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authorWalter Bender <walter.bender@gmail.com>2012-09-25 15:08:38 (GMT)
committer Walter Bender <walter.bender@gmail.com>2012-09-25 15:08:38 (GMT)
commit14c1b1074023ca7176c702b4715c8230d1df64c8 (patch)
parent26c1d3e8668d2bf60eab48958f621f62485810b5 (diff)
new sample projects
3 files changed, 198 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/pysamples/journal-stats.py b/pysamples/journal-stats.py
index f19b042..2d8a5d3 100644
--- a/pysamples/journal-stats.py
+++ b/pysamples/journal-stats.py
@@ -59,22 +59,6 @@ def myblock(tw, x): # ignore second argument
- def get_list(self):
- activity_list = []
- for i in range(len(self._activity_name)):
- activity_list.append([self._activity_name[i],
- self._activity_count[i]])
- return activity_list
- def get_max(self):
- max_count = -1
- max_name = ''
- for i in range(len(self._activity_name)):
- if self._activity_count[i] > max_count:
- max_count = self._activity_count[i]
- max_name = self._activity_name[i]
- return max_name
def get_sorted(self):
activity_tuples = []
for i in range(len(self._activity_name)):
diff --git a/pysamples/ta-stats.py b/pysamples/ta-stats.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f8002a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pysamples/ta-stats.py
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012, Walter Bender
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+def myblock(tw, x): # ignore second argument
+ ''' Load journal stats to heap (Sugar only) '''
+ import os
+ import glob
+ MAX = 19
+ DIROFINTEREST = 'datastore'
+ class ParseJournal():
+ ''' Simple parser of datastore for turtle art entries '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._score = []
+ homepath = os.environ['HOME']
+ for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(homepath, '.sugar', '*')):
+ if isdsdir(path):
+ dsobjdirs = glob.glob(
+ os.path.join(path, DIROFINTEREST, '??'))
+ for dsobjdir in dsobjdirs:
+ dsobjs = glob.glob(os.path.join(dsobjdir, '*'))
+ for dsobj in dsobjs:
+ if not isactivity(dsobj) == 'TurtleArtActivity':
+ continue
+ score = hasturtleblocks(dsobj)
+ if score:
+ self._score.append(score)
+ def hascomponent(path, component):
+ ''' Return metadata attribute, if any '''
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'metadata')):
+ return False
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'metadata', component)):
+ return False
+ fd = open(os.path.join(path, 'metadata', component))
+ data = fd.readline()
+ fd.close()
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ return False
+ return data
+ def isactivity(path):
+ ''' Return activity name '''
+ activity = hascomponent(path, 'activity')
+ if not activity:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return activity.split('.')[-1]
+ def isdsdir(path):
+ ''' Only interested if it is a datastore directory '''
+ if not os.path.isdir(path):
+ return False
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, DIROFINTEREST)):
+ return False
+ return True
+ TACAT = {'clean':'forward', 'forward':'forward', 'back':'forward',
+ 'left':'forward', 'right':'forward', 'arc': 'arc',
+ 'xcor': 'coord', 'ycor': 'coord', 'heading': 'coord',
+ 'setxy': 'setxy', 'seth': 'setxy', 'penup': 'pen', 'pendown': 'pen',
+ 'setpensize': 'pen', 'setcolor': 'pen', 'pensize': 'pen',
+ 'color': 'pen', 'setshade': 'pen', 'setgray': 'pen', 'shade': 'pen',
+ 'gray': 'pen', 'fillscreen': 'pen', 'startfill': 'fill',
+ 'stopfill': 'fill', 'plus2': 'number', 'minus2': 'number',
+ 'product2': 'number', 'division2': 'number', 'remainder2': 'number',
+ 'sqrt': 'number', 'identity2': 'number', 'and2': 'boolean',
+ 'or2': 'boolean', 'not': 'boolean', 'greater2': 'boolean',
+ 'less2': 'boolean', 'equal2': 'boolean', 'random': 'random',
+ 'repeat': 'repeat', 'forever': 'repeat', 'if': 'ifthen',
+ 'ifelse': 'ifthen', 'while': 'ifthen', 'until': 'ifthen',
+ 'hat': 'action', 'stack': 'action', 'storein': 'box', 'box': 'box',
