from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf import cairo import logging import common.Config as Config from common.Config import imagefile from common.Util import CairoUtil from import ComboBox from import Palette, WidgetInvoker class ImageVScale(Gtk.VScale): def __init__(self, image_name, adjustment=None, slider_border=0, insensitive_name=None, trough_color="#3D403A", snap=False): image_name = imagefile(image_name) Gtk.VScale.__init__(self) self.set_adjustment(adjustment) if snap: self.snap = 1 / snap else: self.snap = False img = Gtk.Image() img.set_from_file(image_name) self.sliderPixbuf = img.get_pixbuf() if insensitive_name == None: self.insensitivePixbuf = None else: img = Gtk.Image() img.set_from_file(insensitive_name) self.insensitivePixbuf = img.get_pixbuf() name = image_name + "ImageVScale" self.set_name(name) self.pixbufWidth = self.sliderPixbuf.get_width() self.pixbufHeight = self.sliderPixbuf.get_height() self.sliderBorder = slider_border self.set_draw_value(False) self.connect("draw", self.__draw_cb) self.connect("button-release-event", self.button_release) adjustment.connect("value-changed", self.value_changed) def set_snap(self, snap): if snap: self.snap = 1 / snap else: self.snap = False self.queue_draw() def value_changed(self, adjustment): if self.snap: val = round(self.snap * self.get_value()) / self.snap if val != self.get_value(): self.set_value(val) def __draw_cb(self, widget, ctx): ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) alloc = self.get_allocation() ctx.rectangle(alloc.width // 2 - self.sliderBorder - 1, self.sliderBorder, 2, alloc.height - self.sliderBorder * 2) ctx.fill() ctx.restore() val = self.get_value() if self.snap: val = round(self.snap * val) / self.snap adj = self.get_adjustment() if self.get_inverted(): sliderY = int((alloc.height - self.pixbufHeight) * \ (adj.get_upper() - val) / (adj.get_upper() - adj.get_lower())) else: sliderY = int((alloc.height - self.pixbufHeight) * \ val / (adj.get_upper() - adj.get_lower())) ctx.translate(0, sliderY) if self.insensitivePixbuf != None and \ self.state == Gtk.StateType.INSENSITIVE: Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(ctx, self.insensitivePixbuf, 0, 0) ctx.paint() else: Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(ctx, self.sliderPixbuf, 0, 0) ctx.paint() ctx.restore() return True def button_release(self, widget, event): if self.snap: self.set_value(round(self.snap * self.get_value()) / self.snap) class XYSlider(Gtk.EventBox): def __init__(self, fixed, button, xadjustment, yadjustment, flipX=False, flipY=False): Gtk.EventBox.__init__(self) self.fixed = fixed self.button = button self.xadjustment = xadjustment self.yadjustment = yadjustment self.flipX = flipX self.flipY = flipY if button.get_parent() is None: fixed.put(button, 0, 0) self.add(fixed) self.fWidth = self.fHeight = 1 self.bWidth = self.bHeight = 1 self.add_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK) self.connect("size-allocate", lambda w, a: self.updateAlloc()) self.connect("button-press-event", self.handlePress) self.connect("button-release-event", self.handleRelease) self.connect("motion-notify-event", self.handleMotion) self.button.connect("size-allocate", lambda w, a: self.updateButton()) self.button.connect("button-press-event", self.handleButtonPress) self.button.connect("button-release-event", self.handleButtonRelease) self.button.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_MOTION_MASK | gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK) self.button.connect("motion-notify-event", self.handleMotion) self.xadjustment.connect("changed", lambda a1: self.updateAdjustemnt("x")) self.xadjustment.connect("value-changed", lambda a1: self.updateLoc()) self.yadjustment.connect("changed", lambda a1: self.updateAdjustment("y")) self.yadjustment.connect("value-changed", lambda a1: self.updateLoc()) self.updateAdjustment("x") self.updateAdjustment("y") self.updateButton() def updateAlloc(self): alloc = self.fixed.get_allocation() if self.fWidth != alloc.width or self.fHeight != alloc.height: self.fWidth = alloc.width self.fHeight = alloc.height self.width = self.fWidth - self.bWidth self.height = self.fHeight - self.bHeight self.updateLoc() def updateButton(self): alloc = self.button.get_allocation() if self.bWidth != alloc.width or self.bHeight != alloc.height: self.bWidth = alloc.width self.bHeight = alloc.height self.bWidthDIV2 = alloc.width // 2 self.bHeightDIV2 = alloc.height // 2 self.width = self.fWidth - self.bWidth self.height = self.fHeight - self.bHeight self.updateLoc() def updateAdjustment(self, which): if which == "x": self.xRange = int(self.xadjustment.upper - self.xadjustment.lower) else: self.yRange = int(self.yadjustment.upper - self.yadjustment.lower) def