from gettext import gettext as _ import common.Config as Config class SynthLabConstants: PIC_SIZE = 80 HALF_SIZE = PIC_SIZE // 2 PIC_SIZE_HIGHLIGHT = PIC_SIZE + 4 GT_CONTROL_OUTPUT = 0 GT_CONTROL_INPUT = 1 GT_SOUND_OUTPUT = 2 GT_SOUND_INPUT = 3 # GATE_POINT[objecttype][gatetype][gatenum] = (x,y) # relative to object center GATE_POINT = [ [ [ (-1,33) ] ], [ [], [ (-24,-34),(-9,-34),(8,-34),(24,-34) ], [ (-1,33) ] ], [ [], [ (31,-20),(31,-6),(31,6),(31,19) ], [ (-3,33) ], [ (-3,-34) ] ], [ [], [], [], [ (2,-35) ] ] ] # GATE_MAP[objecttype][gatetype][gatenum] = [ sx, sy, ex, ey, (wireX,wireY) ] # gate locations relative to object center GATE_MAP = [ [ [ [-7,26,4,39] ] ], [ [], [[-30,-40,-19,-28], [-15,-40,-3,-28], [3,-40,14,-28], [19,-40,28,-28]], [[-6,28,5,40]] ], [ [], [[25,-25,37,-14], [25,-12,37,-1], [25,1,37,12], [25,13,37,25]], [[-8,27,3,40]], [[-8,-40,3,-27]] ], [ [], [], [], [[-4,-40,7,-29]] ] ] # insert wire locations into map GATE_OFFSET = 15 for oT in GATE_MAP: for gT in oT: for m in gT: x = (m[2]+m[0])//2 y = (m[3]+m[1])//2 # snap to edges if x < -HALF_SIZE+GATE_OFFSET: x = m[0] elif x > HALF_SIZE-GATE_OFFSET: x = m[2] if y < -HALF_SIZE+GATE_OFFSET: y = m[1] elif y > HALF_SIZE-GATE_OFFSET: y = m[3] m.append( ( x, y ) ) OBJ_Y_LOC = 710 INIT_LOCATIONS = [ [450,OBJ_Y_LOC], [450,OBJ_Y_LOC], [450,OBJ_Y_LOC], [450, OBJ_Y_LOC], [225,OBJ_Y_LOC], [225,OBJ_Y_LOC], [225,OBJ_Y_LOC], [225, OBJ_Y_LOC], [675,OBJ_Y_LOC], [675,OBJ_Y_LOC], [675,OBJ_Y_LOC], [675, OBJ_Y_LOC], [450, 625]] FLOAT1 = [.1, 1] FLOAT = [.01, 2] INTEGER = [1, 0] # s1 s2 s3 s4 s1min s1max s2min s2max s3min s3max s4min s4max [s1step s1digits] [s2step s2digits] [s3step s3digits] TYPES = { 'lfo': [.1, 5, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 50, 0, 5, 0, 1, FLOAT, FLOAT, INTEGER], 'rand': [.5, 1.5, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 50, 0, 1, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT], 'adsr': [.02, .05, .8, .1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT], 'trackpadX': [0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, FLOAT, FLOAT, INTEGER], 'trackpadY': [0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, FLOAT, FLOAT, INTEGER], 'fm': [1, .5, 5, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 10, 0, 2, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT], 'buzz': [1, 30, .85, 1, 0, 2, 0, 40, 0, 1, 0, 2, FLOAT, INTEGER, FLOAT], 'vco': [1, 1, .2, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, .5, 0, 2, FLOAT, INTEGER, FLOAT], 'pluck': [1, 5000, 0, 1, 0, 2, 100, 8000, 0, 8, 0, 2, FLOAT, INTEGER, FLOAT], 'noise': [0, 3000, 4000, 1, 0, 2, 0, 8000, 0, 6000, 0, 2, INTEGER, INTEGER,INTEGER], 'sample': [1, 15, 5000, 1, 0, 2, 0, 99, 100, 8000, 0, 2, FLOAT, INTEGER, INTEGER], 'voice': [1, 3, 5, 1, 0, 2, 0, 8, 1, 10, 0, 2, FLOAT, INTEGER, FLOAT], 'grain': [1, 15, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 