: self.remove( self.modeList[ self.mode ] ) self.mode = None self.trackpad.setContext(mode) if mode == 'welcome': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.modeList[mode] = Welcome(self, self.set_mode) self.mode = mode if len( self.preloadList ): self.preloadTimeout = gobject.timeout_add( 300, self.onPreloadTimeout ) elif self.preloadTimeout: gobject.source_remove( self.preloadTimeout ) self.predrawTimeout = False if mode == 'jam': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Jam' self.modeList[mode] = JamMain(self, self.set_mode) self.mode = mode if mode == 'mini': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Mini' self.modeList[mode] = miniTamTamMain(self, self.set_mode) else: self.modeList[mode].regenerate() if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList: self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel ) self.mode = mode if mode == 'edit': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Edit' self.modeList[mode] = MainWindow(self, self.set_mode) if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList: self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel ) self.mode = mode if mode == 'synth': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam SynthLab' self.modeList[mode] = SynthLabWindow(self, self.set_mode, None) self.mode = mode if self.mode == None: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode invalid mode:', mode else: try: # activity mode self.set_canvas( self.modeList[ self.mode ] ) except: # fake mode self.add( self.modeList[ self.mode ] ) self.modeList[ self.mode ].onActivate(arg) def onFocusIn(self, event, data=None): if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in' csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(True) if self.mode == 'synth': self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateSound() self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateTables() #csnd.load_instruments() def onFocusOut(self, event, data=None): if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in' csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(False) def onActive(self, widget = None, event = None): pass def onKeyPress(self, widget, event): if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyPress in' if event.state == gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK: key = event.keyval if key == gtk.keysyms.j: self.set_mode("jam") return elif key == gtk.keysyms.m: self.set_mode('mini') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.s: self.set_mode('synth') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.w: self.set_mode('welcome') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.e: self.set_mode('edit') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.t: return elif key == gtk.keysyms.y: self.toolbox.hide() if self.mode: self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyPress(widget, event) def onKeyRelease(self, widget, event): if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyRelease in' self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyRelease(widget, event) pass def onDestroy(self, arg2): if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onDestroy()' os.system('rm -f ' + Config.PREF_DIR + '/synthTemp*') for m in self.modeList: if self.modeList[m] != None: self.modeList[m].onDestroy() csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(False) csnd.destroy() gtk.main_quit() def ensure_dir(self, dir, perms=0777, rw=os.R_OK|os.W_OK): if not os.path.isdir( dir ): try: os.makedirs(dir, perms) except OSError, e: print 'ERROR: failed to make dir %s: %i (%s)\n' % (dir, e.errno, e.strerror) if not os.access(dir, rw): print 'ERROR: directory %s is missing required r/w access\n' % dir def ensure_dirs(self): self.ensure_dir(Config.TUNE_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SYNTH_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SNDS_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SCRATCH_DIR) if not os.path.isdir(Config.PREF_DIR): os.mkdir(Config.PREF_DIR) os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.PREF_DIR + ' &') for snd in ['mic1','mic2','mic3','mic4','lab1','lab2','lab3','lab4', 'lab5', 'lab6']: shutil.copyfile(Config.SOUNDS_DIR + '/' + snd , Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd) os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd + ' &') def read_file(self,file_path): self.modeList['jam'].handleJournalLoad(file_path) def write_file(self,file_path): self.modeList['jam'].handleJournalSave(file_path) class TamTamEdit(Activity): # TamTam is the topmost container in the TamTam application # At all times it has one child, which may be one of # - the welcome screen # - the mini-tamtam # - the synth lab # - edit mode def __init__(self, handle, mode='edit'): Activity.