updateLoc(self): if self.flipX: self.x = (self.width * int(self.xadjustment.upper - self.xadjustment.value)) // self.xRange else: self.x = (self.width * int(self.xadjustment.value - self.xadjustment.lower)) // self.xRange if self.flipY: self.y = (self.height * int(self.yadjustment.upper - self.yadjustment.value)) // self.yRange else: self.y = (self.height * int(self.yadjustment.value - self.yadjustment.lower)) // self.yRange self.fixed.move(self.button, self.x, self.y) def handlePress(self, w, event): self.clickOffset = (0, 0) self.updatePointer(int(event.x), int(event.y)) self.button.set_active(True) def handleRelease(self, w, event): self.button.set_active(False) return True def handleButtonPress(self, w, event): self.clickOffset = (event.x - self.bWidthDIV2, event.y - self.bHeightDIV2) self.button.set_active(True) def handleButtonRelease(self, w, event): self.button.set_active(False) return True # block event propagation def handleMotion(self, w, event): x, y, state = self.window.get_pointer() self.updatePointer(int(x - self.clickOffset[0]), int(y - self.clickOffset[1])) return True def updatePointer(self, x, y): x -= self.bWidthDIV2 y -= self.bHeightDIV2 if x < 0: x = 0 elif x > self.width: x = self.width if y < 0: y = 0 elif y > self.height: y = self.height if self.flipX: xvalue = self.xadjustment.lower + \ (self.xRange * (self.width - x)) // self.width else: xvalue = self.xadjustment.lower + (self.xRange * x) // self.width if xvalue != self.xadjustment.value: self.xadjustment.set_value(xvalue) if self.flipY: yvalue = self.yadjustment.lower + (self.yRange * \ (self.height - y)) // self.height else: yvalue = self.yadjustment.lower + (self.yRange * y) // self.height if yvalue != self.yadjustment.value: self.yadjustment.set_value(yvalue) class RoundHBox(Gtk.HBox): def __init__(self, radius=5, fillcolor="#000", bordercolor="#FFF", homogeneous=False, spacing=0): Gtk.HBox.__init__(self, homogeneous, spacing) self.alloc = None self.radius = radius _, self.fillcolor = Gdk.Color.parse(fillcolor) _, self.bordercolor = Gdk.Color.parse(bordercolor) self.connect("draw", self.draw) self.connect("size-allocate", self.size_allocate) def update_constants(self): if self.alloc is None: return self.borderW = self.get_border_width() self.borderWMUL2 = self.borderW * 2 self.corner = self.radius + self.borderW self.cornerMUL2 = self.corner * 2 self.cornerMINborderW = self.corner - self.borderW self.alloc = self.get_allocation() self.xPLUborderW = self.alloc.x + self.borderW self.xPLUcorner = self.alloc.x + self.corner self.xPLUwidthMINborderW = self.alloc.x + self.alloc.width \ - self.borderW self.xPLUwidthMINcorner = self.alloc.x + self.alloc.width \ - self.corner self.yPLUborderW = self.alloc.y + self.borderW self.yPLUcorner = self.alloc.y + self.corner self.yPLUheightMINborderW = self.alloc.y + self.alloc.height \ - self.borderW self.yPLUheightMINcorner = self.alloc.y + self.alloc.height \ - self.corner self.widthMINborderW = self.alloc.width - self.borderW self.widthMINcorner = self.alloc.width - self.corner self.widthMINcornerMUL2 = self.alloc.width - self.cornerMUL2 self.heightMINborderW = self.alloc.height - self.borderW self.heightMINcorner = self.alloc.height - self.corner self.heightMINborderWMUL2 = self.alloc.height - self.borderWMUL2 self.heightMINcornerMUL2 = self.alloc.height - self.cornerMUL2 self.roundX1 = self.alloc.x + self.borderW - 1 self.roundX2 = self.alloc.x + self.alloc.width - self.corner \ - self.radius - 1 self.roundY1 = self.alloc.y + self.borderW - 1 self.roundY2 = self.alloc.y + self.alloc.height - self.corner \ - self.radius - 1 self.roundD = self.radius * 2 + 1 self.rightAngle = 90 * 64 def size_allocate(self, widget, allocation): self.alloc = allocation self.update_constants() return False def set_border_width(self, width): Gtk.HBox.set_border_width(self, width) self.update_constants() def set_radius(self, radius): self.radius = radius self.update_constants() def set_fill_color(self, color): _, self.fillcolor = Gdk.Color.parse(color) def set_border_color(self, color): _, self.bordercolor = Gdk.Color.parse(color) def draw(self, widget, cr): if self.alloc is None: return # TODO Gtk.HBox.do_draw(self, cr) return True style = self.get_style() event = widget.get_allocation() startX = event.x - self.alloc.x startY = event.y - self.alloc.y stopX = startX + event.width stopY = startY + event.height # Note: could maybe do some optimization to fill only areas that are # within the dirty rect, but drawing seems to be quite fast compared # to python code, so just leave it at clipping by each geometry feature b = self.bordercolor cr.set_source_rgb( / 65536.0, / 65536.0, / 65536.0) if self.borderW: if stopY > self.corner and startY < self.heightMINcorner: if startX < self.borderW: # draw