#!/usr/bin/env python import pygtk pygtk.require( '2.0' ) import gtk import time import common.Config as Config from common.Util.ThemeWidgets import * Tooltips = Config.Tooltips class InstrumentPanel( gtk.EventBox ): def __init__(self,setInstrument = None, playInstrument = None, enterMode = False, micRec = None, synthRec = None, rowLen = 8, _instDic = None, force_load = True ): gtk.EventBox.__init__(self) self.setInstrument = setInstrument self.playInstrument = playInstrument self.micRec = micRec self.synthRec = synthRec self.rowLen = rowLen self.enterMode = enterMode self.instDic = _instDic self.loaded = False self.loadData = {} self.loadStage = [0,0,0] if force_load: self.load() def configure( self, setInstrument = None, playInstrument = None, enterMode = False, micRec = None, synthRec = None, rowLen = 8 ): self.setInstrument = setInstrument self.playInstrument = playInstrument self.enterMode = enterMode self.micRec = micRec if self.rowLen != rowLen: self.rowLen = rowLen self.prepareInstrumentTable( self.category ) else: self.rowLen = rowLen def load( self, timeout = -1 ): if self.loaded: return True if Config.DEBUG > 4: print "InstrumentPanel load", self.loadStage if self.loadStage[0] == 0: color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(Config.PANEL_BCK_COLOR) self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) self.loadStage[0] = 1 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False if self.loadStage[0] == 1: self.tooltips = gtk.Tooltips() self.loadStage[0] = 2 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False if self.loadStage[0] == 2: self.instTable = None self.recstate = False self.lastInstrumentWidget = None self.mainVBox = gtk.VBox() self.loadStage[0] = 3 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False if self.loadStage[0] == 3: if not self.loadInstrumentList( timeout, self.loadStage ): return False self.loadStage[0] = 4 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False if self.loadStage[0] == 4: if not self.loadToolbar( timeout, self.loadStage ): return False self.loadStage[0] = 5 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False if self.loadStage[0] == 5: if self.instDic == None: self.instDic = {} self.loadStage[0] = 5.1 else: self.loadStage[0] = 6 if self.loadStage[0] == 5.1: if not self.loadInstDic( self.instDic, timeout, self.loadStage ): return False self.loadStage[0] = 6 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False if self.loadStage[0] == 6: self.loadInstrumentViewport() self.loadStage[0] = 7 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False if self.loadStage[0] == 7: self.prepareInstrumentTable() self.loadStage[0] = 8 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False self.add(self.mainVBox) self.show_all() self.loaded = True return True def loadInstrumentList( self, timeout = -1, loadStage = [0,0,0] ): if loadStage[1] == 0: self.instrumentList = { "all": [], "all.enterMode": [], "percussions.enterMode": [], "lab": [], "mic": [], "kit": [] } for category in Config.CATEGORIES: self.instrumentList[category] = [] loadStage[1] = 1 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False if loadStage[1] == 1: keys = Config.INSTRUMENTS.keys() for i in range(loadStage[2], len(keys)): key = keys[i] instrument = Config.INSTRUMENTS[key] if key[0:4] != 'drum' and key[0:4] != 'guid' and key[0:3] != 'mic' and key[0:3] != 'lab': self.instrumentList["all"].append( key ) if key[0:4] != 'drum' and key[0:4] != 'guid' and key[0:3] != 'mic' and key[0:3] != 'lab': self.instrumentList["all.enterMode"].append( key ) if key[0:4] != 'drum' and key[0:4] != 'guid': self.instrumentList[instrument.category].append( key ) if instrument.category == "percussions": self.instrumentList["percussions.enterMode"].append( key ) if instrument.category == "kit": self.instrumentList["kit"].append( key ) loadStage[2] += 1 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False loadStage[1] = 2 loadStage[2] = 0 self.instrumentList["mic"].sort() self.instrumentList["lab"].sort() self.instrumentList["all"] += self.instrumentList["kit"] + self.instrumentList["mic"] + self.instrumentList["lab"] self.instrumentList["all.enterMode"] += self.instrumentList["mic"] + self.instrumentList["lab"] self.instrumentList["percussions"] += self.instrumentList["kit"] self.instrumentList["people"] += self.instrumentList["mic"] self.instrumentList["keyboard"] += self.instrumentList["lab"] loadStage[1] = 