# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # astparser.py, equation parser based on python Abstract Syntax Trees (ast) # Reinier Heeres # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import types import parser import re import inspect import math import copy import logging from gettext import gettext as _ # Python 2.6 has a 'public' ast module try: import ast except ImportError: import _ast as ast from mathlib import MathLib from plotlib import PlotLib PLOTHELP = _( "plot(eqn, var=-a..b), plot the equation 'eqn' with the variable 'var' in the \ range from a to b") class ParserError(Exception): """Parent class for exceptions raised by the parser.""" def __init__(self, msg, start, end=None): self._msg = msg self.set_range(start, end) def get_range(self): return self._range def set_range(self, start, end=None): if end is None: end = start + 1 self._range = (start, end) def __str__(self): msg = _("Parse error at %d") % (self._range[0] + 1) if self._msg is not None and len(self._msg) > 0: msg += ": %s" % (self._msg) return msg class ParseError(ParserError): """Class for error during parsing.""" def __init__(self, msg, start, end=None): ParserError.__init__(self, msg, start, end) def __str__(self): msg = _("Error at %d") % (self._range[0] + 1) if self._msg is not None and len(self._msg) > 0: msg += ": %s" % (self._msg) return msg class RuntimeError(ParserError): """Class for error during executing.""" def __init__(self, msg, start, end=None): ParserError.__init__(self, msg, start, end) def __str__(self): msg = _("Error at %d") % (self._range[0] + 1) if self._msg is not None and len(self._msg) > 0: msg += ": %s" % (self._msg) return msg class Helper: def __init__(self, parent): self._parent = parent self._topics = {} self.add_help('test', _('This is just a test topic, use help(index) for the index')) def add_help(self, topic, text): self._topics[unicode(topic)] = _(text) self._topics[unicode(_(topic))] = _(text) def get_help(self, topic=None): if isinstance(topic, ast.Name): topic = topic.id elif isinstance(topic, ast.Str): topic = topic.s elif type(topic) not in (types.StringType, types.UnicodeType) or len(topic) == 0: return _("Use help(test) for help about 'test', or help(index) for the index") # TRANS: This command is descriptive, so can be translated if topic in ('index', _('index'), 'topics', _('topics')): ret = _('Topics') + ': ' topics = self._topics.keys() topics.append('index') topics.sort() ret += ', '.join(topics) return ret # TRANS: This command is descriptive, so can be translated if topic in ('variables', _('variables')): ret = _('Variables') + ': ' variables = self._parent.get_variable_names() ret += ', '.join(variables) return ret # TRANS: This command is descriptive, so can be translated if topic in ('functions', _('functions')): ret = _('Functions') + ': ' functions = self._parent.get_function_names() ret += ', '.join(functions) return ret for (key, val) in self._topics.iteritems(): if topic == key or _(topic) == key: return val return _("No help about '%s' available, use help(index) for the index") % (topic) class EvalState: ''' Evaluation state. level: the current depth of recursion. branch_vars: the variables used in this branch. used_vars_ofs: dictionary of first offset where a variable is used. ''' def __init__(self): self.level = 0 self.branch_vars = [] self.used_var_ofs = {} class AstParser: ''' Equation parser based on python's ast (abstract syntax tree) module. In 2.5 this is a private module, but in 2.6 it is public. ''' OPERATOR_MAP = { u'⨯': '*', u'×': '*', u'÷': '/', '^': '**', } DIADIC_OPS = ( '+', '-', '*', u'⨯', u'×', u'÷' , '/', '^', '**', '&', '|', '=', '!=', '<', '>', '<<', '>>', '%', ) PRE_OPS = ( '-', '+', '~', ) POST_OPS = ( ) FLOAT_REGEXP_STR = '([+-]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?)' FLOAT_REGEXP = re.compile(FLOAT_REGEXP_STR) RANGE_REGEXP = re.compile(FLOAT_REGEXP_STR + '\.