# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Copyright (c) 2010-12 Walter Bender #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in #all copies or substantial portions of the Software. #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN #THE SOFTWARE. from gettext import gettext as _ # Packaging constants SUFFIX = ['.ta', '.tb'] MAGICNUMBER = 'TB' MIMETYPE = ['application/x-turtle-art', 'application/vnd.turtleblocks'] # Sprite layers OVERLAY_LAYER = 400 TURTLE_LAYER = 500 BLOCK_LAYER = 600 CATEGORY_LAYER = 700 TAB_LAYER = 800 PROTO_LAYER = 801 STATUS_LAYER = 900 TOP_LAYER = 1000 # Special-case some block colors BOX_COLORS = {'red': ["#FF0000", "#A00000"], 'orange': ["#FFD000", "#AA8000"], 'yellow': ["#FFFF00", "#A0A000"], 'blue': ["#0000FF", "#000080"], 'cyan': ["#00FFFF", "#00A0A0"], 'green': ["#00FF00", "#008000"], 'purple': ["#FF00FF", "#A000A0"], 'white': ["#FFFFFF", "#A0A0A0"], 'black': ["#000000", "#000000"]} # Misc. parameters PALETTE_HEIGHT = 120 PALETTE_WIDTH = 175 SELECTOR_WIDTH = 55 ICON_SIZE = 55 GRADIENT_COLOR = "#FFFFFF" STANDARD_STROKE_WIDTH = 1.0 BLOCK_SCALE = [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0] PALETTE_SCALE = 1.5 DEFAULT_TURTLE = 'Yertle' DEFAULT_TURTLE_COLORS = ['#008000', '#00A000'] PALETTE_COLOR = "#FFD000" TOOLBAR_COLOR = "#282828" HORIZONTAL_PALETTE = 0 VERTICAL_PALETTE = 1 BLACK = -9999 WHITE = -9998 HIT_HIDE = 240 HIT_SHOW = 224 HIT_RED = "#F00000" HIT_GREEN = "#00E000" HIDE_WHITE = "#F0F0F0" SHOW_WHITE = "#E0E0E0" DEFAULT_SCALE = 33 XO1 = 'xo1' XO15 = 'xo1.5' XO175 = 'xo1.75' XO30 = 'xo3.0' XO4 = 'xo4' UNKNOWN = 'unknown' CONSTANTS = {'leftpos': None, 'toppos': None, 'rightpos': None, 'bottompos': None, 'width': None, 'height': None, 'red': 0, 'orange': 10, 'yellow': 20, 'green': 40, 'cyan': 50, 'blue': 70, 'purple': 90, 'titlex': None, 'titley': None, 'leftx': None, 'topy': None, 'rightx': None, 'bottomy': None} # Blocks that are expandable EXPANDABLE_STYLE = ['boolean-style', 'compare-porch-style', 'compare-style', 'number-style-porch', 'number-style', 'basic-style-2arg', 'number-style-block', 'box-style-media'] # These are defined in add_block based on block style EXPANDABLE_FLOW = [] EXPANDABLE = ['vspace', 'hspace', 'identity2'] EXPANDABLE_ARGS = ['list', 'myfunc1arg', 'myfunc2arg', 'myfunc3arg', 'userdefined', 'userdefined2args', 'userdefined3args', 'loadblock', 'loadblock2arg', 'loadblock3arg'] # Deprecated block styles that need dock adjustments OLD_DOCK = ['and', 'or', 'plus', 'minus', 'division', 'product', 'remainder'] CONTENT_ARGS = ['show', 'showaligned', 'push', 'storein', 'storeinbox1', 'storeinbox2'] PREFIX_DICTIONARY = {} # These blocks get a special skin BLOCKS_WITH_SKIN = [] PYTHON_SKIN = [] SKIN_PATHS = ['images'] MEDIA_SHAPES = [] NO_IMPORT = [] EXPAND_SKIN = {} # Status blocks OVERLAY_SHAPES = ['Cartesian', 'Cartesian_labeled', 'polar', 'metric'] STATUS_SHAPES = ['status', 'info', 'nostack', 'dupstack', 'noinput', 'emptyheap', 'emptybox', 'nomedia', 'nocode', 'overflowerror', 'negroot', 'syntaxerror', 'nofile', 'nojournal', 'zerodivide', 'notanumber', 'incompatible', 'help', 'print'] # Emulate Sugar toolbar when running from outside of Sugar TOOLBAR_SHAPES = ['hideshowoff', 'eraseron', 'run-fastoff', 'run-slowoff', 'stopiton'] # Legacy names OLD_NAMES = {'product': 'product2', 'storeinbox': 'storein', 