left border cr.rectangle(self.alloc.x, self.yPLUcorner, self.borderW, self.heightMINcornerMUL2) if stopX > self.widthMINborderW: # draw right border cr.rectangle(self.xPLUwidthMINborderW, self.yPLUcorner, self.borderW, self.heightMINcornerMUL2) if stopX > self.corner and startX < self.widthMINcorner: if startY < self.borderW: # draw top border cr.rectangle(self.xPLUcorner, self.alloc.y, self.widthMINcornerMUL2, self.borderW) if stopY > self.heightMINborderW: # draw bottom border cr.rectangle(self.xPLUcorner, self.yPLUheightMINborderW, self.widthMINcornerMUL2, self.borderW) if startX < self.corner: if startY < self.corner: # draw top left corner cr.rectangle(self.alloc.x, self.alloc.y, self.corner, self.corner) cr.fill() f = self.fillcolor cr.set_source_rgb( / 65536.0, / 65536.0, / 65536.0) #cr.arc( self.roundX1, self.roundY1, self.roundD, self.roundD, #self.rightAngle, self.rightAngle ) #cr.fill() cr.set_source_rgb( / 65536.0, / 65536.0, / 65536.0) if stopY > self.heightMINcorner: # draw bottom left corner cr.rectangle(self.alloc.x, self.yPLUheightMINcorner, self.corner, self.corner) cr.fill() f = self.fillcolor cr.set_source_rgb( / 65536.0, / 65536.0, / 65536.0) #cr.arc(self.roundX1, self.roundY2, self.roundD, self.roundD, #-self.rightAngle, -self.rightAngle ) #cr.fill() b = self.bordercolor cr.set_source_rgb( / 65536.0, / 65536.0, / 65536.0) if stopX > self.widthMINcorner: if startY < self.corner: # draw top right corner cr.rectangle(self.xPLUwidthMINcorner, self.alloc.y, self.corner, self.corner) cr.fill() f = self.fillcolor cr.set_source_rgb( / 65536.0, / 65536.0, / 65536.0) #cr.arc(self.roundX2, self.roundY1, self.roundD, self.roundD, # 0, self.rightAngle) #cr.fill() b = self.bordercolor cr.set_source_rgb( / 65536.0, / 65536.0, / 65536.0) if stopY > self.heightMINcorner: # draw bottom right corner cr.rectangle(self.xPLUwidthMINcorner, self.yPLUheightMINcorner, self.corner, self.corner) cr.fill() f = self.fillcolor cr.set_source_rgb( / 65536.0, / 65536.0, / 65536.0) #cr.arc(self.roundX2, self.roundY2, self.roundD, self.roundD, # 0, -self.rightAngle) #cr.fill() b = self.bordercolor cr.set_source_rgb( / 65536.0, / 65536.0, / 65536.0) f = self.fillcolor cr.set_source_rgb( / 65536.0, / 65536.0, / 65536.0) if startX < self.widthMINcorner and stopX > self.corner: # draw centre fill if startY < self.heightMINborderW and stopY > self.borderW: cr.rectangle(self.xPLUcorner, self.yPLUborderW, self.widthMINcornerMUL2, self.heightMINborderWMUL2) cr.fill() if startX < self.corner and stopX > self.borderW: # draw left fill if startY < self.heightMINcorner and stopY > self.corner: cr.rectangle(self.xPLUborderW, self.yPLUcorner, self.cornerMINborderW, self.heightMINcornerMUL2) cr.fill() if startX < self.widthMINborderW and stopX > self.widthMINcorner: # draw right fill if startY < self.heightMINcorner and stopY > self.corner: cr.rectangle(self.xPLUwidthMINcorner, self.yPLUcorner, self.cornerMINborderW, self.heightMINcornerMUL2) cr.fill() return False class RoundVBox(Gtk.VBox): def __init__(self, radius=5, fillcolor="#000", bordercolor="#FFF", homogeneous=False, spacing=0): Gtk.VBox.__init__(self, homogeneous, spacing) self.alloc = None self.radius = radius self.connect("draw", self.__draw_cb) self.connect("size-allocate", self.size_allocate) def update_constants(self): if self.alloc is None: return self.borderW = self.get_border_width() self.borderWMUL2 = self.borderW * 2 self.corner = self.radius + self.borderW self.cornerMUL2 = self.corner * 2 self.cornerMINborderW = self.corner - self.borderW self.xPLUborderW = self.alloc.x + self.borderW self.xPLUcorner = self.alloc.x + self.corner self.xPLUwidthMINborderW = self.alloc.x + self.alloc.width \ - self.borderW self.xPLUwidthMINcorner = self.alloc.x + self.alloc.width \ - self.corner self.yPLUborderW = self.alloc.y + self.borderW self.yPLUcorner = self.alloc.y + self.corner self.yPLUheightMINborderW = self.alloc.y + self.alloc.height \ - self.borderW self.yPLUheightMINcorner = self.alloc.y + self.alloc.height \ - self.corner self.widthMINborderW = self.alloc.width - self.borderW self.widthMINcorner = self.alloc.width - self.corner self.widthMINcornerMUL2 = self.alloc.width - self.cornerMUL2 self.heightMINborderW = self.alloc.height - self.borderW self.heightMINcorner = self.alloc.height - self.corner self.heightMINborderWMUL2 = self.alloc.height - self.borderWMUL2 self.heightMINcornerMUL2 = self.alloc.height - self.cornerMUL2 self.roundX1 = self.alloc.x + self.borderW - 1 self.roundX2 = self.alloc.x + self.alloc.width - self.corner \ - self.radius - 1 self.roundY1 = self.alloc.y + self.borderW - 1 self.roundY2 = self.alloc.y + self.alloc.height - self.corner \ - self.radius - 1 self.roundD = self.radius * 2 + 1 self.rightAngle = 90 * 64 def