0 return True def loadToolbar( self, timeout = -1, loadStage = [0,0,0] ): if loadStage[1] == 0: self.loadData["toolbarBox"] = gtk.HBox() self.firstTbBtn = None self.loadStage[1] = 1 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False for i in range(loadStage[1]-1, len(Config.CATEGORIES)): category = Config.CATEGORIES[i] if loadStage[2] == 0: self.loadData["btnBox"] = RoundVBox(fillcolor = Config.CATEGORY_BCK_COLOR, bordercolor = Config.PANEL_BCK_COLOR, radius = Config.PANEL_RADIUS) self.loadData["btnBox"].set_border_width(Config.PANEL_SPACING) loadStage[2] = 1 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False if loadStage[2] == 1: self.loadData["btn"] = ImageRadioButton(self.firstTbBtn,Config.IMAGE_ROOT + category + '.png', Config.IMAGE_ROOT + category + 'sel.png', Config.IMAGE_ROOT + category + 'sel.png') loadStage[2] = 2 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False if self.firstTbBtn == None: self.firstTbBtn = self.loadData["btn"] self.loadData["btn"].connect('clicked',self.handleToolbarBtnPress,category) self.loadData["btnBox"].add(self.loadData["btn"]) self.loadData["toolbarBox"].pack_start(self.loadData["btnBox"],True,True) loadStage[2] = 0 loadStage[1] += 1 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False self.mainVBox.pack_start(self.loadData["toolbarBox"],False,False) self.loadData.pop("btn") self.loadData.pop("btnBox") self.loadData.pop("toolbarBox") loadStage[1] = 0 return True def loadInstDic( self, instDic, timeout = -1, loadStage = [0,0,0] ): if loadStage[1] == 0: self.firstInstButton = None self.loadData["len"] = len(self.instrumentList['all']) loadStage[1] = 1 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False for i in range( loadStage[1]-1, self.loadData["len"] ): instrument = self.instrumentList["all"][i] if loadStage[2] == 0: self.loadData["instBox"] = RoundVBox(fillcolor = Config.INST_BCK_COLOR, bordercolor = Config.INSTRUMENT_GRID_COLOR, radius = Config.PANEL_RADIUS) self.loadData["instBox"].set_border_width(Config.PANEL_SPACING) loadStage[2] = 1 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False if loadStage[2] == 1: try: self.loadData["instButton"] = ImageRadioButton(self.firstInstButton, Config.IMAGE_ROOT + instrument + '.png' , Config.IMAGE_ROOT + instrument + 'sel.png', Config.IMAGE_ROOT + instrument + 'sel.png') except: self.loadData["instButton"] = ImageRadioButton(self.firstInstButton, Config.IMAGE_ROOT + 'generic.png' , Config.IMAGE_ROOT + 'genericsel.png', Config.IMAGE_ROOT + 'genericsel.png') loadStage[2] = 2 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False if loadStage[2] == 2: self.loadData["instButton"].clickedHandler = self.loadData["instButton"].connect('clicked',self.handleInstrumentButtonClick, instrument) self.loadData["instButton"].connect('enter',self.handleInstrumentButtonEnter, instrument) loadStage[2] = 3 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False self.loadData["instBox"].pack_start(self.loadData["instButton"],False,False) instDic[instrument] = self.loadData["instBox"] if self.firstInstButton == None: self.firstInstButton = self.loadData["instButton"] loadStage[2] = 0 if timeout >= 0 and time.time() > timeout: return False loadStage[1] += 1 self.loadData.pop("instBox") self.loadData.pop("instButton") self.loadData.pop("len") loadStage[1] = 0 return True def loadInstrumentViewport( self ): self.instrumentBox = RoundHBox(fillcolor = Config.INSTRUMENT_GRID_COLOR, bordercolor = Config.PANEL_BCK_COLOR, radius = Config.PANEL_RADIUS) self.scrollWin = gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.scrollWin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER,gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) self.tableEventBox = gtk.EventBox() color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(Config.INSTRUMENT_GRID_COLOR) self.tableEventBox.