# Copyright (C) 2007, Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright (C) 2008, Benjamin Berg # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import gettext from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import GObject import struct import logging from sugar3.graphics import style from sugar3.graphics.icon import Icon from sugar3.graphics.palette import Palette, ToolInvoker, WidgetInvoker _ = lambda msg: gettext.dgettext('sugar-toolkit', msg) def get_svg_color_string(color): return '#%.2X%.2X%.2X' % (color.red / 257, color.green / 257, color.blue / 257) class _ColorButton(Gtk.Button): """This is a ColorButton for Sugar. It is similar to the Gtk.ColorButton, but does not have any alpha support. Instead of a color selector dialog it will pop up a Sugar palette. As a preview an sugar3.graphics.Icon is used. The fill color will be set to the current color, and the stroke color is set to the font color. """ __gtype_name__ = 'SugarColorButton' __gsignals__ = {'color-set': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, tuple())} def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._title = _('Choose a color') self._color = Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0) self._has_palette = True self._has_invoker = True self._palette = None self._accept_drag = True self._preview = Icon(icon_name='color-preview', icon_size=Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON) GObject.GObject.__init__(self, **kwargs) if self._accept_drag: Gtk.drag_dest_set(self, Gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION | Gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT | Gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_DROP, [('application/x-color', 0, 0)], Gdk.DragAction.COPY) self.drag_source_set(Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON1_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON3_MASK, [('application/x-color', 0, 0)], Gdk.DragAction.COPY) self.connect('drag_data_received', self.__drag_data_received_cb) self.connect('drag_data_get', self.__drag_data_get_cb) self._preview.fill_color = get_svg_color_string(self._color) self._preview.stroke_color = \ get_svg_color_string(self.style.fg[Gtk.StateType.NORMAL]) self.set_image(self._preview) if self._has_palette and self._has_invoker: self._invoker = WidgetInvoker(self) # FIXME: This is a hack. self._invoker.has_rectangle_gap = lambda: False self._invoker.palette = self._palette def create_palette(self): if self._has_palette: self._palette = _ColorPalette(color=self._color, primary_text=self._title) self._palette.connect('color-set', self.__palette_color_set_cb) self._palette.connect('notify::color', self. __palette_color_changed) return self._palette def __palette_color_set_cb(self, palette): self.emit('color-set') def __palette_color_changed(self, palette, pspec): self.color = self._palette.color def do_style_set(self, previous_style): self._preview.stroke_color = \ get_svg_color_string(self.style.fg[Gtk.StateType.NORMAL]) def do_clicked(self): if self._palette: if not self._palette.is_up(): self._palette.popup(immediate=True, state=self._palette.SECONDARY) else: self._palette.popdown(immediate=True) return True def set_color(self, color): assert isinstance(color, Gdk.Color) if self._color.red == color.red and \ self._color.green == color.green and \ self._color.blue == color.blue: return self._color = Gdk.Color(color.red, color.green, color.blue) self._preview.fill_color = get_svg_color_string(self._color) if self._palette: self._palette.props.color = self._color self.notify('color') def get_color(self): return self._color color = GObject.property(type=object, getter=get_color, setter=set_color) def set_icon_name(self, icon_name): self._preview.props.icon_name = icon_name def get_icon_name(self): return self._preview.props.icon_name icon_name = GObject.property(type=str, getter=get_icon_name, setter=set_icon_name) def set_icon_size(self, icon_size): self._preview.props.icon_size = icon_size def get_icon_size(self): return self._preview.props.icon_size icon_size = GObject.property(type=int, getter=get_icon_size, setter=set_icon_size) def set_title(self, title): self._title = title if self._palette: self._palette.primary_text = self._title def get_title(self): return self._title title = GObject.property(type=str, getter=get_title, setter=set_title) def _set_has_invoker(self, has_invoker): self._has_invoker = has_invoker def _get_has_invoker(self): return self._has_invoker has_invoker = GObject.property(type=bool, default=True, flags=GObject.PARAM_READWRITE | GObject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY, getter=_get_has_invoker, setter=_set_has_invoker) def _set_has_palette(self, has_palette): self._has_palette = has_palette def _get_has_palette(self): return self._has_palette has_palette = GObject.property(type=bool, default=True, flags=GObject.PARAM_READWRITE | GObject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY, getter=_get_has_palette, setter=_set_has_palette) def _set_accept_drag(self, accept_drag): self._accept_drag = accept_drag