45 * Fixed a spacing issue on the Toolbar preventing the Sync icon from appearing (Flipo) * Added the po files to the MANIFEST (Flipo) * Swapped TamTamMini icon and TamTamJam (Flipo) 44 * Instrument saving bug (lync) * Microphone fix (Olipet) 43 * Loading bug fix (Lync, LeJames) * Added new sounds (Olipet) * Desktop sounds fix (Olipet) 42 * Added microphone recording (Olipet) 41 * Added spanish translation (Flipo) 40 * Proper activity split (Flipo, Olipet) * Numerous bug fixes (lync) * Removed extra categories (Olipet, Flipo) * Added more loops (JM, Olipet) 39 * New activity : TamTamJam (lync) * Activities are now separate (TamTamJam, TamTamEdit, TamTamSynthLab) * No sound when set to language other than english fixed (#3165) (J5, marcopg, tomeu, Flipo) 38 * Adapt to new Palette API (Flipo) 37 * Small layout change in edit (Flipo) * Temporary fix for Palettes causing the audio to stop (Flipo) 36 * Major image cleanup, 700k saved (Flipo) * Tune generation back (see leftmost icon on generate tab) (Olipet) 35 * TamTam Edit Toolbars enhancements (Flipo, Olipet) * TamTam Edit layout changes (lync) * Dual instruments for tracks in Edit (Olipet, lync) 34 * Synthlab sugar integration (olipet, Flipo) * Toolbars in edit draft, hit alt-t to show the toolbar, alt-y to hide (Flipo) * Bug that prevented sound from working fixed (LeJames) 33 * Added Sugar Toolbar to miniTamTam and Synthlab (Flipo) * Network now working in miniTamTam, use the share button on the activity toolbar (lync) * Added help subsystem (ethrop, LeJames) 32 * Important microphone fix (Olipet) 31 * Working network (create a FORCE_SHARE file in the / dir) (lync) * New tune generator in Edit, click the dice in the tune view (Olipet) * Fine tuning of the algorythmic generator and orchestras (Olipet) * TamTamJam (miniTamTam) integration with the journal (Flipo) * Title according to subactivity displayed in the journal (Flipo) 30 * Clicking the close button in Edit and Synthlab goes back to Sugar. (Flipo) * Fix to the Journal load and save. (Flipo, lync) * Ogg player on the welcome page. (lync) * Demo tune instruments and tempo are randomly generated (Olipet) * lab placeholder files were reduced in size by 95% (Olipet) 29 * WelcomeScreen: Removed Typing Game icon. (Flipo) * General: Added sounds. (ethrop, Olipet) * General: Journal integration. (Flipo, lync) * TamTamJam: Microphone semi-working. (James) * TamTamEdit: Beats per page setting. (lync, Olipet) * TamTamEdit: Mute/Solo controls on tracks. (Flipo) * TamTamEdit: Paint tool. (Olipet) * TamTamEdit: Properties automation. (Olipet) * TamTamEdit: Pages can have different colors. (lync) * TamTamEdit: Realtime keyboard recording. (Olipet) * TamTamEdit: Export song to ogg file. (Olipet)