# Copyright 2007 Benjamin M. Schwartz # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import numpy as num import wave import struct import tempfile #import pylab import time import socket import types import math import subprocess import os import os.path import signal REC_HZ = 48000 MLS_INDEX = 14 OLPC_OFFSET = -0.05 #Measured constant offset due to geometry and electronics REC_TIMEOUT = 10 #Max number of seconds to record before stopping cache_dict = {} def compute_mls(R): """ Computes a Maximum-Length-Sequence using a naive LFSR approach for n=3...32. R is the register initializer (cannot be all-zero) which determines the phase of the MLS. """ # 1-indexed collection of MLS taps from http://homepage.mac.com/afj/taplist.html taps = ( (), (), (), #ignore n=0,1,2 (3, 2), (4, 3), (5, 3), (6, 5), (7, 6), (8, 7, 6, 1), (9, 5), (10, 7), (11, 9), (12, 11, 10, 4), (13, 12, 11, 8), (14, 13, 12, 2), (15, 14), (16, 15, 13, 4), (17, 14), (18, 11), (19, 18, 17, 14), (20, 17), (21, 19), (22, 21), (23, 18), (24, 23, 22, 17), (25, 22), (26, 25, 24, 20), (27, 26, 25, 22), (28, 25), (29, 27), (30, 29, 28, 7), (31, 28), (32, 31, 30, 10)) n = len(R) return LFSR(R, [i - 1 for i in taps[n]], 2**n-1) def LFSR(R, taps, m): """ Computes the output of the LFSR specified by "taps" on initial registers R for m steps. R = an indexable object taps = zero-indexed collection of taps returns a num.array of length m """ o = num.resize(num.array([], num.bool), (m)) if len(taps) == 2: a = taps[0] b = taps[1] for i in xrange(m): next = R[a] ^ R[b] o[i] = R[-1] R[1:] = R[:-1] R[0] = next elif len(taps) == 4: a = taps[0] b = taps[1] c = taps[2] d = taps[3] for i in xrange(m): next = R[a] ^ R[b] ^ R[c] ^ R[d] o[i] = R[-1] R[1:] = R[:-1] R[0] = next else: for i in xrange(m): next = False for i in taps: next = next ^ R[i] o[i] = R[-1] R[1:] = R[:-1] R[0] = next return o def write_wav(o): """ Writes a [0,1]-scaled array o into the left channel of a 8-bit stereo wav-file at 48KHz """ f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb', prefix='out') w = wave.open(f) w.setparams((2,1,REC_HZ,0, 'NONE', 'NONE')) n = num.size(o) q = num.zeros((2*n), num.uint8) q[::2] = o*255 q[1::2] = 128 w.writeframes(q.tostring()) return f def play_wav_alsa(fname): subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/aplay", fname]) play_wav = play_wav_alsa def record_while_playing(play_name, t): """ This function starts recording, plays the file named 'play_name', waits a time t (s) after playback has finished, then stops recording. It returns a filehandle to a WAV file containing the recording. """ (recorder, f) = start_recording() if play_name: play_wav(play_name) time.sleep(t) stop_recording(recorder) return f def start_recording_alsa(): fname = os.tempnam() rec_process = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/arecord", "--file-type=raw", "--channels=1", "--format=S16_LE", "--rate=%i" % REC_HZ, "--duration=%i" % REC_TIMEOUT, fname]) s = 0 while s <= 0: try: s = os.path.getsize(fname) except os.error: time.sleep(0.02) f = open(fname,'rb') return (rec_process, f) start_recording = start_recording_alsa def stop_recording_alsa(rec_process): os.kill(rec_process.pid, signal.SIGKILL) rec_process.wait() stop_recording = stop_recording_alsa def read_wav(f): """ Reads one channel of a .wav file object (f) into a float array, unscaled """ w = wave.open(f) n = w.getnframes() nc = w.getnchannels() b = w.getsampwidth() if b==2: typecode = 'h' elif b==1: typecode = 'b' s = w.readframes(n) n = len(s)/(nc*b) a = struct.unpack('<' + str(n*nc) + typecode, s) return