import bisect import csnd import os import socket import select import sys import thread import time from sugar import env import common.Config as Config from common.Util.CSoundNote import CSoundNote #maybe not actually used, but dependence is there. All notes are assumed to be CSoundNotes from common.Generation.GenerationConstants import GenerationConstants class Sound: #TODO: remove def inputMessage(self, txt): self.perf.InputMessage(txt) #PRIVATE DRIFT = 0.01 #careful about changing this... coordinate with instrument 5777 def loop_work(self, sleeptime): def next( ) : time_time = time.time() #tickhorizon is tick where we'll be after range_sec tickhorizon = self.getTick( self.range_sec + time_time, False ) time0_time = self.time0 - self.time_start + self.DRIFT if tickhorizon < 0 : return [] if len(self.notes) == 0 : return [] def cache_cmd(secs_per_tick, amplitude, pitch, inst, trackId, duration, tied, fullDuration, overlap, attack, decay, reverbSend, filterType, filterCutoff, pan ): if inst[0:4] == 'drum': if pitch in GenerationConstants.DRUMPITCH: key = GenerationConstants.DRUMPITCH[ pitch ] else: key = pitch if inst == 'drum1kit': inst = Config.DRUM1INSTRUMENTS[ key ] if inst == 'drum2kit': inst = Config.DRUM2INSTRUMENTS[ key ] if inst == 'drum3kit': inst = Config.DRUM3INSTRUMENTS[ key ] pitch = 1 else: pitch = GenerationConstants.TRANSPOSE[ pitch - 24 ] # condition for tied notes if Config.INSTRUMENTS[ inst ].csoundInstrumentId == 101 and tied and fullDuration: duration= -1.0 # condition for overlaped notes if Config.INSTRUMENTS[ inst ].csoundInstrumentId == 102 and overlap: duration += 1.0 attack = max( 0.002, duration * attack) decay = max( 0.002, duration * decay) rval = Config.PLAY_NOTE_COMMAND_MINUS_DELAY % \ ( Config.INSTRUMENTS[ inst ].csoundInstrumentId, trackId, '%f', #delay, duration, pitch, reverbSend, amplitude, pan, Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + Config.INSTRUMENTS[ inst ].instrumentId, attack, decay, filterType, filterCutoff ) return rval def getText(i, secs_per_tick, time_offset): (onset,note,cache,z) = self.notes[i] if cache == '' or note.nchanges != z : self.notes[i] = \ ( onset, note, cache_cmd( secs_per_tick, note.amplitude, # * track-level mixer rate note.pitch, note.instrumentFlag, note.trackId, note.duration * self.secs_per_tick, note.tied, note.fullDuration, note.overlap, note.attack, note.decay, note.reverbSend, note.filterType, note.filterCutoff, note.pan), note.nchanges ) rval = self.notes[i][2] % float(onset * self.secs_per_tick + time_offset) return rval prev_secs = (self.loops * self.duration) * self.secs_per_tick rval = [] while self.notes[self.hIdx][0] + self.loops * self.duration < tickhorizon: rval.append ( getText(self.hIdx, self.secs_per_tick, prev_secs + time0_time ) ) self.hIdx += 1 if self.hIdx == len(self.notes): self.hIdx = 0 self.loops += 1 prev_secs += self.duration * self.secs_per_tick return rval #thread.start_new_thread( testtimer, (0,) ) m = 0.0 while self.thread_continue: t0 = time.time() time.sleep(sleeptime) t1 = time.time() if t1 - t0 > 2.0 * sleeptime : print 'critical lagginess: ', t1 - t0 if m < t1 - t0: m = t1 - t0 print t1, ' timer max = ', m if self.playing : cmds = for c in cmds: self.perf.InputMessage( c ) # create the object, and launch the loop thread def __init__(self, orc, range_sec, ticks_per_sec ): self.orc = orc self.up = False self.ticks_per_sec = ticks_per_sec # ticks last this long self.secs_per_tick = 1.0 / ticks_per_sec # precomputed inverse self.range_sec = range_sec # notes are checked-for, this many seconds in advance self.duration = 1 # number of ticks in playback loop self.loops = 0 # number of elapsed loops self.notes = [] # sorted list of (onset, noteptr, cache) self.time0 = time.time() + 1000000 # the real time at which tick == 0 (sometimes retro-active) self.thread_continue = 1 self.playing = False #self.thread = thread.start_new_thread( self.loop_work, (0.040,) ) self.csound = csnd.Csound() # join the loop thread, clean up everything. def uninit(self): #self.thread_continue = 0 #self.thread.join() #if self.up : # self.lower() self.csound.Reset() pass # (re)start playback