This is a list of people who has contributed to PyUSB 1.0 development. If I forgot you, please email me. PyUSB 1.0.0 (beta 1) --------------------- - Stefano Di Martino: the port number patch. - Simon Norberg: several bug fixes. - iThompson: fixed tab errors in Python 3.3. - Harry Bock: workaround for Python 3.3 bug. - ponty: tox support. - Chris Clark: version information patch. - themperek: improve read speed. - David Halter: for the isochronous writing implementation for the libusb10 backend. PyUSB 1.0.0 (alpha 3) --------------------- - Robert von Burg: for the bug reports about Python versions compatibility and kernel driver functions. - James Rowe: for patches to the tutorial file. - Braiden Kindt: for the patch fixing bug when less than o number of requested bytes are read. - Tormod Volden: for his several patches for legacy module. PyUSB 1.0.0 (alpha 2) --------------------- - Chris Clark: for the bug report in the log subsystem. - Emmanuel Blot: for the patch which improves performance when debug is disabled. - Peter Bigot: for the patch that fixes get_active_configuration seg fault, the patch to add error code to USBError and the patch to fix parameter order in the USBError. - Travis Robinson and Xiaofan Chen: for let me use their benchmark firmware. - Poul-Henning Kamp: for the suggestion of ``bus`` and ``address`` attributes. PyUSB 1.0.0 (alpha 1) --------------------- - Xiaofan Chen: for support in mailing list. - Poul-Henning Kam: for the documentation patches. PyUSB 1.0.0 (alpha 0) --------------------- - Thomas Reitmayr: thanks for your patches to get PyUSB running with libusb 1.0. - Carl Ritson: thanks for your patch to get minimal working of legacy layer. - Romain Aviolat: thanks for pointing out a mistake in the tutorial and to report a bug in ctrl_transfer. - Xiaofan Chen: thanks for your effort testing PyUSB with libusb 1.0 Windows backend and on FreeBSD.