__init__(self, handle) self.ensure_dirs() color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(Config.WS_BCK_COLOR) self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) self.set_title('TamTam Edit') self.set_resizable(False) self.trackpad = Trackpad( self ) #self.keyboardWindow = KeyboardWindow(size = 8, popup = True) #self.keyboardWindow.color_piano() self.preloadTimeout = None self.focusInHandler = self.connect('focus_in_event',self.onFocusIn) self.focusOutHandler = self.connect('focus_out_event',self.onFocusOut) self.connect('notify::active', self.onActive) self.connect('destroy', self.onDestroy) self.connect( "key-press-event", self.onKeyPress ) self.connect( "key-release-event", self.onKeyRelease ) #self.connect( "key-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keypress) #self.connect( "key-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keyrelease) #self.connect( "button-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mousePress) #self.connect( "button-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mouseRelease) self.mode = None self.modeList = {} self.instrumentPanel = InstrumentPanel( force_load = False ) self.preloadList = [ self.instrumentPanel ] #load the sugar toolbar self.toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self) self.set_toolbox(self.toolbox) self.activity_toolbar = self.toolbox.get_activity_toolbar() self.activity_toolbar.share.hide() self.activity_toolbar.keep.hide() self.set_mode("edit") def onPreloadTimeout( self ): if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::onPreloadTimeout", self.preloadList t = time.time() if self.preloadList[0].load( t + 0.100 ): # finished preloading this object self.preloadList.pop(0) if not len(self.preloadList): if Config.DEBUG > 1: print "TamTam::finished preloading", time.time() - t self.preloadTimeout = False return False # finished preloading everything if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::preload returned after", time.time() - t return True def doNothing(): #a callback function to appease SynthLab pass def set_mode(self, mode, arg = None): if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode from', self.mode, 'to', mode if self.mode != None: self.modeList[ self.mode ].onDeactivate() if FAKE_ACTIVITY: self.remove( self.modeList[ self.mode ] ) self.mode = None self.trackpad.setContext(mode) if mode == 'welcome': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.modeList[mode] = Welcome(self, self.set_mode) self.mode = mode if len( self.preloadList ): self.preloadTimeout = gobject.timeout_add( 300, self.onPreloadTimeout ) elif self.preloadTimeout: gobject.source_remove( self.preloadTimeout ) self.predrawTimeout = False if mode == 'jam': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Jam' self.modeList[mode] = JamMain(self, self.set_mode) self.mode = mode if mode == 'mini': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Mini' self.modeList[mode] = miniTamTamMain(self, self.set_mode) else: self.modeList[mode].regenerate() if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList: self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel ) self.mode = mode if mode == 'edit': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Edit' self.modeList[mode] = MainWindow(self, self.set_mode) if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList: self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel ) self.mode = mode if mode == 'synth': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam SynthLab' self.modeList[mode] = SynthLabWindow(self, self.set_mode, None) self.mode = mode if self.mode == None: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode invalid mode:', mode else: try: # activity mode self.set_canvas( self.modeList[ self.mode ] ) except: # fake mode self.add( self.modeList[ self.mode ] ) self.modeList[ self.mode ].onActivate(arg) def onFocusIn(self, event, data=None): if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in' csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(True) if self.mode == 'synth': self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateSound() self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateTables() #csnd.load_instruments() def onFocusOut(self, event, data=None): if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in' csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(False) def onActive(self, widget = None, event = None): pass def onKeyPress(self, widget, event): if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyPress in' if event.state == gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK: key = event.keyval if key == gtk.keysyms.j: self.set_mode("jam") return elif key == gtk.keysyms.m: self.set_mode('mini') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.s: self.set_mode('synth') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.w: self.set_mode('welcome') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.e: self.set_mode('edit') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.t: return elif key == gtk.keysyms.y: self.toolbox.hide() if self.mode: self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyPress(widget, event) def onKeyRelease(self, widget, event): if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyRelease in' self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyRelease(widget, event) pass def onDestroy(self, arg2): if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onDestroy()' os.system('rm -f ' + Config.PREF_DIR + '/synthTemp*') for m in self.modeList: if self.modeList[m] != None: self.modeList[m].onDestroy() csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(False) csnd.destroy() gtk.main_quit() def ensure_dir(self, dir, perms=0777, rw=os.R_OK|os.W_OK): if not os.path.isdir( dir ): try: os.makedirs(dir, perms) except OSError, e: print 'ERROR: failed to make dir %s: %i (%s)\n' % (dir, e.errno, e.strerror) if