# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import gtk import rsvg import cairo from sugar.graphics import style class TempoSlider(gtk.HBox): def __init__(self, min_value, max_value): gtk.HBox.__init__(self) self._pixbuf = [None] * 8 self._image = gtk.Image() self._image.show() # used to store tempo updates while the slider is active self._delayed = 0 self._active = False self.adjustment = gtk.Adjustment(min_value, min_value, max_value, (max_value - min_value) / 8, (max_value - min_value) / 8, 0) self._adjustment_h = self.adjustment.connect('value-changed', self._changed_cb) slider = gtk.HScale(adjustment = self.adjustment) slider.show() slider.set_draw_value(False) slider.connect("button-press-event", self._press_cb) slider.connect("button-release-event", self._release_cb) self.pack_start(slider, True, True) self.pack_end(self._image, False, False) def set_value(self, tempo, quiet = False): if self._active: self._delayed = tempo elif quiet: self.adjustment.handler_block(self._adjustment_h) self.adjustment.set_value(tempo) self._update(tempo) self.adjustment.handler_unblock(self._adjustment_h) else: self.adjustment.set_value(tempo) def _changed_cb(self, widget): self._update(widget.get_value()) def _update(self, tempo): def map_range(value, ilower, iupper, olower, oupper): if value == iupper: return oupper return olower + int((oupper-olower+1) * (value-ilower) / float(iupper-ilower)) img = map_range(tempo, self.adjustment.lower, self.adjustment.upper, 0, 7) if not self._pixbuf[img]: svg = rsvg.Handle(data=IMAGE[img]) self._pixbuf[img] = _from_svg_at_size(handle=svg, width=style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE, height=style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE) self._image.set_from_pixbuf(self._pixbuf[img]) def _press_cb(self, widget, event): self._active = True def _release_cb(self, widget, event): self._active = False if self._delayed != 0: self.set_value(self._delayed, True) self._delayed = 0 def _from_svg_at_size(filename=None, width=None, height=None, handle=None, keep_ratio=True): """ import from pixbuf.py """ if not handle: handle = rsvg.Handle(filename) dimensions = handle.get_dimension_data() icon_width = dimensions[0] icon_height = dimensions[1] if icon_width != width or icon_height != height: ratio_width = float(width) / icon_width ratio_height = float(height) / icon_height if keep_ratio: ratio = min(ratio_width, ratio_height) if ratio_width != ratio: ratio_width = ratio width = int(icon_width * ratio) elif ratio_height != ratio: ratio_height = ratio height = int(icon_height * ratio) else: ratio_width = 1 ratio_height = 1 surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height) context = cairo.Context(surface) context.scale(ratio_width, ratio_height) handle.render_cairo(context) loader = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_loader_new_with_mime_type('image/png') surface.write_to_png(loader) loader.close() return loader.get_pixbuf() IMAGE = [None] * 8 IMAGE[0] = """ """ IMAGE[1] = """ """ IMAGE[2] = """ """ IMAGE[3] = """ """ IMAGE[4] = """ """ IMAGE[5] = """ """ IMAGE[6] = """ """ IMAGE[7] = """ """