39 Handle API chages in 8.2 Use gnomevfs and not gio 37 Fixed log updating removed obsolete files 35 Fixed some conflicts with Rainbow - new activity now works. 34 uses new bundlebuilder, save and MANIFEST radically more stable many fixes 33 fixed icons, fixed ignore-case, refactored search options (pass in object rather than half-dozen options) 32 find/replace done, with accelerators. Known bugs: -Double log tab (understood, just haven't got around to fixing) -F8 doesn't work within text views (workaround: F5 first. problem with wm) -ignore-case half-implemented -WARNING WARNING WARNING - has been known to cause journal to empty. Don't panic - your old journal still exists in ~/.sugar/default/datastoreXYZXYZXX. Still, it is a royal pain in the ***. Have not understood what's happening yet. -Only "open" works in initial dialog (old code, needs cleanup) 31 uses .xo file format 24 find selects ranges, selecting a tab selects it in the sidebar, sidebar scrollbar on left for Fitt's law. gtksourceview now bundled, allows running in arbitrary sugar-jhbuild. 23 new lazily loaded sidebar, can open an external file, create new activities 22 tabbed editor and added a file menu 21 support for jhbuild (thanks to Mike Fletcher) and is refactored a bit 20 undo/redo, and find 19 I don't remember 18 initial release, based on pippy