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path: root/Quinteti.activity/gui/board.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'Quinteti.activity/gui/board.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 383 deletions
diff --git a/Quinteti.activity/gui/board.py b/Quinteti.activity/gui/board.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fc69f4..0000000
--- a/Quinteti.activity/gui/board.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
-# Copyright 2008, 2009 Pablo Moleri, ceibalJAM
-# This file is part of Quinteti.
-# Quinteti is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Quinteti is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Quinteti. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-"""Board represents the game board, and its capable of paint its elements in a given surface."""
-import pygame
-import os
-from logic.game import GameState
-from button import Button
-from cell import Cell
-file_dir = "gui/"
-image_fondo = file_dir + "background.png"
-image_tablero = file_dir + "tablero.png"
-image_null = "nulo.bmp"
-image_number = "<N>.png"
-image_disabled_number = "<N>selected.png"
-image_size = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 97, 97)
-new_image_coords = (180, 87)
-new_image = "quinteti-new.png"
-instructions_coords = (950, 745)
-instructions_button = "instructions_button.png"
-instructions_image = "instructions.png"
-mode_man_man_image = "man-vs-man.png"
-mode_man_man_coords = (970, 20)
-mode_man_pc_image = "man-vs-computer.png"
-mode_man_pc_coords = (800, 20)
-player_win_image = "player_win.png"
-score_sound_file = file_dir + "jupeee.ogg"
-font_name = "DejaVu Serif" #"DejaVuLGCSerif.ttf" # None to load pygame default font
-font_size = 24
-user_font_color = (255, 255, 255)
-"""Class Board keeps all the grafical elements as well as a reference to the logical game state."""
-class Board:
- # Center of initial number positions
- number_locations = [
- ([756+138*0, 231+138*0]),
- ([756+138*1, 231+138*0]),
- ([756+138*2, 231+138*0]),
- ([756+138*0, 231+138*1]),
- ([756+138*1, 231+138*1]),
- ([756+138*2, 231+138*1]),
- ([756+138*0, 231+138*2]),
- ([756+138*1, 231+138*2]),
- ([756+138*2, 231+138*2])]
- screen = None
- # Center of board cells
- locations = [
- ([267, 228]),
- ([404, 228]),
- ([541, 228]),
- ([267, 367]),
- ([404, 367]),
- ([541, 367]),
- ([267, 510]),
- ([404, 510]),
- ([541, 510])]
- players_name_midleft_location = [
- (200, 667),
- (200, 752)]
- players_score_center_location = [
- (581, 667),
- (581, 752)]
- players_score_box_location = [
- (173, 628),
- (173, 714)]
- def __init__(self, screen, game = None):
- self.font = None
- if font_name:
- self.font = pygame.font.SysFont(font_name, font_size)
- if not self.font:
- self.font = pygame.font.Font(None, font_size)
- self.mode = "PC"
- self.screen = screen
- self.game = game
- self.showing_instructions = False
- self.score_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(score_sound_file)
- self.init_board()
- def init_board (self):
- self.new_button = Button(new_image_coords, file_dir + new_image, self.new_game)
- self.instructions_button = Button(instructions_coords, file_dir + instructions_button, self._show_instructions)
- self.mode_man_man_button = Button(mode_man_man_coords, file_dir + mode_man_man_image, self.change_to_man_man)
- self.mode_man_pc_button = Button(mode_man_pc_coords, file_dir + mode_man_pc_image, self.change_to_man_pc)
- if self.mode == "PC":
- self.mode_man_pc_button.set_selected(True)
- else:
- self.mode_man_man_button.set_selected(True)
- self.cells = []
- self.numbers = []
- self.lastSelectedBoardCell = None
- self.lastSelectedNumberCell = None
- self.backgroundImage = pygame.image.load(image_fondo)
- self._init_cells()
- self._init_numbers()
- # Creates a sprite group, with all the board visible elements inside
- self._paint_background()
- self.items = pygame.sprite.Group()
- self.items.add(self.new_button)
- self.items.add(self.instructions_button)
- self.items.add(self.mode_man_man_button)
- self.items.add(self.mode_man_pc_button)
- for n in self.numbers:
- self.items.add(n)
- self.selected_numbers = []
- self.arrange_gui() # Arranges the gui according to the game state.