\.' + FLOAT_REGEXP_STR) # Unary and binary operator maps. # Mappings to a string will be replaced by calls to MathLib functions # with the same name. UNARYOP_MAP = { ast.UAdd: lambda x: x, ast.USub: lambda x: -x, ast.Not: lambda x: not x, } BINOP_MAP = { ast.Add: 'add', ast.And: lambda x, y: x and y, ast.BitAnd: lambda x, y: x & y, ast.BitOr: lambda x, y: x | y, ast.BitXor: lambda x, y: x ^ y, ast.Div: 'div', ast.FloorDiv: 'div', ast.LShift: 'shift_left', ast.Mod: 'mod', ast.Mult: 'mul', ast.NotEq: lambda x, y: x != y, ast.Or: lambda x, y: x or y, ast.Pow: 'pow', ast.RShift: 'shift_right', ast.Sub: 'sub', } CMPOP_MAP = { ast.Gt: lambda x, y: x > y, ast.GtE: lambda x, y: x >= y, ast.Is: lambda x, y: x == y, ast.IsNot: lambda x, y: x != y, ast.Lt: lambda x, y: x < y, ast.LtE: lambda x, y: x <= y, } _ARG_STRING = 0 _ARG_NODE = 1 def __init__(self, ml=None, pl=None): self._namespace = {} self._used_var_ofs = {} if ml is None: self.ml = MathLib() else: self.ml = ml if pl is None: self.pl = PlotLib(self) else: self.pl = pl # Help manager self._helper = Helper(self) self.set_var('help', self._helper.get_help) self._special_func_args = { (self._helper.get_help, 0): self._ARG_STRING, (self.pl.plot, 0): self._ARG_NODE, } # Plug-in plot function self.set_var('plot', self.pl.plot) self._helper.add_help('plot', PLOTHELP) self._load_plugins() # Redirect operations to registered functions for key, val in self.UNARYOP_MAP.iteritems(): if type(val) is types.StringType: self.UNARYOP_MAP[key] = self.get_var(val) for key, val in self.BINOP_MAP.iteritems(): if type(val) is types.StringType: self.BINOP_MAP[key] = self.get_var(val) def _load_plugin_items(self, items): for name, item in items: if name.startswith('_') or type(item) is types.ModuleType: continue self.set_var(name, item) if type(item) in (types.FunctionType, types.ClassType): if item.__doc__ is not None: self._helper.add_help(name, item.__doc__) def _load_plugins(self): plugins = ('functions', 'constants') for plugin in plugins: try: exec('import %s' % plugin) exec('_mod = %s' % plugin) items = inspect.getmembers(_mod) self._load_plugin_items(items) except Exception, e: logging.error('Error loading plugin: %s', e) def log_debug_info(self): logging.debug('Variables:') for name in self.get_variable_names(): logging.debug(' %s', name) logging.debug('Functions:') for name in self.get_function_names(): logging.debug(' %s', name) logging.debug('Unary ops:') for op in self.UNARYOP_MAP.keys(): logging.debug(' %s', op) logging.debug('Binary ops:') for op in self.BINOP_MAP.keys(): logging.debug(' %s', op) def set_var(self, name, value): '''Set variable to , which could be a function too.''' self._namespace[unicode(name)] = value def get_var(self, name): '''Return variable value, or None if non-existent.''' return self._namespace.get(unicode(name), None) def _get_names(self, start='', include_vars=True): ret = [] for key, val in self._namespace.iteritems(): if type(val) is types.ClassType: for key2, val2 in inspect.getmembers(val): if key2.startswith('_'): continue b = type(val2) not in (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType) if not include_vars: b = not b if b and key2.startswith(start): ret.append(key2) else: b = type(val) not in (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType) if not include_vars: b = not b if b and key.startswith(start): ret.append(key) ret.sort() return ret def get_names(self, start=''): '''Return a list with names of all defined variables/functions.''' ret = [] for key, val in self._namespace.iteritems(): if key.startswith(start): ret.append(key) return ret def get_variable_names(self, start=''): '''Return a list with names of all defined variables.''' return self._get_names(start, include_vars=True) def