#copyright (c) 2007-8, Playful Invention Company #Copyright (c) 2008-13, Walter Bender #Copyright (c) 2013 Alan Aguiar #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in #all copies or substantial portions of the Software. #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN #THE SOFTWARE. import gtk import gobject try: import gconf HAS_GCONF = True except ImportError: HAS_GCONF = False import dbus import cairo import pickle import subprocess import os import string from gettext import gettext as _ try: OLD_SUGAR_SYSTEM = False import json json.dumps from json import load as jload from json import dump as jdump except (ImportError, AttributeError): try: import simplejson as json from simplejson import load as jload from simplejson import dump as jdump except: OLD_SUGAR_SYSTEM = True from StringIO import StringIO from taconstants import (HIT_HIDE, HIT_SHOW, XO1, XO15, XO175, XO4, UNKNOWN, MAGICNUMBER, SUFFIX, ARG_MUST_BE_NUMBER) import logging _logger = logging.getLogger('turtleart-activity') FIRST_TIME = True def debug_output(message_string, running_sugar=False): ''' unified debugging output ''' if running_sugar: _logger.debug(message_string) else: print(message_string) def error_output(message_string, running_sugar=False): ''' unified debugging output ''' if running_sugar: _logger.error(message_string) else: print(message_string) class pythonerror(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) def convert(x, fn, try_ord=True): ''' The strategy for mixing numbers and strings is to first try converting the string to a float; then if the string is a single character, try converting it to an ord; finally, just treat it as a string. Numbers appended to strings are first treated as ints, then floats. ''' try: return fn(x) except ValueError: if try_ord: xx, flag = chr_to_ord(x) if flag: return fn(xx) return x def chr_to_ord(x): ''' Try to comvert a string to an ord ''' if strtype(x) and len(x) == 1: try: return ord(x), True except ValueError: return x, False return x, False def strtype(x): ''' Is x a string type? ''' return isinstance(x, basestring) def increment_name(name): ''' If name is of the form foo_1, change it to foo_2. Otherwise, return name_1''' if '_' in name: parts = name.split('_') try: i = int(parts[-1]) i += 1 parts[-1] = str(i) newname = string.join(parts, '_') except ValueError: newname = '%s_1' % (name) else: newname = '%s_1' % (name) return newname def magnitude(pos): ''' Calculate the magnitude of the distance between to blocks. ''' x, y = pos return x * x + y * y def json_load(text): ''' Load JSON data using what ever resources are available. ''' if OLD_SUGAR_SYSTEM is True: listdata = json.read(text) else: # Remove MAGIC NUMBER, if present, and leading whitespace if text[0:2] == MAGICNUMBER: clean_text = text[2:].lstrip() else: clean_text = text.lstrip() # Strip out trailing whitespace, nulls, and newlines clean_text = clean_text.replace('\12', '') clean_text = clean_text.replace('\00', '') clean_text = clean_text.rstrip() # Look for missing ']'s left_count = clean_text.count('[') right_count = clean_text.count(']') while left_count > right_count: clean_text += ']' right_count = clean_text.count(']') io = StringIO(clean_text) try: listdata = jload(io) except ValueError: # Assume that text is ascii list listdata = text.split() for i, value in enumerate(listdata): listdata[i] = convert(value, float) # json converts tuples to lists, so we need to convert back, return _tuplify(listdata) def find_hat(data): ''' Find a hat in a stack ''' for i, blk in enumerate(data): if _to_str(blk[1]) == 'hat': return i return None def _to_str(text): ''' Convert whatever to a str type ''' if isinstance(text, unicode): return text.encode('utf-8') elif isinstance(text, str): return text else: try: return str(text) except ValueError: return '' def hat_on_top(data): ''' Move the hat block in a stack to the top ''' hat = find_hat(data) if hat is None or hat == 0: return data data_was_tuple = False if isinstance(data, tuple): data_was_tuple = True data = listify(data) # First put the vertical flow together stack = [hat] sort = [hat] sorted_data = [[0, 'hat', data[hat][2], data[hat][3], []]] i = 1 while len(stack) > 0: branch = stack[0] stack.remove(stack[0]) if branch is None: continue else: blk = data[branch] if branch != hat: sort.append(blk[0]) sorted_data.append([i, blk[1], 0, 0, []]) i += 1 while blk[4][-1] is not None: cblk = blk[4][-1] sort.append(cblk) name = data[cblk][1] sorted_data.append([i, name, 0, 0, []]) if isinstance(name, list): name = name[0] # Some blocks have multiple branches if _to_str(name) in ['repeat', 'forever', 