size_allocate(self, widget, allocation): self.alloc = allocation self.update_constants() return False def set_border_width(self, width): Gtk.VBox.set_border_width(self, width) self.update_constants() def set_radius(self, radius): self.radius = radius self.update_constants() def set_fill_color(self, color): colormap = self.get_colormap() self.fillcolor = colormap.alloc_color(color, True, True) def set_border_color(self, color): colormap = self.get_colormap() self.bordercolor = colormap.alloc_color(color, True, True) def __draw_cb(self, widget, ctx): if self.get_allocation() is None: return Gtk.VBox.do_draw(self, ctx) return True # TODO style = self.get_style() gc = style.fg_gc[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] startX = event.area.x - self.alloc.x startY = event.area.y - self.alloc.y stopX = startX + event.area.width stopY = startY + event.area.height saveForeground = gc.foreground # Note: could maybe do some optimization to fill only areas that are # within the dirty rect, but drawing seems to be quite fast compared # to python code, so just leave it at clipping by each geometry feature gc.foreground = self.bordercolor if self.borderW: if stopY > self.corner and startY < self.heightMINcorner: if startX < self.borderW: # draw left border self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, self.alloc.x, self.yPLUcorner, self.borderW, self.heightMINcornerMUL2) if stopX > self.widthMINborderW: # draw right border self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, self.xPLUwidthMINborderW, self.yPLUcorner, self.borderW, self.heightMINcornerMUL2) if stopX > self.corner and startX < self.widthMINcorner: if startY < self.borderW: # draw top border self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, self.xPLUcorner, self.alloc.y, self.widthMINcornerMUL2, self.borderW) if stopY > self.heightMINborderW: # draw bottom border self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, self.xPLUcorner, self.yPLUheightMINborderW, self.widthMINcornerMUL2, self.borderW) if startX < self.corner: if startY < self.corner: # draw top left corner self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, self.alloc.x, self.alloc.y, self.corner, self.corner) gc.foreground = self.fillcolor self.window.draw_arc(gc, True, self.roundX1, self.roundY1, self.roundD, self.roundD, self.rightAngle, self.rightAngle) gc.foreground = self.bordercolor if stopY > self.heightMINcorner: # draw bottom left corner self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, self.alloc.x, self.yPLUheightMINcorner, self.corner, self.corner) gc.foreground = self.fillcolor self.window.draw_arc(gc, True, self.roundX1, self.roundY2, self.roundD, self.roundD, -self.rightAngle, -self.rightAngle) gc.foreground = self.bordercolor if stopX > self.widthMINcorner: if startY < self.corner: # draw top right corner self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, self.xPLUwidthMINcorner, self.alloc.y, self.corner, self.corner) gc.foreground = self.fillcolor self.window.draw_arc(gc, True, self.roundX2, self.roundY1, self.roundD, self.roundD, 0, self.rightAngle) gc.foreground = self.bordercolor if stopY > self.heightMINcorner: # draw bottom right corner self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, self.xPLUwidthMINcorner, self.yPLUheightMINcorner, self.corner, self.corner) gc.foreground = self.fillcolor self.window.draw_arc(gc, True, self.roundX2, self.roundY2, self.roundD, self.roundD, 0, -self.rightAngle) gc.foreground = self.bordercolor gc.foreground = self.fillcolor if startX < self.widthMINcorner and stopX > self.corner: # draw centre fill if startY < self.heightMINborderW and stopY > self.borderW: self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, self.xPLUcorner, self.yPLUborderW, self.widthMINcornerMUL2, self.heightMINborderWMUL2) if startX < self.corner and stopX > self.borderW: # draw left fill if startY < self.heightMINcorner and stopY > self.corner: self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, self.xPLUborderW, self.yPLUcorner, self.cornerMINborderW, self.heightMINcornerMUL2) if startX < self.widthMINborderW and stopX > self.widthMINcorner: # draw right fill if startY < self.heightMINcorner and stopY > self.corner: self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, self.xPLUwidthMINcorner, self.yPLUcorner, self.cornerMINborderW, self.heightMINcornerMUL2) gc.foreground = saveForeground return False class RoundFixed(Gtk.Fixed): def __init__(self, radius=5, fillcolor="#000", bordercolor="#FFF"): Gtk.Fixed.