not os.access(dir, rw): print 'ERROR: directory %s is missing required r/w access\n' % dir def ensure_dirs(self): self.ensure_dir(Config.TUNE_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SYNTH_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SNDS_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SCRATCH_DIR) if not os.path.isdir(Config.PREF_DIR): os.mkdir(Config.PREF_DIR) os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.PREF_DIR + ' &') for snd in ['mic1','mic2','mic3','mic4','lab1','lab2','lab3','lab4', 'lab5', 'lab6']: shutil.copyfile(Config.SOUNDS_DIR + '/' + snd , Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd) os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd + ' &') def read_file(self,file_path): self.modeList['edit'].handleJournalLoad(file_path) def write_file(self,file_path): self.modeList['edit'].handleJournalSave(file_path) class TamTamSynthLab(Activity): # TamTam is the topmost container in the TamTam application # At all times it has one child, which may be one of # - the welcome screen # - the mini-tamtam # - the synth lab # - edit mode def __init__(self, handle, mode='synth'): Activity.__init__(self, handle) self.ensure_dirs() color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(Config.WS_BCK_COLOR) self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) self.set_title('TamTam SynthLab') self.set_resizable(False) self.trackpad = Trackpad( self ) #self.keyboardWindow = KeyboardWindow(size = 8, popup = True) #self.keyboardWindow.color_piano() self.preloadTimeout = None self.focusInHandler = self.connect('focus_in_event',self.onFocusIn) self.focusOutHandler = self.connect('focus_out_event',self.onFocusOut) self.connect('notify::active', self.onActive) self.connect('destroy', self.onDestroy) self.connect( "key-press-event", self.onKeyPress ) self.connect( "key-release-event", self.onKeyRelease ) #self.connect( "key-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keypress) #self.connect( "key-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keyrelease) #self.connect( "button-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mousePress) #self.connect( "button-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mouseRelease) self.mode = None self.modeList = {} self.instrumentPanel = InstrumentPanel( force_load = False ) self.preloadList = [ self.instrumentPanel ] #load the sugar toolbar self.toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self) self.set_toolbox(self.toolbox) self.activity_toolbar = self.toolbox.get_activity_toolbar() self.activity_toolbar.share.hide() self.activity_toolbar.keep.hide() self.set_mode("synth") def onPreloadTimeout( self ): if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::onPreloadTimeout", self.preloadList t = time.time() if self.preloadList[0].load( t + 0.100 ): # finished preloading this object self.preloadList.pop(0) if not len(self.preloadList): if Config.DEBUG > 1: print "TamTam::finished preloading", time.time() - t self.preloadTimeout = False return False # finished preloading everything if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::preload returned after", time.time() - t return True def doNothing(): #a callback function to appease SynthLab pass def set_mode(self, mode, arg = None): if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode from', self.mode, 'to', mode if self.mode != None: self.modeList[ self.mode ].onDeactivate() if FAKE_ACTIVITY: self.remove( self.modeList[ self.mode ] ) self.mode = None self.trackpad.setContext(mode) if mode == 'welcome': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.modeList[mode] = Welcome(self, self.set_mode) self.mode = mode if len( self.preloadList ): self.preloadTimeout = gobject.timeout_add( 300, self.onPreloadTimeout ) elif self.preloadTimeout: gobject.source_remove( self.preloadTimeout ) self.predrawTimeout = False if mode == 'jam': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Jam' self.modeList[mode] = JamMain(self, self.set_mode) self.mode = mode if mode == 'mini': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Mini' self.modeList[mode] = miniTamTamMain(self, self.set_mode) else: self.modeList[mode].regenerate() if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList: self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel ) self.mode = mode if mode == 'edit': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Edit' self.modeList[mode] = MainWindow(self, self.set_mode) if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList: self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel ) self.mode = mode if mode == 'synth': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam SynthLab' self.modeList[mode] = SynthLabWindow(self, self.set_mode, None) self.mode = mode if self.mode == None: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode invalid mode:', mode else: try: # activity mode self.set_canvas( self.modeList[ self.mode ] ) except: # fake mode self.add( self.modeList[ self.mode ] ) self.modeList[ self.mode ].onActivate(arg) def onFocusIn(self, event, data=None): if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in' csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(True) if self.mode == 'synth': self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateSound() self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateTables() #csnd.load_instruments() def