from device import RFIDDevice from serial import Serial import dbus from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop import gobject from time import sleep import utils HAL_SERVICE = 'org.freedesktop.Hal' HAL_MGR_PATH = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/Manager' HAL_MGR_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager' HAL_DEV_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.Hal.Device' REGEXP_SERUSB = '\/org\/freedesktop\/Hal\/devices\/usb_device['\ 'a-z,A-Z,0-9,_]*serial_usb_[0-9]' VERSIONS = ['301'] class RFIDReader(RFIDDevice): """ RFIDRW-E-W interface. """ def __init__(self): RFIDDevice.__init__(self) self.last_tag = "" self.tags = [] self.ser = Serial() self.device = '' self.device_path = '' self._connected = False loop = DBusGMainLoop() self.bus = dbus.SystemBus(mainloop=loop) hmgr_iface = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(HAL_SERVICE, HAL_MGR_PATH), HAL_MGR_IFACE) hmgr_iface.connect_to_signal('DeviceRemoved', self._device_removed_cb) def get_present(self): """ Checks if RFID-RW-USB device is present. Returns True if so, False otherwise. """ hmgr_if = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(HAL_SERVICE, HAL_MGR_PATH), HAL_MGR_IFACE) serialusb_devices = set(hmgr_if.FindDeviceStringMatch('serial.type', 'usb')) & set(hmgr_if.FindDeviceStringMatch( 'info.subsystem', 'tty')) for i in serialusb_devices: serialusb_if = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(HAL_SERVICE, i), HAL_DEV_IFACE) if serialusb_if.PropertyExists('info.parent'): parent_udi = str(serialusb_if.GetProperty('info.parent')) parent = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object(HAL_SERVICE, parent_udi), HAL_DEV_IFACE) if parent.PropertyExists('info.linux.driver') and \ str(parent.GetProperty('info.linux.driver')) == 'ftdi_sio': device = str(serialusb_if.GetProperty('linux.device_file')) ser = Serial(device, 9600, timeout=0.1) ser.write('v') ser.write('e') ser.write('r') ser.write('\x0D') resp = if resp[0:-1] in VERSIONS: self.device = device self.device_path = i return True return False def do_connect(self): """ Connects to the device. Returns True if successfull, False otherwise. """ retval = False if self.get_present(): try: self.ser = Serial(self.device, 9600, timeout=0.1) self._connected = True if self._select_animal_tag: #gobject.idle_add(self._loop) gobject.timeout_add(1000, self._loop) retval = True except: self._connected = False return retval def do_disconnect(self): """ Disconnect from the device. """ self.ser.close() self._connected = False def read_tag(self): """ Returns the last read value. """ return self.last_tag def _select_animal_tag(self): """ Sends the "Select Tag 2" (animal tag) command to the device. """ self.ser.write('s') self.ser.write('t') self.ser.write('2') self.ser.write('\x0d') resp =[0:-1] if resp == 'OK': return True return False def get_version(self): """ Sends the version command to the device and returns a string with the device version. """ #self.ser.flushInput() ver = "???" self.ser.write('v') self.ser.write('e') self.ser.write('r') self.ser.write('\x0d') resp =[0:-1] if resp in VERSIONS: return "RFIDRW-E-USB " + resp return ver def _device_removed_cb(self, path): """ Called when a device is removed. Checks if the removed device is itself and emits the "disconnected" signal if so. """ if path == self.device_path: self.device_path = '' self.ser.close() self._connected = False self.tags = [] self.emit("disconnected","RFID-RW-USB") def _loop(self): """ Threaded loop for reading data from the device. """ if not self._connected: return False self.ser.write('r') self.ser.write('a') self.ser.write('t') self.ser.write('\x0d') resp =[0:-1].split('_') if resp.__len__() is not 6 or resp in self.tags: return True self.tags.append(resp) anbit_bin = utils.dec2bin(int(resp[2])) reserved_bin = '00000000000000' databit_bin = utils.dec2bin(int(resp[3])) country_bin = utils.dec2bin(int(resp[0])) while country_bin.__len__() < 10: country_bin = '0' + country_bin id_bin = utils.dec2bin(int(resp[1])) while id_bin.__len__() < 10: id_bin = '0' + id_bin tag_bin = anbit_bin + reserved_bin + databit_bin + country_bin + id_bin data = utils.bin2hex(tag_bin) self.emit("tag-read", data) self.last_tag = data #sleep(1) return True # Testing #if __name__ == '__main__': # def handler(device, idhex): # """ # Handler for "tag-read" signal. # Prints the tag id. # """ # print "ID: ", idhex # # dev = RFIDReader() # if dev.get_present(): # print "SIPI!" # dev.do_connect() # dev.connect('tag-read', handler) # else: # print "Not connected" # # mloop = gobject.MainLoop() #