99, 0, 1, 0, 2, FLOAT, INTEGER, FLOAT], 'addSynth': [1, .005, 5, 1, 0, 2, 0, 20, 0, 9, 0, 2, FLOAT, FLOAT, INTEGER], 'mic': [5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 1, 4, 0, 4, 0, 2, FLOAT, INTEGER, FLOAT], 'wguide': [100, 3000, .8, 1, 0, 200, 100, 5000, 0, 1, 0, 2, FLOAT1, INTEGER, FLOAT], 'distort': [800, .7, .7, 1, 0, 1000, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, INTEGER, FLOAT, FLOAT], 'filter': [1000, .6, 0, 1, 200, 5000, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, INTEGER, FLOAT, INTEGER], 'ring': [500, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1000, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 2, INTEGER, FLOAT, INTEGER], 'reverb': [1.5, 3000, .5, 1, 0, 4, 100, 7000, 0, 1, 0, 2, FLOAT, INTEGER, FLOAT], 'harmon': [1.25, .04, .5, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT], 'eq4band': [1., 1., 1., 1., 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT], 'chorus': [.5, 1., 5., .5, 0, 3, 0, 10, 0, 30, 0, 1, FLOAT, FLOAT, FLOAT]} CONTROL_TYPES = ['lfo', 'rand', 'adsr', 'trackpadX', 'trackpadY'] CONTROL_TYPES_PLUS = [type + '+' for type in CONTROL_TYPES] SOURCE_TYPES = ['fm', 'buzz', 'vco', 'pluck', 'noise', 'sample', 'voice', 'grain', 'addSynth'] if Config.MIC: SOURCE_TYPES += ['mic'] SOURCE_TYPES_PLUS = [type + '+' for type in SOURCE_TYPES] FX_TYPES = ['wguide', 'distort','filter', 'ring', 'reverb', 'harmon', 'eq4band', 'chorus'] FX_TYPES_PLUS = [type + '+' for type in FX_TYPES] OUTPUT_TYPE = ['adsr'] OUTPUT_TYPE_SEL = ['adsrsel'] CHOOSE_TYPE = [CONTROL_TYPES, SOURCE_TYPES, FX_TYPES, OUTPUT_TYPE] CHOOSE_TYPE_PLUS = [CONTROL_TYPES_PLUS, SOURCE_TYPES_PLUS, FX_TYPES_PLUS] # SynthLab Tooltips SOURCE = _('Source') EFFECT = _('Effect') CONTROL = _('Control') SOUNDOUT = _('Sound Output') #Controls LFO = _('LFO') AMP = _('Amplitude') FREQ = _('Frequency') WAVEFORM = _('Waveform') LFO_WAVEFORMS = [_('Sine'), _('Triangle'), _('Bi-Square'), _('Uni-Square'), _('Sawtooth'), _('Sawtooth-down')] OFFSET = _('Offset') LFO_INFO = _('A low frequency oscillation (LFO) is an inaudible, pulsing wave used to change another sound.') LFO_PARA1 = _('The volume of the LFO wave. More volume means more effect.') LFO_PARA2 = _('The speed of the wave.') LFO_PARA3 = _('The type of wave that will be used for the LFO.') LFO_PARA4 = _('The value added to the amplitude of the LFO.') RANDOM = _('Random') MIN = _('Minimum') MAX = _('Maximum') FREQ = FREQ SEED = _('Seed') RANDOM_INFO = _('A sequence of numbers without repetition chosen by the computer.') RANDOM_PARA1 = _('The smallest number allowed') RANDOM_PARA2 = _('The biggest number allowed.') RANDOM_PARA3 = _('The speed of the sequence.') RANDOM_PARA4 = _('The number to initialize the number generator') ADSR = _('Envelope') ATTACK = _('Attack') DECAY = _('Decay') SUSTAIN = _('Sustain') RELEASE = _('Release') ADSR_INFO = _("An ADSR envelope