+ 'luminance': 'sensor', 'mousex': 'sensor', 'mousey': 'sensor',
+ 'moousebutton2': 'sensor', 'keyboard': 'sensor', 'kbinput': 'sensor',
+ 'readpixel': 'sensor', 'see': 'sensor', 'time': 'sensor',
+ 'sound': 'sensor', 'volume': 'sensor', 'pitch': 'sensor',
+ 'resistance': 'sensor', 'voltage': 'sensor', 'video': 'media',
+ 'wait': 'media', 'camera': 'media', 'journal': 'media',
+ 'audio': 'media', 'show': 'media', 'setscale': 'media',
+ 'savepix': 'media', 'savesvg': 'media', 'mediawait': 'media',
+ 'mediapause': 'media', 'mediastop': 'media', 'mediaplay': 'media',
+ 'speak': 'media', 'sinewave': 'media', 'description': 'media',
+ 'push':'extras', 'pop':'extras', 'printheap':'extras',
+ 'clearheap':'extras', 'isheapempty2':'extras', 'chr':'extras',
+ 'int':'extras', 'myfunction': 'python', 'userdefined': 'python',
+ 'loadblock': 'python', 'loadpalette': 'python'}
+ TAPAL = {'forward': 'turtlep', 'arc': 'turtlep', 'coord': 'turtlep',
+ 'setxy': 'turtlep', 'pen': 'penp', 'fill': 'penp', 'number': 'numberp',
+ 'boolean': 'numberp', 'repeat': 'flowp', 'ifthen': 'flowp',
+ 'action': 'boxp', 'box': 'boxp', 'sensor': 'sensorp',
+ 'media': 'mediap', 'extras': 'extrasp', 'python': 'extrasp'}
+ TASCORE = {'forward': 3, 'arc': 3, 'setxy': 2.5, 'coord': 4, 'turtlep': 5,
+ 'pen': 2.5, 'fill': 2.5, 'penp': 5,
+ 'number': 2.5, 'boolean': 2.5, 'random': 2.5, 'numberp': 0,
+ 'repeat': 2.5, 'ifthen': 7.5, 'flowp': 10,
+ 'box': 7.5, 'action': 7.5, 'boxp': 0,
+ 'media': 5, 'mediap': 0,
+ 'python': 5, 'extras': 5, 'extrasp': 0,
+ 'sensor': 5, 'sensorp': 0}
+ def hasturtleblocks(path):
+ ''' Parse turtle block data and generate score based on rubric '''
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'data')):
+ return None
+ fd = open(os.path.join(path, 'data'))
+ blocks = []
+ # block name is second token in each line
+ for line in fd:
+ tokens = line.split(',')
+ if len(tokens) > 1:
+ token = tokens[1].strip('" [')
+ blocks.append(token)
+ score = 0
+ cats = []
+ pals = []
+ for b in blocks:
+ if b in TACAT:
+ if not TACAT[b] in cats:
+ cats.append(TACAT[b])
+ for c in cats:
+ if c in TAPAL:
+ if not TAPAL[c] in pals:
+ pals.append(TAPAL[c])
+ for c in cats:
+ if c in TASCORE:
+ score += TASCORE[c]
+ for p in pals:
+ if p in TASCORE:
+ score += TASCORE[p]
+ return str(score)
+ data = ParseJournal()
+ for a in data._score:
+ tw.lc.heap.append(float(a))
+ tw.lc.heap.append(len(data._score))
+ return
diff --git a/samples/media-turtle-stats.ta b/samples/media-turtle-stats.ta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41f4b26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/media-turtle-stats.ta
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+[[0, ["start", 2.0], 397, 40, [null, 1]],
+[1, ["userdefined", "pysamples/ta-stats.py"], 397, 86, [0, 2, 4]],
+[2, ["number", 100], 455, 86, [1, null]],
+[3, "pop", 465, 170, [4, null]],
+[4, ["storein", 0], 397, 128, [1, 5, 3, 24]],
+[5, ["string", "my box"], 465, 128, [4, null]],
+[6, "box", 163, 239, [14, 7, null]],
+[7, ["string", "my box"], 218, 239, [6, null]],
+[8, "leftpos", 455, 296, [9, null]],
+[9, ["setxy2", 0], 397, 296, [11, 8, 18, 12]],
+[10, "forward", 122, 281, [14, 17, 13]],
+[11, "penup", 397, 254, [24, 9]],
+[12, "pendown", 397, 380, [9, 28]],
+[13, ["setxy2", 20], 122, 323, [10, 16, 19, null]],
+[14, ["repeat", 62], 104, 239, [26, 6, 10, null]],
+[15, "xcor", 234, 323, [16, null]],
+[16, ["plus2", 0], 180, 323, [13, 15, 23]],
+[17, "pop", 193, 281, [10, null]],
+[18, ["number", 0.0], 455, 338, [9, null]],
+[19, ["number", 0.0], 180, 405, [13, null]],
+[20, "box", 577, 254, [25, 21, null]],
+[21, ["string", "my box"], 632, 254, [20, null]],
+[22, "width", 553, 212, [25, null]],
+[23, "pensize", 234, 365, [16, null]],
+[24, "setpensize", 397, 212, [4, 25, 11]],
+[25, ["division2", 0], 499, 212, [24, 22, 20]],
+[26, "hat", 104, 185, [null, 27, 14]],
+[27, ["string", "action"], 162, 197, [26, null]],
+[28, "stack", 397, 422, [12, 29, null]],
+[29, ["string", "action"], 455, 422, [28, null]]]