- self.computer_turn = False
- def new_game(self):
- self.game = GameState("", "")
- self.init_board()
- def change_to_man_man(self):
- self.mode = "MAN"
- self.game = GameState("", "")
- self.init_board()
- def change_to_man_pc(self):
- self.mode = "PC"
- self.game = GameState("", "")
- self.init_board()
- def _init_cells(self):
- i = 1
- for row in range(1, 4):
- for col in range(1, 4):
- if self.game:
- number = self.game.get_cell(row, col)[0]
- else:
- number = None
- location = self.locations[i-1]
- self.cells.append( Cell(location, None, None, i, image_size) )
- i += 1
- def _init_numbers(self):
- k = 0
- for location in self.number_locations:
- k += 1
- normal_image = self._get_number(k)
- selected_image = self._get_disabled_number(k)
- self.numbers.append( Cell(location, normal_image, selected_image, k, image_size) )
- def set_players(self, name_player1, name_player2):
- self.game = GameState(name_player1, name_player2)
- def _paint_background(self):
- rect = self.backgroundImage.get_rect()
- rect.topleft = (0, 0)
- self.screen.blit(self.backgroundImage, rect)
- def _paint_winner(self, i):
- image = pygame.image.load(file_dir + player_win_image)
- rect = image.get_rect()
- rect.topleft = self.players_score_box_location[i]
- self.screen.blit(image, rect)
- def _paint_players_status(self):
- player1Name = ""
- player2Name = ""
- if (self.game):
- for i in range(1,3):
- if self.game.get_enabled_player():
- if self.game.get_enabled_player() == i:
- self.font.set_bold(True)
- else:
- self.font.set_bold(False)
- else:
- if self.game.get_player_score(i) >= self.game.get_player_score(3-i):
- self._paint_winner(i-1)
- player_name = self.game.get_player_name(i)
- #str_player = 'Jugador %s: %s' % (i, player_name)
- str_player = 'Jugador %s' % (i)
- name_surface = self.font.render(str_player, 1, user_font_color)
- name_rect = name_surface.get_rect()
- name_rect.midleft = self.players_name_midleft_location[i-1]
- self.screen.blit(name_surface, name_rect)
- player_score = self.game.get_player_score(i)
- str_player_score = '%s' % (player_score)
- score_surface = self.font.render(str_player_score, 1, user_font_color)
- score_rect = score_surface.get_rect()
- score_rect.center = self.players_score_center_location[i-1]
- self.screen.blit(score_surface, score_rect)
- def paint_board_elements(self):
- # Using an sprite group all the items are painted:
- #self.items.clear(self.screen, self.backgroundImage) # If only sprites are cleared, players scores remain
- self._paint_background() # Instead, the whole background is repainted
- self.items.draw(self.screen)
- self._paint_players_status()
- if self.showing_instructions:
- self._paint_instructions()
- def _paint_instructions(self):
- image = pygame.image.load(file_dir + instructions_image)
- rect = image.get_rect()
- rect.center = self.screen.get_rect().center
- self.screen.blit(image, rect)
- def arrange_gui(self):
- """Arranges the numbers according to the game state."""
- # First moves all the numbers to its original positions
- i = 0
- for number in self.numbers:
- number.rect.center = self.number_locations[i]
- i += 1
- # Then for each occupied cell, moves the number to that cell
- coords = [ (row,col) for row in range(1,4) for col in range(1,4) ]
- i = 0
- for row, col in coords:
- cell = self.game.get_cell(row, col)
- if cell:
- number, player = cell
- if number > 0:
- gui_number = self.numbers[number-1]
- gui_cell = self.cells[i]
- gui_number.rect.center = gui_cell.rect.center
- i += 1
- for number in self.numbers:
- if number in self.selected_numbers:
- number.set_selected(True)
- else:
- number.set_selected(False)
- def processXY(self, x, y):
- """Processes the x,y coordinates of a click."""
- # If is showing instructions, it disables them
- if self.showing_instructions:
- self.showing_instructions = False
- return
- else:
- if self.instructions_button.coords_in(x, y):
- self.instructions_button.callback()
- # Checks if the selected coordinate is a board cell
- isCell = False
- for c in self.cells:
- if c.coords_in(x, y):
- isCell = True
- self.lastSelectedBoardCell = c
- if self.lastSelectedNumberCell != None:
- number = self.lastSelectedNumberCell.id_cell
- row, col = c.get_pos()
- self.make_move(number, row, col)
- break
- # Checks if the selected coordinate is a number
- if isCell == False:
- for n in self.numbers:
- if n.coords_in(x,y):
- if self.lastSelectedNumberCell:
- self.lastSelectedNumberCell.set_selected(False)
- self.lastSelectedNumberCell = n
- n.set_selected(True)
- if self.new_button.coords_in(x, y):
- self.new_button.callback()
- elif self.mode_man_man_button.coords_in(x, y):
- self.mode_man_man_button.callback()
- elif self.mode_man_pc_button.coords_in(x, y):
- self.mode_man_pc_button.callback()
- return True
- def make_move(self, number, row, col):
- """ Attempts to make the move of the las selected number to the given position. """
- # Find the number
- for n in self.numbers:
- if n.id_cell == number:
- self.lastSelectedNumberCell = n
- # Find the cell
- for c in self.cells:
- if (row, col) == c.get_pos():
- self.lastSelectedBoardCell = c
- player = self.game.get_enabled_player()
- ok, hits = self.game.make_move(row, col, self.lastSelectedNumberCell.id_cell, player)
- if ok:
- if hits:
- self.score_sound.play()
- # Sets a timer to update blinked cells in one second
- pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT + 1, 1500)
- self.selected_numbers = [number for number in self.numbers if number.id_cell in hits]
- # Sets the flag to make the computer play after the timer
- player = self.game.get_enabled_player()
- if player == 2 and self.mode=="PC":
- self.computer_turn = True
- else:
- # The computer makes an automatic move
- player = self.game.get_enabled_player()
- if player == 2 and self.mode=="PC":
- (number, row, col) = self.game.auto_play(player)
- self.make_move(number, row, col)
- self.arrange_gui()
- def user_event(self, event):
- pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT + 1, 0)
- if event.type == pygame.USEREVENT + 1:
- # Deselect all numbers
- self.selected_numbers = []
- self.arrange_gui()
- if self.computer_turn:
- player = self.game.get_enabled_player()
- if player == 2:
- (number, row, col) = self.game.auto_play(player)
- self.make_move(number, row, col)
- def _show_instructions(self):
- self.showing_instructions = True
- def _get_number(self, number):
- if (number == None) or (number == 0):
- return None
- else:
- path = os.path.join(file_dir, image_number.replace("<N>", str(number)))
- return pygame.image.load(path)
- def _get_disabled_number(self, number):
- if (number == None) or (number == 0):
- return None
- else:
- path = os.path.join(file_dir, image_disabled_number.replace("<N>", str(number)))
- return pygame.image.load(path)