'while', 'until', 'ifelse', 'if', 'sandwichclamp', 'sandwichclampcollapsed']: stack.append(data[cblk][4][-2]) if _to_str(name) in ['ifelse']: stack.append(data[cblk][4][-3]) i += 1 blk = data[cblk] # Then add the argument blocks for blk in data: if blk[0] in sort: continue sort.append(blk[0]) sorted_data.append([i, blk[1], 0, 0, []]) i += 1 # Then add the connections for i, blk in enumerate(sort): for j in data[blk][4]: if j is None: sorted_data[i][4].append(None) else: sorted_data[i][4].append(sort.index(j)) if data_was_tuple: return _tuplify(sorted_data) return sorted_data def _tuplify(tup): ''' Convert to tuples ''' if not isinstance(tup, list): return tup return tuple(map(_tuplify, tup)) def listify(tup): ''' Convert to list ''' if not isinstance(tup, tuple): return tup return list(map(listify, tup)) def get_id(connection): ''' Get a connection block ID. ''' if connection is not None and hasattr(connection, 'id'): return connection.id return None def json_dump(data): ''' Save data using available JSON tools. ''' if OLD_SUGAR_SYSTEM is True: return json.write(data) else: io = StringIO() jdump(data, io) return io.getvalue() def get_load_name(filefilter, load_save_folder): ''' Open a load file dialog. ''' dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog( _('Load...'), None, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OPEN, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) dialog.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) return do_dialog(dialog, filefilter, load_save_folder) def get_save_name(filefilter, load_save_folder, save_file_name): ''' Open a save file dialog. ''' dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog( _('Save...'), None, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_SAVE, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) dialog.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) if filefilter in ['.png', '.svg', '.lg', '.py', '.odp']: suffix = filefilter else: suffix = SUFFIX[1] if save_file_name is not None: if not save_file_name.endswith(suffix): save_file_name = save_file_name + suffix dialog.set_current_name(save_file_name) return do_dialog(dialog, filefilter, load_save_folder) def chooser_dialog(parent_window, filter, action): ''' Choose an object from the datastore and take some action ''' from sugar.graphics.objectchooser import ObjectChooser chooser = None dsobject = None cleanup_needed = False try: chooser = ObjectChooser(parent=parent_window, what_filter=filter) except TypeError: # Old-syle Sugar chooser chooser = ObjectChooser( None, parent_window, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT) cleanup_needed = True if chooser is not None: result = chooser.run() if result == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: dsobject = chooser.get_selected_object() if cleanup_needed: chooser.destroy() del chooser gobject.idle_add(action, dsobject) def data_from_file(ta_file): ''' Open the .ta file, ignoring any .png file that might be present. ''' file_handle = open(ta_file, 'r') # # We try to maintain read-compatibility with all versions of Turtle Art. # Try pickle first; then different versions of json. # try: data = pickle.load(file_handle) except: # Rewind necessary because of failed pickle.load attempt file_handle.seek(0) text = file_handle.read() data = data_from_string(text) file_handle.close() return data def data_from_string(text): ''' JSON load data from a string. ''' if isinstance(text, str): return json_load(text.replace(']],\n', ']], ')) elif isinstance(text, unicode): text = text.encode('utf-8') return json_load(text.replace(']],\n', ']], ')) else: print 'type error (%s) in data_from_string' % (type(text)) return None def data_to_file(data, ta_file): ''' Write data to a file. ''' file_handle = file(ta_file, 'w') file_handle.write(data_to_string(data)) file_handle.close() def data_to_string(data): ''' JSON dump a string. ''' return json_dump(data).replace(']], ', ']],\n') def do_dialog(dialog, suffix, load_save_folder): ''' Open a file dialog. ''' result = None file_filter = gtk.FileFilter() file_filter.add_pattern('*' + suffix) file_filter.set_name('Turtle Art') dialog.add_filter(file_filter) dialog.set_current_folder(load_save_folder) response = dialog.run() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: result = dialog.get_filename() load_save_folder = dialog.get_current_folder() dialog.destroy() return result, load_save_folder def save_picture(canvas, file_name): ''' Save the canvas to a file ''' x_surface = canvas.canvas.get_target() img_surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_RGB24, canvas.width, canvas.height) cr = cairo.Context(img_surface) cr.set_source_surface(x_surface) cr.paint() if isinstance(file_name, unicode): img_surface.write_to_png(str(file_name.encode('utf-8'))) else: img_surface.write_to_png(str(file_name)) def get_canvas_data(canvas): ''' Get pixel data from the turtle canvas ''' x_surface = canvas.canvas.get_target() img_surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_RGB24, canvas.width, canvas.height) cr = cairo.Context(img_surface) cr.set_source_surface(x_surface) cr.paint() return img_surface.get_data() def get_pixbuf_from_journal(dsobject, w, h): ''' Load a pixbuf from a Journal object. ''' try: pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(dsobject.file_path, int(w), int(h)) except: try: pixbufloader = \ gtk.gdk.pixbuf_loader_new_with_mime_type('image/png') pixbufloader.set_size(min(300, int(w)), min(225, int(h))) pixbufloader.write(dsobject.metadata['preview']) pixbufloader.close() pixbuf = pixbufloader.get_pixbuf() except: pixbuf = None return pixbuf def get_path(activity, subpath): ''' Find a Rainbow-approved place for temporary files. ''' if hasattr(activity, "get_activity_root"): return(os.path.join(activity.get_activity_root(), subpath)) else: # Early versions of Sugar didn't support get_activity_root() return(os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.sugar/default', 'org.laptop.TurtleArtActivity', subpath)) def image_to_base64(image_path, tmp_path): ''' Convert an image to base64-encoded data ''' base64 = os.path.join(tmp_path, 'base64tmp') cmd = 'base64 <' + image_path + ' >' + base64 subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True) file_handle = open(base64, 'r') data = file_handle.read() file_handle.close() os.remove(base64) return data def base64_to_image(data, path_name): ''' Convert base64-encoded data to an image ''' base64 = os.path.join(path_name, 'base64tmp') file_handle = open(base64, 'w') file_handle.write(data) file_handle.close() file_name = os.path.join(path_name, 'imagetmp.png') cmd = 'base64 -d <' + base64 + '>' + file_name subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True) return file_name def movie_media_type(name): ''' Is it movie media? ''' return name.lower().endswith(('.ogv', '.vob', '.mp4', '.wmv', '.mov', '.mpeg', '.ogg', '.webm')) def audio_media_type(name): ''' Is it audio media? ''' return name.lower().endswith(('.oga', '.m4a')) def image_media_type(name): ''' Is it image media? ''' return name.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.tiff', '.tif', '.svg')) def text_media_type(name): ''' Is it text media? ''' return name.lower().endswith(('.txt', '.py', '.lg', '.rtf')) def round_int(num): ''' Remove trailing decimal places if number is an int ''' try: float(num) except TypeError: raise pythonerror('#syntaxerror') if int(float(num)) == num: return int(num) else: if float(num) < 0: nn = int((float(num) - 0.005) * 100) / 100. else: nn = int((float(num) + 0.005) * 100) / 100. if int(float(nn)) == nn: return int(nn) return nn def calc_image_size(spr): ''' Calculate the maximum size for placing an image onto a sprite. ''' return int(max(spr.label_safe_width(), 1)), \ int(max(spr.label_safe_height(), 1)) def restore_clamp(top): ''' Restore the blocks in a sandwich clamp. ''' if top is None: return if top.name == 'sandwichclampcollapsed': y1 = top.docks[2][3] if top.connections[1] is not None: for blk in find_group(top.connections[1]): blk.spr.restore() blk.status = None # If you come across a 'sandwichclampcollapsed', do not # restore its clamp for blk in find_group(top.connections[1]): if blk.name == 'sandwichclampcollapsed': if blk.connections[1] is not None: for b in find_group(blk.connections[1]): b.spr.hide() b.status = 'collapsed' bot = top.connections[2] top.name = 'sandwichclamp' top.spr.set_label('') top.resize() top.svg.set_hide(True) top.refresh() y2 = top.docks[2][3] dy = y2 - y1 if bot is not None: for blk in find_group(bot): blk.spr.move_relative((0, dy)) if top.connections[1] is not None: # Make sure stack is aligned to dock x1, y1 = top.connections[1].spr.get_xy() x1 += top.connections[1].docks[0][2] y1 += top.connections[1].docks[0][3] x2, y2 = top.spr.get_xy() x2 += top.docks[1][2] y2 += top.docks[1][3] if x1 != x2 or y1 != y2: for blk in find_group(top.connections[1]): blk.spr.move_relative((x2 - x1, y2 - y1)) return def collapse_clamp(top, transform=True): ''' Hide all the blocks in the clamp. ''' if top is None or top.spr is None: return if top.name in ['sandwichclampcollapsed', 'sandwichclamp']: y1 = top.docks[2][3] if top.connections[1] is not None: for blk in find_group(top.connections[1]): blk.spr.hide() blk.status = 'collapsed' if transform: bot = top.connections[2] top.name = 'sandwichclampcollapsed' top.spr.set_label(_('click to open')) top.reset_y() top.resize() top.svg.set_hide(False) top.refresh() y2 = top.docks[2][3] dy = y2 - y1 if bot is not None: for blk in find_group(bot): blk.spr.move_relative((0, dy)) return def hide_button_hit(spr, x, y): ''' Did the sprite's hide (contract) button get hit? ''' red, green, blue, alpha = spr.get_pixel((x, y)) if red == HIT_HIDE: return True else: return False def show_button_hit(spr, x, y): ''' Did the sprite's show (expand) button get hit? ''' red, green, blue, alpha = spr.get_pixel((x, y)) if green == HIT_SHOW: return True else: return False def numeric_arg(value): ''' Dock test: looking for a numeric value ''' if isinstance(convert(value, float), float): return True return False def zero_arg(value): ''' Dock test: looking for a zero argument ''' if numeric_arg(value): if convert(value, float) == 0: return True return False def neg_arg(value): ''' Dock test: looking for a negative argument ''' if numeric_arg(value): if convert(value, float) < 0: return True return False def journal_check(blk1, blk2, dock1, dock2): ''' Dock blocks only if arg is Journal block ''' if blk1 is None or blk2 is None: return True if (blk1.name == 'skin' and dock1 == 1) and blk2.name != 'journal': return False if (blk2.name == 'skin' and dock2 == 1) and blk1.name != 'journal': return False return True def arithmetic_check(blk1, blk2, dock1, dock2): ''' Dock strings only if they convert to numbers. Avoid /0 and root(-1)''' if blk1 is None or blk2 is None: return True if blk1.name in ['sqrt', 'number', 'string'] and\ blk2.name in ['sqrt', 'number', 'string']: if blk1.name == 'number' or blk1.name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(blk1.values[0]) or neg_arg(blk1.values[0]): return False elif blk2.name == 'number' or blk2.name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(blk2.values[0]) or neg_arg(blk2.values[0]): return False elif blk1.name in ['division2', 'number', 'string'] and \ blk2.name in ['division2', 'number', 'string']: if blk1.name == 'number' or blk1.name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(blk1.values[0]): return False if dock2 == 2 and zero_arg(blk1.values[0]): return False elif blk2.name == 'number' or blk2.name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(blk2.values[0]): return False if dock1 == 2 and zero_arg(blk2.values[0]): return False elif blk1.name in ARG_MUST_BE_NUMBER and blk2.name in ARG_MUST_BE_NUMBER: if blk1.name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(blk1.values[0]): return False elif blk2.name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(blk2.values[0]): return False elif blk1.name in ['greater2', 'less2'] and blk2.name == 'string': # Non-numeric stings are OK only if both args are strings; # Lots of test conditions... if dock1 == 1 and blk1.connections[2] is not None: if blk1.connections[2].name == 'number': if not numeric_arg(blk2.values[0]): return False elif dock1 == 2 and blk1.connections[1] is not None: if blk1.connections[1].name == 'number': if not numeric_arg(blk2.values[0]): return False elif blk2.name in ['greater2', 'less2'] and blk1.name == 'string': if dock2 == 1 and blk2.connections[2] is not None: if blk2.connections[2].name == 'number': if not numeric_arg(blk1.values[0]): return False elif dock2 == 2 and blk2.connections[1] is not None: if blk2.connections[1].name == 'number': if not numeric_arg(blk1.values[0]): return False elif blk1.name in ['greater2', 'less2'] and blk2.name == 'number': if dock1 == 1 and blk1.connections[2] is not None: if blk1.connections[2].name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(blk1.connections[2].values[0]): return False elif dock1 == 2 and blk1.connections[1] is not None: if blk1.connections[1].name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(blk1.connections[1].values[0]): return False elif blk2.name in ['greater2', 'less2'] and blk1.name == 'number': if dock2 == 1 and blk2.connections[2] is not None: if blk2.connections[2].name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(blk2.connections[2].values[0]): return False elif dock2 == 2 and blk2.connections[1] is not None: if blk2.connections[1].name == 'string': if not numeric_arg(blk2.connections[1].values[0]): return False return True def xy(event): ''' Where is the mouse event? ''' return map(int, event.get_coords()) # Utilities related to finding blocks in stacks. def find_block_to_run(blk): ''' Find a stack to run (any stack without a 'def action'on the top). ''' top = find_top_block(blk) if