is the shape of the sound's volume over time.") ADSR_PARA1 = _('(A) how quickly the sound reaches full volume.') ADSR_PARA2 = _('(D) how quickly the sound drops after the attack.') ADSR_PARA3= _('(S) the volume of the sound until the note is released.') ADSR_PARA4 = _('(R) how quickly the sound goes away.') TRACKPADX = _('Trackpad X') MIN = MIN MAX = MAX SCALING = _('Scaling') SCALING_TYPES = [_('Lin'), _('Log')] POLL = _('Poll time') TRACKPADX_INFO = _('The trackpad can be used to modify the sound. This is from left to right.') TRACKPADX_PARA1 = _('The minimum value the trackpad will send.') TRACKPADX_PARA2 = _('The maximum value the trackpad will send.') TRACKPADX_PARA3 = _('The shape of the value reapartition. In a straight line (linear) or a curved line (logarithmic).') TRACKPADX_PARA4= _('The time interval between each event coming from the trackpad.') TRACKPADY = _('Trackpad Y') MIN = MIN MAX = MAX SCALING = SCALING SCALING_TYPES = SCALING_TYPES POLL = POLL TRACKPADY_INFO = _('The trackpad can be used to modify the sound. This is from top to bottom.') TRACKPADY_PARA1 = _('The minimum value the trackpad will send.') TRACKPADY_PARA2 = _('The maximum value de trackpad will send.') TRACKPADY_PARA3 = _('The shape of the value repartition. In a straight line (linear) or a curved line (logarithmic).') TRACKPADY_PARA4 = _('The time interval between each event coming from the trackpad.') #Source FM = _('FM') CAR = _('Carrier Frequency') MOD = _('Modulator Frequency') INDEX = _('Index') GAIN = _('Gain') FM_INFO = _('Frequency modulation synthesis (FM) creates an electronic sound by combining the frequency of two waves (the carrier and the modulator).') FM_PARA1 = _('The main wave frequency.') FM_PARA2 = _('The frequency of the wave that will modify the Carrier wave.') FM_PARA3 = _('The variation in frequency of the Carrier wave.') FM_PARA4 = _('The volume of the sound.') BUZZ = _('Buzz') FREQ = FREQ NHARM = _('Number of harmonics') FSLOPE = _('Filter Slope') GAIN = GAIN BUZZ_INFO = _('A buzz is a very bright sound with many harmonics.') BUZZ_PARA1 = _('The pitch of the buzz sound.') BUZZ_PARA2 = _('The harmonic thickness of the sound.') BUZZ_PARA3 = _('The brightness of the sound.') BUZZ_PARA4 = _('The volume of the sound.') VCO = _('VCO') FREQ = FREQ WAVEFORM = WAVEFORM VCO_WAVEFORMS = [_('Sawtooth'), _('Square'), _('Triangle')] FSLOPE = FSLOPE GAIN = GAIN VCO_INFO = _('A voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) creates an electronic sound by combining the shape of two waves.') VCO_PARA1 = _('The wave that will be modified by the VCO.') VCO_PARA2 = _("The shape of the VCO's wave.") VCO_PARA3 = _('The brightness of the sound.') VCO_PARA4 = _('The volume of the sound.') PLUCK = _('Pluck') FREQ = FREQ LFILTER = _('Lowpass Filter') VIBRATO = _('Vibrato') GAIN = GAIN PLUCK_INFO = _('An electronic string instrument (like a