# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import os import gtk from gettext import gettext as gt import sugar.graphics.style from sugar.activity import activity from instance import Instance from sugar import profile from color import Color import utils import _camera import cairo import pango import pangocairo class Constants: VERSION = 54 SERVICE = "org.laptop.Record" IFACE = SERVICE PATH = "/org/laptop/Record" activityId = None recdTitle = "title" recdTags = "tags" recdTime = "time" recdRecorderName = "photographer" recdRecorderHash = "recorderHash" recdColorStroke = "colorStroke" recdColorFill = "colorFill" recdHashKey = "hashKey" recdBuddy = "buddy" recdMediaMd5 = "mediaMd5" recdThumbMd5 = "thumbMd5" recdMediaBytes = "mediaBytes" recdThumbBytes = "thumbBytes" recdBase64Thumb = "base64Thumb" recdDatastoreId = "datastoreId" recdAudioImage = "audioImage" recdAlbum = "album" recdType = "type" recdRecd = "recd" recdRecordVersion = "version" keyName = "name" keyMime = "mime" keyExt = "ext" keyIstr = "istr" MODE_PHOTO = 0 MODE_VIDEO = 1 MODE_AUDIO = 2 TYPE_PHOTO = MODE_PHOTO TYPE_VIDEO = MODE_VIDEO TYPE_AUDIO = MODE_AUDIO TIMER_0 = 0 TIMER_5 = 5 TIMER_10 = 10 TIMERS = [] TIMERS.append(TIMER_0) TIMERS.append(TIMER_5) TIMERS.append(TIMER_10) DURATION_2 = 2 DURATION_4 = 4 DURATION_6 = 6 DURATIONS = [] DURATIONS.append(DURATION_2) DURATIONS.append(DURATION_4) DURATIONS.append(DURATION_6) colorBlack = Color() colorBlack.init_rgba( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) colorWhite = Color() colorWhite.init_rgba( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) colorRed = Color() colorRed.init_rgba( 255, 0, 0, 255) colorGreen = Color() colorGreen.init_rgba( 0, 255, 0, 255) colorBlue = Color() colorBlue.init_rgba( 0, 0, 255, 255) colorButton = Color() colorButton.init_gdk( sugar.graphics.style.COLOR_BUTTON_GREY ) gfxPath = os.path.join(activity.get_bundle_path(), "gfx") soundClick = os.path.join(gfxPath, 'photoShutter.wav') #defensive method against variables not translated correctly def _(s): #todo: permanent variable istrsTest = {} for i in range (0,4): istrsTest[str(i)] = str(i) i = s try: #test translating the string with many replacements i = gt(s) test = i % istrsTest except: #if it doesn't work, revert i = s return i istrActivityName = _('Record') istrPhoto = _('Photo') istrVideo = _('Video') istrAudio = _('Audio') istrTimelapse = _('Time Lapse') istrAnimation = _('Animation') istrPanorama = _('Panorama') istrInterview= _('Interview') #TRANS: photo by photographer, e.g., "Photo by Mary" istrBy = _("%(1)s by %(2)s") istrTitle = _('Title:') istrRecorder = _('Recorder:') istrDate = _('Date:') istrTags = _('Tags:') istrSaving = _('Saving') istrFinishedRecording = _("Finished recording") istrHoursMinutesSecondsRemaining = _("%(1)s hours, %(2)s minutes, %(3)s seconds remaining") istrMinutesSecondsRemaining = _("%(1)s minutes, %(2)s seconds remaining") istrHoursRemaining = _("%(1)s hours remaining") istrMinutesRemaining = _("%(1)s minutes remaining") istrSecondsRemaining = _("%(1)s seconds remaining") istrHours = _("%(1)s hours") istrMinutes = _("%(1)s minutes") istrSeconds = _("%(1)s seconds") istrRemove = _("Remove") istrStoppedRecording = _("Stopped recording") istrCopyToClipboard = _("Copy to clipboard") istrTimer = _("Timer:") istrDuration = _("Duration:") istrNow = _("Immediate") istrPlay = _("Play") istrPause = _("Pause") istrAddFrame = _("Add frame") istrRemoveFrame = _("Remove frame") istrFramesPerSecond = _("%(1)s frames per second") istrQuality = _("Quality") istrDefault = _("Default") istrBestQuality = _("Best") istrHighQuality = _("High") istrLowQuality = _("Low") istrLargeFile = _("Large file") istrSmallFile = _("Small file") istrSilent = _("Silent") istrRotate = _("Rotate") istrWidth = _("Width") istrHeight = _("Height") istrClickToTakePicture = _("Click to take picture") istrClickToAddPicture = _("Click to add picture") #TRANS: Downloading Photo from Mary istrDownloadingFrom = _("Downloading %(1)s from %(2)s") #TRANS: Cannot download this Photo istrCannotDownload = _("Cannot download this %(1)s") #TRANS: Save Photo to: istrSaveTo = _("Save %(1)s to:") istrYourDiskIsFull = _("Your %(1)s is full") istrJournal = _("Journal") istrUSB = _("USB") istrCompactFlash = _("SD Card") istrPreferences = _("Preferences") istrFreeSpace = _("Free space:") #TRANS: 7 photos istrNumPhotos = _("%(1)s photos") istrBitrate = _("Bitrate") istrMaxBitrate = _("Maximum Bitrate") istrMinBitrate = _("Minumum Bitrate") istrManageBitrate = _("Manage Bitrate") istrBorder = _("Border") istrCenter = _("Center") istrFrames = _("Frames") istrKeyframeAuto = _("Automatic keyframe detection") istrKeyframeForce = _("Force keyframe") istrKeyframeFrequency = _("Keyframe frequency") istrKeyframeMinDist = _("Keyframe minimum distance") istrKeyframeThreshold = _("Keyframe threshold") istrNoiseSensitivity = _("Noise Sensitivity") istrQuick = _("Quick") istrSharpness = _("Sharpness") istrCapacity = _("Capacity") mediaTypes = {} mediaTypes[TYPE_PHOTO] = {keyName:"photo", keyMime:"image/jpeg", keyExt:"jpg", keyIstr:istrPhoto} mediaTypes[TYPE_VIDEO] = {keyName:"video", keyMime:"video/ogg", keyExt:"ogg", keyIstr:istrVideo} mediaTypes[TYPE_AUDIO] = {keyName:"audio", keyMime:"audio/ogg", keyExt:"ogg", keyIstr:istrAudio} thumbPhotoSvgData = None thumbPhotoSvg = None thumbVideoSvg = None maxEnlargeSvg = None maxReduceSvg = None infoOnSvg = None xoGuySvgData = None recImg = None recRedImg = None recCircleCairo = None recInsensitiveImg = None recPlayImg = None recPauseImg = None countdownImgs = {} dim_CONTROLBAR_HT = 55 keepFreeKbOnXo = 200000 def __init__( self, ca ): self.__class__.activityId = ca._activity_id thumbPhotoSvgPath = os.path.join(self.__class__.gfxPath, 'object-photo.svg') thumbPhotoSvgFile = open(thumbPhotoSvgPath, 'r') self.__class__.thumbPhotoSvgData = thumbPhotoSvgFile.read() self.__class__.thumbPhotoSvg = utils.loadSvg(self.__class__.thumbPhotoSvgData, Instance.colorStroke.hex, Instance.colorFill.hex) thumbPhotoSvgFile.close() thumbVideoSvgPath = os.path.join(self.__class__.gfxPath, 'object-video.svg') thumbVideoSvgFile = open(thumbVideoSvgPath, 'r') self.__class__.thumbVideoSvgData = thumbVideoSvgFile.read() self.__class__.thumbVideoSvg = utils.loadSvg(self.__class__.thumbVideoSvgData, Instance.colorStroke.hex, Instance.colorFill.hex) thumbVideoSvgFile.close() thumbAudioSvgPath = os.path.join(self.__class__.gfxPath, 'object-audio.svg') thumbAudioSvgFile = open(thumbAudioSvgPath, 'r') self.__class__.thumbAudioSvgData = thumbAudioSvgFile.read() self.__class__.thumbAudioSvg = utils.loadSvg(self.__class__.thumbAudioSvgData, Instance.colorStroke.hex, Instance.colorFill.hex) thumbAudioSvgFile.close() maxEnlargeSvgPath = os.path.join(self.__class__.gfxPath, 'max-enlarge.svg') maxEnlargeSvgFile = open(maxEnlargeSvgPath, 'r') maxEnlargeSvgData = maxEnlargeSvgFile.read() self.__class__.maxEnlargeSvg = utils.loadSvg(maxEnlargeSvgData, None, None ) maxEnlargeSvgFile.close() maxReduceSvgPath = os.path.join(self.__class__.gfxPath, 'max-reduce.svg') maxReduceSvgFile = open(maxReduceSvgPath, 'r') maxReduceSvgData = maxReduceSvgFile.read() self.__class__.maxReduceSvg = utils.loadSvg(maxReduceSvgData, None, None ) maxReduceSvgFile.close() infoOnSvgPath = os.path.join(self.