blk == top and blk.name[0:3] is not 'def': return True else: return False def find_top_block(blk): ''' Find the top block in a stack. ''' if blk is None: return None if blk.connections is None: return blk if len(blk.connections) == 0: return blk while blk.connections[0] is not None: blk = blk.connections[0] return blk def find_bot_block(blk): ''' Find the bottom block in a stack. ''' if blk is None: return None if blk.connections is None: return blk if len(blk.connections) == 0: return blk while blk.connections[-1] is not None: blk = blk.connections[-1] return blk def find_start_stack(blk): ''' Find a stack with a 'start' block on top. ''' if blk is None: return False if find_top_block(blk).name == 'start': return True else: return False def find_group(blk): ''' Find the connected group of block in a stack. ''' if blk is None: return [] group = [blk] if blk.connections is not None: for cblk in blk.connections[1:]: if cblk is not None: group.extend(find_group(cblk)) return group def find_blk_below(blk, namelist): ''' Find a specific block below this block. ''' if blk is None or len(blk.connections) == 0: return if not isinstance(namelist, list): namelist = [namelist] group = find_group(blk) for gblk in group: if gblk.name in namelist: return gblk return None def get_stack_name(blk): ''' Return the name of the action stack that the given block belongs to. If the top block of this stack is not a stack-defining block, return None. ''' top_block = find_top_block(blk) if top_block.name == 'start': return 'start' elif top_block.name == 'hat1': return 'stack1' elif top_block.name == 'hat2': return 'stack2' elif top_block.name == 'hat': try: return str(top_block.connections[1].values[0]) except (AttributeError, TypeError, IndexError): # AttributeError: t_b has no attribute 'connections' or t_b.c[1] # has no attribute 'value' # TypeError: t_b.c or t_b.c[1].v is not a subscriptable sequence # IndexError: t_b.c or t_b.c[1].v is too short return None else: return None def get_hardware(): ''' Determine whether we are using XO 1.0, 1.5, ... or 'unknown' hardware ''' version = _get_dmi('product_version') # product = _get_dmi('product_name') if version is None: hwinfo_path = '/bin/olpc-hwinfo' if os.path.exists(hwinfo_path) and os.access(hwinfo_path, os.X_OK): model = check_output([hwinfo_path, 'model'], 'unknown hardware') version = model.strip() if version == '1': return XO1 elif version == '1.5': return XO15 elif version == '1.75': return XO175 elif version == '4': return XO4 else: # Some systems (e.g. ARM) don't have dmi info if os.path.exists('/sys/devices/platform/lis3lv02d/position'): return XO175 elif os.path.exists('/etc/olpc-release'): return XO1 else: return UNKNOWN def _get_dmi(node): ''' The desktop management interface should be a reliable source for product and version information. ''' path = os.path.join('/sys/class/dmi/id', node) try: return open(path).readline().strip() except: return None def get_screen_dpi(): ''' Return screen DPI ''' xft_dpi = gtk.settings_get_default().get_property('gtk-xft-dpi') dpi = float(xft_dpi / 1024) return dpi def check_output(command, warning): ''' Workaround for old systems without subprocess.check_output''' if hasattr(subprocess, 'check_output'): try: output = subprocess.check_output(command) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print(warning) return None else: import commands cmd = '' for c in command: cmd += c cmd += ' ' (status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if status != 0: print(warning) return None return output def power_manager_off(status): ''' Power management in Sugar power_manager_off(True) --> Disable power manager power_manager_off(False) --> Use custom power manager ''' if not HAS_GCONF: return global FIRST_TIME OHM_SERVICE_NAME = 'org.freedesktop.ohm' OHM_SERVICE_PATH = '/org/freedesktop/ohm/Keystore' OHM_SERVICE_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.ohm.Keystore' PATH = '/etc/powerd/flags/inhibit-suspend' client = gconf.client_get_default() ACTUAL_POWER = True if FIRST_TIME: ACTUAL_POWER = client.get_bool('/desktop/sugar/power/automatic') FIRST_TIME = False if status: VALUE = False else: VALUE = ACTUAL_POWER try: client.set_bool('/desktop/sugar/power/automatic', VALUE) except gconf.GError: pass bus = dbus.SystemBus() try: proxy = bus.get_object(OHM_SERVICE_NAME, OHM_SERVICE_PATH) keystore = dbus.Interface(proxy, OHM_SERVICE_IFACE) keystore.SetKey('suspend.automatic_pm', bool(VALUE)) except dbus.exceptions.DBusException: if status: try: fd = open(PATH, 'w') fd.close() except IOError: pass elif ACTUAL_POWER: try: os.remove(PATH) except OSError: pass