import common.Config as Config import random import lps from common.Generation.Drunk import * from common.Util.CSoundNote import CSoundNote from common.Util.CSoundClient import new_csound_client from common.Util.NoteDB import Note from common.Util.NoteDB import PARAMETER from common.Generation.GenerationConstants import GenerationConstants class Loop: def __init__( self, beat, volume ): self.notesDict = {} self.notesList = [] self.beat = beat self.volume = volume = 4000 self.csnd = new_csound_client() def stop( self, key ): if (Config.DEBUG > 3): print 'stop loop at key: ' + str(key) for n in self.notesDict[key]: self.csnd.loopDelete(n) del self.notesDict[key] if (Config.DEBUG > 3): print self.notesDict def start(self, key, instrument, reverb): if self.notesDict.has_key(key): return self.notesList = [] for i in lps.LOOPS[key][self.beat-2]: note = self.createCsNote(i, instrument, reverb) n = Note(0, note.trackId,, note) self.notesList.append(n) = + 1 self.csnd.loopPlay(n,1) #add as active if (Config.DEBUG > 3): print 'play loop at key: ' + str(key) self.notesDict[key] = self.notesList if (Config.DEBUG > 3): print self.notesDict def adjustLoopVolume(self, volume): self.volume = volume for k in self.notesDict.keys(): for n in self.notesDict[k]: self.csnd.loopUpdate(n, PARAMETER.AMPLITUDE, n.cs.amplitude*self.volume, 1) def createCsNote(self, i, instrument, reverb): onset = i[0] pitch = i[1] gain = i[2]*self.volume duration = i[3] if Config.INSTRUMENTS[instrument].kit != None: if GenerationConstants.DRUMPITCH.has_key(pitch): pitch = GenerationConstants.DRUMPITCH[pitch] instrument = Config.INSTRUMENTS[ instrument ].kit[pitch].name pitch = 36 return CSoundNote( onset = onset, pitch = pitch, amplitude = gain, pan = 0.5, duration = duration, trackId = 0, instrumentId = Config.INSTRUMENTS[instrument].instrumentId, reverbSend = reverb, tied = False, mode = 'mini') ################ precompose all loops and write a dictionary ################# def precompose(self, maxbeat): def makeGainSequence(onsetList): gainSequence = [] append = gainSequence.append for onset in onsetList: if onset == 0: gain = random.uniform(GenerationConstants.GAIN_MID_MAX_BOUNDARY, GenerationConstants.GAIN_MAX_BOUNDARY) elif ( onset % Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT) == 0: gain = random.uniform(GenerationConstants.GAIN_MID_MIN_BOUNDARY, GenerationConstants.GAIN_MID_MAX_BOUNDARY) else: gain = random.uniform(GenerationConstants.GAIN_MIN_BOUNDARY, GenerationConstants.GAIN_MID_MIN_BOUNDARY) append(gain) return gainSequence def makeDurationSequence(onsetList, barLength): durationSequence = [] append = durationSequence.append if len( onsetList ) > 1: for i in range(len(onsetList) - 1): append((onsetList[i+1] - onsetList[i])) append(( barLength - onsetList[-1])) elif len( onsetList ) == 1: append( ( barLength - onsetList[0] )) return durationSequence def makePitchSequence(length, pitchRegularity, step, table_pitch, pitchMethod): pitchSequence = [] append = pitchSequence.append numberOfPitch = int( ( 1 - (regularity*.8) ) * 10 + 1 ) step = -(8 - (int(step * 8))) max = len(table_pitch)-1 nextValue = pitchMethod.getNextValue tonique = GenerationConstants.DEFAULT_TONIQUE for i in range(numberOfPitch): append((table_pitch[nextValue(step, max)]) + tonique) restOfNotes = range( length - numberOfPitch ) for i in restOfNotes: position = i % numberOfPitch append( pitchSequence[ position ] ) return