guitar).') PLUCK_PARA1 = _('The pitch of the instrument.') PLUCK_PARA2 = _('The brightness of the sound.') PLUCK_PARA3 = _('The speed of the wave.') PLUCK_PARA4 = _('The volume of the sound.') NOISE = _('Noise') NOISETYPE = _('Type') NOISE_TYPES = [_('White'), _('Pink'), _('Gauss')] FREQ = FREQ BANDWITH = _('Bandwith') GAIN = GAIN NOISE_INFO = _('Noise is a sound with energy on every frequency.') NOISE_PARA1 = _('The shape of noise to be used (white = bright, pink = dark, gauss = colored).') NOISE_PARA2 = _('The brightness of the sound.') NOISE_PARA3 = _('The thickness of the sound.') NOISE_PARA4 = _('The volume of the sound.') SAMPLE = _('Sound Sample') FREQ = FREQ SAMPLEN = _('Sample Number') SAMPLE_NAMES = _('Sample name') LFILTER = LFILTER GAIN = GAIN SAMPLE_INFO = _("A sample is a real sound that has been recorded and that can be played back.") SAMPLE_PARA1 = _('The pitch of the sample.') SAMPLE_PARA2 = _('The sample to be used.') SAMPLE_PARA3 = _('The brightness of the sound.') SAMPLE_PARA4 = _('The volume of the sound.') VOICE = _('Voice') FREQ = FREQ VOWEL = _('Vowel') VOWEL_TYPES = ['i', 'e', 'ee', 'a', 'u', 'o1', 'o2', 'oa', 'oe'] VIBRATO = VIBRATO GAIN = GAIN VOICE_INFO = _('An electronic voice.') VOICE_PARA1 = _('The pitch of the sound.') VOICE_PARA2 = _('The shape of the sound based on vowels.') VOICE_PARA3 = _('The speed of the wave.') VOICE_PARA4 = _('The volume of the sound.') GRAIN = _('Grain') FREQ = FREQ SAMPLEN = SAMPLEN INDEX = _('Index') GAIN = GAIN GRAIN_INFO = _('The grain effect splits the sound in tiny bits which can be rearranged in time.') GRAIN_PARA1 = _('The pitch of grains.') GRAIN_PARA2 = _('The sample to be used') GRAIN_PARA3 = _('The variation in pitch of grains.') GRAIN_PARA4 = _('The volume of the sound.') ADDSYNTH = _('Additive Synthesis') FREQ = FREQ SPREAD = _('Spread') WAVE = _('Waveform') GAIN = GAIN ADDSYNTH_INFO = _('Additive synthesis creates musical timbre by combining different waves.') ADDSYNTH_PARA1 = _('The pitch of the sound.') ADDSYNTH_PARA2 = _('The separation between the different waves.') ADDSYNTH_PARA3 = _('The shape of the wave.') ADDSYNTH_PARA4 = _('The volume of the sound.') MIC = _('Microphone input') DURATION = _('Length of the memory') BIN = _('memory number') SPEED = _('Playback speed') GAIN = GAIN MIC_INFO = _('Microphone input is record into a buffer for playback (right-clic on the objet to record sound)') MIC_PARA1 = _('Length of the memory') MIC_PARA2 = _('This parameter can not be modified') MIC_PARA3 = _('Speed playback changes duration and pitch of the sound') MIC_PARA4 = _('The volume of the sound') #Effects DELAY = _('Delay') FREQ = FREQ LFILTER = LFILTER FEEDBACK = _('Feedback') GAIN = GAIN DELAY_INFO = _('Delay is an audio effect that repeats the sound over and over.') DELAY_PARA1 = _('The speed of the delay.') DELAY_PARA2 = _('The brightness of the sound.') DELAY_PARA3 = _('The time it takes for the sound to go away.') DELAY_PARA4 = _('The volume of the sound.') DIST = _('Distortion') FREQ = FREQ RESON = _('Resonance') DISTL = _('Distortion Level') GAIN = GAIN DIST_INFO = _("Distortion is the deformation of a wave which creates harsh sounds.") DIST_PARA1 = _('The pitch of the distorted sound.') DIST_PARA2 = _('The amount of vibration the instrument has against itself.') DIST_PARA3 = _('The volume of the distorted sound.') DIST_PARA4 = _('The volume of the sound.') FILTER = _('Filter') FREQ = FREQ FSLOPE = FSLOPE FTYPE = _('Type') FILTER_TYPES = [_('Lowpass'), _('Highpass'), _('Bandpass')] GAIN = GAIN FILTER_INFO = _('An audio filter is designed to brighten, darken or color a sound.') FILTER_PARA1 = _('The point in the sound to be filtered.') FILTER_PARA2 = _('The size of the region affected by the filter.') FILTER_PARA3 = _('The type of filter used: lowpass = dark, highpass = bright, bandpass = colored.') FILTER_PARA4 = _('The volume of the sound.') RINGMOD = _('Ring Modulator') FREQ = FREQ MIX = _('Mix') WAVEFORM = WAVEFORM LFO_WAVEFORMS = LFO_WAVEFORMS GAIN = GAIN RINGMOD_INFO = _('Ring modulation is an audio effect that creates metallic sounds.') RINGMOD_PARA1 = _('The pitch of the ring modulator.') RINGMOD_PARA2 = _('The volume of the modulated sound.') RINGMOD_PARA3 = _('The shape of the wave used for modulation.') RINGMOD_PARA4 = _('The volume of the sound.') REVERB = _('Reverb') REVERBD = _('Length') REVERBF = _('Lowpass Filter') REVERBL = _('Reverb Level') GAIN = GAIN REVERB_INFO = _('Reverberation is the length a sound stays in a room.') REVERB_PARA1 = _('The size of the room.') REVERB_PARA2 = _('The brightness of the reverberated sound.') REVERB_PARA3 = _('The amount of reverb to be applied.') REVERB_PARA4 = _('The volume of the sound.') HARMON = _('Harmonizer') FREQ = FREQ DRYDELAY = _('Dry delay') MIX = MIX GAIN = GAIN HARMON_INFO = _('A harmonizer doubles the sound musically.') HARMON_PARA1 = _('The pitch of the doubled sound.') HARMON_PARA2 = _('The start time of the original sound.') HARMON_PARA3 = _('The balance between the original and the doubled sound.') HARMON_PARA4 = _('The volume of the sound.') EQ4BAND = _('Equalizer 4 bands') FREQ1 = _('Band one gain') FREQ2 = _('Band two gain') FREQ3 = _('Band three gain') FREQ4 = _('Band four gain') EQ4BAND_INFO = _('A 4 band equalizer chooses slices (bands) in the sound and makes them louder or softer.') EQ4BAND_PARA1 = _('The volume of band 1 (low).') EQ4BAND_PARA2 = _('The volume of band 2 (mid-low).') EQ4BAND_PARA3 = _('The volume of band 3 (mid-high).') EQ4BAND_PARA4 = _('The volume of band 4 (high).') CHORUS = _('Chorus') LFODEPTH = _('LFO Depth') LFOFREQ = _('LFO Frequency') DELAY = _('Delay') FEEDBACK = FEEDBACK CHORUS_INFO = _('The chorus effect plays copies of the same sound with a slight variation.') CHORUS_PARA1 = _('The volume