num.array(a[::nc], num.float) def read_raw(f): x = f.read() n = len(x)/2 print "length " + str(n) typecode = 'h' a = struct.unpack('<' + str(n)+typecode, x[:(2*n)]); return num.array(a, num.float) read_recorded_file = read_raw def cross_cov(a, b, a_id=None): """computes the cross-covariance of signals in a and b""" assert (a.ndim == 1) and (b.ndim == 1) n = max(a.size, b.size) n2 = 2**int(math.ceil(math.log(n,2))) #power of 2 >=n if a_id is not None: if cache_dict.has_key(('fft', a_id, n2)): fa = cache_dict[('fft', a_id, n2)] else: fa = num.fft.rfft(a,n2) cache_dict[('fft', a_id, n2)] = fa else: fa = num.fft.rfft(a,n2) fb = num.fft.rfft(b,n2) fprod = num.conjugate(fa)*fb xc = num.fft.irfft(fprod) return xc[:n].real def get_room_echo(t): """A test function that can be used to determine the impulse response of a microphone-speaker system, up to a time-delay""" R = (num.zeros((MLS_INDEX)) == 0) mls = compute_mls(R) mls_wav_file = write_wav(mls) record_file = record_while_playing(mls_wav_file.name, t) mls_wav_file.close() rec_array = read_recorded_file(record_file) record_file.close() os.remove(record_file.name) return cross_cov(mls - 0.5, rec_array) def get_noise_echo(t): """The same as get_echo, but with no signal.""" R = (num.zeros((MLS_INDEX)) == 0) mls = compute_mls(R) record_wav_file = record_while_playing(False, t) rec_array = read_recorded_file(record_wav_file) record_wav_file.close() return cross_cov(mls - 0.5, rec_array) def do_server_simul(server_address, port): """ Make this computer the server for a distance measurement using measure_dt_simul. """ listener_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) listener_socket.setsockopt(socket.SO_REUSEADDR) listener_socket.bind((server_address, port)) listener_socket.listen(1) (server_socket, client_address) = listener_socket.accept() listener_socket.close() dt = measure_dt_simul(server_socket, True) server_socket.close() return dt def do_client_simul(server_address, port): """ Make this computer the client for a distance measurement using measure_dt_simul """ client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) client_socket.connect((server_address, port)) dt = measure_dt_simul(client_socket, False) client_socket.close() return dt def do_server_seq(server_address, port): """ Make this computer the server for a distance measurement using measure_dt_seq. """ listener_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) listener_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) listener_socket.bind((server_address, port)) listener_socket.listen(1) (server_socket, client_address) = listener_socket.accept() listener_socket.close() dt = measure_dt_seq(server_socket, True) server_socket.close() return dt def do_client_seq(server_address, port): """ Make this computer the client for a distance measurement using measure_dt_seq. """ client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) client_socket.connect((server_address, port)) dt = measure_dt_seq(client_socket, False) client_socket.close() return dt def recvall(s, n): """ Attempt to receive n bytes from socket s. Return received message. Fails with "Assertion failed" if a message of incorrect length is received. """ #assert type(s) == socket._socketobject received = '' while len(received) < n: q = s.recv(n - len(received)) assert len(q) > 0 received = received + q return received def recvmsg(s, message): """ Attempt to receive a specific message from a socket. Returns a boolean indicating whether or not that message was received. """ #assert type(s) == socket._socketobject return (message == recvall(s, len(message))) def