import os import socket import select import sys import threading import time import array import Config from Generation.GenerationConstants import GenerationConstants from Util.Clooper.aclient import * from Util import NoteDB class _CSoundClientPlugin: def __init__(self): sc_initialize( Config.PLUGIN_UNIVORC, Config.PLUGIN_DEBUG, Config.PLUGIN_PERIOD, Config.PLUGIN_NPERIODS) self.on = False #self.masterVolume = 80.0 self.periods_per_buffer = 2 def __del__(self): self.connect(False) sc_destroy() def setMasterVolume(self, volume): #self.masterVolume = volume if self.on: sc_setMasterVolume(volume) def setTrackVolume( self, volume, trackId ): self.trackVolume = volume sc_setTrackVolume(volume, trackId) def setTrackpadX( self, value ): trackpadX = value sc_setTrackpadX(trackpadX) def setTrackpadY( self, value ): trackpadY = value sc_setTrackpadY(trackpadY) def micRecording( self, table ): sc_inputMessage( Config.CSOUND_MIC_RECORD % table ) def load_mic_instrument( self, inst ): fileName = Config.PREF_DIR + '/' + inst instrumentId = Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + int(fileName[-1]) + 6 sc_inputMessage(Config.CSOUND_LOAD_INSTRUMENT % (instrumentId, fileName)) def load_synth_instrument( self, inst ): fileName = Config.PREF_DIR + '/' + inst instrumentId = Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + int(fileName[-1]) + 85 sc_inputMessage(Config.CSOUND_LOAD_INSTRUMENT % (instrumentId, fileName)) def load_instruments( self ): for instrumentSoundFile in Config.INSTRUMENTS.keys(): if instrumentSoundFile[0:3] == 'mic' or instrumentSoundFile[0:3] == 'lab': fileName = Config.PREF_DIR + '/' + instrumentSoundFile else: fileName = Config.SOUNDS_DIR + "/" + instrumentSoundFile instrumentId = Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + Config.INSTRUMENTS[ instrumentSoundFile ].instrumentId sc_inputMessage( Config.CSOUND_LOAD_INSTRUMENT % (instrumentId, fileName) ) def connect( self, init = True ): def reconnect(): if sc_start(self.periods_per_buffer) : if (Config.DEBUG > 0) : print 'ERROR connecting' else: self.on = True def disconnect(): if sc_stop() : if (Config.DEBUG > 0) : print 'ERROR connecting' else: self.on = False if init and not self.on : reconnect() if not init and self.on : disconnect() def destroy( self ): self.connect(False) sc_destroy() def inputMessage(self,msg): sc_inputMessage(msg) def loopClear(self): sc_loop_clear() def loopDelete(self, dbnote): sc_loop_delScoreEvent( ( << 16) + def loopDelete1(self, page, id): sc_loop_delScoreEvent( (page << 16) + id) def loopStart(self): sc_loop_playing(1) def loopPause(self): sc_loop_playing(0) def loopSetTick(self,t): sc_loop_setTick(t) def loopGetTick(self): return sc_loop_getTick() def loopSetNumTicks(self,n): sc_loop_setNumTicks(n) def loopSetTickDuration(self,d): sc_loop_setTickDuration(d) def loopSetTempo(self,t): if (Config.DEBUG > 3) : print 'INFO: loop tempo: %f -> %f' % (t, 60.0 / (Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT * t)) sc_loop_setTickDuration( 60.0 / (Config.TICKS_PER_BEAT * t)) def loopDeactivate(self, note = None): if note == None: sc_loop_deactivate_all() else: if (Config.DEBUG > 0) : print 'ERROR: deactivating a single note is not implemented' def loopUpdate(self, note, parameter, value,cmd): page = id = if note.cs.mode == 'mini': instrument_offset = 0 elif note.cs.mode == 'edit': if Config.INSTRUMENTSID[note.cs.instrumentId].kit != None: instrument_offset = 0 else: instrument_offset = 100 if (parameter == NoteDB.PARAMETER.ONSET): if (Config.DEBUG > 2): print 'INFO: updating onset', (page<<16)+id, value sc_loop_updateEvent( (page<<16)+id, 1, value, cmd) elif (parameter == NoteDB.PARAMETER.PITCH): if (Config.DEBUG > 2): print 'INFO: updating pitch', (page<<16)+id, value pitch = value if Config.INSTRUMENTSID[note.cs.instrumentId].kit != None: instrument = Config.INSTRUMENTSID[note.cs.instrumentId].kit[pitch] csoundInstId = instrument.csoundInstrumentId csoundTable = Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + instrument.instrumentId if (Config.DEBUG > 2): print 'INFO: updating drum instrument (pitch)', (page<<16)+id,, csoundInstId sc_loop_updateEvent( (page<<16)+id, 0, (csoundInstId + instrument_offset) + note.track * 0.01, -1 ) sc_loop_updateEvent( (page<<16)+id, 7, csoundTable , -1 ) pitch = 1 else: pitch = GenerationConstants.TRANSPOSE[ pitch - 24 ] sc_loop_updateEvent( (page<<16)+id, 3, pitch, cmd) elif (parameter == NoteDB.PARAMETER.AMPLITUDE): if (Config.DEBUG > 2): print 'INFO: updating amp', (page<<16)+id, value sc_loop_updateEvent( (page<<16)+id, 5, value, cmd) elif (parameter == NoteDB.PARAMETER.DURATION): if (Config.DEBUG > 2): print 'INFO: updating duration', (page<<16)+id, value sc_loop_updateEvent( (page<<16)+id, 2, value, cmd) elif (parameter == NoteDB.PARAMETER.INSTRUMENT): pitch = note.cs.pitch instrument = Config.INSTRUMENTSID[value] if instrument.kit != None: instrument = instrument.kit[pitch] csoundInstId = instrument.csoundInstrumentId csoundTable = Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + instrument.instrumentId loopStart = instrument.loopStart loopEnd = instrument.loopEnd crossDur = instrument.crossDur if (Config.DEBUG > 2): print 'INFO: updating instrument', (page<<16)+id,, csoundInstId sc_loop_updateEvent( (page<<16)+id, 0, (csoundInstId + instrument_offset) + note.track * 0.01, cmd ) sc_loop_updateEvent( (page<<16)+id, 7, csoundTable, -1 ) sc_loop_updateEvent( (page<<16)+id, 12, loopStart, -1 ) sc_loop_updateEvent( (page<<16)+id, 13, loopEnd, -1 ) sc_loop_updateEvent( (page<<16)+id, 14, crossDur , -1 ) else: if (Config.DEBUG > 0): print 'ERROR: loopUpdate(): unsupported parameter change' def loopPlay(self, dbnote, active): qid = ( << 16) + sc_loop_addScoreEvent( qid, 1, active, 'i', self.csnote_to_array(dbnote.cs)) def play(self, csnote, secs_per_tick): a = self.csnote_to_array(csnote) a[self.DURATION] = a[self.DURATION] * secs_per_tick a[self.ATTACK] = max(a[self.ATTACK]*a[self.DURATION], 0.002) a[self.DECAY] = max(a[self.DECAY]*a[self.DURATION], 0.002) sc_scoreEvent( 'i', a) def csnote_to_array(self, csnote): return self.csnote_to_array1( csnote.onset, csnote.pitch, csnote.amplitude, csnote.pan, csnote.duration, csnote.trackId, csnote.attack, csnote.decay, csnote.reverbSend, csnote.filterType, csnote.filterCutoff, csnote.tied, csnote.instrumentId, csnote.mode) INSTR_TRACK=0 ONSET=1 DURATION=2 PITCH=3 AMPLITUDE=5 ATTACK=8 DECAY=9 def csnote_to_array1( self, onset, pitch, amplitude, pan, duration, trackId, attack = 0.002, decay = 0.098, reverbSend = 0.1, filterType = 0, filterCutoff = 1000, tied = False, instrumentId = Config.INSTRUMENTS["flute"].instrumentId, mode = 'edit' ): instrument = Config.INSTRUMENTSID[instrumentId] if instrument.kit != None: instrument = instrument.kit[pitch] pitch = 1 time_in_ticks = 0 else: pitch = GenerationConstants.TRANSPOSE[ pitch - 24 ] time_in_ticks = 1 instrument_offset = 0 # condition for tied notes if instrument.csoundInstrumentId == Config.INST_TIED and tied and mode == 'mini': duration = -1 instrument_offset = 0 elif instrument.csoundInstrumentId == Config.INST_TIED and not tied and mode == 'mini': instrument_offset = 0 elif instrument.csoundInstrumentId == Config.INST_TIED and mode == 'edit': instrument_offset = 100 if instrument.csoundInstrumentId == Config.INST_SIMP and mode == 'mini': instrument_offset = 0 elif instrument.csoundInstrumentId == Config.INST_SIMP and mode == 'edit': if instrument.soundClass == 'drum': instrument_offset = 0 else: instrument_offset = 100 a = array.array('f') a.extend( [ (instrument.csoundInstrumentId + trackId + instrument_offset) + trackId * 0.01, onset, duration, pitch, reverbSend, amplitude, pan, Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + instrument.instrumentId, attack, decay, filterType, filterCutoff, instrument.loopStart, instrument.loopEnd, instrument.crossDur ]) return a _Client = None def new_csound_client(): global _Client if _Client == None: _Client = _CSoundClientPlugin() _Client.connect(True) _Client.setMasterVolume(100.0) _Client.load_instruments() time.sleep(0.2) return _Client