'minus': 'minus2', 'division': 'division2', 'plus': 'plus2', 'and': 'and2', 'or': 'or2', 'less': 'less2', 'greater': 'greater2', 'equal': 'equal2', 'remainder': 'remainder2', 'identity': 'identity2', 'division': 'division2', 'audiooff': 'audio', 'endfill': 'stopfill', 'descriptionoff': 'description', 'template3': 'templatelist', 'template1': 'template1x1', 'template2': 'template2x1', 'template6': 'template1x2', 'template7': 'template2x2', 'template4': 'template1x1a', 'hres': 'width', 'vres': 'height', 'sandwichtop2': 'sandwichtop', 'image': 'show', 'container': 'indentity2', 'insertimage': 'show'} # Define the relative size and postion of media objects # (w, h, x, y, dx, dy) # TITLEXY = (0.9375, 0.875) # Relative placement of portfolio objects (used by deprecated blocks) TEMPLATES = {'t1x1': (0.5, 0.5, 0.0625, 0.125, 1.05, 0), 't2z1': (0.5, 0.5, 0.0625, 0.125, 1.05, 1.05), 't1x2': (0.45, 0.45, 0.0625, 0.125, 1.05, 1.05), 't2x2': (0.45, 0.45, 0.0625, 0.125, 1.05, 1.05), 't1x1a': (0.9, 0.9, 0.0625, 0.125, 0, 0), 'bullet': (1, 1, 0.0625, 0.125, 0, 0.1), 'insertimage': (0.333, 0.333)} RETURN = '⏎' VOICES = {'af': 'afrikaans', 'cy': 'welsh-test', 'el': 'greek', 'es': 'spanish', 'hi': 'hindi-test', 'hy': 'armenian', 'ku': 'kurdish', 'mk': 'macedonian-test', 'pt': 'brazil', 'sk': 'slovak', 'sw': 'swahili', 'bs': 'bosnian', 'da': 'danish', 'en': 'english', 'fi': 'finnish', 'hr': 'croatian', 'id': 'indonesian-test', 'la': 'latin', 'nl': 'dutch-test', 'sq': 'albanian', 'ta': 'tamil', 'vi': 'vietnam-test', 'ca': 'catalan', 'de': 'german', 'eo': 'esperanto', 'fr': 'french', 'hu': 'hungarian', 'is': 'icelandic-test', 'lv': 'latvian', 'no': 'norwegian', 'ro': 'romanian', 'sr': 'serbian', 'zh': 'Mandarin', 'cs': 'czech', 'it': 'italian', 'pl': 'polish', 'ru': 'russian_test', 'sv': 'swedish', 'tr': 'turkish'} # Macros (groups of blocks) MACROS = { 'ifthenelse': # Because it is too big to fit on the palette [[0, 'ifelse', 0, 0, [None, None, None, None, None]]], 'kbinput': [[0, 'until', 0, 0, [None, 1, 4, None]], [1, 'greater2', 0, 0, [0, 2, 3, None]], [2, 'keyboard', 0, 0, [1, None]], [3, ['number', '0'], 0, 0, [1, None]], [4, 'wait', 0, 0, [0, 5, 6]], [5, ['number', '0.1'], 0, 0, [4, None]], [6, 'kbinput', 0, 0, [4, None]]], 'picturelist': [[0, 'sandwichtop_no_label', 0, 0, [None, 1]], [1, 'penup', 0, 0, [0, 2]], [2, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [1, 3, 4, 5]], [3, 'titlex', 0, 0, [2, None]], [4, 'titley', 0, 0, [2, None]], [5, 'pendown', 0, 0, [2, 6]], [6, 'setscale', 0, 0, [5, 7, 8]], [7, ['number', '100'], 0, 0, [6, None]], [8, 'show', 0, 0, [6, 9, 10]], [9, ['string', _('Title')], 0, 0, [8, None]], [10, 'penup', 0, 0, [8, 11]], [11, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [10, 12, 13, 14]], [12, 'leftx', 0, 0, [11, None]], [13, 'topy', 0, 0, [11, None]], [14, 'pendown', 0, 0, [11, 15]], [15, 'setscale', 0, 0, [14, 16, 17]], [16, ['number', '67'], 0, 0, [15, None]], [17, 'list', 0, 0, [15, 18, 19, 20]], [18, ['string', '∙ '], 0, 0, [17, None]], [19, ['string', '∙ '], 0, 0, [17, None]], [20, 'sandwichbottom', 0, 0, [17, None]]], 'picture1x1a': [[0, 'sandwichtop_no_label', 0, 0, [None, 1]], [1, 'penup', 0, 0, [0, 2]], [2, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [1, 3, 4, 5]], [3, 'titlex', 0, 0, [2, None]], [4, 'titley', 0, 0, [2, None]], [5, 'pendown', 0, 