and seize the sound device def connect(self): def startTime(): if not self.up : debug_print (1, "ERROR: Sound::startTime, performance thread isn't up yet.") return self.perf.InputMessage('i 5999 0.0 60000000') self.time_start = time.time() # if a note event is sent to csound before or simultaneous to this one, then it will not play correctly. # thus we sleep right here, to (ideally) let csound pick up the message. # NB: match this to the constant in the instrument 5777 of the csound orcestra time.sleep(0.1) def load_instruments( ): home_path = env.get_profile_path() + Config.PREF_DIR for instrumentSoundFile in Config.INSTRUMENTS.keys(): if instrumentSoundFile[0:3] == 'mic' or instrumentSoundFile[0:3] == 'lab': fileName = home_path + '/' + instrumentSoundFile else: fileName = Config.SOUNDS_DIR + "/" + instrumentSoundFile instrumentId = Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + Config.INSTRUMENTS[ instrumentSoundFile ].instrumentId self.load_instruments(instrumentId, fileName) if self.up : debug_print(3, 'Sound::raise() already up.') return self.up = True self.perf = csnd.CsoundPerformanceThread(self.csound) self.csound.Compile( self.orc ) self.perf.Play() load_instruments() start_time() debug_print(5, 'Sound::raise succeeded') # stop playback and free the sound device def disconnect(self): def unload_instruments(): self.perf.InputMessage('i%d 0 0.1 %d' % (Config.INST_FREE, len(Config.INSTRUMENTS))) if not self.up : debug_print(3, 'Sound::lower() already down.') return self.up = False unload_instruments() self.perf.Stop() rval = self.perf.Join() self.csound.Reset() debug_print(5, 'Sound::lower() succeeded') def micRecording( self, table ): self.perf.InputMessage('i5201 0 5 %d' % table) def load_instrument(self, id, fname): self.perf.InputMessage('f%d 0 0 -1 \"%s\" 0 0 0' % (id, fname )) def load_mic_instrument( self, inst ): home_path = env.get_profile_path() + Config.PREF_DIR fileName = home_path + '/' + inst instrumentId = Config.INSTRUMENT_TABLE_OFFSET + int(fileName[-1]) + 6 self.load_instrument(instrumentId, fileName) def setMasterVolume(self, volume): self.csound.SetChannel('masterVolume',volume ) def loop_start(self): self.playing = True def loop_stop(self): self.playing = False def loop_getTick(self, t, domod): #t is for time if domod : return ( int( ( t - self.time0 ) * self.ticks_per_sec ) ) % self.duration else : return ( int( ( t - self.time0 ) * self.ticks_per_sec ) ) def loop_setTick( self, tick ): time_time = time.time() self.time0 = time_time - tick * self.secs_per_tick self.loops = tick // self.duration self.hIdx = bisect.bisect_left(self.notes, tick - self.duration * self.loops ) def loop_setRate( self, ticks_per_sec): if ticks_per_sec != self.ticks_per_sec: secs_per_tick = 1.0 / ticks_per_sec time_time = time.time() curtick = self.getTick( time_time, False ) curticktime = curtick * self.secs_per_tick + self.time0 self.ticks_per_sec = ticks_per_sec self.secs_per_tick = secs_per_tick self.time0 = curticktime - curtick * secs_per_tick self.notes = [ (o,n,'',z) for (o,n,c,z) in self.notes ] #clear cache self.loops = 0 def loop_setDuration( self, duration ): self.time0 += self.loops * self.duration * self.secs_per_tick self.loops = 0 self.duration = duration def loop_insert( self, notes): def insertMany(): self.notes += [ ( notes[i][0], notes[i][1], '', 0 ) for i in xrange(len(notes)) ] self.notes.sort() def insertFew(): for i in xrange(len(notes)): t = (notes[i][0], notes[i][1],'',0) l = bisect.bisect_left(self.notes, t ) self.notes.insert(l, t) if len(notes) >= 1: insertMany() else: insertFew() self.hIdx = bisect.bisect_left(self.notes, self.getTick(self.range_sec + time.time(), True)) def loop_remove(self, note): def removeFew(): i = 0 while i < len(self.notes): if self.notes[i][1] in note: del self.notes[i] else: i += 1 def removeMany(): self.notes = [t for t in self.notes if t[1] not in note] if len(idset) >= 0: #just guessing here, should do some timing tests to see if this is good or no removeMany() else: removeFew() self.hIdx = bisect.bisect_left(self.notes, self.getTick(self.range_sec + time.time(), True)) def loop_clear(self): self.notes = []