#Copyright (c) 2007-8 Jean Piche, Olivier Belanger, James Bergstra #Copyright (c) 2007-8 Nathanael Lecaude, Adrian Martin, Eric Lamothe #Copyright (c) 2009-11 Aleksey Lim, Chris Leonard, Douglas Eck #Copyright (c) 2009-11 Gonzalo Odiard, James Cameron, Jorge Saldivar #Copyright (c) 2009-11 Marco Pesenti Gritti, Rafael Ortiz, Sean Wood #Copyright (c) 2011 Walter Bender # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, 'C') import signal import time import sys import os import shutil import pygtk import logging pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import gobject import time import common.Util.Instruments import common.Config as Config from common.Util.CSoundClient import new_csound_client from common.Util.Profiler import TP from Mini.miniTamTamMain import miniTamTamMain from common.Util.Trackpad import Trackpad from gettext import gettext as _ import commands from sugar.activity import activity if Config.HAVE_TOOLBOX: from sugar.graphics.toolbarbox import ToolbarBox from sugar.activity import widgets class TamTamMini(activity.Activity): __gtype_name__ = 'TamTamMiniWindow' def __init__(self, handle): self.mini = None activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle) color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(Config.WS_BCK_COLOR) self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) self.set_title('TamTam Mini') self.set_resizable(False) self.trackpad = Trackpad(self) self.trackpad.setContext('mini') self.connect('notify::active', self.onActive) self.connect('destroy', self.onDestroy) #load the sugar toolbar if Config.HAVE_TOOLBOX: self.toolbox = ToolbarBox() self.toolbox.toolbar.insert(widgets.ActivityButton(self), -1) self.toolbox.toolbar.insert(widgets.TitleEntry(self), -1) try: from sugar.activity.widgets import DescriptionItem except ImportError: logging.debug('DescriptionItem button is not available,' + 'toolkit version < 0.96') else: description_item = DescriptionItem(self) self.toolbox.toolbar.insert(description_item, -1) description_item.show() self.toolbox.toolbar.insert(widgets.ShareButton(self), -1) else: self.toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self) self.set_toolbox(self.toolbox) self.toolbox.show() self.mini = miniTamTamMain(self) self.mini.onActivate(arg=None) self.mini.updateInstrumentPanel() #self.modeList[mode].regenerate() self.set_canvas(self.mini) if Config.HAVE_TOOLBOX: separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() separator.props.draw = False separator.set_expand(True) self.toolbox.toolbar.insert(separator, -1) self.toolbox.toolbar.insert(widgets.StopButton(self), -1) self.toolbox.toolbar.show_all() self.show() def do_size_allocate(self, allocation): activity.Activity.do_size_allocate(self, allocation) if self.mini is not None: self.mini.updateInstrumentPanel() def onActive(self, widget=None, event=None): if widget.props.active == False: csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(False) else: csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(True) def onDestroy(self, arg2): if Config.DEBUG: print 'DEBUG: TamTam::onDestroy()' self.mini.onDestroy() csnd = new_csound_client() csnd.connect(False) csnd.destroy() gtk.main_quit() # no more dir created by TamTam def ensure_dir(self, dir, perms=0777, rw=os.R_OK | os.W_OK): if not os.path.isdir(dir): try: os.makedirs(dir, perms) except OSError, e: print 'ERROR:Failed to make dir %s: %i (%s)\n' % (dir, e.errno, e.strerror) if not os.access(dir, rw): print 'ERROR: directory %s is missing required r/w access\n' % dir def read_file(self, file_path): self.metadata['tamtam_subactivity'] = 'mini' def write_file(self, file_path): f = open(file_path, 'w') f.close()