get_function_names(self, start=''): '''Return a list with names of all defined function.''' return self._get_names(start, include_vars=False) def add_help(self, topic, text): self._help_topics[topic] = text def get_diadic_operators(self): return self.DIADIC_OPS def get_post_operators(self): return self.POST_OPS def get_pre_operators(self): return self.PRE_OPS def _resolve_arg(self, func, index, arg, state): funcarg = (func, index) if funcarg in self._special_func_args: val = self._special_func_args[funcarg] if val == self._ARG_NODE: return arg if val == self._ARG_STRING: if isinstance(arg, ast.Name): return arg.id elif isinstance(arg, ast.Str): return arg.s else: logging.error('Unable to resolve special arg %r', arg) else: return self._process_node(arg, state) def _process_node(self, node, state, isfunc=False): # Copy state, list objects will remain the same state = copy.copy(state) state.level += 1 ofs = node.col_offset if node is None: return None elif isinstance(node, ast.Expression): return self._process_node(node.body, state) elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): left = self._process_node(node.left, state) right = self._process_node(node.right, state) if left is None or right is None: return None func = self.BINOP_MAP[type(node.op)] try: return func(left, right) except Exception, e: raise RuntimeError(str(e), node.right.col_offset - 1) elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp): operand = self._process_node(node.operand, state) if operand is None: return None func = self.UNARYOP_MAP[type(node.op)] return func(operand) elif isinstance(node, ast.Compare): left = self._process_node(node.left, state) right = self._process_node(node.comparators[0], state) func = self.CMPOP_MAP[type(node.ops[0])] return func(left, right) elif isinstance(node, ast.Call): func = self._process_node(node.func, state, isfunc=True) if func is None: return None args = [self._resolve_arg(func, i, node.args[i], state) \ for i in range(len(node.args))] kwargs = {} for i in range(len(node.keywords)): key = node.keywords[i].arg val = self._process_node(node.keywords[i].value, state) if key is None or val is None: return None kwargs[key] = val try: ret = func(*args, **kwargs) return ret except Exception, e: msg = str(e) raise RuntimeError(msg, ofs) elif isinstance(node, ast.Num): return node.n elif isinstance(node, ast.Str): return node.s elif isinstance(node, ast.Tuple): list = [self._process_node(i, state) for i in node.elts] return tuple(list) elif isinstance(node, ast.Name): if not isfunc and node.id in ('help', _('help')): return self._helper.get_help() elif node.id in self._namespace: if not isfunc: # Check whether variable was already used in this branch if node.id in state.branch_vars: raise RuntimeError(_('Recursion detected'), ofs) state.branch_vars = copy.copy(state.branch_vars) # Update where variable is first used if node.id not in state.used_var_ofs.keys(): state.used_var_ofs[node.id] = node.col_offset elif node.col_offset < state.used_var_ofs[node.id]: state.used_var_ofs[node.id] = node.col_offset var = self.get_var(node.id) if type(var) is ast.Expression: try: return self._process_node(var.body, state) except ParserError, e: e.set_range(ofs, ofs + len(node.id)) raise e else: return var else: if isfunc: msg = _("Function '%s' not defined") % (node.id) else: msg = _("Variable '%s' not defined") % (node.id) raise RuntimeError(msg, ofs, ofs + len(node.id)) elif isinstance(node, ast.Attribute): parent = self._process_node(node.value, state) if parent: try: val = parent.