# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Copyright (c) 2010-13 Walter Bender #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in #all copies or substantial portions of the Software. #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN #THE SOFTWARE. from random import uniform from math import sin, cos, pi, sqrt import gtk import cairo from taconstants import (TURTLE_LAYER, DEFAULT_TURTLE_COLORS) from tasprite_factory import (SVG, svg_str_to_pixbuf) from tacanvas import (wrap100, COLOR_TABLE) from sprites import Sprite from tautils import debug_output SHAPES = 36 def generate_turtle_pixbufs(colors): """ Generate pixbufs for generic turtles """ shapes = [] svg = SVG() svg.set_scale(1.0) for i in range(SHAPES): svg.set_orientation(i * 10) shapes.append(svg_str_to_pixbuf(svg.turtle(colors))) return shapes class Turtles: def __init__(self, sprite_list): """ Class to hold turtles """ self.dict = dict() self.sprite_list = sprite_list self.default_pixbufs = [] def get_turtle(self, k, append=False, colors=None): """ Find a turtle """ if k in self.dict: return self.dict[k] elif not append: return None else: if colors is None: Turtle(self, k) elif isinstance(colors, (list, tuple)): Turtle(self, k, colors) else: Turtle(self, k, colors.split(',')) return self.dict[k] def get_turtle_key(self, turtle): """ Find a turtle's name """ for k in iter(self.dict): if self.dict[k] == turtle: return k return None def turtle_count(self): """ How many turtles are there? """ return(len(self.dict)) def add_to_dict(self, k, turtle): """ Add a new turtle """ self.dict[k] = turtle def remove_from_dict(self, k): """ Delete a turtle """ if k in self.dict: del(self.dict[k]) def show_all(self): """ Make all turtles visible """ for k in iter(self.dict): self.dict[k].show() def spr_to_turtle(self, spr): """ Find the turtle that corresponds to sprite spr. """ for k in iter(self.dict): if spr == self.dict[k].spr: return self.dict[k] return None def get_pixbufs(self): """ Get the pixbufs for the default turtle shapes. """ if self.default_pixbufs == []: self.default_pixbufs = generate_turtle_pixbufs( ["#008000", "#00A000"]) return(self.default_pixbufs) class Turtle: def __init__(self, turtles, key, turtle_colors=None): """ The turtle is not a block, just a sprite with an orientation """ self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.hidden = False self.shapes = [] self.custom_shapes = False self.type = 'turtle' self.name = key self.heading = 0.0 self.pen_shade = 50 self.pen_color = 0 self.pen_gray = 100 self.pen_size = 5 self.pen_state = True self.label_block = None self._prep_shapes(key, turtles, turtle_colors) # Choose a random angle from which to attach the turtle label. if turtles.sprite_list is not None: self.spr = Sprite(turtles.sprite_list, 0, 0, self.shapes[0]) angle = uniform(0, pi * 4 / 3.0) # 240 degrees w = self.shapes[0].get_width() r = w * 0.67 # Restrict angle the the sides 30-150; 210-330 if angle > pi * 2 / 3.0: angle += pi / 2.0 # + 90 self.label_xy = [int(r * sin(angle)), int(r * cos(angle) + w / 2.0)] else: angle += pi / 6.0 # + 30 self.label_xy = [int(r * sin(angle) + w / 2.0), int(r * cos(angle) + w / 2.0)] else: self.spr = None turtles.add_to_dict(key, self) def _prep_shapes(self, name, turtles=None, turtle_colors=None): # If the turtle name is an int, we'll use a palette color as the # turtle color try: int_key = int(name) use_color_table = True except ValueError: use_color_table = False if turtle_colors is not None: self.colors = turtle_colors[:] self.shapes = generate_turtle_pixbufs(self.colors) elif use_color_table: fill = wrap100(int_key) stroke = wrap100(fill + 10) self.colors = ['#%06x' % (COLOR_TABLE[fill]), '#%06x' % (COLOR_TABLE[stroke])] self.shapes = generate_turtle_pixbufs(self.colors) else: if turtles