onFocusOut(self, event, data=None): if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in' csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(False) def onActive(self, widget = None, event = None): pass def onKeyPress(self, widget, event): if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyPress in' if event.state == gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK: key = event.keyval if key == gtk.keysyms.j: self.set_mode("jam") return elif key == gtk.keysyms.m: self.set_mode('mini') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.s: self.set_mode('synth') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.w: self.set_mode('welcome') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.e: self.set_mode('edit') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.t: return elif key == gtk.keysyms.y: self.toolbox.hide() if self.mode: self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyPress(widget, event) def onKeyRelease(self, widget, event): if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyRelease in' self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyRelease(widget, event) pass def onDestroy(self, arg2): if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onDestroy()' os.system('rm -f ' + Config.PREF_DIR + '/synthTemp*') for m in self.modeList: if self.modeList[m] != None: self.modeList[m].onDestroy() csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(False) csnd.destroy() gtk.main_quit() def ensure_dir(self, dir, perms=0777, rw=os.R_OK|os.W_OK): if not os.path.isdir( dir ): try: os.makedirs(dir, perms) except OSError, e: print 'ERROR: failed to make dir %s: %i (%s)\n' % (dir, e.errno, e.strerror) if not os.access(dir, rw): print 'ERROR: directory %s is missing required r/w access\n' % dir def ensure_dirs(self): self.ensure_dir(Config.TUNE_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SYNTH_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SNDS_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SCRATCH_DIR) if not os.path.isdir(Config.PREF_DIR): os.mkdir(Config.PREF_DIR) os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.PREF_DIR + ' &') for snd in ['mic1','mic2','mic3','mic4','lab1','lab2','lab3','lab4', 'lab5', 'lab6']: shutil.copyfile(Config.SOUNDS_DIR + '/' + snd , Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd) os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd + ' &') def read_file(self,file_path): self.modeList['synth'].handleJournalLoad(file_path) def write_file(self,file_path): self.modeList['synth'].handleJournalSave(file_path) class TamTamMini(Activity): # TamTam is the topmost container in the TamTam application # At all times it has one child, which may be one of # - the welcome screen # - the mini-tamtam # - the synth lab # - edit mode def __init__(self, handle, mode='mini'): Activity.__init__(self, handle) self.ensure_dirs() color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(Config.WS_BCK_COLOR) self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) self.set_title('TamTam Mini') self.set_resizable(False) self.trackpad = Trackpad( self ) #self.keyboardWindow = KeyboardWindow(size = 8, popup = True) #self.keyboardWindow.color_piano() self.preloadTimeout = None self.focusInHandler = self.connect('focus_in_event',self.onFocusIn) self.focusOutHandler = self.connect('focus_out_event',self.onFocusOut) self.connect('notify::active', self.onActive) self.connect('destroy', self.onDestroy) self.connect( "key-press-event", self.onKeyPress ) self.connect( "key-release-event", self.onKeyRelease ) #self.connect( "key-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keypress) #self.connect( "key-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_keyrelease) #self.connect( "button-press-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mousePress) #self.connect( "button-release-event", self.keyboardWindow.handle_mouseRelease) self.mode = None self.modeList = {} self.instrumentPanel = InstrumentPanel( force_load = False ) self.preloadList = [ self.instrumentPanel ] #load the sugar toolbar self.toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self) self.set_toolbox(self.toolbox) self.activity_toolbar = self.toolbox.get_activity_toolbar() self.activity_toolbar.share.hide() self.activity_toolbar.keep.hide() self.set_mode("mini") def onPreloadTimeout( self ): if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::onPreloadTimeout", self.preloadList t = time.time() if self.preloadList[0].load( t + 0.100 ): # finished preloading this object self.preloadList.pop(0) if not len(self.preloadList): if Config.DEBUG > 1: print "TamTam::finished preloading", time.time() - t self.preloadTimeout = False return False # finished preloading everything if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::preload returned after", time.time() - t return True def doNothing(): #a callback function to appease SynthLab pass def set_mode(self, mode, arg = None): if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode from', self.mode, 'to', mode if self.mode != None: self.modeList[ self.mode ].onDeactivate() if FAKE_ACTIVITY: self.remove( self.modeList[ self.mode ] ) self.mode = None self.trackpad.setContext(mode) if mode == 'welcome': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.modeList[mode] = Welcome(self, self.set_mode) self.mode = mode if len( self.preloadList ): self.preloadTimeout = gobject.timeout_add( 300, self.onPreloadTimeout ) elif self.preloadTimeout: gobject.source_remove( self.preloadTimeout ) self.predrawTimeout = False if mode == 'jam': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Jam' self.modeList[mode] = JamMain(self, self.set_mode) self.mode = mode if mode == 'mini': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Mini' self.modeList[mode] = miniTamTamMain(self, self.set_mode) else: self.modeList[mode].regenerate() if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList: self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel ) self.mode = mode if mode == 'edit': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam Edit' self.modeList[mode] = MainWindow(self, self.set_mode) if self.instrumentPanel in self.preloadList: self.instrumentPanel.load() # finish loading self.modeList[mode].setInstrumentPanel( self.instrumentPanel ) self.mode = mode if mode == 'synth': if not (mode in self.modeList): self.metadata['title'] = 'TamTam SynthLab' self.modeList[mode] = SynthLabWindow(self, self.set_mode, None) self.mode = mode if self.mode == None: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::set_mode invalid mode:', mode else: try: # activity mode self.set_canvas( self.modeList[ self.mode ] ) except: # fake mode self.add( self.modeList[ self.mode ] ) self.modeList[ self.mode ].onActivate(arg) def onFocusIn(self, event, data=None): if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in' csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(True) if self.mode == 'synth': self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateSound() self.modeList[ self.mode ].updateTables() #csnd.load_instruments() def onFocusOut(self, event, data=None): if Config.DEBUG > 3: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onFocusOut in' csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(False) def onActive(self, widget = None, event = None): pass def onKeyPress(self, widget, event): if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyPress in' if event.state == gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK: key = event.keyval if key == gtk.keysyms.j: self.set_mode("jam") return elif key == gtk.keysyms.m: self.set_mode('mini') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.s: self.set_mode('synth') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.w: self.set_mode('welcome') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.e: self.set_mode('edit') return elif key == gtk.keysyms.t: return elif key == gtk.keysyms.y: self.toolbox.hide() if self.mode: self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyPress(widget, event) def onKeyRelease(self, widget, event): if Config.DEBUG > 5: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onKeyRelease in' self.modeList[ self.mode ].onKeyRelease(widget, event) pass def onDestroy(self, arg2): if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onDestroy()' os.system('rm -f ' + Config.PREF_DIR + '/synthTemp*') for m in self.modeList: if self.modeList[m] != None: self.modeList[m].onDestroy() csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(False) csnd.destroy() gtk.main_quit() def ensure_dir(self, dir, perms=0777, rw=os.R_OK|os.W_OK): if not os.path.isdir( dir ): try: os.makedirs(dir, perms) except OSError, e: print 'ERROR: failed to make dir %s: %i (%s)\n' % (dir, e.errno, e.strerror) if not os.access(dir, rw): print 'ERROR: directory %s is missing required r/w access\n' % dir def ensure_dirs(self): self.ensure_dir(Config.TUNE_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SYNTH_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SNDS_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SCRATCH_DIR) if not os.path.isdir(Config.PREF_DIR): os.mkdir(Config.PREF_DIR) os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.PREF_DIR + ' &') for snd in ['mic1','mic2','mic3','mic4','lab1','lab2','lab3','lab4', 'lab5', 'lab6']: shutil.copyfile(Config.SOUNDS_DIR + '/' + snd , Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd) os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd + ' &') def read_file(self,file_path): self.metadata['tamtam_subactivity'] = 'mini' def write_file(self,file_path): f = open(file_path,'w') f.close() if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1 : mainwin = TamTam(None, sys.argv[1]) else: mainwin = TamTam(None, 'welcome') gtk.gdk.threads_init() gtk.main() sys.exit(0) def run_edit_mode(): tamtam = MainWindow() mainwin = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) mainwin.set_title('TamTam Player') display = mainwin.get_display() screen = gtk.gdk.Display.get_default_screen(display) mainwin.set_geometry_hints( None, screen.get_width(), screen.get_height(), screen.get_width(), screen.get_height(), screen.get_width(), screen.get_height() ) #mainwin.fullscreen() # don't need to specify full screen, it seem to sit properly anyway mainwin.set_resizable(False) mainwin.connect('destroy' , tamtam.destroy ) #mainwin.connect( "configure-event", tamtam.handleConfigureEvent ) mainwin.connect( "key-press-event", tamtam.onKeyPress ) mainwin.connect( "key-release-event", tamtam.onKeyRelease ) mainwin.connect( "delete_event", tamtam.delete_event ) mainwin.add(tamtam) gtk.main()