measure_dt_simul(s, am_server): """ Performs all the actual communication between client and server for distance measurement using simultaneous playback on both computers. The method relies on the very low cross-covariance of certain pairs of m-sequences (MLS), including the pair generated by time-reversal. In practice, due to nonlinearities in the speakers and microphones, it is not usable. """ #assert type(s) == socket._socketobject if cache_dict.has_key(('mls', MLS_INDEX)): mls = cache_dict[('mls', MLS_INDEX)] else: R = (num.zeros((MLS_INDEX)) == 0) mls = compute_mls(R) cache_dict[('mls',MLS_INDEX)] = mls if am_server: if cache_dict.has_key(('mls_rev',MLS_INDEX)): mls = cache_dict[('mls_rev',MLS_INDEX)] else: mls = mls[::-1] cache_dict[('mls_rev',MLS_INDEX)] = mls mls_wav_file = write_wav(mls) ready_command = 'ready' if am_server: assert recvmsg(s, ready_command) else: s.sendall(ready_command) start_and_play_command = 'start' if am_server: (pipeline, rec_wav_file) = start_recording() s.sendall(start_and_play_command) else: assert recvmsg(s, start_and_play_command) (pipeline, rec_wav_file) = start_recording() playing_command = 'playing' rectime = 5 #seconds if am_server: assert recvmsg(s, playing_command) play_wav(mls_wav_file.name) time.sleep(rectime) else: play_wav(mls_wav_file.name) s.sendall(playing_command) stop_command = 'stop' if am_server: s.sendall(stop_command) else: assert recvmsg(s, stop_command) stop_recording(pipeline) mls_wav_file.close() rec_array = read_recorded_file(rec_wav_file) rec_wav_file.close() mls_float = mls - 0.5 xc_self = cross_cov(mls_float, rec_array) xc_other = cross_cov(mls_float[::-1], rec_array) dn = getpeak(xc_other) - getpeak(xc_self) dt = float(dn)/REC_HZ format_string = '!d' n = struct.calcsize(format_string) s.sendall(struct.pack(format_string, dt)) other_dt = struct.unpack(format_string, recvall(s, n))[0] roundtrip = dt + other_dt return roundtrip/2 def measure_dt_seq(s, am_server, send_signal=False): """ This function performs distance measurement using sequential playback. In this method, the server plays its sound first, and the client plays only after the server has finished. The first and second halves of the recording are analyzed separately. This method is much more tolerant of low-quality speaker systems and is known to work. """ #assert type(s) == socket._socketobject if send_signal: send_signal('preparing') if cache_dict.has_key(('mls',MLS_INDEX)): mls = cache_dict[('mls',MLS_INDEX)] else: R = (num.zeros((MLS_INDEX)) == 0) mls = compute_mls(R) cache_dict[('mls',MLS_INDEX)] = mls if cache_dict.has_key(('mls_rev',MLS_INDEX)): mls_rev = cache_dict[('mls_rev',MLS_INDEX)] else: mls_rev = mls[::-1] cache_dict[('mls_rev',MLS_INDEX)] = mls_rev if am_server: mls_wav_file = write_wav(mls) else: mls_wav_file = write_wav(mls_rev) if send_signal: send_signal('waiting') ready_command = 'ready' if am_server: assert recvmsg(s, ready_command) else: s.sendall(ready_command) start_and_play_command = 'start recording' if am_server: s.sendall(start_and_play_command) else: assert recvmsg(s, start_and_play_command) if send_signal: send_signal('playing') t1=time.time() (pipeline, rec_wav_file) = start_recording_alsa() t2=time.time() start_confirmation_command = 'started' if am_server: assert recvmsg(s, start_confirmation_command) else: s.sendall(start_confirmation_command) amp_ringdown = 0.1 time.sleep(amp_ringdown) handoff_command = 'your turn' ringdown = 0.2 #seconds if am_server: print "about to play_wav" play_wav_alsa(mls_wav_file.name) print "played wav" time.sleep(ringdown) t3 = time.time() time.sleep(t2-t1) s.sendall(handoff_command) else: assert recvmsg(s, handoff_command) t3 = time.time() time.sleep(t2-t1) play_wav_alsa(mls_wav_file.name) time.sleep(ringdown) stop_command = 'stop' if am_server: assert recvmsg(s, stop_command) else: s.sendall(stop_command) stop_recording_alsa(pipeline) del(pipeline) mls_wav_file.close() del(mls_wav_file) rec_array = read_recorded_file(rec_wav_file) rec_wav_file.close() os.remove(rec_wav_file.name) del(rec_wav_file) if send_signal: send_signal('processing') breaktime = t3-t1 print breaktime breaknum = int(math.ceil(breaktime*REC_HZ)) startnum = int(math.ceil(amp_ringdown*REC_HZ)) rec1 = rec_array[startnum:breaknum] rec2 = rec_array[breaknum:] print num.size(rec1) print num.size(rec2) if cache_dict.has_key(('mls_float',MLS_INDEX)): mls_float = cache_dict[('mls_float',MLS_INDEX)] else: mls_float = mls - 0.5 cache_dict[('mls_float',MLS_INDEX)] = mls_float if cache_dict.has_key(('mls_rev_float',MLS_INDEX)): mls_rev_float = cache_dict[('mls_rev_float',MLS_INDEX)] else: mls_rev_float = mls_rev - 0.5 cache_dict[('mls_rev_float',MLS_INDEX)] = mls_rev_float xc_server = cross_cov(mls_float, rec1, ('mls_float', MLS_INDEX)) xc_client = cross_cov(mls_rev_float, rec2, ('mls_rev_float', MLS_INDEX)) s_peak = getpeak(xc_server) c_peak = getpeak(xc_client) print xc_server[s_peak] print xc_client[c_peak] dn = (c_peak + breaknum) - s_peak dt = float(dn)/REC_HZ format_string = '!d' n = struct.calcsize(format_string) s.sendall(struct.pack(format_string, dt)) other_dt = struct.unpack(format_string, recvall(s, n))[0] roundtrip = abs(dt - other_dt) #pylab.plot(xc_server) #pylab.show() if send_signal: send_signal('done') return roundtrip/2 def getpeak(a): return num.argmax(abs(a)) def speed_of_sound(t=25.0, h=0.6, p=101325.0, x_c=0.0004): """ t= temperature in Celsius h = relative humidity as a fraction p = pressure in Pa x_c = mole fraction of CO2 returns an estimate of the speed of sound in (m/s) from Cramer, O. "The variation of the specific heat ratio and the speed of sound in air with temperature, pressure, humidity, and CO2 concentration". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1993, Vol. 93, Issue 5, p. 2510, eq. 15 and A1-A3.""" a0 = 331.5024 a1 = 0.603055 a2 = -0.000528 a3 = 51.471935 a4 = 0.1495874 a5 = -0.000782 a6 = -1.82e-7 a7 = 3.73e-8 a8 = -2.93e-10 a9 = -85.20931 a10 = -0.228525 a11 = 5.91e-5 a12 = -2.835149 a13 = -2.15e-13 a14 = 29.179762 a15 = 0.000486 t2 = t**2 T = t + 273.15 f = 1.00062 + 3.14e-8*p + 5.6e-7*t2 psv = math.exp(1.2811805e-5*(T**2) - 1.9509874e-2*T \ + 34.04926034 - 6.3536311e3/T) #Pa x_w = h*f*psv/p return a0 + a1*t + a2*t2 + (a3 + a4*t +a5*t2)*x_w \ + (a6 + a7*t + a8*t2)*p + (a9 + a10*t + a11*t2)*x_c \ + a12*(x_w**2) + a13*(p**2) + a14*(x_c**2) + a15*x_w*p*x_c def interactive_mode(): n = input('Type 1 to be the server, 2 to be the client:') assert (n == 1) or (n == 2) if n==1: server_address = raw_input('Enter the address on which to listen:') port = input('Enter the port on which to listen:') dt = do_server_seq(server_address, port) elif n==2: server_address = raw_input('Enter the IP address or hostname of the server:') port = input('Enter the port on which the server is listening:') dt = do_client_seq(server_address, port) print "The time delay in seconds is ", dt print "The speed of sound in m/s is ", speed_of_sound() print "The distance in meters is therefore ", dt*speed_of_sound()-OLPC_OFFSET #pylab.plot(get_room_echo(1)) #pylab.show() #e=get_room_echo(4) #n=get_noise_echo(4) #print e[getpeak(e)] #print n[getpeak(n)] #interactive_mode()