def _get_accept_drag(self): return self._accept_drag accept_drag = GObject.property(type=bool, default=True, flags=GObject.PARAM_READWRITE | GObject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY, getter=_get_accept_drag, setter=_set_accept_drag) def __drag_begin_cb(self, widget, context): # Drag and Drop pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf(GdkPixbuf.Colorspace.RGB, True, 8, style.SMALL_ICON_SIZE, style.SMALL_ICON_SIZE) red = self._color.red / 257 green = self._color.green / 257 blue = self._color.blue / 257 pixbuf.fill(red << 24 + green << 16 + blue << 8 + 0xff) context.set_icon_pixbuf(pixbuf) def __drag_data_get_cb(self, widget, context, selection_data, info, time): data = struct.pack('=HHHH', self._color.red, self._color.green, self._color.blue, 65535) selection_data.set(selection_data.target, 16, data) def __drag_data_received_cb(self, widget, context, x, y, selection_data, \ info, time): if len(selection_data.data) != 8: return dropped = selection_data.data red = struct.unpack_from('=H', dropped, 0)[0] green = struct.unpack_from('=H', dropped, 2)[0] blue = struct.unpack_from('=H', dropped, 4)[0] # dropped[6] and dropped[7] is alpha, but we ignore the alpha channel color = Gdk.Color(red, green, blue) self.set_color(color) class _ColorPalette(Palette): """This is a color picker palette. It will usually be used indirectly trough a sugar3.graphics.ColorButton. """ _RED = 0 _GREEN = 1 _BLUE = 2 __gtype_name__ = 'SugarColorPalette' # The color-set signal is emitted when the user is finished selecting # a color. __gsignals__ = {'color-set': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, tuple())} def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._color = Gdk.Color(0, 0, 0) self._previous_color = self._color.copy() self._scales = None Palette.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.connect('popup', self.__popup_cb) self.connect('popdown', self.__popdown_cb) self._picker_hbox = Gtk.HBox() self.set_content(self._picker_hbox) self._swatch_tray = Gtk.Table() self._picker_hbox.pack_start(self._swatch_tray, True, True, 0) self._picker_hbox.pack_start(Gtk.VSeparator(), True, True, padding=style.DEFAULT_SPACING) self._chooser_table = Gtk.Table(3, 2) self._chooser_table.set_col_spacing(0, style.DEFAULT_PADDING) self._scales = [] self._scales.append( self._create_color_scale(_('Red'), self._RED, 0)) self._scales.append( self._create_color_scale(_('Green'), self._GREEN, 1)) self._scales.append( self._create_color_scale(_('Blue'), self._BLUE, 2)) self._picker_hbox.add(self._chooser_table) self._picker_hbox.show_all() self._build_swatches() def _create_color_scale(self, text, color, row): label = Gtk.Label(label=text) label.props.xalign = 1.0 scale = Gtk.HScale() scale.set_size_request(style.zoom(250), -1) scale.set_draw_value(False) scale.set_range(0, 1.0) scale.set_increments(0.1, 0.2) if color == self._RED: scale.set_value(self._color.red / 65535.0) elif color == self._GREEN: scale.set_value(self._color.green / 65535.0) elif color == self._BLUE: scale.set_value(self._color.blue / 65535.0) scale.connect('value-changed', self.__scale_value_changed_cb, color) self._chooser_table.attach(label, 0, 1, row, row + 1) self._chooser_table.attach(scale, 1, 2, row, row + 1) return scale def _build_swatches(self): for child in self._swatch_tray.get_children(): child.destroy() # Use a hardcoded list of colors for now. colors = ['#ed2529', '#69bc47', '#3c54a3', '#f57f25', '#0b6b3a', '#00a0c6', '#f6eb1a', '#b93f94', '#5b4a9c', '#000000', '#919496', '#ffffff'] # We want 3 rows of colors. rows = 3 i = 0 self._swatch_tray.props.n_rows = rows self._swatch_tray.props.n_columns = (len(colors) + rows - 1) / rows for color in colors: button = _ColorButton(has_palette=False, color=Gdk.color_parse(color), accept_drag=False, icon_size=Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR) button.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE) self._swatch_tray.attach(button, i % rows, i % rows + 1, i / rows, i / rows + 1, yoptions=0, xoptions=0) button.connect('clicked', self.__swatch_button_clicked_cb) i += 1 self._swatch_tray.show_all() def __popup_cb(self, palette): self._previous_color = self._color.copy() def __popdown_cb(self, palette): self.emit('color-set') def __scale_value_changed_cb(self, widget, color): new_color = self._color.copy() if color == self._RED: new_color.red = int(65535 * widget.get_value()) elif color == self._GREEN: new_color.green = int(65535 * widget.get_value()) elif color == self._BLUE: new_color.blue = int(65535 * widget.get_value()) self.color = new_color def do_key_press_event(self, event): if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Escape: self.props.color = self._previous_color self.popdown(immediate=True) return True elif event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Return: self.popdown(immediate=True) return True return False def __swatch_button_clicked_cb(self, button): self.props.color = button.get_color() def set_color(self, color): assert isinstance(color, Gdk.Color) if self._color.red == color.red