__class__.gfxPath, 'corner-info.svg') infoOnSvgFile = open(infoOnSvgPath, 'r') infoOnSvgData = infoOnSvgFile.read() self.__class__.infoOnSvg = utils.loadSvg(infoOnSvgData, None, None ) infoOnSvgFile.close() xoGuySvgPath = os.path.join(self.__class__.gfxPath, 'xo-guy.svg') xoGuySvgFile = open(xoGuySvgPath, 'r') self.__class__.xoGuySvgData = xoGuySvgFile.read() xoGuySvgFile.close() recFile = os.path.join(self.__class__.gfxPath, 'media-record.png') recPixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(recFile) self.__class__.recImg = gtk.Image() self.__class__.recImg.set_from_pixbuf( recPixbuf ) recRedFile = os.path.join(self.__class__.gfxPath, 'media-record-red.png') recRedPixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(recRedFile) self.__class__.recRedImg = gtk.Image() self.__class__.recRedImg.set_from_pixbuf( recRedPixbuf ) recCircleFile = os.path.join(self.__class__.gfxPath, 'media-circle.png') recCirclePixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(recCircleFile) self.__class__.recCircleCairo = _camera.cairo_surface_from_gdk_pixbuf(recCirclePixbuf) recInsFile = os.path.join(self.__class__.gfxPath, 'media-insensitive.png') recInsPixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(recInsFile) self.__class__.recInsensitiveImg = gtk.Image() self.__class__.recInsensitiveImg.set_from_pixbuf( recInsPixbuf ) fullInsFile = os.path.join(self.__class__.gfxPath, 'full-insensitive.png') fullInsPixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(fullInsFile) self.__class__.fullInsensitiveImg = gtk.Image() self.__class__.fullInsensitiveImg.set_from_pixbuf( fullInsPixbuf ) recPlayFile = os.path.join(self.__class__.gfxPath, 'media-play.png') recPlayPixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(recPlayFile) self.__class__.recPlayImg = gtk.Image() self.__class__.recPlayImg.set_from_pixbuf( recPlayPixbuf ) recPauseFile = os.path.join(self.__class__.gfxPath, 'media-pause.png') recPausePixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(recPauseFile) self.__class__.recPauseImg = gtk.Image() self.__class__.recPauseImg.set_from_pixbuf( recPausePixbuf ) self._ts = self.__class__.TIMERS longestTime = self._ts[len(self._ts)-1] for i in range (0, longestTime): self.createCountdownPng( i ) def createCountdownPng(self, num): todisk = True rendered = False if (todisk): path = os.path.join(Instance.dataPath, str(num)+".png") if (os.path.exists(path)): rendered = True if (not rendered): w = self.__class__.dim_CONTROLBAR_HT h = w if (todisk): cimg = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h) ctx = cairo.Context(cimg) else: pixmap = gtk.gdk.Pixmap(None, w, h, 24) ctx = pixmap.cairo_create() ctx.rectangle(0, 0, w, h) ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) ctx.fill() x = 0 y = 4 ctx.translate(x,y) ctx.set_source_surface (self.__class__.recCircleCairo, 0, 0) ctx.paint() ctx.translate(-x,-y) ctx.set_source_rgb(255, 255, 255) pctx = pangocairo.CairoContext(ctx) play = pctx.create_layout() font = pango.FontDescription("sans 30") play.set_font_description(font) play.set_text( ""+str(num) ) dim = play.get_pixel_extents() ctx.translate( -dim[0][0], -dim[0][1] ) xoff = (w-dim[0][2])/2 yoff = (h-dim[0][3])/2 ctx.translate( xoff, yoff ) ctx.translate( -3, 0 ) pctx.show_layout(play) img = gtk.Image() if (todisk): path = os.path.join(Instance.dataPath, str(num)+".png") if (not rendered): path = utils.getUniqueFilepath(path, 0) cimg.write_to_png(path) numPixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(path) img.set_from_pixbuf( numPixbuf ) else: img.set_from_pixmap(pixmap, None) self.__class__.countdownImgs[int(num)] = img