import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, 'C') import signal , time , sys , os, shutil import pygtk pygtk.require( '2.0' ) import gtk import gobject import time import common.Config as Config from common.Util.CSoundClient import new_csound_client from common.Util.Profiler import TP from common.Util.InstrumentPanel import InstrumentPanel from Edit.MainWindow import MainWindow from common.Util.Trackpad import Trackpad from gettext import gettext as _ import commands from sugar.activity import activity class TamTamEdit(activity.Activity): def __init__(self, handle): activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle) self.ensure_dirs() color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(Config.WS_BCK_COLOR) self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) self.set_resizable(False) self.trackpad = Trackpad( self ) self.preloadTimeout = None self.connect('notify::active', self.onActive) self.connect('destroy', self.onDestroy) #load the sugar toolbar self.toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self) self.set_toolbox(self.toolbox) self.activity_toolbar = self.toolbox.get_activity_toolbar() self.activity_toolbar.share.hide() self.trackpad.setContext('edit') self.edit = MainWindow(self) self.connect('key-press-event', self.edit.onKeyPress) self.connect('key-release-event', self.edit.onKeyRelease) #self.modeList[mode].regenerate() self.set_canvas( self.edit ) self.edit.onActivate(arg = None) def onPreloadTimeout( self ): if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::onPreloadTimeout", self.preloadList t = time.time() if self.preloadList[0].load( t + 0.100 ): # finished preloading this object self.preloadList.pop(0) if not len(self.preloadList): if Config.DEBUG > 1: print "TamTam::finished preloading", time.time() - t self.preloadTimeout = False return False # finished preloading everything if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "TamTam::preload returned after", time.time() - t return True def onActive(self, widget = None, event = None): if == False: csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(False) else: csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(True) def onKeyPress(self, widget, event): pass def onKeyRelease(self, widget, event): pass def onDestroy(self, arg2): if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onDestroy()' os.system('rm -f ' + Config.PREF_DIR + '/synthTemp*') self.edit.onDestroy() csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(False) csnd.destroy() gtk.main_quit() def ensure_dir(self, dir, perms=0777, rw=os.R_OK|os.W_OK): if not os.path.isdir( dir ): try: os.makedirs(dir, perms) except OSError, e: print 'ERROR: failed to make dir %s: %i (%s)\n' % (dir, e.errno, e.strerror) if not os.access(dir, rw): print 'ERROR: directory %s is missing required r/w access\n' % dir def ensure_dirs(self): self.ensure_dir(Config.TUNE_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SYNTH_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SNDS_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SNDS_INFO_DIR) self.ensure_dir(Config.SCRATCH_DIR) if not os.path.isdir(Config.PREF_DIR): os.mkdir(Config.PREF_DIR) os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.PREF_DIR + ' &') for snd in ['mic1','mic2','mic3','mic4','lab1','lab2','lab3','lab4', 'lab5', 'lab6']: shutil.copyfile(Config.SOUNDS_DIR + '/' + snd , Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd) os.system('chmod 0777 ' + Config.SNDS_DIR + '/' + snd + ' &') def read_file(self,file_path): self.edit.handleJournalLoad(file_path) def write_file(self,file_path): self.edit.handleJournalSave(file_path)