of the LFO signal.') CHORUS_PARA2 = _('The pitch of the LFO signal.') CHORUS_PARA3 = _('The amount of delay between the two signals.') CHORUS_PARA4 = _('The volume of the sound.') SYNTHTYPES = [[LFO, RANDOM, ADSR, TRACKPADX, TRACKPADY], [FM, BUZZ, VCO, PLUCK, NOISE, SAMPLE, VOICE, GRAIN, ADDSYNTH, MIC], [DELAY, DIST, FILTER, RINGMOD, REVERB, HARMON, EQ4BAND, CHORUS], [ADSR]] SYNTHPARA = { _('lfo'): [AMP, FREQ, WAVEFORM, OFFSET, LFO_INFO, LFO_PARA1, LFO_PARA2, LFO_PARA3, LFO_PARA4], _('rand'): [MIN, MAX, FREQ, SEED, RANDOM_INFO, RANDOM_PARA1, RANDOM_PARA2, RANDOM_PARA3, RANDOM_PARA4], _('adsr'): [ATTACK, DECAY, SUSTAIN, RELEASE, ADSR_INFO, ADSR_PARA1, ADSR_PARA2, ADSR_PARA3, ADSR_PARA4], _('trackpadX'): [MIN, MAX, SCALING, POLL, TRACKPADX_INFO, TRACKPADX_PARA1, TRACKPADX_PARA2, TRACKPADX_PARA3, TRACKPADX_PARA4], _('trackpadY'): [MIN, MAX, SCALING, POLL, TRACKPADY_INFO, TRACKPADY_PARA1, TRACKPADY_PARA2, TRACKPADY_PARA3, TRACKPADY_PARA4], _('fm'): [CAR, MOD, INDEX, GAIN, FM_INFO, FM_PARA1, FM_PARA2, FM_PARA3, FM_PARA4], _('buzz'): [FREQ, NHARM, FSLOPE, GAIN, BUZZ_INFO, BUZZ_PARA1, BUZZ_PARA2, BUZZ_PARA3, BUZZ_PARA4], _('vco'): [FREQ, WAVEFORM, FSLOPE, GAIN, VCO_INFO, VCO_PARA1, VCO_PARA2, VCO_PARA3, VCO_PARA4], _('pluck'): [FREQ, LFILTER, VIBRATO, GAIN, PLUCK_INFO, PLUCK_PARA1, PLUCK_PARA2, PLUCK_PARA3, PLUCK_PARA4], _('noise'): [NOISETYPE, FREQ, BANDWITH, GAIN, NOISE_INFO, NOISE_PARA1, NOISE_PARA2, NOISE_PARA3, NOISE_PARA4], _('sample'): [FREQ, SAMPLEN, LFILTER, GAIN, SAMPLE_INFO, SAMPLE_PARA1, SAMPLE_PARA2, SAMPLE_PARA3, SAMPLE_PARA4], _('voice'): [FREQ, VOWEL, VIBRATO, GAIN, VOICE_INFO, VOICE_PARA1, VOICE_PARA2, VOICE_PARA3, VOICE_PARA4], _('grain'): [FREQ, SAMPLEN, INDEX, GAIN, GRAIN_INFO, GRAIN_PARA1, GRAIN_PARA2, GRAIN_PARA3, GRAIN_PARA4], _('addSynth'): [FREQ, SPREAD, WAVE, GAIN, ADDSYNTH_INFO, ADDSYNTH_PARA1, ADDSYNTH_PARA2, ADDSYNTH_PARA3, ADDSYNTH_PARA4], _('mic'): [DURATION, BIN, SPEED, GAIN, MIC_INFO, MIC_PARA1, MIC_PARA2, MIC_PARA3, MIC_PARA4], _('wguide'): [FREQ, LFILTER, FEEDBACK, GAIN, DELAY_INFO, DELAY_PARA1, DELAY_PARA2, DELAY_PARA3, DELAY_PARA4], _('distort'): [FREQ, RESON, DISTL, GAIN, DIST_INFO, DIST_PARA1, DIST_PARA2, DIST_PARA3, DIST_PARA4], _('filter'): [FREQ, FSLOPE, FTYPE, GAIN, FILTER_INFO, FILTER_PARA1, FILTER_PARA2, FILTER_PARA3, FILTER_PARA4], _('ring'): [FREQ, MIX, WAVEFORM, GAIN, RINGMOD_INFO, RINGMOD_PARA1, RINGMOD_PARA2, RINGMOD_PARA3, RINGMOD_PARA4], _('reverb'): [REVERBD, REVERBF, REVERBL, GAIN, REVERB_INFO, REVERB_PARA1, REVERB_PARA2, REVERB_PARA3, REVERB_PARA4], _('harmon'): [FREQ, DRYDELAY, MIX, GAIN, HARMON_INFO, HARMON_PARA1, HARMON_PARA2, HARMON_PARA3, HARMON_PARA4], _('eq4band'): [FREQ1, FREQ2, FREQ3, FREQ4, EQ4BAND_INFO, EQ4BAND_PARA1, EQ4BAND_PARA2, EQ4BAND_PARA3, EQ4BAND_PARA4], _('chorus'): [LFODEPTH, LFOFREQ, DELAY, FEEDBACK, CHORUS_INFO, CHORUS_PARA1, CHORUS_PARA2, CHORUS_PARA3, CHORUS_PARA4]}