from sugar.activity import activity class ViewSourceActivity(activity.Activity): """Activity subclass which handles the 'view source' key.""" def __init__(self, handle, **kwargs): super(ViewSourceActivity, self).__init__(handle, **kwargs) self.__source_object_id = None # XXX: persist this across invocations? self.connect('key-press-event', self._key_press_cb) def _key_press_cb(self, widget, event): import gtk if gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == 'XF86Start': self.view_source() return True return False def view_source(self): """Implement the 'view source' key by saving to the datastore, and then telling the Journal to view it.""" if self.__source_object_id is None: from sugar import profile from sugar.datastore import datastore from sugar.activity.activity import get_bundle_name, get_bundle_path from gettext import gettext as _ import os.path jobject = datastore.create() metadata = { 'title': _('%s Source') % get_bundle_name(), 'title_set_by_user': '1', 'suggested_filename': '', 'icon-color': profile.get_color().to_string(), 'mime_type': 'text/x-python', } for k,v in metadata.items(): jobject.metadata[k] = v # dict.update method is missing =( jobject.file_path = os.path.join(get_bundle_path(), '') datastore.write(jobject) self.__source_object_id = jobject.object_id jobject.destroy() self.journal_show_object(self.__source_object_id) def journal_show_object(self, object_id): """Invoke journal_show_object from sugar.activity.activity if it exists.""" try: from sugar.activity.activity import show_object_in_journal show_object_in_journal(object_id) except ImportError: pass # no love from sugar. TARGET_TYPE_TEXT = 80 class VteActivity(ViewSourceActivity): def __init__(self, handle): import gtk, pango, vte from import ToolButton from gettext import gettext as _ super(VteActivity, self).__init__(handle) toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self) toolbar = toolbox.get_activity_toolbar() self.set_toolbox(toolbox) # add 'copy' icon from standard toolbar. edittoolbar = activity.EditToolbar() edittoolbar.copy.set_tooltip(_('Copy selected text to clipboard')) edittoolbar.copy.connect('clicked', self._on_copy_clicked_cb) edittoolbar.paste.connect('clicked', self._on_paste_clicked_cb) # as long as nothing is selected, copy needs to be insensitive. edittoolbar.copy.set_sensitive(False) toolbox.add_toolbar(_('Edit'), edittoolbar) self._copy_button = edittoolbar.copy # creates vte widget self._vte = vte.Terminal() self._vte.set_size(30,5) self._vte.set_size_request(200, 300) font = 'Monospace 10' self._vte.set_font(pango.FontDescription(font)) self._vte.set_colors(gtk.gdk.color_parse ('#000000'), gtk.gdk.color_parse ('#E7E7E7'), []) self._vte.connect('selection-changed', self._on_selection_changed_cb) self._vte.drag_dest_set(gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_ALL, [ ( "text/plain", 0, TARGET_TYPE_TEXT ) ], gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY) self._vte.connect('drag_data_received', self._on_drop_cb) # ...and its scrollbar vtebox = gtk.HBox() vtebox.pack_start(self._vte) vtesb = gtk.VScrollbar(self._vte.get_adjustment()) vtebox.pack_start(vtesb, False, False, 0) self.set_canvas(vtebox) self.show_all() # hide the buttons we don't use. toolbar.share.hide() # this should share bundle. toolbar.keep.hide() edittoolbar.undo.hide() edittoolbar.redo.hide() edittoolbar.separator.hide() # now start subprocess. self._vte.connect('child-exited', self.on_child_exit) self._vte.grab_focus() bundle_path = activity.get_bundle_path() # the 'sleep 1' works around a bug with the command dying before # the vte widget manages to snarf the last bits of its output self._pid = self._vte.fork_command \ (command='/bin/sh', argv=['/bin/sh','-c', 'python %s/; sleep 1' % bundle_path], envv=["PYTHONPATH=%s/library" % bundle_path], directory=bundle_path) def _on_copy_clicked_cb(self, widget): if self._vte.get_has_selection(): self._vte.copy_clipboard() def _on_paste_clicked_cb(self, widget): self._vte.paste_clipboard() def _on_selection_changed_cb(self, widget): self._copy_button.set_sensitive(self._vte.get_has_selection()) def _on_drop_cb(self, widget, context, x, y, selection, targetType, time): if targetType == TARGET_TYPE_TEXT: self._vte.feed_child( def on_child_exit(self, widget): """This method is invoked when the user's script exits.""" pass # override in subclass class PyGameActivity(ViewSourceActivity): """Activity wrapper for a pygame.""" def __init__(self, handle): # fork pygame before we initialize the activity. import os, pygame, sys pygame.init() windowid = pygame.display.get_wm_info()['wmwindow'] self.child_pid = os.fork() if self.child_pid == 0: library_path = os.path.join(activity.get_bundle_path(), 'library') pippy_app_path = os.path.join(activity.get_bundle_path(), '') sys.path[0:0] = [ library_path ] g = globals() g['__name__']='__main__' execfile(pippy_app_path, g, g) # start pygame sys.exit(0) super(PyGameActivity, self).__init__(handle) import gobject, gtk, os toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self) toolbar = toolbox.get_activity_toolbar() self.set_toolbox(toolbox) socket = gtk.Socket() socket.set_flags(socket.flags() | gtk.CAN_FOCUS) self.set_canvas(socket) socket.add_id(windowid) self.show_all() socket.grab_focus() gobject.child_watch_add(self.child_pid, lambda pid, cond: self.close()) # hide the buttons we don't use. toolbar.share.hide() # this should share bundle. toolbar.keep.hide()