#!/usr/bin/env python #Copyright (c) 2011 Walter Bender # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA try: from numpy import append from numpy.fft import rfft PITCH_AVAILABLE = True except: PITCH_AVAILABLE = False from plugins.plugin import Plugin from plugins.audio_sensors.audiograb import AudioGrab_Unknown, AudioGrab_XO1, \ AudioGrab_XO15, SENSOR_DC_NO_BIAS, SENSOR_DC_BIAS from plugins.audio_sensors.ringbuffer import RingBuffer1d from TurtleArt.tapalette import make_palette from TurtleArt.taconstants import XO1, XO15 from TurtleArt.talogo import primitive_dictionary from TurtleArt.tautils import debug_output import logging _logger = logging.getLogger('turtleart-activity audio sensors plugin') def _avg(array, abs_value=False): """ Calc. the average value of an array """ if len(array) == 0: return 0 array_sum = 0 if abs_value: for a in array: array_sum += abs(a) else: for a in array: array_sum += a return float(array_sum) / len(array) class Audio_sensors(Plugin): def __init__(self, parent): self._parent = parent self.hw = self._parent.hw self.running_sugar = self._parent.running_sugar self._status = True # TODO: test for audio device def setup(self): # set up audio-sensor-specific blocks if not self._status: return self.max_samples = 1500 self.input_step = 1 self.ringbuffer = RingBuffer1d(self.max_samples, dtype='int16') if self.hw == XO1: self.voltage_gain = 0.00002225 self.voltage_bias = 1.140 elif self.hw == XO15: self.voltage_gain = -0.0001471 self.voltage_bias = 1.695 palette = make_palette('sensor', colors=["#FF6060", "#A06060"], help_string=_('Palette of sensor blocks')) primitive_dictionary['sound'] = self.prim_sound palette.add_block('sound', style='box-style', label=_('sound'), help_string=_('raw microphone input signal'), value_block=True, prim_name='sound') self._parent.lc.def_prim('sound', 0, lambda self: primitive_dictionary['sound']()) primitive_dictionary['volume'] = self.prim_volume palette.add_block('volume', style='box-style', label=_('loudness'), help_string=_('microphone input volume'), value_block=True, prim_name='volume') self._parent.lc.def_prim('volume', 0, lambda self: primitive_dictionary['volume']()) primitive_dictionary['pitch'] = self.prim_pitch if PITCH_AVAILABLE: palette.add_block('pitch', style='box-style', label=_('pitch'), help_string=_('microphone input pitch'), value_block=True, prim_name='pitch') else: palette.add_block('pitch', hidden=True, style='box-style', label=_('pitch'), help_string=_('microphone input pitch'), value_block=True, prim_name='pitch') self._parent.lc.def_prim('pitch', 0, lambda self: primitive_dictionary['pitch']()) if self.hw in [XO1, XO15]: primitive_dictionary['resistance'] = self.prim_resistance palette.add_block('resistance', style='box-style', label=_('resistance'), help_string=_('microphone input resistance'), value_block=True, prim_name='resistance') self._parent.lc.def_prim('resistance', 0, lambda self: primitive_dictionary['resistance']()) primitive_dictionary['voltage'] = self.prim_voltage palette.add_block('voltage', style='box-style', label=_('voltage'), help_string=_('microphone input voltage'), value_block=True, prim_name='voltage') self._parent.lc.def_prim('voltage', 0, lambda self: primitive_dictionary['voltage']()) self.audio_started = False def start(self): # This gets called by the start button if not self._status: return """ Start grabbing audio if there is an audio block in use """ if len(self._parent.block_list.get_similar_blocks('block', ['volume', 'sound', 'pitch', 'resistance', 'voltage'])) > 0: if self.audio_started: self.audiograb.resume_grabbing() else: if self.hw == XO15: self.audiograb = AudioGrab_XO15(self.new_buffer, self) elif self.hw == XO1: self.audiograb = AudioGrab_XO1(self.new_buffer, self) else: self.audiograb = AudioGrab_Unknown(self.new_buffer, self) self.audiograb.start_grabbing() self.audio_started = True self._update_audio_mode() def new_buffer(self, buf): """ Append a new buffer to the ringbuffer """ self.ringbuffer.append(buf) return True def _update_audio_mode(self): """ If there are sensor blocks, set the appropriate audio mode """ if not hasattr(self._parent.lc, 'value_blocks'): return for name in ['sound', 'volume', 'pitch']: if name in self._parent.lc.value_blocks: if len(self._parent.lc.value_blocks[name]) > 0: self.audiograb.set_sensor_type() return if 'resistance' in self._parent.lc.value_blocks: if len(self._parent.lc.value_blocks['resistance']) > 0: self.audiograb.set_sensor_type(SENSOR_DC_BIAS) return if 'voltage' in self._parent.lc.value_blocks: if len(self._parent.lc.value_blocks['voltage']) > 0: self.audiograb.set_sensor_type(SENSOR_DC_NO_BIAS) return def stop(self): # This gets called by the stop button if self._status: if self.audio_started: self.audiograb.pause_grabbing() def goto_background(self): # This gets called when your process is sent to the background # TODO: handle this case pass def return_to_foreground(self): # This gets called when your process returns from the background # TODO: handle this case pass def quit(self): # This gets called by the quit button self.stop() def _status_report(self): debug_output('Reporting audio sensor status: %s' % (str(self._status))) return self._status # Block primitives used in talogo def prim_volume(self): """ return mic in value """ #TODO: Adjust gain for different HW buf = self.ringbuffer.read(None, self.input_step) if len(buf) > 0: volume = float(_avg(buf, abs_value=True)) self._parent.lc.update_label_value('volume', volume) return volume else: return 0 def prim_sound(self): """ return raw mic in value """ buf = self.ringbuffer.read(None, self.input_step) if len(buf) > 0: sound = float(buf[0]) self._parent.lc.update_label_value('sound', sound) return sound else: return 0 def prim_pitch(self): """ return index of max value in fft of mic in values """ if not PITCH_AVAILABLE: return 0 buf = [] for i in range(4): buf = append(buf, self.ringbuffer.read(None, self.input_step)) if len(buf) > 0: r = [] for j in rfft(buf): r.append(abs(j)) # Convert output to Hertz pitch = r.index(max(r)) * 48000 / len(buf) self._parent.lc.update_label_value('pitch', pitch) return pitch else: return 0 def prim_resistance(self): """ return resistance sensor value """ buf = self.ringbuffer.read(None, self.input_step) if len(buf) > 0: # See # TODO: test this calibration on XO 1.5 if self.hw == XO1: resistance = 2.718 ** ((float(_avg(buf)) * 0.000045788) + \ 8.0531) else: avg_buf = float(_avg(buf)) if avg_buf > 0: resistance = (420000000 / avg_buf) - 13500 else: resistance = 420000000 self._parent.lc.update_label_value('resistance', resistance) return resistance else: return 0 def prim_voltage(self): """ return voltage sensor value """ buf = self.ringbuffer.read(None, self.input_step) if len(buf) > 0: # See voltage = float(_avg(buf)) * self.voltage_gain + self.voltage_bias self._parent.lc.update_label_value('voltage', voltage) return voltage else: return 0