#Copyright (c) 2007-8, Playful Invention Company. #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in #all copies or substantial portions of the Software. #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN #THE SOFTWARE. import tawindow import talogo import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk from socket import * import sys import gobject serverHost = '' serverPort = 5647 def debug_init(): s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) # create a TCP socket s.connect((serverHost, serverPort)) # connect to server on the port sys.stdout = s.makefile() sys.stderr = sys.stdout gobject.timeout_add(100, debug_tick) def debug_tick(): sys.stdout.flush() return True #debug_init() import sugar from sugar.activity import activity from sugar.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton from sugar.graphics.menuitem import MenuItem from sugar.datastore import datastore from sugar import profile from gettext import gettext as _ import locale import os.path import os class TurtleArtActivity(activity.Activity): def __init__(self, handle): super(TurtleArtActivity,self).__init__(handle) self.gamename = 'turtleart' # self.set_title("TurtleArt...") toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self) self.set_toolbox(toolbox) self.projectToolbar = ProjectToolbar(self) toolbox.add_toolbar( _('Project'), self.projectToolbar ) toolbox.show() # toolbox._activity_toolbar.keep.connect('clicked', self._keep_clicked_cb) # patch canvas = gtk.EventBox() sugar.graphics.window.Window.set_canvas(self, canvas) toolbox._activity_toolbar.title.grab_focus() toolbox._activity_toolbar.title.select_region(0,0) tboxh = toolbox._activity_toolbar.size_request()[1] version = os.environ['SUGAR_BUNDLE_VERSION'] lang = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0] if not lang: lang = 'en' lang = lang[0:2] if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(activity.get_bundle_path(),'images',lang)): lang = 'en' # test to see if lang or version has changed since last time # if so, remove any old png files as they will need to be regenerated filename = "version.dat" versiondata = [] try: FILE = open(os.path.join(activity.get_activity_root(),"data",filename),"r") if FILE.readline() == lang + version: print "the version data hasn't changed" else: print "out with the old version data", os.system("rm " + os.path.join(activity.get_activity_root(),"data",'*.png')) except: print "writing new version data" versiondata.append(lang + version) FILE = open(os.path.join(activity.get_activity_root(),"data",filename),"w") FILE.writelines(versiondata) FILE.close() self.tw = tawindow.twNew(canvas,activity.get_bundle_path(),lang,tboxh,self) self.tw.activity = self self.tw.window.grab_focus() self.tw.save_folder = os.path.join(os.environ['SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT'],'data') # toolbox._activity_toolbar._update_title_sid = True # toolbox._activity_toolbar.title.connect('focus-out-event', self.update_title_cb, toolbox) # patch if self._jobject and self._jobject.file_path: self.read_file(self._jobject.file_path) def update_title_cb(self, widget, event, toolbox): toolbox._activity_toolbar._update_title_cb() toolbox._activity_toolbar._update_title_sid = True def _keep_clicked_cb(self, button): self.jobject_new_patch() def write_file(self, file_path): print "Writing file %s" % file_path self.metadata['mime_type'] = 'application/x-tar' import tarfile,os,tempfile tar_fd = tarfile.open(file_path, 'w') pngfd, pngfile = tempfile.mkstemp(".png") tafd, tafile = tempfile.mkstemp(".ta") del pngfd, tafd try: tawindow.save_data(self.tw,tafile) tawindow.save_pict(self.tw,pngfile) tar_fd.add(tafile, "ta_code.ta") tar_fd.add(pngfile, "ta_image.png") finally: tar_fd.close() os.remove(pngfile) os.remove(tafile) def read_file(self, file_path): # Better