__init__(self) self.alloc = None self.radius = radius self.fillcolor = Gdk.Color.parse(fillcolor) self.bordercolor = Gdk.Color.parse(bordercolor) self.connect("draw", self.draw) self.connect("size-allocate", self.size_allocate) def update_constants(self): if self.alloc is None: return self.borderW = self.get_border_width() self.borderWMUL2 = self.borderW * 2 self.corner = self.radius + self.borderW self.cornerMUL2 = self.corner * 2 self.cornerMINborderW = self.corner - self.borderW self.xPLUborderW = self.alloc.x + self.borderW self.xPLUcorner = self.alloc.x + self.corner self.xPLUwidthMINborderW = self.alloc.x + self.alloc.width - \ self.borderW self.xPLUwidthMINcorner = self.alloc.x + self.alloc.width - self.corner self.yPLUborderW = self.alloc.y + self.borderW self.yPLUcorner = self.alloc.y + self.corner self.yPLUheightMINborderW = self.alloc.y + self.alloc.height - \ self.borderW self.yPLUheightMINcorner = self.alloc.y + self.alloc.height - \ self.corner self.widthMINborderW = self.alloc.width - self.borderW self.widthMINcorner = self.alloc.width - self.corner self.widthMINcornerMUL2 = self.alloc.width - self.cornerMUL2 self.heightMINborderW = self.alloc.height - self.borderW self.heightMINcorner = self.alloc.height - self.corner self.heightMINborderWMUL2 = self.alloc.height - self.borderWMUL2 self.heightMINcornerMUL2 = self.alloc.height - self.cornerMUL2 self.roundX1 = self.alloc.x + self.borderW - 1 self.roundX2 = self.alloc.x + self.alloc.width - self.corner - \ self.radius - 1 self.roundY1 = self.alloc.y + self.borderW - 1 self.roundY2 = self.alloc.y + self.alloc.height - self.corner - \ self.radius - 1 self.roundD = self.radius * 2 + 1 self.rightAngle = 90 * 64 def size_allocate(self, widget, allocation): self.alloc = allocation self.update_constants() return False def set_border_width(self, width): Gtk.Fixed.set_border_width(self, width) self.update_constants() def set_radius(self, radius): self.radius = radius self.update_constants() def set_fill_color(self, color): self.fillcolor = Gdk.Color.parse(color) def set_border_color(self, color): self.bordercolor = Gdk.Color.parse(color) def draw(self, widget, cr): if self.alloc == None: return area = widget.get_allocation() startX = area.x - self.alloc.x startY = area.y - self.alloc.y stopX = startX + area.width stopY = startY + area.height #saveForeground = gc.foreground # Note: could maybe do some optimization to fill only areas that are # within the dirty rect, but drawing seems to be quite fast compared # to python code, so just leave it at clipping by each geometry feature cr.set_source_rgb(*CairoUtil.gdk_color_to_cairo(self.bordercolor)) if self.borderW: if stopY > self.corner and startY < self.heightMINcorner: if startX < self.borderW: # draw left border cr.rectangle(self.alloc.x, self.yPLUcorner, self.borderW, self.heightMINcornerMUL2) cr.fill() if stopX > self.widthMINborderW: # draw right border cr.rectangle(self.xPLUwidthMINborderW, self.yPLUcorner, self.borderW, self.heightMINcornerMUL2) cr.fill() if stopX > self.corner and startX < self.widthMINcorner: if startY < self.borderW: # draw top border cr.rectangle(self.xPLUcorner, self.alloc.y, self.widthMINcornerMUL2, self.borderW) cr.fill() if stopY > self.heightMINborderW: # draw bottom border cr.rectangle(self.xPLUcorner, self.yPLUheightMINborderW, self.widthMINcornerMUL2, self.borderW) cr.fill() if startX < self.corner: if startY < self.corner: # draw top left corner cr.rectangle(self.alloc.x, self.alloc.y, self.corner, self.corner) gc.foreground = self.fillcolor self.window.draw_arc(gc, True, self.roundX1, self.roundY1, self.roundD, self.roundD, self.rightAngle, self.rightAngle) gc.foreground = self.bordercolor if stopY > self.heightMINcorner: # draw bottom left corner self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, self.alloc.x, self.yPLUheightMINcorner, self.corner, self.corner) gc.foreground = self.fillcolor self.window.draw_arc(gc, True, self.roundX1, self.roundY2, self.roundD, self.roundD, -self.rightAngle, -self.rightAngle) gc.foreground = self.bordercolor if stopX > self.widthMINcorner: if startY < self.corner: # draw top right corner self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, self.xPLUwidthMINcorner, self.alloc.y, self.corner, self.corner) gc.foreground = self.fillcolor self.window.draw_arc(gc, True, self.roundX2, self.roundY1, self.roundD, self.roundD, 0, self.rightAngle) gc.foreground = self.bordercolor if stopY > self.heightMINcorner: # draw bottom right corner self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, self.xPLUwidthMINcorner, self.yPLUheightMINcorner, self.corner, self.corner) gc.foreground = self.fillcolor self.window.draw_arc(gc, True, self.roundX2, self.roundY2, self.roundD, self.roundD, 0, -self.rightAngle) gc.foreground = self.bordercolor gc.foreground = self.fillcolor if startX < self.widthMINcorner and stopX > self.corner: # draw centre fill if startY < self.heightMINborderW and stopY > self.borderW: self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, self.xPLUcorner, self.yPLUborderW, self.widthMINcornerMUL2, self.heightMINborderWMUL2) if startX < self.corner and stopX > self.borderW: # draw left fill if startY < self.heightMINcorner and stopY > self.corner: self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, self.xPLUborderW, self.yPLUcorner, self.cornerMINborderW, self.heightMINcornerMUL2) if startX < self.widthMINborderW and stopX > self.widthMINcorner: # draw right fill if startY < self.heightMINcorner and stopY > self.corner: self.window.draw_rectangle(gc, True, self.xPLUwidthMINcorner, self.yPLUcorner, self.cornerMINborderW, self.heightMINcornerMUL2) gc.foreground = saveForeground return False class ImageButton(Gtk.Button): def __init__(self, mainImg_path, clickImg_path=None, enterImg_path=None, backgroundFill=None): Gtk.Button.__init__(self) self.alloc = None self.image = {} self.iwidth = {} self.iwidthDIV2 = {} self.iheight = {} self.iheightDIV2 = {} self.backgroundFill = backgroundFill def prepareImage(name, path): path = Config.imagefile(path) logging.error('ImageButton prepareImage %s', path) if path.endswith(".png"): pix = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(path) self.is_png = True elif path.endswith(".svg"): pix = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(path) self.is_png = False self.image[name] = pix self.iwidth[name] = pix.get_width() self.iwidthDIV2[name] = self.iwidth[name] // 2 self.iheight[name] = pix.get_height() self.iheightDIV2[name] = self.iheight[name] // 2 prepareImage("main", mainImg_path) if enterImg_path != None: prepareImage("enter", enterImg_path) self.connect('enter-notify-event', self.on_btn_enter) self.connect('leave-notify-event', self.on_btn_leave) if clickImg_path != None: prepareImage("click", clickImg_path) self.connect('pressed', self.on_btn_press, None) self.connect('released', self.on_btn_release, None) if enterImg_path == None: self.image["enter"] = self.image["main"] self.iwidth["enter"] = self.iwidth["main"] self.iwidthDIV2["enter"] = self.iwidthDIV2["main"] self.iheight["enter"] = self.iheight["main"] self.iheightDIV2["enter"] = self.iheightDIV2["main"] self.connect('enter-notify-event', self.on_btn_enter) self.connect('leave-notify-event', self.on_btn_leave) self.curImage = self.upImage = "main" self.down = False self.connect('draw', self.draw) def draw(self, widget, cr): alloc = self.get_allocation() cr.rectangle(0, 0, alloc.width, alloc.height) if self.is_png: cr.set_source_surface(self.image[self.curImage], 0, 0) cr.paint() else: Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(cr, self.image[self.curImage], 0, 0) cr.paint() return True """ def setImage(self, name, pix): print "setImage ", name, pix if name == "main" and self.image["main"] == self.image["enter"]: updateEnter = True else: updateEnter = False if pix.get_has_alpha(): if self.backgroundFill == None: self.image[name] = pix else: self.image[name] = gtk.gdk.Pixmap( win, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height() ) colormap = self.get_colormap() self.gc.foreground = colormap.alloc_color(self.backgroundFill, True, True ) self.image[name].draw_rectangle( self.gc, True, 0, 0, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height() ) self.image[name].draw_pixbuf( self.gc, pix, 0, 0, 0, 0, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height(), gtk.gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE ) else: self.image[name] = gtk.gdk.Pixmap( win, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height()) self.image[name].draw_pixbuf( self.gc, pix, 0, 0, 0, 0, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height(), gtk.gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE) self.iwidth[name] = pix.get_width() self.iwidthDIV2[name] = self.iwidth[name]//2 self.iheight[name] = pix.get_height() self.iheightDIV2[name] = self.iheight[name]//2 if updateEnter: self.image["enter"] = self.image["main"] self.iwidth["enter"] = self.iwidth["main"] self.iwidthDIV2["enter"] = self.iwidthDIV2["main"] self.iheight["enter"] = self.iheight["main"] self.iheightDIV2["enter"] = self.iheightDIV2["main"] self.connect('enter-notify-event',self.on_btn_enter) self.connect('leave-notify-event',self.on_btn_leave) self.queue_draw() """ def on_btn_press(self, widget, event): self.curImage = "click" self.down = True self.queue_draw() def on_btn_enter(self, widget, event): if event.mode == Gdk.CrossingMode.NORMAL: self.upImage = "enter" if self.down: self.curImage = "click" else: self.curImage = "enter" self.queue_draw() def on_btn_leave(self, widget, event): if event.mode == Gdk.CrossingMode.NORMAL: self.curImage = self.upImage = "main" self.queue_draw() def on_btn_release(self, widget, event): self.curImage = self.upImage self.down = False self.queue_draw() def set_palette(self, palette): self._palette = palette self._palette.props.invoker = WidgetInvoker(self) self._palette.props.invoker._position_hint = WidgetInvoker.AT_CURSOR class ImageToggleButton(Gtk.ToggleButton): def __init__(self, mainImg_path, altImg_path, enterImg_path=None, backgroundFill=None): mainImg_path = imagefile(mainImg_path) altImg_path = imagefile(altImg_path) enterImg_path = imagefile(enterImg_path) Gtk.ToggleButton.