and \ self._color.green == color.green and \ self._color.blue == color.blue: return self._color = color.copy() if self._scales: self._scales[self._RED].set_value(self._color.red / 65535.0) self._scales[self._GREEN].set_value(self._color.green / 65535.0) self._scales[self._BLUE].set_value(self._color.blue / 65535.0) self.notify('color') def get_color(self): return self._color color = GObject.property(type=object, getter=get_color, setter=set_color) def _add_accelerator(tool_button): if not tool_button.props.accelerator or not tool_button.get_toplevel() or \ not tool_button.get_child(): return # TODO: should we remove the accelerator from the prev top level? if not hasattr(tool_button.get_toplevel(), 'sugar_accel_group'): logging.warning('No Gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.') return accel_group = tool_button.get_toplevel().sugar_accel_group keyval, mask = Gtk.accelerator_parse(tool_button.props.accelerator) # the accelerator needs to be set at the child, so the Gtk.AccelLabel # in the palette can pick it up. tool_button.get_child().add_accelerator('clicked', accel_group, keyval, mask, Gtk.AccelFlags.LOCKED | Gtk.AccelFlags.VISIBLE) def _hierarchy_changed_cb(tool_button, previous_toplevel): _add_accelerator(tool_button) def setup_accelerator(tool_button): _add_accelerator(tool_button) tool_button.connect('hierarchy-changed', _hierarchy_changed_cb) class ColorToolButton(Gtk.ToolItem): # This not ideal. It would be better to subclass Gtk.ToolButton, however # the python bindings do not seem to be powerfull enough for that. # (As we need to change a variable in the class structure.) __gtype_name__ = 'SugarColorToolButton' __gsignals__ = {'color-set': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, tuple())} def __init__(self, icon_name='color-preview', **kwargs): self._accelerator = None self._tooltip = None self._palette_invoker = ToolInvoker() self._palette = None GObject.GObject.__init__(self, **kwargs) # The Gtk.ToolButton has already added a normal button. # Replace it with a ColorButton color_button = _ColorButton(icon_name=icon_name, has_invoker=False) self.add(color_button) # The following is so that the behaviour on the toolbar is correct. color_button.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE) color_button.icon_size = Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR self._palette_invoker.attach_tool(self) # This widget just proxies the following properties to the colorbutton color_button.connect('notify::color', self.__notify_change) color_button.connect('notify::icon-name', self.__notify_change) color_button.connect('notify::icon-size', self.__notify_change) color_button.connect('notify::title', self.__notify_change) color_button.connect('color-set', self.__color_set_cb) color_button.connect('can-activate-accel', self.__button_can_activate_accel_cb) def __button_can_activate_accel_cb(self, button, signal_id): # Accept activation via accelerators regardless of this widget's state return True def set_accelerator(self, accelerator): self._accelerator = accelerator setup_accelerator(self) def get_accelerator(self): return self._accelerator accelerator = GObject.property(type=str, setter=set_accelerator, getter=get_accelerator) def create_palette(self): self._palette = self.get_child().create_palette() return self._palette def get_palette_invoker(self): return self._palette_invoker def set_palette_invoker(self, palette_invoker): self._palette_invoker.detach() self._palette_invoker = palette_invoker palette_invoker = GObject.property( type=object, setter=set_palette_invoker, getter=get_palette_invoker) def set_color(self, color): self.get_child().props.color = color def get_color(self): return self.get_child().props.color color = GObject.property(type=object, getter=get_color, setter=set_color) def set_icon_name(self, icon_name): self.get_child().props.icon_name = icon_name def get_icon_name(self): return self.get_child().props.icon_name icon_name = GObject.property(type=str, getter=get_icon_name, setter=set_icon_name) def set_icon_size(self, icon_size): self.get_child().props.icon_size = icon_size def get_icon_size(self): return self.get_child().props.icon_size icon_size = GObject.property(type=int, getter=get_icon_size, setter=set_icon_size) def set_title(self, title): self.get_child().props.title = title def get_title(self): return self.get_child().props.title title = GObject.property(type=str, getter=get_title, setter=set_title) def do_expose_event(self, event): child = self.get_child() allocation = self.get_allocation() if self._palette and self._palette.is_up(): invoker = self._palette.props.invoker invoker.draw_rectangle(event, self._palette) elif child.state == Gtk.StateType.PRELIGHT: child.style.paint_box(event.window, Gtk.StateType.PRELIGHT, Gtk.ShadowType.NONE, event.area, child, 'toolbutton-prelight', allocation.x, allocation.y, allocation.width, allocation.height) Gtk.ToolButton.do_expose_event(self, event) def __notify_change(self, widget, pspec): self.notify(pspec.name) def __color_set_cb(self, widget): self.emit('color-set')