be a tar file. import tarfile,os,tempfile,shutil print "Reading file %s" % file_path tar_fd = tarfile.open(file_path, 'r') tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: # We'll get 'ta_code.ta' and 'ta_image.png' tar_fd.extractall(tmpdir) tawindow.load_files(self.tw, os.path.join(tmpdir, 'ta_code.ta'), os.path.join(tmpdir, 'ta_image.png')) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) tar_fd.close() def jobject_new_patch(self): oldj = self._jobject self._jobject = datastore.create() self._jobject.metadata['title'] = oldj.metadata['title'] self._jobject.metadata['title_set_by_user'] = oldj.metadata['title_set_by_user'] self._jobject.metadata['activity'] = self.get_service_name() self._jobject.metadata['activity_id'] = self.get_id() self._jobject.metadata['keep'] = '0' #self._jobject.metadata['buddies'] = '' self._jobject.metadata['preview'] = '' self._jobject.metadata['icon-color'] = profile.get_color().to_string() self._jobject.file_path = '' datastore.write(self._jobject, reply_handler=self._internal_jobject_create_cb, error_handler=self._internal_jobject_error_cb) def clear_journal(self): jobjects, total_count = datastore.find({'activity': 'org.laptop.TurtleArtActivity'}) print 'found', total_count, 'entries' for jobject in jobjects[:-1]: print jobject.object_id datastore.delete(jobject.object_id) class ProjectToolbar(gtk.Toolbar): def __init__(self, pc): gtk.Toolbar.__init__(self) self.activity = pc self.sampb = ToolButton( "stock-open" ) self.sampb.set_tooltip(_('Samples')) self.sampb.props.sensitive = True self.sampb.connect('clicked', self.do_samples) self.insert(self.sampb, -1) self.sampb.show() # UCB Logo save source button self.savelogo = ToolButton( "UCB-save" ) self.savelogo.set_tooltip(_('UCB Logo')) self.savelogo.props.sensitive = True self.savelogo.connect('clicked', self.do_savelogo) self.insert(self.savelogo, -1) self.savelogo.show() def do_samples(self, button): tawindow.load_file(self.activity.tw) # self.activity.jobject_new_patch() def do_savelogo(self, button): # write logo code out to datastore print "saving logo code" # grab code from stacks logocode = self.save_logo(self.activity.tw) if len(logocode) == 0: return filename = "logosession.lg" # Create a datastore object file_dsobject = datastore.create() # Write any metadata (here we specifically set the title of the file and # specify that this is a plain text file). file_dsobject.metadata['title'] = filename file_dsobject.metadata['mime_type'] = 'text/plain' file_dsobject.metadata['icon-color'] = profile.get_color().to_string() #Write the actual file to the data directory of this activity's root. file_path = os.path.join(self.activity.get_activity_root(), 'instance', filename) f = open(file_path, 'w') try: f.write(logocode) finally: f.close() #Set the file_path in the datastore. file_dsobject.set_file_path(file_path) datastore.write(file_dsobject) return def save_logo(self, tw): color_processing = "\ to tasetpalette :i :r :g :b :myshade \r\ make \"s ((:myshade - 50) / 50) \r\ ifelse lessp :s 0 [ \r\ make \"s (1 + (:s *0.8)) \r\ make \"r (:r * :s) \r\ make \"g (:g * :s) \r\ make \"b (:b * :s) \r\ ] [ \ make \"s (:s * 0.9) \r\ make \"r (:r + ((100-:r) * :s)) \r\ make \"g (:g + ((100-:g) * :s)) \r\ make \"b (:b + ((100-:b) * :s)) \r\ ] \ setpalette :i (list :r :g :b) \r\ end \r\ \ to rgb :myi :mycolors :myshade \r\ make \"myr first :mycolors \r\ make \"mycolors butfirst :mycolors \r\ make \"myg first :mycolors \r\ make \"mycolors butfirst :mycolors \r\ make \"myb first :mycolors \r\ make \"mycolors butfirst :mycolors \r\ tasetpalette :myi :myr :myg :myb :myshade \r\ output :mycolors \r\ end \r\ \ to processcolor :mycolors :myshade \r\ if emptyp :mycolors [stop] \r\ make \"i :i + 1 \r\ processcolor (rgb :i :mycolors :myshade) :myshade \r\ end \r\ \ to tasetshade :shade \r\ make \"myshade modulo :shade 200 \r\ if greaterp :myshade 99 [make \"myshade (199-:myshade)] \r\ make \"i 7 \r\ make \"mycolors :colors \r\ processcolor :mycolors :myshade \r\ end \r\ \ to tasetpencolor :c \r\ make \"color (modulo (round :c) 100) \r\ setpencolor :color + 8 \r\ end \r\ \ make \"colors [ \ 100 0 0 100 5 0 100 10 0 100 15 0 100 20 0 100 25 0 100 30 0 100 35 0 100 40 0 100 45 0 \ 100 50 0 100 55 0 100 60 0 100 65 0 100 70 0 100 75 0 100 80 0 100 85 0 100 90 0 100 95 0 \ 100 100 0 90 100 0 80 100 0 70 100 0 60 100 0 50 100 0 40 100 0 30 100 0 20 100 0 10 100 0 \ 0 100 0 0 100 5 0 100 10 0 100 15 0 100 20 0 100 25 0 100 30 0 100 35 0 100 40 0 100 45 \ 0 100 50 0 100 55 0 100 60 0 100 65 0 100 70 0 100 75 0 100 80 0 100 85 0 100 90 0 100 95 \ 0 100 100 0 95 100 0 90 100 0 85 100 0 80 100 0 75 100 0 70 100 0 65 100 0 60 100 0 55 100 \ 0 50 100 0 45 100 0 40 100 0 35 100 0 30 100 0 25 100 0 20 100 0 15 100 0 10 100 0 5 100 \ 0 0 100 5 0 100 10 0 100 15 0 100 20 0 100 25 0 100 30 0 100 35 0 100 40 0 100 45 0 100 \ 50 0 100 55 0 100 60 0 100 65 0 100 70 0 100 75 0 100 80 0 100 85 0 100 90 0 100 95 0 100 \ 100 0 100 100 0 90 100 0 80 100 0 70 100 0 60 100 0 50 100 0 40 100 0 30 100 0 20 100 0 10] \r\ make \"shade 50 \r\ tasetshade :shade \r" bs = tawindow.blocks(tw) code = "" random = 0 fillscreen = 0 setcolor = 0 setxy = 0 pensize = 0 tastack = 0 arc = 0 for b in bs: this_stack = "" data = self.walk_stack(tw, b) # need to catch several special cases: # stacks, random, setshade, et al. stack = 0 for d in data: if type(d) is float: this_stack += str(d) else: # transalate some TA terms into UCB Logo if d == "storeinbox1": this_stack += "make \"box1" elif d == "box1": this_stack += ":box1" elif d == "storeinbox2": this_stack += "make \"box2" elif d == "box2": this_stack += ":box2" elif d == "shade": this_stack += ":shade" elif d == "setshade": setcolor = 1 this_stack += "tasetshade" elif d == "color": this_stack += "pencolor" elif d == "nop": this_stack += " " elif d == "nop1": this_stack += "to stack1\r" stack = 1 elif d == "nop2": this_stack += "to stack2\r" stack = 1 elif d == "clean": this_stack += "clearscreen" elif d == "setxy": setxy = 1 this_stack += "tasetxy" elif d == "color": this_stack += ":color" elif d == "setcolor": setcolor = 1 this_stack += "tasetpencolor" elif d == "fillscreen": fillscreen = 1 this_stack += "tasetbackground" elif d == "random": random = 1 this_stack += "tarandom" elif d == "pensize": pensize = 1 this_stack += "tapensize" elif d == "arc": arc = 1 this_stack += "taarc" else: this_stack += d this_stack += " " if stack: stack = 0 # if it is not a stack, we need to add a "to ta#" label elif len(data) > 0: this_stack = "to ta" + str(tastack) + "\r" + this_stack tastack += 1 if len(data) > 0: code += this_stack code += "\rend\r" # need to define some procedures if random: # to avoid negative numbers code = "to tarandom :min :max\routput (random (:max - :min)) + :min\rend\r" + code if fillscreen: # set shade than background color code = "to tasetbackground :color :shade\rtasetshade :shade\rsetbackground :color\rend\r" + code if setcolor: # load palette code = color_processing + code if pensize: # return only first argument code = "to tapensize\routput first round pensize\rend\r" + code if setxy: # swap args and round args code = "to tasetxy :y :x\rpenup\rsetxy :x :y\rpendown\rend\r" + code if arc: c = (2 * math.pi)/360 code = "to taarc :a :r\rrepeat round :a [right 1 forward (" + str(c) + " * :r)]\rend\r" + code code = "window\rsetscrunch 2 2\r" + code print code return code def walk_stack(self, tw, spr): top = tawindow.find_top_block(spr) if spr == top: # only walk the stack if the block is the top block return talogo.walk_blocks(tw.lc, top, tawindow.blocks(tw)) else: # not top of stack, then return empty list return []