__init__(self) self.alloc = None self.within = False self.clicked = False self.is_png = True self.image = {} self.iwidth = {} self.iheight = {} self.backgroundFill = backgroundFill def prepareImage(name, path): if path.endswith(".png"): pix = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(path) self.is_png = True elif path.endswith(".svg"): pix = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(path) self.is_png = False self.image[name] = pix self.iwidth[name] = pix.get_width() self.iheight[name] = pix.get_height() prepareImage("main", mainImg_path) prepareImage("alt", altImg_path) if enterImg_path != None: prepareImage("enter", enterImg_path) else: self.image["enter"] = self.image["main"] self.iwidth["enter"] = self.iwidth["main"] self.iheight["enter"] = self.iheight["main"] self.connect('enter-notify-event', self.on_btn_enter) self.connect('leave-notify-event', self.on_btn_leave) self.connect('toggled', self.toggleImage) self.connect('pressed', self.pressed) self.connect('released', self.released) self.connect('draw', self.draw) self.set_size_request(self.iwidth["main"], self.iheight["main"]) self.toggleImage(self) def draw(self, widget, cr): alloc = self.get_allocation() if self.is_png: img_surface = self.image[self.curImage] cr.translate((alloc.width - img_surface.get_width()) / 2, (alloc.height - img_surface.get_height()) / 2) cr.set_source_surface(img_surface, 0, 0) cr.paint() else: pxb = self.image[self.curImage] cr.translate((alloc.width - pxb.get_width()) / 2, (alloc.height - pxb.get_height()) / 2) Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(cr, pxb, 0, 0) cr.paint() cr.restore() return True def setImage(self, name, pix): if name == "main" and self.image["main"] == self.image["enter"]: updateEnter = True else: updateEnter = False if True: if self.backgroundFill == None: self.image[name] = pix else: self.image[name] = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_RGB24, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height()) cxt = cairo.Context(self.image[name]) #colormap = self.get_colormap() #self.gc.foreground = \ # colormap.alloc_color( self.backgroundFill, True, True ) cxt.rectangle(0, 0, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height()) cxt.fill() cxt.set_source_pixbuf(pix, 0, 0) else: self.image[name] = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_RGB24, pix.get_width(), pix.get_height()) cxt = cairo.Context(self.image[name]) cxt.set_source_pixbuf(pix, 0, 0) self.iwidth[name] = pix.get_width() self.iheight[name] = pix.get_height() if updateEnter: self.image["enter"] = self.image["main"] self.iwidth["enter"] = self.iwidth["main"] self.iheight["enter"] = self.iheight["main"] self.connect('enter-notify-event', self.on_btn_enter) self.connect('leave-notify-event', self.on_btn_leave) self.queue_draw() def toggleImage(self, widget): if not self.get_active(): if self.within and "enter" in self.image: self.curImage = "enter" else: self.curImage = "main" else: self.curImage = "alt" self.queue_draw() def pressed(self, widget): self.clicked = True self.curImage = "alt" self.queue_draw() def released(self, widget): self.clicked = False self.toggleImage(self) def on_btn_enter(self, widget, event): if event.mode == Gdk.CrossingMode.NORMAL: self.within = True if not self.get_active() and not self.clicked: self.curImage = "enter" else: self.curImage = "alt" self.queue_draw() def on_btn_leave(self, widget, event): if event.mode == Gdk.CrossingMode.NORMAL: self.within = False if not self.get_active(): self.curImage = "main" else: self.curImage = "alt" self.queue_draw() def set_palette(self, palette): self._palette = palette self._palette.props.invoker = WidgetInvoker(self) self._palette.props.invoker._position_hint = WidgetInvoker.AT_CURSOR class ImageRadioButton(Gtk.RadioButton): def __init__(self, group, mainImg_path, altImg_path, enterImg_path=None, backgroundFill=None): mainImg_path = imagefile(mainImg_path) altImg_path = imagefile(altImg_path) enterImg_path = imagefile(enterImg_path) Gtk.RadioButton.