0, [2, 6]], [6, 'setscale', 0, 0, [5, 7, 8]], [7, ['number', '100'], 0, 0, [6, None]], [8, 'show', 0, 0, [6, 9, 10]], [9, ['string', _('Title')], 0, 0, [8, None]], [10, 'penup', 0, 0, [8, 11]], [11, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [10, 12, 13, 14]], [12, 'leftx', 0, 0, [11, None]], [13, 'topy', 0, 0, [11, None]], [14, 'pendown', 0, 0, [11, 15]], [15, 'setscale', 0, 0, [14, 16, 17]], [16, ['number', '90'], 0, 0, [15, None]], [17, 'showaligned', 0, 0, [15, 18, 19]], [18, 'journal', 0, 0, [17, None]], [19, 'sandwichbottom', 0, 0, [17, None]]], 'picture2x2': [[0, 'sandwichtop_no_label', 0, 0, [None, 1]], [1, 'penup', 0, 0, [0, 2]], [2, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [1, 3, 4, 5]], [3, 'titlex', 0, 0, [2, None]], [4, 'titley', 0, 0, [2, None]], [5, 'pendown', 0, 0, [2, 6]], [6, 'setscale', 0, 0, [5, 7, 8]], [7, ['number', '100'], 0, 0, [6, None]], [8, 'show', 0, 0, [6, 9, 10]], [9, ['string', _('Title')], 0, 0, [8, None]], [10, 'setscale', 0, 0, [8, 11, 12]], [11, ['number', '35'], 0, 0, [10, None]], [12, 'penup', 0, 0, [10, 13]], [13, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [12, 14, 15, 16]], [14, 'leftx', 0, 0, [13, None]], [15, 'topy', 0, 0, [13, None]], [16, 'pendown', 0, 0, [13, 17]], [17, 'showaligned', 0, 0, [16, 18, 19]], [18, 'journal', 0, 0, [17, None]], [19, 'penup', 0, 0, [17, 20]], [20, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [19, 21, 22, 23]], [21, 'rightx', 0, 0, [20, None]], [22, 'topy', 0, 0, [20, None]], [23, 'pendown', 0, 0, [20, 24]], [24, 'showaligned', 0, 0, [23, 25, 26]], [25, 'journal', 0, 0, [24, None]], [26, 'penup', 0, 0, [24, 27]], [27, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [26, 28, 29, 30]], [28, 'leftx', 0, 0, [27, None]], [29, 'bottomy', 0, 0, [27, None]], [30, 'pendown', 0, 0, [27, 31]], [31, 'showaligned', 0, 0, [30, 32, 33]], [32, 'journal', 0, 0, [31, None]], [33, 'penup', 0, 0, [31, 34]], [34, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [33, 35, 36, 37]], [35, 'rightx', 0, 0, [34, None]], [36, 'bottomy', 0, 0, [34, None]], [37, 'pendown', 0, 0, [34, 38]], [38, 'showaligned', 0, 0, [37, 39, 40]], [39, 'journal', 0, 0, [38, None]], [40, 'sandwichbottom', 0, 0, [38, None]]], 'picture1x2': [[0, 'sandwichtop_no_label', 0, 0, [None, 1]], [1, 'penup', 0, 0, [0, 2]], [2, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [1, 3, 4, 5]], [3, 'titlex', 0, 0, [2, None]], [4, 'titley', 0, 0, [2, None]], [5, 'pendown', 0, 0, [2, 6]], [6, 'setscale', 0, 0, [5, 7, 8]], [7, ['number', '100'], 0, 0, [6, None]], [8, 'show', 0, 0, [6, 9, 10]], [9, ['string', _('Title')], 0, 0, [8, None]], [10, 'setscale', 0, 0, [8, 11, 12]], [11, ['number', '35'], 0, 0, [10, None]], [12, 'penup', 0, 0, [10, 13]], [13, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [12, 14, 15, 16]], [14, 'leftx', 0, 0, [13, None]], [15, 'topy', 0, 0, [13, None]], [16, 'pendown', 0, 0, [13, 17]], [17, 'showaligned', 0, 0, [16, 18, 19]], [18, 'journal', 0, 0, [17, None]], [19, 'penup', 0, 0, [17, 20]], [20, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [19, 21, 22, 23]], [21, 'rightx', 0, 0, [20, None]], [22, 'topy', 0, 0, [20, None]], [23, 'pendown', 0, 0, [20, 24]], [24, 'showaligned', 0, 0, [23, 25, 26]], [25, 'description', 0, 0, [24, None]], [26, 'penup', 0, 0, [24, 27]], [27, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [26, 