#! /usr/bin/env python # added frequency modulation genertor # audioOut write a wave file if a string is given as argument orchlines = [] scorelines = [] instrlist = [] fnum = [100] """XXX: This function seems to be broken. (CSA) def quit(self): perf.Stop() perf.Join() cs.Reset() cs = None """ def defAdsr(attack=0.01, decay=0.1, sustain=0.8, release=0.1): """Define an ADSR envelope. fnum = defADSR(attack = [0.01], decay = [0.1], sustain = [0.8], release = [0.1])""" att = int(2048 * attack) dec = int(2048 * decay) rel = int(2048 * release) bal = 2048 - (att + dec + rel) sus = min(1., sustain) fnum[0] += 1 scorelines.append("f%ld 0 2048 7 0 %ld 1. %ld %f %ld %f %ld 0\n" % (fnum[0], att, dec, sus, bal, sus, rel)) return fnum[0] def defLineSegments(list=[0,10,1,10,0,10,1,10,0]): """Define a breakpoints envelope. list=[0,10,1,10,0,10,1,10,0]. list begin with the start value of the function and is follow by any pair values (duration, value). The number of elements in the list should odd.""" totalLength = 0 newlist = [] for i in range(len(list)): if (i % 2) == 1: totalLength += list[i] for i in range(len(list)): if (i % 2) == 0: newlist.append(list[i]) else: newlist.append(int(2048 * (list[i] / float(totalLength)))) fnum[0] += 1 scorelines.append("f" + str(fnum[0]) + " 0 2048 -7 " + " ".join([str(n) for n in newlist]) + '\n') return fnum[0] def defComplexWave(list=[1,0,0,.3,0,.2,0,0,.1]): """Define a complex waveform to be read with 'playComplex' function. list=[1,0,0,.3,0,.2,0,0,.1] is a list of amplitude for succesive harmonics of a waveform""" fnum[0] += 1 scorelines.append("f" + str(fnum[0]) + " 0 2048 10 " + " ".join([str(n) for n in list]) + '\n') return fnum[0] def playSine( pitch=1000, amplitude=5000, duration=1, starttime=0, pitch_envelope='default', amplitude_envelope='default'): """Play a sine wave (pitch = [1000], amplitude = [5000], duration = [1], starttime = [0], pitch_envelope=['default'], amplitude_envelope=['default'])""" _play(pitch, amplitude, duration, starttime, pitch_envelope, amplitude_envelope, 1) def playSquare( pitch=1000, amplitude=5000, duration=1, starttime=0, pitch_envelope='default', amplitude_envelope='default'): """Play a square wave (pitch = [1000], amplitude = [5000], duration = [1], starttime = [0], pitch_envelope=['default'], amplitude_envelope=['default'])""" _play(pitch, amplitude, duration, starttime, pitch_envelope, amplitude_envelope, 2) def playSawtooth( pitch=1000, amplitude=5000, duration=1, starttime=0, pitch_envelope='default', amplitude_envelope='default'): """Play a sawtooth wave (pitch = [1000], amplitude = [5000], duration = [1], starttime = [0], pitch_envelope=['default'], amplitude_envelope=['default'])""" _play(pitch, amplitude, duration, starttime, pitch_envelope, amplitude_envelope, 3) def playComplex( pitch=1000, amplitude=5000, duration=1, starttime=0, pitch_envelope='default', amplitude_envelope='default', wave='default'): """Play a complex wave (pitch = [1000], amplitude = [5000], duration = [1], starttime = [0], pitch_envelope = ['default'], amplitude_envelope, wave = ['default'] )""" if wave == 'default': wavetable = 10 else: wavetable = wave _play(pitch, amplitude, duration, starttime, pitch_envelope, amplitude_envelope, wavetable) def _play( pitch, amplitude, duration, starttime, pitch_envelope, amplitude_envelope, instrument): if pitch_envelope == 'default': pitenv = 99 else: pitenv = pitch_envelope if amplitude_envelope == 'default': ampenv = 100 else: ampenv = amplitude_envelope if not 1 in instrlist: orchlines.append("instr 1\n") orchlines.append("kpitenv oscil 1, 1/p3, p6\n") orchlines.append("aenv oscil 1, 1/p3, p7\n") orchlines.append("asig oscil p5*aenv, p4*kpitenv, p8\n") orchlines.append("out asig\n") orchlines.append("endin\n\n") instrlist.append(1) scorelines.append("i1 %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n" % (str(starttime), str(duration), str(pitch), str(amplitude), str(pitenv), str(ampenv), str(instrument))) def playFrequencyModulation( pitch=500, amplitude=5000, duration=2, starttime=0, carrier=1, modulator=.5, index=5, pitch_envelope='default', amplitude_envelope='default', carrier_envelope='default', modulator_envelope='default', index_envelope='default', wave='default'): """Play a frequency modulation synthesis sound (pitch = [100], amplitude = [5000], duration = [2], starttime = [0], carrier = [1], modulator = [.5], index = [5], pitch_envelope = ['default'], amplitude_envelope = ['default'], carrier_envelope = ['default'], modulator_envelope = ['default'], index_envelope = ['default'], wave = ['default'] )""" if pitch_envelope == 