__init__(self) if group is not None: self.join_group(group) self.within = False self.clicked = False self.set_label('') self.image = {} self.iwidth = {} self.iwidthDIV2 = {} self.iheight = {} self.iheightDIV2 = {} self.backgroundFill = backgroundFill def prepareImage(name, path): if path.endswith(".png"): pix = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(path) self.is_png = True elif path.endswith(".svg"): pix = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(path) self.is_png = False self.image[name] = pix self.iwidth[name] = pix.get_width() self.iwidthDIV2[name] = self.iwidth[name] // 2 self.iheight[name] = pix.get_height() self.iheightDIV2[name] = self.iheight[name] // 2 prepareImage("main", mainImg_path) prepareImage("alt", altImg_path) if enterImg_path != None: prepareImage("enter", enterImg_path) else: self.image["enter"] = self.image["main"] self.iwidth["enter"] = self.iwidth["main"] self.iwidthDIV2["enter"] = self.iwidthDIV2["main"] self.iheight["enter"] = self.iheight["main"] self.iheightDIV2["enter"] = self.iheightDIV2["main"] self.connect('enter-notify-event', self.on_btn_enter) self.connect('leave-notify-event', self.on_btn_leave) self.connect("toggled", self.toggleImage) self.connect('pressed', self.pressed) self.connect('released', self.released) self.connect('draw', self.draw) self.set_size_request(self.iwidth["main"], self.iheight["main"]) self.curImage = "main" self.queue_draw() def draw(self, widget, cr): if self.is_png: cr.set_source_surface(self.image[self.curImage], 0, 0) cr.paint() else: Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(cr, self.image[self.curImage], 0, 0) cr.paint() return True def toggleImage(self, widget): if not self.get_active(): if self.within and "enter" in self.image: self.curImage = "enter" else: self.curImage = "main" else: self.curImage = "alt" self.queue_draw() def pressed(self, widget): self.clicked = True self.curImage = "alt" self.queue_draw() def released(self, widget): self.curImage = "main" self.queue_draw() def on_btn_enter(self, widget, event): if event.mode == Gdk.CrossingMode.NORMAL: self.within = True if not self.clicked: self.curImage = "enter" else: self.curImage = "alt" self.queue_draw() def on_btn_leave(self, widget, event): if event.mode == Gdk.CrossingMode.NORMAL: self.within = False if not self.clicked: self.curImage = "main" else: self.curImage = "alt" self.queue_draw() def set_palette(self, palette): self._palette = palette self._palette.props.invoker = WidgetInvoker(self) self._palette.props.invoker._position_hint = WidgetInvoker.AT_CURSOR class keyButton(Gtk.Button): def __init__(self, width, height, fillcolor, strokecolor): Gtk.Button.__init__(self) self.alloc = None win = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window() self.gc = gtk.gdk.GC(win) self.connect('expose-event', self.expose) self.connect('size-allocate', self.size_allocate) self.width = width self.height = height self.fillcolor = fillcolor self.strokecolor = strokecolor self.set_size_request(self.width, self.height) def size_allocate(self, widget, allocation): self.alloc = allocation self.drawX = allocation.x + allocation.width // 2 self.drawY = allocation.y + allocation.height // 2 def expose(self, widget, event): self.draw() return True def draw(self): = self.window.cairo_create()[0], self.fillcolor[1], self.fillcolor[2]) CairoUtil.draw_round_rect(, self.drawX - self.width // 2, self.drawY - self.height // 2, self.width, self.height, 10)[0], self.strokecolor[1], self.strokecolor[2]) CairoUtil.draw_round_rect(, self.drawX - self.width // 2, self.drawY - self.height // 2, self.width, self.height, 10) def set_fillcolor(self, r, g, b): self.fillcolor = [r, g, b] self.queue_draw() def set_strokecolor(self, r, g, b): self.strokecolor = [r, g, b] self.queue_draw() class BigComboBox(Gtk.ComboBox): def __init__(self): Gtk.ComboBox.__init__(self) self.model = Gtk.ListStore(int, str) self.set_model(self.model) self.text_renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() self.pack_start(self.text_renderer, True) self.add_attribute(self.text_renderer, "text", 1) def append_item(self, action_id, text, icon_name=None, size=None, pixbuf=None): if (icon_name or pixbuf): self._icon_renderer = Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() settings = self.get_settings() _, w, h = Gtk.icon_size_lookup_for_settings(settings, Gtk.IconSize.MENU) self._icon_renderer.props.stock_size = w self.pack_start(self._icon_renderer, False) self.add_attribute(self._icon_renderer, 'pixbuf', 2) #if text: #self._text_renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() #self.pack_start(self._text_renderer, True) #self.add_attribute(self._text_renderer, 'text', 1) if not pixbuf: if icon_name: if not size: size = Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR width, height = Gtk.icon_size_lookup(size) else: width, height = size if icon_name[0:6] == "theme:": icon_name = self._get_real_name_from_theme(icon_name[6:], size) pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(icon_name, width, height) else: pixbuf = None self.model.append([action_id, text])