28, 29, 30]], [28, 'leftx', 0, 0, [27, None]], [29, 'bottomy', 0, 0, [27, None]], [30, 'pendown', 0, 0, [27, 31]], [31, 'showaligned', 0, 0, [30, 32, 33]], [32, 'journal', 0, 0, [31, None]], [33, 'penup', 0, 0, [31, 34]], [34, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [33, 35, 36, 37]], [35, 'rightx', 0, 0, [34, None]], [36, 'bottomy', 0, 0, [34, None]], [37, 'pendown', 0, 0, [34, 38]], [38, 'showaligned', 0, 0, [37, 39, 40]], [39, 'description', 0, 0, [38, None]], [40, 'sandwichbottom', 0, 0, [38, None]]], 'picture2x1': [[0, 'sandwichtop_no_label', 0, 0, [None, 1]], [1, 'penup', 0, 0, [0, 2]], [2, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [1, 3, 4, 5]], [3, 'titlex', 0, 0, [2, None]], [4, 'titley', 0, 0, [2, None]], [5, 'pendown', 0, 0, [2, 6]], [6, 'setscale', 0, 0, [5, 7, 8]], [7, ['number', '100'], 0, 0, [6, None]], [8, 'show', 0, 0, [6, 9, 10]], [9, ['string', _('Title')], 0, 0, [8, None]], [10, 'setscale', 0, 0, [8, 11, 12]], [11, ['number', '35'], 0, 0, [10, None]], [12, 'penup', 0, 0, [10, 13]], [13, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [12, 14, 15, 16]], [14, 'leftx', 0, 0, [13, None]], [15, 'topy', 0, 0, [13, None]], [16, 'pendown', 0, 0, [13, 17]], [17, 'showaligned', 0, 0, [16, 18, 19]], [18, 'journal', 0, 0, [17, None]], [19, 'penup', 0, 0, [17, 20]], [20, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [19, 21, 22, 23]], [21, 'rightx', 0, 0, [20, None]], [22, 'topy', 0, 0, [20, None]], [23, 'pendown', 0, 0, [20, 24]], [24, 'showaligned', 0, 0, [23, 25, 26]], [25, 'journal', 0, 0, [24, None]], [26, 'penup', 0, 0, [24, 27]], [27, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [26, 28, 29, 30]], [28, 'leftx', 0, 0, [27, None]], [29, 'bottomy', 0, 0, [27, None]], [30, 'pendown', 0, 0, [27, 31]], [31, 'showaligned', 0, 0, [30, 32, 33]], [32, 'description', 0, 0, [31, None]], [33, 'penup', 0, 0, [31, 34]], [34, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [33, 35, 36, 37]], [35, 'rightx', 0, 0, [34, None]], [36, 'bottomy', 0, 0, [34, None]], [37, 'pendown', 0, 0, [34, 38]], [38, 'showaligned', 0, 0, [37, 39, 40]], [39, 'description', 0, 0, [38, None]], [40, 'sandwichbottom', 0, 0, [38, None]]], 'picture1x1': [[0, 'sandwichtop_no_label', 0, 0, [None, 1]], [1, 'penup', 0, 0, [0, 2]], [2, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [1, 3, 4, 5]], [3, 'titlex', 0, 0, [2, None]], [4, 'titley', 0, 0, [2, None]], [5, 'pendown', 0, 0, [2, 6]], [6, 'setscale', 0, 0, [5, 7, 8]], [7, ['number', '100'], 0, 0, [6, None]], [8, 'show', 0, 0, [6, 9, 10]], [9, ['string', _('Title')], 0, 0, [8, None]], [10, 'setscale', 0, 0, [8, 11, 12]], [11, ['number', '35'], 0, 0, [10, None]], [12, 'penup', 0, 0, [10, 13]], [13, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [12, 14, 15, 16]], [14, 'leftx', 0, 0, [13, None]], [15, 'topy', 0, 0, [13, None]], [16, 'pendown', 0, 0, [13, 17]], [17, 'showaligned', 0, 0, [16, 18, 19]], [18, 'journal', 0, 0, [17, None]], [19, 'penup', 0, 0, [17, 20]], [20, 'setxy2', 0, 0, [19, 21, 22, 23]], [21, 'rightx', 0, 0, [20, None]], [22, 'topy', 0, 0, [20, None]], [23, 'pendown', 0, 0, [20, 24]], [24, 'showaligned', 0, 0, [23, 25, 26]], [25, 'description', 0, 0, [24, None]], [26, 'sandwichbottom', 0, 0, [24, None]]], 'reskin': [[0, 'skin', 0, 0, [None, 1, None]], [1, 'journal', 0, 0, [0, None]]]}