__dict__[node.attr] return val except Exception, e: msg = _("Attribute '%s' does not exist)") % node.value raise RuntimeError(msg, ofs, ofs + len(node.value)) return None else: logging.debug('Unknown node: %r', repr(node)) return None def walk_replace_node(self, node, func, level=0): ''' Walk an ast tree and call func(node) on each node. If the function call returns something different from None, the field will be replaced by the return value. The tree is processed depth-first. This function can be used to evaluate a parse tree symbolically by reducing it to unresolvable items only. ''' if hasattr(node, '_fields') and node._fields is not None: for field in node._fields: fieldval = getattr(node, field) self.walk_replace_node(fieldval, func, level=level+1) ret = func(fieldval, level=level) if ret is not None: setattr(node, field, ret) def replace_variable(self, tree, var, replacement): '''Replace ast.Name of name with .''' def func(node, **kwargs): if isinstance(node, ast.Name) and node.id == var: return replacement return None self.walk_replace_node(tree, func) def print_tree(self, tree): '''Print an ast tree.''' def func(node, **kwargs): spaces = ' ' * kwargs['level'] print '%s%s' % (spaces, node) return None self.walk_replace_node(tree, func) def _parse_func(self, node, level): if isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): if isinstance(node.left, ast.Num) and isinstance(node.right, ast.Num): func = self.BINOP_MAP[type(node.op)] ans = func(node.left.n, node.right.n) ret = ast.Num() ret.n = ans return ret else: return None elif isinstance(node, ast.Name): if node.id in self._namespace: var = self.get_var(node.id) ret = ast.Num() ret.n = var return ret def parse_symbolic(self, tree): ''' Reduce an abstract syntax tree until it contains only numbers and unresolved symbols. ''' self.walk_replace_node(tree, self._parse_func) def _preprocess_eqn(self, eqn): eqn = unicode(eqn) for key, val in self.OPERATOR_MAP.iteritems(): eqn = eqn.replace(key, val) # Replace a..b ranges with (a,b) eqn = self.RANGE_REGEXP.sub(r'(\1,\3)', eqn) return eqn def parse(self, eqn): ''' Parse an equation and return a parse tree. ''' eqn = self._preprocess_eqn(eqn) logging.debug('Parsing preprocessed equation: %r', eqn) try: tree = compile(eqn, '', 'eval', ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) except SyntaxError, e: msg = _('Parse error') raise ParseError(msg, e.offset - 1) return tree def evaluate(self, eqn): ''' Evaluate an equation or parse tree. ''' if type(eqn) in (types.StringType, types.UnicodeType): eqn = self.parse(eqn) state = EvalState() if isinstance(eqn, ast.Expression): ret = self._process_node(eqn.body, state) else: ret = self._process_node(eqn, state) self._used_var_ofs = state.used_var_ofs if type(ret) is types.FunctionType: return ret() else: return ret def parse_and_eval(self, eqn): ''' Parse and evaluate an equation. ''' tree = self.parse(eqn) if tree is not None: return self.evaluate(tree) else: return None def get_last_used_vars(self): ''' Return the variables that were accessed during the last evaluation of an equation tree. ''' return self._used_var_ofs.keys() def get_var_used_ofs(self, varname): ''' Return where variable is first used. ''' if self._used_var_ofs is None: return None return self._used_var_ofs.get(varname, None) if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) p = AstParser() eqn = 'sin(45)' ret = p.evaluate(eqn) print 'Eqn: %s, ret: %s' % (eqn, ret) eqn = '2<=physics.c' ret = p.evaluate(eqn) print 'Eqn: %s, ret: %s' % (eqn, ret) eqn = 'help(functions)' ret = p.evaluate(eqn) print 'Eqn: %s, ret: %s' % (eqn, ret) eqn = 'factorize(105)' ret = p.evaluate(eqn) print 'Eqn: %s, ret: %s' % (eqn, ret) eqn = 'plot(x**2,x=-2..2)' ret = p.evaluate(eqn) print 'Eqn: %s, ret: %s' % (eqn, ret) p.set_var('a', 123) eqn = 'a * 5' ret = p.evaluate(eqn) print 'Eqn: %s, ret: %s' % (eqn, ret) eqn = '12 * 1 + 3 * (apples - 1)' tree = p.parse(eqn) print 'Tree before:' p.print_tree(tree) # p.set_var('apples', 123) p.parse_symbolic(tree) # num = ast.Num() # num.n = 123 # p.replace_variable(tree, 'apples', num) print 'Tree after:' p.print_tree(tree)