Finance Next Release - Auto-complete item names, categories. - Drop down categories list. - Finish budget screen. - Load and save data from journal. - Remove sharing icons from toolbar. - Get real toolbar icons. - Figure out screen switching. - Keyboard shortcuts: New Item, Delete Item, Next Period, Previous Period, This Period. - New transaction & Delete transaction disabled unless view is Register screen. - Enter a lot of sample data. - Sort visible transactions by date. - Fix header display for different periods. - Generate translation files. - Attempt to use locale module to render monetary values. - Change period: week, month, year, all time. - Split source code into file-per-screen. - Sort budget categories alphabetically. - Context sensitive help text, triggered by a toggle button. Pops up help text at the top. - Add some kind of 'No budget set' indicator in budget screen. - Make budget screen show current date relative to period (pace marker). - Make budget bar reflect period. + Add budget period combobox. + Support Goals, aka budgets for income. + Alerts for current period at the bottom of the screen: Negative balance, Over budget, etc. + Rework chart screen to allow clicking on wedges, display details for selected wedge. + Draw lines from wedges to category names in chart screen. + Select between income and expenses in Chart view. + When hovering over a category in any context (chart, etc) hilite the label. + Allow clicking on category labels to initiate filter + switch to register view. Future + Filter by name, category. Put search term next to period in header. + Implement multiple selection and deletion. + Bind erase key, or is it backspace on the XO? + History screen: Line graph view of categories, income, expenses, budgets, rate of change. + Automatic budget button based on history.