# Copyright (C) 2007, Eduardo Silva # Copyright (C) 2012, Aneesh Dogra # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import logging from gettext import gettext as _ import gtk import simplejson import ConfigParser import os from sugar.activity import activity from sugar.activity.activity import get_bundle_path from sugar import env import purk import purk.conf import purk.windows DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(get_bundle_path(), 'irc_config.cfg') ETC_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join('/', 'etc', 'irc_config.cfg') class IRCActivity(activity.Activity): def __init__(self, handle): activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle) logging.debug('Starting the IRC Activity') self.set_title(_('IRC Activity')) self.add_events(gtk.gdk.VISIBILITY_NOTIFY_MASK) self.connect('visibility-notify-event', self.__visibility_notify_event_cb) self.is_visible = False self.client = purk.Client() if handle.object_id is None: self.default_config() self.client.show() widget = self.client.get_widget() # CANVAS self.set_canvas(widget) # TOOLBAR OLD_TOOLBAR = False try: from sugar.graphics.toolbarbox import ToolbarBox, ToolbarButton from sugar.activity.widgets import ActivityToolbarButton, StopButton, \ ShareButton, KeepButton, TitleEntry, ActivityButton except ImportError: OLD_TOOLBAR = True if OLD_TOOLBAR: from sugar.activity.activity import Activity, ActivityToolbox toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self) # Remove the Share button, since this activity isn't shareable toolbar = toolbox.get_activity_toolbar() toolbar.remove(toolbar.share) self.set_toolbox(toolbox) self.show_all() else: toolbar_box = ToolbarBox() self.activity_button = ActivityButton(self) toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(self.activity_button, 0) self.activity_button.show() title_entry = TitleEntry(self) toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(title_entry, -1) title_entry.show() keep_button = KeepButton(self) toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(keep_button, -1) keep_button.show() separator = gtk.SeparatorToolItem() separator.props.draw = False separator.set_expand(True) toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(separator, -1) separator.show() stop_button = StopButton(self) toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(stop_button, -1) stop_button.show() self.set_toolbar_box(toolbar_box) toolbar_box.show() def __visibility_notify_event_cb(self, window, event): self.is_visible = event.state != gtk.gdk.VISIBILITY_FULLY_OBSCURED #Configuracion por defecto def default_config(self): if os.path.exists(ETC_CONFIG_PATH): self.read_defaults_from_config(ETC_CONFIG_PATH) elif os.path.exists(DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH): data = self.read_defaults_from_config(DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH) if not data["server"]: self.client.join_server('us.freenode.net') if not data["channels"]: self.channels_config() else: self.client.join_server('us.freenode.net') self.channels_config() def channels_config(self): locale = os.environ["LANG"] channel = "#sugar" if locale: locale = locale.split("_")[0] if locale != "en": channel = "#sugar-%s" % locale else: pass self.client.add_channel(channel) def read_defaults_from_config(self, config_file): logging.debug('Reading configuration from file %s' % config_file) fp = open(config_file) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() try: config.readfp(fp) except Exception, error: logging.debug('Reading configuration, error: %s' % error) return {"server": None, "channels": None} fp.close() DATA = {} if config.has_section('Config'): if config.has_option('Config', 'Nick'): nick = config.get('Config', 'Nick').strip() self.client.run_command('NICK %s' % (nick)) if config.has_option('Config', 'Server'): server = config.get('Config', 'Server').strip() self.client.join_server(server) DATA["server"] = server else: DATA["server"] = None if config.has_option('Config', 'Channels'): channels = config.get('Config', 'Channels').split(',') DATA["channels"] = channels for channel in channels: self.client.add_channel(channel.strip()) self.client.add_channel_other(channel.strip()) else: DATA["channels"] = None else: DATA["server"] = None DATA["channels"] = None return DATA def read_file(self, file_path): if self.metadata['mime_type'] != 'text/plain': return fd = open(file_path, 'r') text = fd.read() data = simplejson.loads(text) fd.close() self.client.run_command('NICK %s' % (data['nick'])) self.client.join_server(data['server']) for chan in data['channels']: self.client.add_channel(chan) self.client.add_channel_other(chan) self.client.core.window.network.requested_joins = set() for winid in data['scrollback'].keys(): if winid in data['channels']: win = purk.windows.new(purk.windows.ChannelWindow, self.client.core.window.network, winid, self.client.core) else: win = purk.windows.new(purk.windows.QueryWindow, self.client.core.window.network, winid, self.client.core) win.output.get_buffer().set_text(data['scrollback'][winid]) if winid == data['current-window']: self.client.core.window.network.requested_joins = set([winid]) def write_file(self, file_path): if not self.metadata['mime_type']: self.metadata['mime_type'] = 'text/plain' data = {} data['nick'] = self.client.core.window.network.me data['server'] = self.client.core.window.network.server data['username'] = self.client.core.window.network.server data['fullname'] = self.client.core.window.network.fullname data['password'] = self.client.core.window.network.password data['current-window'] = self.client.core.manager.get_active().id data['channels'] = [] data['scrollback'] = {} for i in range(self.client.core.manager.tabs.get_n_pages()): win = self.client.core.manager.tabs.get_nth_page(i) if win.id == "status": continue if win.is_channel(): data['channels'].append(win.id) buf = win.output.get_buffer() data['scrollback'][win.id] = buf.get_text(buf.get_start_iter(), buf.get_end_iter(), True) fd = open(file_path, 'w') text = simplejson.dumps(data) fd.write(text) fd.close()