is not None: self.colors = DEFAULT_TURTLE_COLORS self.shapes = turtles.get_pixbufs() def set_turtle_colors(self, turtle_colors): ''' reset the colors of a preloaded turtle ''' if turtle_colors is not None: self.colors = turtle_colors[:] self.shapes = generate_turtle_pixbufs(self.colors) self.set_heading(self.heading) def set_shapes(self, shapes, i=0): """ Reskin the turtle """ n = len(shapes) if n == 1 and i > 0: # set shape[i] if i < len(self.shapes): self.shapes[i] = shapes[0] elif n == SHAPES: # all shapes have been precomputed self.shapes = shapes[:] else: # rotate shapes if n != 1: debug_output("%d images passed to set_shapes: ignoring" % (n), self.tw.running_sugar) if self.heading == 0.0: # rotate the shapes images = [] w, h = shapes[0].get_width(), shapes[0].get_height() nw = nh = int(sqrt(w * w + h * h)) for i in range(SHAPES): surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, nw, nh) context = cairo.Context(surface) context = gtk.gdk.CairoContext(context) context.translate(nw / 2., nh / 2.) context.rotate(i * 10 * pi / 180.) context.translate(-nw / 2., -nh / 2.) context.set_source_pixbuf(shapes[0], (nw - w) / 2., (nh - h) / 2.) context.rectangle(0, 0, nw, nh) context.fill() images.append(surface) self.shapes = images[:] else: # associate shape with image at current heading j = int(self.heading + 5) % 360 / (360 / SHAPES) self.shapes[j] = shapes[0] self.custom_shapes = True self.show() def reset_shapes(self): """ Reset the shapes to the standard turtle """ if self.custom_shapes: self.shapes = generate_turtle_pixbufs(self.colors) self.custom_shapes = False def set_heading(self, heading): """ Set the turtle heading (one shape per 360/SHAPES degrees) """ self.heading = heading i = (int(self.heading + 5) % 360) / (360 / SHAPES) if not self.hidden and self.spr is not None: try: self.spr.set_shape(self.shapes[i]) except IndexError: self.spr.set_shape(self.shapes[0]) def set_color(self, color): """ Set the pen color for this turtle. """ self.pen_color = color def set_gray(self, gray): """ Set the pen gray level for this turtle. """ self.pen_gray = gray def set_shade(self, shade): """ Set the pen shade for this turtle. """ self.pen_shade = shade def set_pen_size(self, pen_size): """ Set the pen size for this turtle. """ self.pen_size = pen_size def set_pen_state(self, pen_state): """ Set the pen state (down==True) for this turtle. """ self.pen_state = pen_state def hide(self): """ Hide the turtle. """ if self.spr is not None: self.spr.hide() if self.label_block is not None: self.label_block.spr.hide() self.hidden = True def show(self): """ Show the turtle. """ if self.spr is not None: self.spr.set_layer(TURTLE_LAYER) self.hidden = False self.move((self.x, self.y)) self.set_heading(self.heading) if self.label_block is not None: self.label_block.spr.set_layer(TURTLE_LAYER + 1) def move(self, pos): """ Move the turtle. """ self.x, self.y = pos[0], pos[1] if not self.hidden and self.spr is not None: self.spr.move((int(pos[0]), int(pos[1]))) if self.label_block is not None: self.label_block.spr.move((int(pos[0] + self.label_xy[0]), int(pos[1] + self.label_xy[1]))) return(self.x, self.y) def get_name(self): ''' return turtle name (key) ''' return self.name def get_xy(self): """ Return the turtle's x, y coordinates. """ return(self.x, self.y) def get_heading(self): """ Return the turtle's heading. """ return(self.heading) def get_color(self): """ Return the turtle's color. """ return(self.pen_color) def get_gray(self): """ Return the turtle's gray level. """ return(self.pen_gray) def get_shade(self): """ Return the turtle's shade. """ return(self.pen_shade) def get_pen_size(self): """ Return the turtle's pen size. """ return(self.pen_size) def get_pen_state(self): """ Return the turtle's pen state. """ return(self.pen_state)