'default': pitenv = 99 else: pitenv = pitch_envelope if amplitude_envelope == 'default': ampenv = 100 else: ampenv = amplitude_envelope if carrier_envelope == 'default': carenv = 99 else: carenv = carrier_envelope if modulator_envelope == 'default': modenv = 99 else: modenv = modulator_envelope if index_envelope == 'default': indenv = 99 else: indenv = index_envelope if wave == 'default': wavetable = 1 else: wavetable = wave if not 7 in instrlist: orchlines.append("instr 7\n") orchlines.append("kpitenv oscil 1, 1/p3, p10\n") orchlines.append("kenv oscil 1, 1/p3, p11\n") orchlines.append("kcarenv oscil 1, 1/p3, p12\n") orchlines.append("kmodenv oscil 1, 1/p3, p13\n") orchlines.append("kindenv oscil 1, 1/p3, p14\n") orchlines.append("asig foscil p5*kenv, p4*kpitenv, p6*kcarenv, p7*kmodenv, p8*kindenv, p9\n") orchlines.append("out asig\n") orchlines.append("endin\n\n") instrlist.append(7) scorelines.append("i7 %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n" % (str(starttime), str(duration), str(pitch), str(amplitude), str(carrier), str(modulator), str(index), str(wavetable), str(pitenv), str(ampenv), str(carenv), str(modenv), str(indenv))) def playPluck( pitch=100, amplitude=5000, duration=2, starttime=0, pitch_envelope='default', amplitude_envelope='default'): """Play a string physical modeling sound (pitch = [100], amplitude = [5000], duration = [2], starttime = [0], pitch_envelope = ['default'], amplitude_envelope )""" if pitch_envelope == 'default': pitenv = 99 else: pitenv = pitch_envelope if amplitude_envelope == 'default': ampenv = 100 else: ampenv = amplitude_envelope if not 8 in instrlist: orchlines.append("instr 8\n") orchlines.append("kpitenv oscil 1, 1/p3, p6\n") orchlines.append("kenv oscil 1, 1/p3, p7\n") orchlines.append("asig pluck p5*kenv, p4*kpitenv, 40, 0, 6\n") orchlines.append("asig butterlp asig, 4000\n") orchlines.append("out asig\n") orchlines.append("endin\n\n") instrlist.append(8) scorelines.append("i8 %s %s %s %s %s %s\n" % (str(starttime), str(duration), str(pitch), str(amplitude), str(pitenv), str(ampenv))) def playWave(sound='horse', pitch=1, amplitude=1, loop=False, duration=1, starttime=0, pitch_envelope='default', amplitude_envelope='default'): """Play a wave file (sound = ['horse'], pitch = [1], amplitude = [1], loop = [False], duration = [1], starttime = [0], pitch_envelope=['default'], amplitude_envelope=['default'])""" fullname = '/usr/share/activities/TamTamEdit.activity/common/Resources/Sounds/' + str(sound) if loop == False: lp = 0 else: lp = 1 if pitch_envelope == 'default': pitenv = 99 else: pitenv = pitch_envelope if amplitude_envelope == 'default': ampenv = 100 else: ampenv = amplitude_envelope if not 9 in instrlist: orchlines.append("instr 9\n") orchlines.append("kpitenv oscil 1, 1/p3, p8\n") orchlines.append("aenv oscil 1, 1/p3, p9\n") orchlines.append("asig diskin p4, p5*kpitenv, 0, p7\n") orchlines.append("out asig*p6*aenv\n") orchlines.append("endin\n\n") instrlist.append(9) scorelines.append('i9 %f %f "%s" %s %s %s %s %s\n' % (float(starttime), float(duration), fullname, str(pitch), str(amplitude), str(lp), str(pitenv), str(ampenv))) def getSoundList(): import os return sorted(os.listdir('/usr/share/activities/TamTamEdit.activity/common/Resources/Sounds/')) temp_path=None def audioOut(file=None): """Compile a .csd file and start csound to run it. If a string is given as argument, it write a wave file on disk instead of sending sound to hp. (file = [None])""" global temp_path import os if temp_path is None: from sugar import env import os.path temp_path = env.get_profile_path() + '/pippy' if not os.path.isdir(temp_path): os.mkdir(temp_path) path = temp_path csd = open(path + "/temp.csd", "w") csd.write("\n\n") csd.write("\n") if file == None: csd.write("-+rtaudio=alsa -odevaudio -m0 -d -b256 -B512\n") else: file = path + "/" + str(file) + ".wav" csd.write("-+rtaudio=alsa -o%s -m0 -W -d -b256 -B512\n" % file) csd.write("\n\n") csd.write("\n\n") csd.write("sr=16000\n") csd.write("ksmps=50\n") csd.write("nchnls=1\n\n") for line in orchlines: csd.write(line) csd.write("\n\n\n") csd.write("\n\n") csd.write("f1 0 2048 10 1\n") csd.write("f2 0 2048 10 1 0 .33 0 .2 0 .143 0 .111\n") csd.write("f3 0 2048 10 1 .5 .33 .25 .2 .175 .143 .125 .111 .1\n") csd.write("f10 0 2048 10 1 0 0 .3 0 .2 0 0 .1\n") csd.write("f99 0 2048 7 1 2048 1\n") csd.write("f100 0 2048 7 0. 10 1. 1900 1. 132 0.\n") for line in scorelines: csd.write(line) csd.write("e\n") csd.write("\n\n") csd.write("\n") csd.close() os.system('csound ' + path + '/temp.csd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null')