pitchSequence def makeRythmSequence(barLength, density, regularity ): rythmSequence = [0, ] self.count = 0 lastOnsetTime = 0 onsetLen = len(GenerationConstants.LOOP_TABLE_ONSET_VALUES) onsetValue = int( ( 1 - density ) * onsetLen ) onsetDeviation = int( ( 1 - regularity ) * 20 ) currentOnsetValue = onsetValue + ( random.randint( 0, onsetDeviation ) - ( onsetDeviation / 2 ) ) if currentOnsetValue < 0: currentOnsetValue = 0 elif currentOnsetValue > onsetLen: currentOnsetValue = onsetLen else: currentOnsetValue = currentOnsetValue onsetDelta = GenerationConstants.LOOP_TABLE_ONSET_VALUES[ currentOnsetValue ] listLen = range( int( barLength / Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT * 8 ) ) randInt = random.randint for i in listLen: if self.count == 0: currentOnsetValue = onsetValue + ( randInt( 0, onsetDeviation ) - ( onsetDeviation / 2 ) ) if currentOnsetValue < 0: currentOnsetValue = 0 elif currentOnsetValue > onsetLen: currentOnsetValue = onsetLen else: currentOnsetValue = currentOnsetValue onsetDelta = GenerationConstants.LOOP_TABLE_ONSET_VALUES[ currentOnsetValue ] if onsetDelta == GenerationConstants.DOUBLE_TICK_DUR: if self.count < (GenerationConstants.DOUBLE_HOW_MANY - 1): self.count += 1 else: self.count = 0 onsetTime = onsetDelta + lastOnsetTime lastOnsetTime = onsetTime if onsetTime < barLength: rythmSequence.append(onsetTime) continue else: break onsetTime = onsetDelta + lastOnsetTime lastOnsetTime = onsetTime if onsetTime < barLength: rythmSequence.append(onsetTime) else: break return rythmSequence ############ begin generate ##################### file = open(Config.TAM_TAM_ROOT + '/miniTamTam/', 'w') file.write('LOOPS = {\n') table_pitch = [-12, -10, -12, -7, -5, -4, -2, 0, 2, 0, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12] table_density = [1., .92, .84, .76, .68, .6, .52, .46, .4, .46, .52, .6, .68, .76, .84, .95] table_regularity = [1., .96, .9, .84, .78, .72, .66, .6, .54, .48, .42, .36, .3, .24, .18, .1] table_pitchRegularity = [1., .96, .9, .84, .78, .72, .66, .6, .54, .48, .42, .36, .3, .24, .18, .1] table_step = [2, 4, 3, 2, 4, 6, 5, 4, 6, 8, 7, 6, 8, 9, 8, 10] table_pitchMethod = [0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3] numKeys = len(Config.LOOP_KEYS) for key in range(numKeys): file.write(str(Config.LOOP_KEYS[key]) + ': [') for beat in range(2, maxbeat+1): density = table_density[key] regularity = table_regularity[key] pitchRegularity = table_pitchRegularity[key] step = table_step[key] pattern = table_pitchMethod[key] if pattern == 0: pitchMethod = Drunk( 5, 10 ) elif pattern == 1: pitchMethod = DroneAndJump( 5, 10 ) elif pattern == 2: pitchMethod = Repeter( 5, 10 ) elif pattern == 3: pitchMethod = Loopseg( 5, 10 ) barLength = Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT * beat loopList = [] rythmSequence = makeRythmSequence(barLength, density, regularity) pitchSequence = makePitchSequence(len(rythmSequence), pitchRegularity, step, table_pitch, pitchMethod ) gainSequence = makeGainSequence(rythmSequence) durationSequence = makeDurationSequence(rythmSequence, barLength) for k in range(len(rythmSequence)): loopList.append([rythmSequence[k], pitchSequence[k], gainSequence[k], durationSequence[k]]) if beat == maxbeat and key == (numKeys-1): file.write(str(loopList) + ']\n') elif beat != maxbeat: file.write(str(loopList) + ',\n') else: file.write(str(loopList) + '],\n') file.write('}') file.close()