# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Copyright (c) 2007-8, Playful Invention Company. #Copyright (c) 2008-10, Walter Bender #Copyright (c) 2008-10, Raúl Gutiérrez Segalés #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in #all copies or substantial portions of the Software. #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN #THE SOFTWARE. import gtk from time import clock from math import sqrt from random import uniform from operator import isNumberType from UserDict import UserDict try: from sugar.datastore import datastore except: pass from taconstants import PALETTES, PALETTE_NAMES, TAB_LAYER, BLACK, WHITE, \ DEFAULT_SCALE, ICON_SIZE from tagplay import play_audio, play_movie_from_file, stop_media from tajail import myfunc, myfunc_import from tautils import get_pixbuf_from_journal, movie_media_type, convert, \ audio_media_type, text_media_type, round_int, chr_to_ord, \ strtype from gettext import gettext as _ import logging _logger = logging.getLogger('turtleart-activity') class noKeyError(UserDict): __missing__ = lambda x, y: 0 class symbol: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.nargs = None self.fcn = None def __str__(self): return self.name def __repr__(self): return '#' + self.name class logoerror(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) # Utility functions def numtype(x): """ Is x a number type? """ if type(x) == int: return True if type(x) == float: return True if type(x) == ord: return True return False def str_to_num(x): """ Try to comvert a string to a number """ xx = convert(x, float) if type(xx) is float: return xx else: xx, xflag = chr_to_ord(x) if xflag: return xx else: raise logoerror("#syntaxerror") def taand(x, y): """ Logical and """ return x&y def taor(x, y): """ Logical or """ return x|y def careful_divide(x, y): """ Raise error on divide by zero """ try: return x/y except ZeroDivisionError: raise logoerror("#zerodivide") except TypeError: try: return str_to_num(x) / str_to_num(y) except ZeroDivisionError: raise logoerror("#zerodivide") except ValueError: raise logoerror("#syntaxerror") except TypeError: raise logoerror("#notanumber") def taequal(x, y): """ Numeric and logical equal """ try: return float(x)==float(y) except TypeError: typex, typey = False, False if strtype(x): typex = True if strtype(y): typey = True if typex and typey: return x == y try: return str_to_num(x) == str_to_num(y) except ValueError: raise logoerror("#syntaxerror") def taless(x, y): """ Compare numbers and strings """ try: return float(x)4: # There could be a '(', ')', '[' or ']'. code.append(dock[4]) if blk.name == 'savesvg': self.tw.saving_svg = True if blk.primitive is not None: # make a tuple (prim, blk) code.append((blk.primitive, self.tw.block_list.list.index(blk))) elif len(blk.values)>0: # Extract the value from content blocks. if blk.name == 'number': try: code.append(float(blk.values[0])) except ValueError: code.append(float(ord(blk.values[0][0]))) elif blk.name == 'string' or blk.name == 'title': if type(blk.values[0]) == float or type(blk.values[0]) == int: if int(blk.values[0]) == blk.values[0]: blk.values[0] = int(blk.values[0]) code.append('#s'+str(blk.values[0])) else: code.append('#s'+blk.values[0]) elif blk.name == 'journal': if blk.values[0] is not None: code.append('#smedia_'+str(blk.values[0])) else: code.append('#smedia_None') elif blk.name == 'description': if blk.values[0] is not None: code.append('#sdescr_'+str(blk.values[0])) else: code.append('#sdescr_None') elif blk.name == 'audio': if blk.values[0] is not None: code.append('#saudio_'+str(blk.values[0])) else: code.append('#saudio_None') else: return ['%nothing%'] else: return ['%nothing%'] if blk.connections is not None and len(blk.connections) > 0: for i in range(1, len(blk.connections)): b = blk.connections[i] dock = blk.docks[i] if len(dock)>4: # There could be a '(', ')', '[' or ']'. for c in dock[4]: code.append(c) if b is not None: code.extend(self.blocks_to_code(b)) elif blk.docks[i][0] not in ['flow', 'unavailable']: code.append('%nothing%') return code def setup_cmd(self, string): """ Execute the psuedocode. """ self.hidden_turtle = self.tw.active_turtle self.hidden_turtle.hide() # Hide the turtle while we are running. self.procstop = False blklist = self.readline(string) self.step = self.start_eval(blklist) """ Convert the pseudocode into a list of commands. The block associated with the command is stored as the second element in a tuple, e.g., (#forward, 16) """ def readline(self, line): res = [] while line: token = line.pop(0) bindex = None if type(token) == tuple: (token, bindex) = token if isNumberType(token): res.append(token) elif token.isdigit(): res.append(float(token)) elif token[0] == '-' and token[1:].isdigit(): res.append(-float(token[1:])) elif token[0] == '"': res.append(token[1:]) elif token[0:2] == "#s": res.append(token[2:]) elif token == '[': res.append(self.readline(line)) elif token == ']': return res elif bindex is None or type(bindex) is not int: res.append(self.intern(token)) else: res.append((self.intern(token), bindex)) return res def start_eval(self, blklist): """ Step through the list. """ if self.tw.running_sugar: self.tw.activity.stop_turtle_button.set_icon("stopiton") elif self.tw.interactive_mode: self.tw.toolbar_shapes['stopiton'].set_layer(TAB_LAYER) self.running = True self.icall(self.evline, blklist) yield True if self.tw.running_sugar: self.tw.activity.stop_turtle_button.set_icon("stopitoff") elif self.tw.interactive_mode: self.tw.toolbar_shapes['stopiton'].hide() yield False self.running = False def icall(self, fcn, *args): """ Add a function and its arguments to the program stack. """ self.istack.append(self.step) self.step = fcn(*(args)) def evline(self, blklist): """ Evaluate a line of code from the list. """ oldiline = self.iline self.iline = blklist[:] self.arglist = None while self.iline: token = self.iline[0] bindex = None if type(token) == tuple: (token, bindex) = self.iline[0] # If the blocks are visible, highlight the current block. if not self.tw.hide and bindex is not None: self.tw.block_list.list[bindex].highlight() # In debugging modes, we pause between steps and show the turtle. if self.tw.step_time > 0: self.tw.active_turtle.show() endtime = millis()+self.an_int(self.tw.step_time)*100 while millis() 0: self.tw.display_coordinates() yield True def eval(self): """ Evaluate the next token on the line of code we are processing. """ token = self.iline.pop(0) bindex = None if type(token) == tuple: (token, bindex) = token # Either we are processing a symbol or a value. if type(token) == self.symtype: # We highlight blocks here in case an error occurs... # print "> ", token if not self.tw.hide and bindex is not None: self.tw.block_list.list[bindex].highlight() self.icall(self.evalsym, token) yield True # and unhighlight if everything was OK. if not self.tw.hide and bindex is not None: self.tw.block_list.list[bindex].unhighlight() res = self.iresult else: # print ": ", token res = token self.ireturn(res) yield True def evalsym(self, token): """ Process primitive associated with symbol token """ self.debug_trace(token) self.undefined_check(token) oldcfun, oldarglist = self.cfun, self.arglist self.cfun, self.arglist = token, [] if token.nargs == None: raise logoerror("#noinput") for i in range(token.nargs): self.no_args_check() self.icall(self.eval) yield True self.arglist.append(self.iresult) if self.cfun.rprim: if type(self.cfun.fcn) == self.listtype: print "evalsym rprim list: ", token self.icall(self.ufuncall, self.cfun.fcn) yield True else: # print "evalsym rprim: ", token self.icall(self.cfun.fcn, *self.arglist) yield True result = None else: # print "evalsym: ", token result = self.cfun.fcn(self, *self.arglist) self.cfun, self.arglist = oldcfun, oldarglist if self.arglist is not None and result == None: raise logoerror("%s %s %s" % \ (oldcfun.name, _("did not output to"), self.cfun.name)) self.ireturn(result) yield True def ufuncall(self, body): """ ufuncall """ self.ijmp(self.evline, body) yield True def doevalstep(self): """ evaluate one step """ starttime = millis() try: while (millis()-starttime)<120: try: if self.step is not None: self.step.next() else: return False except StopIteration: # self.tw.turtles.show_all() if self.hidden_turtle is not None: self.hidden_turtle.show() self.hidden_turtle = None else: self.tw.active_turtle.show() return False except logoerror, e: self.tw.showlabel('syntaxerror', str(e)[1:-1]) self.tw.turtles.show_all() return False return True def ireturn(self, res=None): """ return value """ self.step = self.istack.pop() self.iresult = res def ijmp(self, fcn, *args): """ ijmp """ self.step = fcn(*(args)) def debug_trace(self, token): """ Display debugging information """ if self.trace: if token.name in PALETTES[PALETTE_NAMES.index('turtle')]: my_string = "%s\n%s=%d\n%s=%d\n%s=%d\n%s=%d" % \ (token.name, _('xcor'), int(self.tw.canvas.xcor), _('ycor'), int(self.tw.canvas.ycor), _('heading'), int(self.tw.canvas.heading), _('scale'), int(self.scale)) elif token.name in PALETTES[PALETTE_NAMES.index('pen')]: if self.tw.canvas.pendown: penstatus = _('pen down') else: penstatus = _('pen up') my_string = "%s\n%s\n%s=%d\n%s=%d\n%s=%.1f" % \ (token.name, penstatus, _('color'), int(self.tw.canvas.color), _('shade'), int(self.tw.canvas.shade), _('pen size'), self.tw.canvas.pensize) else: my_string = "%s\n" % (token.name) for k, v in self.boxes.iteritems(): my_string += "%s: %s\n" % (k, str(v)) self.tw.showlabel('info', my_string) return def undefined_check(self, token): """ Make sure token has a definition """ if token.fcn is not None: return False if token.name == '%nothing%': errormsg = '' else: errormsg = "%s %s" % (_("I don't know how to"), _(token.name)) raise logoerror(errormsg) def no_args_check(self): """ Missing argument ? """ if self.iline and self.iline[0] is not self.symnothing: return raise logoerror("#noinput") # # Primitives # def prim_clear(self): """ Clear screen """ stop_media(self) self.tw.canvas.clearscreen() self.scale = _DEFAULT_SCALE self.tw.set_polar(False) self.tw.set_cartesian(False) self.hidden_turtle = None def prim_start(self): """ Start block: recenter """ if self.tw.running_sugar: self.tw.activity.recenter() def prim_wait(self, time): """ Show the turtle while we wait """ self.tw.active_turtle.show() endtime = millis()+self.an_int(time*1000) while millis()