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) self.scrollWin.add_with_viewport(self.tableEventBox) self.tableEventBox.get_parent().set_shadow_type( gtk.SHADOW_NONE ) self.instrumentBox.pack_start(self.scrollWin,True,True,0) self.mainVBox.pack_start(self.instrumentBox) self.show_all() def prepareInstrumentTable(self,category = 'all'): self.category = category if self.enterMode: if category == "all": category = "all.enterMode" elif category == "percussions": category = "percussions.enterMode" if self.instTable != None: for child in self.instTable.get_children()[:]: self.instTable.remove(child) self.tableEventBox.remove(self.instTable) self.instTable.destroy() instrumentNum = len(self.instrumentList[category]) instruments = self.instrumentList[category] cols = self.rowLen if instrumentNum < cols: cols = instrumentNum rows = (instrumentNum // cols) if instrumentNum % cols is not 0: #S'il y a un reste rows = rows + 1 self.instTable = gtk.Table(rows,cols,True) self.instTable.set_row_spacings(0) self.instTable.set_col_spacings(0) for row in range(rows): for col in range(cols): if row*cols+col >= instrumentNum: break instBox = self.instDic[instruments[row*cols+col]] self.instTable.attach(instBox, col, col+1, row, row+1, gtk.SHRINK, gtk.SHRINK, 0, 0) self.tableEventBox.add(self.instTable) self.instTable.show_all() def selectFirstCat(self): self.firstTbBtn.set_active(True) def handleToolbarBtnPress(self, widget, category): if widget.get_active(): self.prepareInstrumentTable(category) def handleInstrumentButtonClick(self,widget,instrument): if widget.get_active() is True and self.recstate == False: if self.setInstrument: widget.event( gtk.gdk.Event( gtk.gdk.LEAVE_NOTIFY ) ) # fake the leave event self.setInstrument(instrument) if self.playInstrument: self.playInstrument(instrument) if self.enterMode: pass #Close the window def handleInstrumentButtonEnter(self,widget,instrument): if self.enterMode and self.playInstrument: self.playInstrument(instrument) def handleMicRecButtonClick(self,widget,mic): self.recstate = False self.setInstrument(mic) if self.micRec: self.micRec(mic) def handleRecButtonPress(self,widget,btn): self.recstate = True btn.set_active(True) def set_activeInstrument(self,instrument, state): if len(self.instDic) > 0: for key in self.instDic: if key == instrument: btn = self.instDic[key].get_children()[0] btn.handler_block(btn.clickedHandler) btn.set_active(state) btn.handler_unblock(btn.clickedHandler) class DrumPanel( gtk.EventBox ): def __init__(self, setDrum = None): gtk.EventBox.__init__(self) color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(Config.PANEL_BCK_COLOR) self.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) self.setDrum = setDrum self.instrumentList = [] keys = Config.INSTRUMENTS.keys() for key in Config.INSTRUMENTS.keys(): if Config.INSTRUMENTS[key].category == "kit": self.instrumentList.append( key ) self.instrumentList.sort() self.drawDrums() def drawDrums(self): firstBtn = None btnBox = RoundHBox(fillcolor = '#6F947B', bordercolor = Config.PANEL_BCK_COLOR, radius = Config.PANEL_RADIUS) btnBox.set_border_width(Config.PANEL_SPACING) self.drums = {} for drumkit in self.instrumentList: instBox = RoundVBox(fillcolor = Config.INST_BCK_COLOR, bordercolor = Config.PANEL_COLOR, radius = Config.PANEL_RADIUS) instBox.set_border_width(Config.PANEL_SPACING) self.drums[drumkit] = ImageRadioButton(firstBtn, Config.IMAGE_ROOT + drumkit + '.png' , Config.IMAGE_ROOT + drumkit + 'sel.png', Config.IMAGE_ROOT + drumkit + 'sel.png') self.drums[drumkit].clickedHandler = self.drums[drumkit].connect('clicked',self.setDrums,drumkit) if firstBtn == None: firstBtn = self.drums[drumkit] instBox.pack_start(self.drums[drumkit], False, False, 0) btnBox.pack_start(instBox, False, False, 0) self.add(btnBox) self.show_all() def setDrums(self,widget,data): if widget.get_active(): if self.setDrum: widget.event( gtk.gdk.Event( gtk.gdk.LEAVE_NOTIFY ) ) # fake the leave event self.setDrum(data) def set_activeInstrument( self, instrument, state ): if instrument in self.instrumentList: btn = self.drums[instrument] btn.handler_block(btn.clickedHandler) btn.set_active(state) btn.handler_unblock(btn.clickedHandler) if __name__ == "__main__": win = gtk.Window() wc = DrumPanel(None) win.add(wc) win.show() #start the gtk event loop gtk.main()